Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Confusion

Luoding city was in chaos at the moment. The fire woke everyone from their sleep. People fighting the fire were everywhere, and there were panicked people everywhere. The Qing soldiers who were eager to escape were running around the city and were shocked. Women and children screamed.

Just as Bald had worried, the fire had spread to the houses. The house was engulfed by the fire, and the cries of the people with their relatives killed were heartbreaking.

After Kong Guoliang led his personal soldiers out, they found that the street was blocked. Years of war made the nerves of Luoding residents tense. After hearing the call of the Ming army entering the city from the city, some people who were usually close to the Qing army. The big family began to run out of the city with their family members to avoid being liquidated by the Ming army. As a result, their run immediately led more people to run.

No matter which dynasty, the Chinese people follow the herd. Even if they know that they are not in danger, they will run blindly when they see someone running. Moreover, the people who run are all gentry, and these people are considered by the common people. They are people who know a lot and have knowledge, even if they are going to run away, why are they still doing it?

The residents of Luoding who were eager to get out of the city helped the old and the young without any organization.

“Get out, get out!”

The Qing soldiers who were eager to escape from the city showed their fierceness in order to survive. They began to slaughter the crowd in front of them. When a woman fell under the sword of the Qing soldiers, the crowd exploded. The chaos also made the Qing soldiers who wanted to fight their way out even more unable to act.

The drums outside the city got louder and louder, and the shouts of the Ming army were getting closer and closer. Kong Guoliang was like a bird with a bow. The soldiers followed suit. In an instant, the crowd was knocked open. Dozens of civilians and several Qing soldiers were knocked to the ground by war horses, and they were trampled and groaned.

Although Luoding is a state city, there are only two city gates in the east and west. The east gate is obviously the main direction of the Ming army, and most of the shouts and killings come from that direction. Simon runs.

Seeing Mr. Qian Zong and his personal soldiers running towards Ximen on horseback, some Qing soldiers who had escaped from the camp also began to run towards Ximen. Most of them only wore shorts, and some of them didn’t even have weapons in their hands. In the panic, many Qing soldiers had their shoes stepped on, and they ran barefoot on the stone pavement with heartache.

The scary thing is not the chaos, but the lack of a backbone. Seeing the figure of Mr. Qian Zong, the Qing army suddenly had a goal, and desperately followed Qian Zong to escape. On the way to Ximen, there were hundreds of innocent people who were either trampled by war horses, or died tragically under the sword of the Qing army.


The fire in the city surprised Zhou Shixiang outside the city. His brows were furrowed by the howling of the wind. He knew that the people in the city would be seriously injured and the houses in the city would be burned down. half. But until now, he had no way to save it. When he decided to set the fire, he knew that the innocent people who died under the fire must be much more than the Qing soldiers.

But this is something that is impossible and uncontrollable. No one wants such a thing to happen, but if he gives up capturing Luoding City in order to avoid casualties of the people, Zhou Shixiang absolutely cannot agree.

As soon as one succeeds, ten thousand bones are dead, and ten thousand bones are the bones of soldiers, and I am afraid that more civilians will die. Even in the 21st century, hundreds of years from now, wars cannot prevent civilian casualties, let alone in this era.

Zhou Shixiang consoled himself as much as possible and let himself put down the moral values of the future generations. After picking up the drum hammer and knocking it hard for dozens of times, he threw down the drum hammer and said to Song Xianggong who had been standing beside him: “Mr. Song, let’s go in. city.”

“Into the city?”

Song Xianggong hesitated for a while. He was afraid that it would be unsafe to enter the city. He would still prefer his life. Otherwise, he would not have made a series of changes in the past. But thinking that Boss Hu and the others had already captured the city gate and entered the city, the Qing army would have been in chaos long ago, and there was no danger in entering the city.

At the moment, Zhou Shixiang picked up Yu Yunlong’s saber, led Da Qingma and Song Xianggong to the city gate, and when they arrived at the city gate, they saw Ge Liu leading a few people to guard there, but did not see the figure of Boss Hu. , Song Xianggong could not help but ask Ge Liudao: “Where’s Boss Hu?”

Ge Liu grinned and said with a dissatisfied face: “Big brother led the brothers to kill the Tartar General, but asked us to do the drudgery of guarding the gate, so unethical!”

Hearing what Ge Liu said, Zhou Shixiang shook his head. The Qing troops in the city were not actually Manchu Tartars, but were Han people like them, so it seemed inappropriate to call these Jiangxi soldiers who were also Han Chinese “tartars”. . But now is not the time to correct their views, nor is it the time to prepare for the screening and differentiation in the future.

Not far away, a dense crowd of people were looking at this side in horror. It seemed that they wanted to leave the city, but they were afraid that Ge Liu, who was guarding the city gate, would kill them, so they hesitated there.

Zhou Shixiang thought about it and said a few words to Song Xianggong. After Song Xianggong heard it, he quite agreed. Zhou Shixiang led his horse to the front of the group of people and shouted: “Fathers and elders, we are the subordinates of General Luo Ding Hu Shen of the Ming Dynasty. The next attack on the prefecture city will only kill the Qing army, not the people, so you don’t have to panic, you don’t have to be afraid, and you don’t have to leave the city. Although the city is in chaos, our army has already controlled the situation, so you can go home without worrying about gathering. here.”

Seeing Zhou Shixiang wearing a Confucian shirt and looking like a scholar, not like a few fierce people on the side of the city gate, a daring young man in the crowd suddenly shouted: “Our home has been set on fire, where can we go home.”

Zhou Shixiang said: “Those who have no home to go back to stay here for the time being, and those who have a home to go back to can go home.” He added, “Our army who stays here will not be disturbed. The fire in the city is currently raging. The culprit, if you are willing, you can also organize firefighting on your own, and after dawn, our army can give you compensation as appropriate, and you will never be left without food and clothing.”

“Is what you said true?”

The descendants were a little unconvinced, and others were also skeptical, because they found that the group of people they saw didn’t look like the Ming army who had been shouting for a long time in the city, otherwise why would they not even have a banner of soldiers. Look at the few at the gate of the city, more like bandits than Ming army.

Zhou Shixiang also knew that it was difficult to convince this group of people for a while, but it was too troublesome to explain. When he was pondering how to have a good wording, Zhao Sihai hurried over and saw Zhou Shixiang and Song Xianggong, and hurriedly shouted: “Xiuscai , Mr. Song!”

Song Xianggong couldn’t wait to pull him and asked, “Brothers from all over the world, how is the situation, Boss Hu?”

Zhao Sihai didn’t catch his breath, he pointed to the west and said, “Then Ta Ziqian took a helper and fled to Ximen. Brother Hu was afraid that they would find out that they were wrong and came back, so he took the brothers to chase, afraid that you would be worried. , just tell me to come back with a letter!”

Zhou Shixiang froze and hurriedly asked him, “How many people did Mr. Qian bring to Ximen?”

Zhao Sihai said: “There are always a hundred and ten people!”

After Zhou Shixiang heard this, he turned his head and said to Duke Song Xiang, “Mr. Song, these people will be handed over to you, and I will help Brother Hu!” “With a sound, he galloped towards Ximen.

“Brother Zhou (Xu Cai), you can’t go!”

Song Xianggong and Zhao Sihai couldn’t stop it and jumped in a hurry.

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