Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 18 - Dark Cinder Sword

in the night.

The battle between players and the sahuagin has not stopped.

Screams and shouts of killing continued to fill the streets of this lower city.

The barbarians with arrows all over their bodies swept the surrounding sahuagin warriors tirelessly and frantically.

The huge body of nearly three meters or more, waving the giant axe in his hand, every time he roared and attacked, it was accompanied by scarlet blood splashing.

His whole body was covered with murlocs and his own blood, like a terrifying blood man, forcing those Sahuagins known as “Deep Sea Devils” to retreat again and again.

The elf bard leaned against the door of the bar, constantly plucking the twelve silver wires on the harp.

Accompanied by the regular plucking, the passionate music emanated from the harp in his arms. Because of the amplification technique, it was particularly loud and could be clearly transmitted to the ears of every player.

This exciting music seems to be the final swan song.

These players who have inspired the will to fight.

Fierce colors flashed in their eyes, they forgot death, pain and fear, and rushed desperately to the siege of the Sahuagin.


At this time, the sahuagin ranger standing on the roof was disturbed by the music and quickly noticed the culprit at the door.

They pulled the bowstrings in their hands, and icy arrows pierced the air at the unsuspecting bard.


The elf bard felt the severe pain from the piercing, and the pain that appeared on his handsome face flashed away, followed by a relieved smile, as if he had seen life and death.

Although the breath of life was constantly passing, he still maintained an elegant and calm smile, gently plucked the silver thread eroded by blood on the strings, and ended his life in this world with a smile on his face.

In the chaotic battle, Andrina watched the Sahuagin who kept casting cold arrows on the roof. She waved the staff in her hand and began to sing a spell.

Ding Ding Ding!

Feeling that the arrow was blocked by the protective force field around her and gradually dimmed, Andrina was unmoved and concentrated on preparing for the spell that was about to be completed.

Just when her protective force field was about to shatter, a dark red fireball the size of a basin smashed into the Sahuagin Ranger on the roof with scorching heat.

—Three-ring evocation spell: Fireball!

As the most powerful fireball among the third-level spells, no one would question its destructive power.


The dark red fireball burst suddenly, and the crumbling stone house collapsed. Even the Sahuagin on the roof who escaped by chance was submerged in the rubble, leaving only a few distant ones who survived.

When Andrina saw the surviving sahuagins, she immediately waved her staff, and an almost invisible protective force field appeared all over her body again.

Then when she was about to cast the spell again, a dark shadow suddenly appeared on the roof, and he was holding a dark red long sword.

With every deadly swipe of the longsword, a sahuagin fell to the ground, powerless with a bow and arrow.

In just a moment, the threats on the roof were all removed.


When she saw the opponent’s face clearly, Andrina’s beautiful eyes showed a look of light. Does he appear here, does it mean that the opponent has completed the 100-game winning streak in the **** arena?

When Andrina saw that Thorne was not malicious, she breathed a sigh of relief and stopped paying attention to him. She immediately waved her staff and began to clear the threat in front of her.

The Xiacheng District was invaded by murlocs, and there were fierce fights everywhere. When the almost beast-like roar and the violent explosion and fire of the fireball technique appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of Thorne who was walking in the Xiacheng District.

So Thorne rushed over immediately, and he saw the almost deadlocked battle in front of him, and at a glance he saw the threat posed by the roof archers.

Because among the nearly 40 or more players, at least half of them have not experienced battles, and the arrows whistling in the dark are the most deadly to them.

Almost every arrow hit can take a player’s life.

Even if he was seriously injured, he was quickly compensated by the irrational sahuagin warriors.

So when Thorne arrived here, the first target was those murlocs who shot cold arrows.

At this time, Thorne was standing on the roof, looking down at the fierce battle below. Because he had the dark vision of the elves, his vision was not affected at all.

Thorne’s face changed when he saw a sahuagin priestess casting out a crystal sphere the size of a fingernail.

Because Thorne has spell recognition skills, from the casting action of the murloc priest and the casting materials in his hand, he can immediately guess the spell that the murloc priest will cast.

3rd Level Spell: Hailstorm!

So he immediately drew the compound longbow and an arrow behind him and prepared to attack.

It was a pity that it was too late. The shell magic weapon in the hands of the murloc priest flickered, and the crystal sphere vibrated violently, and was quickly frozen into a basketball-sized hailstone at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately after the murloc priest swung violently, the hailstone exuding cold air quickly flew towards Pardo, a wizard who was casting a spell not far away.

– Spell Level 1: Arcane Missiles!

Pardo shot two arcane missiles at random, piercing the chest of a sahuagin in the distance, and was about to continue casting spells.

The dwarf warrior Storm was suddenly pushed away.

Then Storm raised the shield in his hand and shouted loudly.

– Defensive stance!

His body suddenly rose a section, directly resisting the flying hail.

However, when the hailstone touched Storm’s shield, it trembled slightly, and then dense cracks appeared all over its body.


The blasted hailstones turned into countless sharp ice blades, exuding cold air, drowning Storm.

Just as the murloc priest’s spell was cast, Thorne’s arrows followed.


With the blessing of his expertise in precise shooting, Thorne’s arrows have a high hit rate, and the powerful penetrating power of the sharp arrows ruthlessly penetrates the chest of the murloc priest.

The big eyes of the murloc sacrifice quickly lost their vigour, and after struggling a few times, they lost their breath.

The target is dead!

Extract the target soul energy and gain 800 experience points!

Gain 50 points of practice experience through the understanding of battle!

He has already mastered the defensive stance! Thorne glanced at the dwarf warrior with some surprise.

Defensive Stance: The Dwarf Defender can transform into a solid defensive body. In this defensive state, the Dwarf Defender gains amazing strength and defense, but cannot move.

Dwarf Defender is a unique advanced class in the dwarf race. It is a group of professionals who specialize in defense. Unfortunately, this dwarf warrior named Storm has obviously not fully mastered it, and is only half-baked.

Thorne glanced at Storm, who was scratched by a large ice blade and lay dying on the ground, and shook his head regretfully.

Then Thorne put away the composite longbow, held the longsword in hand, and jumped down to join the chaotic fight.

Because he had discovered that a group of sahuagin warriors had died due to the sacrifice of the murlocs, and they were roaring and rushing towards the wizard named Pardo with a trident in hand.

– terrifying momentum!

Thorne jumped off the roof, stopped directly in front of several murlocs, and immediately activated the abilities attached to his background feat.

A strong invisible murderous aura erupted from Thorne, and fear quickly appeared in the big eyes of the affected sahuagin warriors. Under the suppression of the huge momentum, their bodies shivered.

Thorne took a deep breath, tightened the dark red sword in his hand, and turned into a black shadow to greet him. In his swift sword shadow, several sahuagins who had no time to react were directly beheaded by Thorne on the spot. .

The challenge levels of these murloc warriors are all around level 2, while Thorne has reached level 5, which is a big difference between the two.

It was naturally easy for Thorne to deal with a few murlocs who were in a state of trembling, not to mention that he had a powerful long sword in his hand.

dark ember

Type: Long Sword

Quality: Green · Excellent

Abilities: Sharp +2, Sturdy +4

Special effect: Each attack adds 3 points of fire damage

(Note: It is forged from the deep iron from the iron melting lake in the Wanyuan Plain, but this forging technology needs to be improved…)

The material of the long sword was given to him by the old man to practice the desert wind style swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship of the Desert Wind Sect is a supernatural ability to channel the power within the body and then turn it into flames.

But to channel this energy, a flame medium must be needed.

When Thorne used the fire element energy contained in the deep iron to successfully cultivate into the desert wind sword.

The rest of the metal was forged into a long sword by the blacksmith player Broto, because Broto did not master the craftsmanship of enchanting and forging, and did not fully utilize the effect of the deep iron.

Thorne can only use it at first, and then he will meet a more skilled blacksmith in the future, and then modify it.

After all, in the inheritance of Nine Swords, each school has mastered the method of making ancient weapons.

The long sword in Thorne’s hand is made according to the style of the eight-faced Han sword in the real world, but in order to use it smoothly, the size is not that large. It is about 65 cm in length and about three fingers in width.

Although he doesn’t know much about swordsmanship, he really likes the domineering appearance of the Han sword in the real world.

During the forging process, because the material of Yuan iron is relatively tough, and the formed blade requires all eight sides to be ground, the process is very complicated, so it only took a month to forge.

But at least it’s working fine for now.

The 2 points of sharpness attached to Dark Cinder makes it a powerful lethality against all types of armor except metal and enchanted equipment.

4 points of sturdiness can make it difficult to cause damage except for weapons above golden and legendary quality.

As for the 3 points of fire damage, it was the effect of Yuantie, a metal that originated from the bottomless abyss.

If it is made by a master blacksmith who is proficient in enchanting and forging, it is possible to guide all the power in it, and it is not impossible to achieve purple and excellent quality.

Of course, there is no shortage of such master-level blacksmiths in the business district of Winter City, mainly because the price is too expensive for Thorne to afford.

The battle between the player and the sahuagin continues, but because of the existence of Andrina, an extraordinary warlock and troll, the balance of victory has been steadily tilted toward the player.

At this time, Thorne noticed that the wizard Pardo beside him rushed towards a four-armed sahuagin not far away as if he had lost his mind.

So Thorne rushed over immediately, grabbed Pardo by the collar, threw him to the ground, and left a cold sentence: “Do you want your uncle to die in vain?”

After he finished speaking, he didn’t bother to pay attention to the other party, and greeted the four-armed sahuagin with his sword.


Thorne first used the short sword in his left hand to hold the trident on the two arms below the sahuagin, and then quickly slashed the sahuagin’s neck with the long sword in his right hand.

The two arms above the sahuagin immediately raised another trident to block the slash of Thorne’s longsword.


It is a pity that the weapon made by the wooden handle in the sahuagin’s hand was instantly cut off by Thorne’s long sword, and then slashed the murloc’s neck.

Thorne swung his long sword and attacked again, adding a scorching bloodstain to the neck of the four-armed sahuagin.


Seeing that the sahuagin was seriously injured and dying, Thorne stopped fighting and kicked it away to meet the other murlocs.

In the dark night.

When the last sahuagin was hacked to death by Thorne, the brutal battle between players and murlocs finally ended.

This was a tragic victory. There were more than 40 players, and only 13 people were left with Lian Thorne. Everyone looked at the familiar figure on the ground, and their faces were filled with despair for the unknown life.

Thorne bowed slightly to the barbarian TEDA, who was covered with arrows and died in battle.

Then he turned around and said to Andrina, “Winter City is no longer safe. Anyone who wants to come come with me. I know a secret passage to the outside of the city.”

After speaking, he walked forward without looking back. He didn’t go very fast. As for whether the players wanted to keep up, it was their own choice. The road was there. right to interfere.

Suddenly a strong light flashed above the wizard tower, so Thorne looked up subconsciously and whispered: “Is the wizard of the wizard tower finally ready to shoot?”

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