Guild Wars

Chapter 995 Skill Bombard 2

However, that wasn't all. The entrance of the Arthurian Knights was just the prelude.

A large roar could be heard coming from the horizon as an army of wood-based monsters like Shamblers, Dryads, Assassin Vines, Blights, Ents, and more rushed over from the horizon.

Their momentum was even greater than the Army of Camelot, which was also weird since they caused the sea the turn into land wherever they walked. Also, something interesting occurred in the fact that there were many new types of monsters in the pack compared to when Draco was Rank 1, which was the last time he used this skill.

Three new monster types, the Druid, The Shrieker and amazingly, a Wood Drake. The Wood Drakes only numbered about 5 in total, but their presence raised the quality and power of the army but infinitudes.

Seeing this lineup, the fatigued Kraken couldn't help but be speechless. My Brother in Christ, we only met today and all you've shown is cruelty and violence, do you think you will make it to heaven this way???

Damage Dealers, KILL!!!!

First, Beam Attackers, UNLEASH!

Ghostprotokill and Kiran!

「Qi Wave – Active skill

Effect: Send out a wave of condensed Qi made through cultivation to damage all enemies within 10 miles. This deals 900% special damage.

Cooldown: 16 hours.」

"SUPER ENERGY WAVE!" Kiran roared, firing a giant beam of orange color twice the size of what he normally released.

"ULTRA SUPER FLASH!" Ghostpro assisted from the size, releasing a giant purple beam from his palms that was also far larger than what he released at first.

Essence Stalker!

「Aurora Blast – Active skill

Effect: Charge your Aurora energy and release it in a cruel forward facing blast that obliterates everything within 10 kilometers in from of you, turning them into usable Aurora Energy that is absorbed by you to replenish your stock.

Cooldown: 1 day」

Essence calmly flew up and exploded with green Aurora Energy as he looked down on the Kraken. He stretched one hand forward and released a giant green beams of Aurora Energy that spun in a spiral, joining Kiran and Ghostpro's beams in blasting the Kraken head-on!


「Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu  – Active skill

Effect: The user kneads Chakra in their body and turns it into fire, which they then expel from their mouth. The more Chakra you use, the more flames are produced. This deals 300% fire damage.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.」

Bella made rapid hand-signs, her arms moving like a flash through the Horse →  Snake → Ram  → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger positions before she brought her right hand to her lips and blew out a huge gout of fire towards the Kraken below.

Slim Fatty!

「Overpowered Wave – Active skill

Effect: Send out a wave of sword lights that attack every foe within a 1-mile radius. This deals 500% sword damage.

Cooldown: 7 days.」

「Divine Hazard – Active skill

Effect: The Sword Supreme points their sword upward, letting light shine upon it, sending out a wave of holy light from the sky to strike down and blast a single target within 5 kilometers. This deals 2,500% sword damage.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Golden Cross – Active skill

Effect: The Sword Supreme forms light around their sword and swings it twice, forming a cross that shoots forward, dealing 1,500% sword damage to enemies in the area of effect.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

Slim Fatty exploded with sword energy as she used three of her powerful class skills at once, first slashing rapidly to send a concentrated wave of glowing white sword lights, then raising her sword upward and bringing it down to form a huge sword beam, then finally slicing diagonally at each side, creating a giant 'X' that streaked downwards.


「Charged Shot – Active skill

Effect: Condense and compress energy into a single bolt, making it 300% stronger than the average one. It can hit any target within 300 meters and deal 500% your normal arrow damage.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.」

「Overload Shot – Active skill

Effect: Overload your crossbows to contain bolts that are about to be fired within, eventually forcing them into one single overpowered and explosive bolt that fires out to hit anything within 1 kilometer. This does 1,000% arrow damage to a single target.

Note: Using this skill reduced the durability of your crossbow by 10%.

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Elemental Shot – Active skill

Effect: Gather the power of the elements in the atmosphere and use it to fire at your enemy. Since the element chosen is random, it deals elemental damage to its target based on the chosen element. This is both instantaneous and costless.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.」

「Energy Shot – Active skill

Effect: Gather the energy of the world and use it to fire at your enemy. Since the energy is not condensed into a bolt but fired as it is, it deals attributeless damage to its target, but does not damage to your crossbows nor take time to cast.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.」

Like Slim Fatty, Shani activated many skills in tandem. Her Legendary crossbow was pushed to its limit as she fired four different shots with different power, one with raw physical power that was enhanced, one with a huge explosive power that was glowing red, another with a multicolored hue that was ethereal and a final one that glowed in the greenish-blue light of Worldly Energy.

Noble Soul!

「Ultimate – Active skill

Effect: Gather the energy of the living and the dead, the corporeal and the ethereal, and unleash it all in one strike. This skill's activation and animation are dependent on the specific situation of the user, their enemy and the overarching circumstances. It deals 1,000% damage.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

"I DECLARE YOU STEP INTO THE LIGHT… AND PERISH!!!" Noble Soul roared as he swung his greatsword down, firing a reddish-black beam of energy that clashed with the Kraken below.


「Rain of Axes – Active skill

Effect: The Maverick calls out to the God of Axes, bringing down a rain of endless axes on an area of 1 kilometer around the user. Each axe deals 5% axe damage.

Duration: 3 minutes

Cooldown: 30 minutes.」

Boyd who was beside Noble Soul cringed at the fellow's roar, but did not hold back as he pointed to the sky. Immediately, a portal opened up that was similar to Gilgamesh's nonsense that fired out hundreds of glowing axes made of energy, converging to form a huge wave.

Cold Summer!

「Aqua Dragon – Active skill

Effect: Summon a consistent and pervasive flow of water that possess the form of a dragon. This dragon can make a single target attack for 1,200% water damage or act autonomously for the duration of its existence.

Duration: 1 minute

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Water Cannon – Active skill

Effect: Generate a flow of high pressure water that is at least 36 meters in diameter, tearing through a single target or a line of targets. It does 500% water damage per second.

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 5 minutes.」

Cold Summer's eyes flashed coldly as he summarily used his two prudent skills, summoning an Aqua Dragon for a one time attack while putting his hands together and unleashing a beam of high-pressure water the size of a large industrial pipe.


「Arcane Explosion – Active skill

Effect: In a desperate situation, you can emit all the arcane energy within your body and excite it, causing it to explode terribly that causes a reaction no different from a flame based explosion. This covers an Area Zone and deals 3000% explosive damage.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

Hera screamed as her energy coalesced within her body, the huge stores she had amassed in the months to this date detonating itself and forming a golden-brown beam that joined those that were already lancing the poor Kraken below.

Happy Scholar!

「Instant Rune – Active skill

Effect: Immediately create a Rune with energy filled up to the parameters you've set. The Rune is subject to the usual limitations, but its power is truly one to behold.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

Instant Rune: Energy Beam!

Happy Scholar shoved all his mana and all the Worldly Energy he could muster into this rune, his face paling greatly as the word exploded into a blue colored beam that rushed forward and clashed with the Kraken while enhancing the other beams.


「Blade of Purification – Active skill

Effect: Summon a holy blade made of Light Energy to slice apart your foes and bring divine justice upon them. This deals 90% Light damage to a single target.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.」

Lucia glowed with a holy white light as he pointed her scepter forward, condensing into a giant white blade that streaked forward, zipping around until it merged with Slim Fatty's sword waves to form a giant wave.

Tunder Power!

「One Shot, One Kill– Active skill

Effect: Nock a powerful arrow in your bow that contains your focus and concentration. The arrow will become unblockable, unless the defender has a power equivalent to your own. This deals 500% ranged damage.

Cooldown: 30 seconds.」

「One Shot, Many Kills – Active skill

Effect: Nock a powerful arrow in your bow that contains your focus and concentration. The arrow splits into up to 30 different copies that are created through Worldly Energy when fired out. The arrows will become unblockable unless the defender has a power equivalent to your own. This deals 50% ranged damage per arrow.

Cooldown: 5 minutes.」

「Endless Rain of Arrows – Active skill

Effect: Fire a single arrow skyward containing your power, and it will split into thousands upon thousands of Worldly Energy generated arrows that will continually fall on upon an area of 3 kilometers of your choosing, dealing 5% ranged damage per arrow.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「True Shot – Active skill

Effect: Release an arrow that ignores all defense, resistance and endurance of a target, dealing raw true damage. The damage of this arrow is 100%.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

Tunder was also another fellow who unleashed a huge barrage. His power as a Divine Archer allowed him to imbued his skills with his spatial attribute, greatly increasing their speed, accuracy and damage power.

So many arrows were released that it formed a wave that was almost endless to the naked eye.

Omega Raider!

「Scourge of the Seven Seas – Active skill

Effect: As the Pirate King of Heroes, you command the greatest armada known to all the major seas of the world. Summon your entire armada along with a wave of water that fills an entire Area Zone, allowing them to bombard any target you choose.

Duration: 30 minutes

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Dead Men Tell No Tales – Active skill

Effect: Summon the sailors and pirates of the sea who had drowned to death in battle to swarm an Area Zone and fight for you. When the skill expires, they will explode into water arrows and take anyone still alive down, while making sure to wash away any evidence of the events.

Duration: 2 hours

Cooldown: 1 day.」

Omega joined in by summoning his pirate armada which was made up of over a hundred ships. All of them turned to their broadside cannons which drained the area of Worldly Energy then fired beams of energy so numerous that the joined up midway to form a gigantic beam of greenish-black energy.

Along with that was his endless wave of underwater zombies that all used their most potent attacks from when they were alive to assist the group.

There were many others who contributed to the attack as well, the the various blasts exploded upon the Kraken, making it roar with agony



Through the various combined attacks at full power, they actually shaved off 10% of its total HP! Even if the Kraken was only a mid-tier Rank 7, this was unprecedented!

Even the Kraken began to panic, then suddenly thought about it and calmed down when it realized that the fellows had all used their strongest attacks already and couldn't do so again.

However, Noble Soul did something the next moment that chilled its soul.


「Heroic Valor – Active skill

Effect: Shout out a line that boosts the morale of all allies and invigorates them to fight harder and longer in order to save their friends and family waiting for them at home. This skill resets all skill cooldowns for allies in a party, but the caster is unable to use any skill for the next 6 hours.

Cooldown: 7 days.」

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