Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 90 - Abyssal Gnoll

The deep night and the thick dark clouds blended together, still unable to cover up the chaotic firelight of the gnoll camp.

Thorne looked at the group of gnolls who were struggling in the flames, snorted coldly, and ignored them, but let them fend for themselves.

This is the camp of the gnolls, and the gnolls are still gathering all around, so that he understands that he can’t fight.

Although he mastered the teleportation skills of the Shadow Hand faction, his cautious personality prevented him from being careless.

No matter where you are, you must have a heart of awe, this is a world full of magic, and any accident may happen suddenly.

Thorne jumped up slightly and reappeared on the wooden roof of the camp. He glanced at the camp, which was filled with darkness and fire.

In the entire camp, the fire caused by the fire glue has been basically put out, and only a few places still emit thick smoke.

From the figures surging around, it can be found that a large number of gnolls in the camp are gathering here.

Horat, not far away, is still immersed in the battle with the crowd of jackals.

The quality of the straight-edged sword in his hand is obviously of high grade, and every time the sharp blade is swung, it is accompanied by blood flowers, broken limbs and broken arms, as well as the mournful mourning of the enemy.

When he was completely surrounded by gnolls, Horat’s eyes narrowed and he shouted loudly.

The straight-edged knife waving in his hand formed an invisible blade wind, and the icy blade wind quickly spread around, and shocking bloodstains appeared all over the gathered gnolls.

The airtight encirclement was also instantly swept away by Horat’s vigorous figure.

“This guy’s “Whirlwind Attack” feat has at least reached the master level. “Noticing Horat’s battle, Thorne’s expression flashed with surprise.

Through Horat’s battle, Thorne’s idea of ​​training “Whirlwind Attack” in the future became stronger.

If the “Whirlwind Attack” specialty is used in conjunction with his desert wind style swordsmanship, it will not be a simple invisible blade wind, but a hot and violent flame.

“It seems that after returning to Waterfall Town, the first thing to start training is the “Whirlwind Attack” specialty. ‘ Thorne muttered to himself.

As for the use of “Qi Lifting Slash”, even if he wanted to learn it, he could not find a suitable candidate for the time being.

Because those players and original residents who were inaugurated as Juggernauts are too rare, except that he met an orc Juggernaut in the **** arena, the rest is unknown.

Then Thorne didn’t stay there for long, and jumped again to another unmanned passage in the camp with the help of the height of the roof.

His hazy figure gradually disappeared in the night, and he ran towards the place where the number of gnolls was scarce.

It’s not a wise choice to go on a killing spree in a gnoll camp.

And for these ordinary gnoll warriors, no matter how much they slaughtered, they can’t cause much anger, and they will only slowly exhaust their physical strength.

If you want to really make these gnolls completely lose their minds, you must think of other ways.

When the gnolls fell into a frenzy of rage, they took the opportunity to lead them out of the camp and killed them one by one using the complex terrain in the wild. This was Thorne’s usual fighting method.

After Thorne pondered for a while, a fairly good plan quickly emerged in his mind.


Just as Thorne was rushing towards his destination, suddenly a black figure jumped up from the corner of the wooden house, and the vigorous black figure instantly blocked Thorne’s not far away, interrupting his path.

Thorne took a closer look and found that blocking the way was a gnoll with pure black mane and skin. His body was taller and stronger than the average gnoll warrior.

And the most conspicuous difference is that there is a row of ferocious spikes growing on the back of this gnoll, and a pair of looming blood-red pupils hidden by the black mane.

In front of this gnoll, in addition to a well-fitting dark black chain armor shirt, the whole body is also covered with various accessories composed of the teeth, ears, scalp and other remains of various unknown creatures.

The dark skin is covered with dense scars of horror, and after these scars are connected and combined with each other, they form strangely demon-like marks.

Although the gnoll didn’t have any weapons in his hands, he saw the claws flashing with cold metal light.

It also indirectly made Thorne understand that this gnoll’s claws must be completely replaced by metal using some special means.

This weapon is the most common weapon used by gnolls in addition to flails, especially for those agile gnoll rangers and rogues.

Through the other party’s peculiar appearance and strange dress, Thorne directly recognized the identity of the gnoll, which is an abyss gnoll!

Looking at the ferocious figure not far away, Thorne’s calm expression showed a cautious color.

The abyss gnoll, like Yeenogu’s fangs, is the product of being possessed by the demon spirit from the abyss after receiving the extra care of Yeenogu, the king of the gnoll, after the blood sacrifice ceremony.

However, unlike Yenogu Fang, which has a special ability to transform hyenas, the abyss gnoll is better at killing.

When they are smeared with too much blood from the killing, they will even fall into a maddened madness, and then through a terrifying ritual of transformation, become a real abyss demon!

These terrifying inheritances from demonic power had to be handled carefully by Thorne. He had guessed that he would encounter abyss gnolls, but he did not expect to encounter them so quickly.

It must be done quickly, otherwise, after being entangled by this guy, it will not be so easy to get out even if a large number of gnolls arrive.

“Small…human beings, die!”

The deep voice of the abyss gnoll roared, and the scarlet eyes blocked by the black mane suddenly emitted a large and strange blood light, covering all of Thorne’s figure.

– “Supernatural Ability: Abyss Gaze!”

The sudden attack prevented Thorne from reacting in an instant.

The body that was completely shrouded in red light made him feel as if he had been taken into a terrifying abyss of blood, and strange images kept spinning around him.

Under the dark rotation, Thorne’s consciousness gradually began to become blurred, and all the situation seemed to be as hazy as an illusory fog.

——“Soul Soul School (Coping Skill): Perfect Spirit!”

In the face of this sudden crisis, Thorne’s response is not slow, after all, his will attribute is still very high.

Thorne immediately forced himself to close his eyes, and then turned on the Steel Soul faction’s coping skills to resist.

When the coping skills were activated, this feeling of being in the abyss of the blood sea quickly receded like a tide.

Thorne’s eyes were still closed at this time, but his strong perception had sensed that the abyss gnoll was rushing towards him while he was absent.

He even smelled the peculiar stench on his body.


There was a screeching screeching sound and bright sparks as the blade collided with the metal claws.

——“Desert Wind Sect (Strike Skill): Flame Star!”

When the two weapons collided, the short sword in Thorne’s left hand was already ready to go.

With the blessing of the kendo master’s professional abilities “School Focus” and “Quick Action”, his strikes are more dazzling and swifter than ever.

Ow! ! !

Hearing the wailing of the abyss gnoll, Thorne didn’t want to fight, but chose to retreat immediately and distanced himself from the other party.

When Thorne confirmed his safety, he opened his eyes to adapt to the surrounding environment, and then looked vigilantly at the abyss gnoll who had not recovered from his blindness.


At this time, Thorne suddenly felt a palpitating energy fluctuation above the roof. His rich combat experience made him not subconsciously look back, but immediately chose to dodge again.

The moment he dodged, a flickering green energy arrow shot precisely on the ground he was just standing on.

The terrifying corrosiveness of the strong acid emits a pungent smog, which quickly erodes the ground into a dark lacquer.

It’s a second-level spell: Yoof Ma’s Acid Arrow!

There is a caster on the roof!

Thorne secretly said that he was lucky, so he temporarily ignored the abyss gnoll in front of him, and jumped gently to the roof flexibly.

A small lizard-like creature with dark red skin appeared not far from Thorne.

It turned out to be a kobold warlock.

Seeing the short figure not far away, Thorne was suddenly surprised.

This kobold warlock with the ability to cast spells must be killed by the fastest means, otherwise it will be very dangerous to fight with the abyss gnolls.

After all, with Thorne’s own physique, if he was hit by a second-level spell just now, it would be fatal.

Then his expression turned cold, and the silver-white cross star pendant he wore on his chest flashed a faint light.

A silver-white energy arrow appeared out of thin air in Thorne’s palm.

go to hell!

– “Moon Arrow!”

Then Thorne threw the arrow in the direction of the kobold warlock. With the blessing of his 18 points of strength, the silver-white energy arrow rushed towards the kobold warlock who was preparing to cast a spell.


The “Moon Arrow” accurately hit the kobold warlock’s little lizard head. The kobold warlock didn’t even have time to scream, and the little head was smashed to pieces like a giant hammer.

The normal way of using the “Moon Arrow” is to throw it with all your hands, but if you shoot with a compound longbow, the power of the arrow will be increased.

If it is used to deal with weak creatures like kobolds, with Thorne’s own power comparable to ogres, it is still easy to kill them.

From the appearance of the kobold warlock to the death, only a moment passed.

Thorne looked at the abyss gnoll who had recovered from his blindness, took a deep breath, and tightened the weapons in his hands.

Leaping down from the four or five-meter-high house, the Dark Cinder Long Sword, with the strength of his entire body and a piercing sound, slashed fiercely at the head of the abyss gnoll covered with mane.


The abyss gnoll, who couldn’t escape, stretched out two metal claws to parry Thorne’s slash.

——“Desert Wind Sect (Enhanced Skill): Sword of Red Lotus!”

Thorne’s thoughts moved, and a raging flame suddenly burst out from the Dark Cinder’s long sword.

The scorching flames reddened every clearly visible scar on the Abyss Gnoll’s skin, as well as the terrifyingly contorted facial expressions that had parried Thorne’s attack.

Although the abyss gnoll has been strengthened by the demon spirit, its own strength has been greatly improved, so that their strength, agility and constitution attributes are probably maintained above 18.

But for Thorne, they are all within the controllable range, and the only thing that needs to be feared is the various strange supernatural abilities they have mastered.


A surging heat wave swept across Thorne’s long sword, and it swept precisely onto the lush mane of the abyss gnoll.

At this time, the body of the abyss gnoll was like being sprinkled with viscous fiery glue liquid. The moment it touched the air, the raging flames quickly spread throughout his body.


The short sword in Thorne’s left hand took the opportunity to slash a cold light on the neck of the abyss gnoll, and a shocking bloodstain was quickly drowned out by the raging flames.

Then Thorne kicked the struggling body of the abyss gnoll to the ground, and he took advantage of the situation and disappeared into a hazy figure.

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