Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 102 - Iron Horse Town

At dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun poured over the vast land, stretching the figure of Thorne and the horse under his seat longer and longer.

Thorne looked at Iron Horse Town not far ahead, stopped and waited for the caravan behind him.

In front of his eyes was a rolling low mountain, and it was impossible for the caravan to go around the mountains to reach Stallman Town.

Because in the west of Thorne is the emerald river with undulating drop, the turbulent river water is impossible for boats to pass.

To the east is the muddy swampy wetlands. If it is just people, it will not affect the traffic, but with the carriage of baggage, there is no way to do it.

So the only way to go is through Iron Horse, from the road they made in the mountains.

Player forces that survive in the wilderness want to build a territory that will stand still. In addition to the huge start-up capital, the most important factor is favorable terrain.

Only by relying on favorable terrain to defend, can the loss of personnel be minimized, and only such a territory can develop in the longer term.

Players are a group of highly educated people. Even if they don’t understand military affairs, these simple things can still be seen.

In the entire Emerald Wilderness, the location of Twilight Town is the best, and it is also the most fierce competition among players.

The reason why Twilight Town can exist to this day is that in addition to the cooperation of a few rich local tyrants, the most important thing is the terrain around him.

The treacherous Emerald River in the west is itself a natural barrier, and the east is just near the outermost perimeter of the bottomless swamp, which is full of mud and rotting shrubs, a place that even the lizardmen don’t want to set foot on.

In the middle of these two natural barriers, there is a fertile grassland with flat terrain, and the location of Twilight Town is stuck between the two, which relieves a lot of defensive pressure for them.

The Iron Horse Town was built on a flat half-mountain in front of him, where it was originally a rugged mountain with dangerous terrain.

Because there is no good geographical location, the lord of Iron Horse Town does not want to give up this dangerous terrain advantage.

So he gritted his teeth and bought a few powerful spell scrolls at a great price, and directly changed the halfway of the mountain into a flat area where settlements could be built.

It is said that the bright flames and roaring explosions generated by the magic power at the beginning shocked most of the druids who were secluded in the emerald field.

That kind of shocking scene, Thorne can only imagine the sense of the picture from the description of the insider.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, the thunder sounded frequently, and all over the mountains and plains were roaring beasts and a large number of ancient war trees that had awakened from their slumbers, which tightly surrounded the explosion site.

The furious extremist druids are ready to wipe out all the culprit players.

At this time of despair, a red copper dragon, who was sleeping here and also woken up by the aftermath of the explosion, appeared out of thin air, and arrogantly stopped this group of extremist Druids.

Of course, it’s not that the copper dragon who doesn’t get up has a strong sense of justice, but that the dragon thinks that these players who like to play blasting look interesting.

Because the player’s actions succeeded in angering many of the extremist druids, looking at these old men with beards and staring eyes, the copper dragon felt inexplicably cool, that’s all.

Below the town of Iron Horse, which was built halfway up the mountain, is an open plain. Looking around, this civilized settlement formed after the blasting seems to be overlooking all the creatures on the plain.

The building of Iron Horse Town is actually more like a small military castle.

Circular towers, narrow windows, semicircular arches, low domes, and extensive use of columns and vaults of various shapes.

It seems to give people a sturdy and heavy, balanced and stable aesthetic effect of saturation.

Obviously there must be someone who is proficient in architecture in Iron Horse.

I haven’t had much contact with Thorne in Iron Horse Town, and I don’t know much. The only thing that is clear is that this force was established by a group of foreign players.

Feeling that the caravan behind him had followed, Thorne gently drove the horses under the seat to move forward slowly.

If you want to reach the inside of Iron Horse Town, you must pass the **** of about 45 degrees in front of you.

Therefore, the group did not walk very fast, and even many caravan guards chose to dismount to help the struggling carriage.

Thorne looked at the track marks left on the ground by the carriages, and after a moment of thinking, he guessed what deal Stallman Town had done with Twilight Town.

Twilight Town has more than 100 mountain dwarves from the Great Sword Mark Mountains, and there is a fairly good mineral resource in Stallman Town.

Then there must be some weapons and equipment on the carriage.

When the group was about to reach the gate of Iron Horse Town, the heavy gate suddenly rumbled, until a team of cavalry in silver and white heavy armor appeared.

More than 20 cavalrymen drove the horses in a row, blocking the road leading to Iron Horse Town.

Then a man suddenly appeared from the city wall and floated in front of everyone.

The human man stood in the air, his booted feet high off the ground.

His blue eyes looked down on the crowd through his thin, ruthlessly pale face, and he was dressed impressively, a sumptuous black coat adorned with Iron Horse’s bronze dragon emblem and a soaring collar.

A carved cane of gemstones was held in his five fingers full of rings, emitting a flickering magic light.

“Iron Horse Town is under martial law, and no one is allowed to pass through.” The man said in a cold, serious tone, and stretched out a hand to block the way: “Go back.”

“Little guy, I advise you that you’d better fall to the ground as soon as possible, and then lower your arrogant head.”

Tieflin Akmon glanced at the man floating in the air, frowning slightly, and then there was a hint of coldness in his hoarse voice.

“It turned out to be the descendants of a group of devils, the fallen who tarnished the image of Aoyi, go back, you are not welcome here!” The man narrowed his eyes and said in a colder voice.


As soon as the man’s voice fell, an indiscernible cold hum came from the center of the convoy, and it entered everyone’s ears very clearly.


The cold man exclaimed suddenly, his body suddenly fell, and he had the most intimate contact with the ground.

“Ignorant and outspoken kid, is that what the wizards of the Wizarding League teach their students?”

Accompanied by a cold voice, a dark red light flashed not far from Thorne, and the dark red figure of the sorcerer Anaquis appeared in front of everyone.

I saw a glimmer of light flashing in her black eyes like godless, and the man who had just climbed up from the ground involuntarily sat on the ground and smirked without any image.


Seeing this situation, the more than 20 heavy armored knights behind the man all pulled out the sharp blades hanging from their waists, tightened the reins of the horses, and set out to charge.

Thorne gently comforted the uneasy horses under his seat, and looked at the more than 20 knights in front of him. He did not act rashly, but looked at the wizard player on the ground who pretended not to be beaten in the face with interest.

This is the second wizard player he has seen on the Emerald Wilderness, and it seems that his strength is not bad. He has mastered the third-level spell “Flying”.

From the words of the sorcerer Anaxis just now, Thorne could tell that this wizard player came out of the wizarding alliance in the central region of the continent.

However, this guy’s mouth is a bit too poisonous. One sentence is directly to the point. It is stupid to learn spells. If he provokes a warlock, it depends on how Iron Horse Town ends.

The sorcerer Anaquis sneered and waved his arm gently again, an invisible magic light flashed, and the horses neighed, raising their front hooves and throwing everyone to the ground.


At this moment, accompanied by a shout and the sound of galloping hooves, a man in silver-white armor and a steel mask appeared again from the castle.

“It turned out to be the night lord from Stallman Town. I deeply apologize for the rude behavior of my subordinates. The gate of Iron Horse Town will always be open to you, please.”

The man got off his horse and took off the steel mask, revealing a long mess of blond hair and a pair of pale blue and gentle eyes. I saw him walking in front of Anaquis and said respectfully.

“Forget it, I didn’t want to embarrass you, let’s go quickly, we have to hurry.” After finishing speaking, Warlock Anaquis waved and disappeared before everyone’s eyes again.

As the sorcerer left, the man sitting on the ground smirking immediately returned to his original state, and then walked away with a flushed face.

With the rumbling sound of the castle gate, it slowly opened, and the caravan from Stallman Town walked in in an orderly manner.

Walking into the Iron Horse Town, the most conspicuous building is a tall bronze dragon statue.

Although the red copper dragon has disappeared, because the red copper dragon’s unintentional act saved all the players in Iron Horse Town, the lord of Iron Horse Town will never forget the dragon’s kindness.

Walking all the way, no accident happened. Thorne and the caravan of Stallman Town successfully walked out of Iron Horse Town, came to the flat road artificially opened by Iron Horse Town, and walked towards Stallman Town.

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