Guild Wars

Chapter 993 Restoring Sense And Realizing The Problem

The world darkened at this moment as Eva's fury burned bright hot. Her eye energy ball above her head was filled with more energy without a care for the consequences.

As such, it inflated rather rapidly, becoming bigger and bigger until it was about the size of a tall building. Eva didn't stop there, even infusing more energy and causing the energy ball to reach the size of a small meteorite.

The Kraken below was trembling greatly, fiercely regretting its actions. How was it supposed to know that this human woman had such a short temper and was so arrogant that even something this small would set her off?

It felt a slight threat of death from the energy ball, not in the sense that it could kill it through raw damage, but if it destroyed the world and sent them all into the void they would all die anyway.

"Die!" Eva screamed as she tossed the energy ball downwards.

It moved slowly at first, but quickly picked up speed as it neared the ground and the water began to forcefully churn and part due to the mass of the energy ball.

The Kraken roared and extended all its tentacles to block the incoming blast. Almost a hundred thick tentacles came forth and formed a wall, which eventually received the giant ball heavily.


The entire world shook and the Kraken screamed. From its point of view, it was like trying to use your normal hands to catch a speeding truck. Putting aside whether you would be smashed to death, just the sheer force alone was enough to make you feel it.

And the Kraken could tell you that it was sure as hell feeling it right now. Even worse, more than 60 of its tentacles directly exploded into bloodmist while another 30 turned to ash. The rest were barely holding on.

The Kraken did its best to try and hold on but it was clearly going to lose. While it may not necessarily be killed, the rest of the core members would certainly die and the entire treasury would be destroyed.

Draco turned to Kiran and Ghostpro. "The two of you, quickly do your copyright thing and help the Kraken!"

Kiran and Ghostpro shared awkward look as they immediately understood what Draco was referring to. Immediately, they rushed forward as their bodies blurred and began to change.

On Kiran side, he activated a particular set of skills.

「Eight Inner Gates - Gate of Opening – Active skill

Effect: Unlock the first Inner Gate. This increases Strength by 150% at the cost of 10% of your maximum HP.

Duration: 3 hours

Cooldown: 20 hours.」

「Eight Inner Gates - Gate of Healing – Active skill

Effect: Unlock the second Inner Gate. This increases Strength by 30% and refills all stamina and mana continuously for the duration at the cost of 10% of your maximum HP. Can only be activated after the first Inner Gate.

Duration: 3 hours

Cooldown: 20 hours.」

"HHHARGH!" Kiran roared as he exploded into Super Warrior 2 right away, mixing his Noble Energy, Knight Energy and Gate Force to form the unique red energy that covered him like an aura. His spiky red hair, blood red eyes and furious expression would easily remind one of a certain transformation…

On the other side, Ghost was not to be outdone. He used a particular set of skills only after Kiran did, following up right behind him.

「Provisional Class – Active skill

Effect: The Classmaster is the archetype and combination of all classes. Upon activating this skill, the Classmaster can temporarily adopt the nature of any known class below the Divine Rank as well as its basic skills and stats.

Duration: 30 minutes

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

Immediately, he shifted from Classmaster temporally to Martial Artist at Rank 4.

Immediately, a green light emerged from Ghost much in the same way it did Kiran, which was basically Internal Force. Then, Ghost exploded with a black energy that emerged from his body and the depths of his bloodline, merging with the green light and forming a swirl around his body.

This energy them became dark purple as his dreadlocks spread out and became spiky much like Kiran, his pupils also shifting to a violet color full of power.

Without any further ado, Kiran and Ghost blasted towards the energy ball and then sifted in mid-air, teleporting using Ki to where the Kraken was. At first, the Kraken thought they were her e to finish it off, but was shocked when they turned to face the energy ball.

Kiran made a familiar set of movements and brought his two palms behind his body as electricity crackled. Between his almost clasped palms, a ball of energy began to glow and grow, rapidly gaining power.

"Energy Wave!" Kiran roared as he fired out an orange colored beam that was large and wide.

Ghost who was on the other side of the Kraken also entered a very familiar pose by bringing both wrists together with his palms facing outward. Purple colored energy loaded between his palms, as a great amount of electricity crackled and charged.

"Super Flash!" Ghost roared, firing the beam as well.

Both beams mastered all their power and clashed with the energy ball, halting its charge slightly. However, both Kiran and Ghost groaned with pain and spat blood from the sheer potency of the energy.

Damn, was Eva trying to wipe out the game world?!

Kiran and Ghost could finally understand the pain and fear in the heart of the Kraken. Luckily, their actions would consume some of the energy in the ball and cause it to dissipate a lot more.

Eva saw this and snorted, preparing to reach out a hand and attach more power. However, he right hand was grabbed by Draco who was wearing a stern expression.

"Eva, come to your senses this minute!" Draco commanded with a tone that brooked no refusal.

Eva struggled slightly, anger and malice still in her eyes, but Draco's firms grip and stern words eventually made her rationality return as she trembled with shock.

"What am I doing?" She gasped with shock as he dispersed the energy wave enough that it was no longer calamitous.

Seeing this, Kiran and Ghost sighed with relief and rushed back to where the core members were recuperating after being blown like ragdolls.

As for Eva, she watched the remnant energy ball exploded on the Kraken and cause the entire sea to upheave, a shockwave blowing for kilometers in every direction.

Eva was silent as she watched this, lost in her thoughts. She soon snapped out of it and reconnected the trip to her neural network while also connecting the core members through the second layer for external communications.

Seeing that Eva was back to her senses all the core members sighed with relief and felt lingering fear at the events that just occurred. Despite all their power, if that energy ball had landed, it would be like dropping a nuke near a normal civilian.

As for Draco and Shuangtian, they could only sigh. Eva was confused about what happened, but how could they not know and not see?

Reaching 100% was great, they got the power and limitless potential, but everything had its cost. They also had to bear the negative aspects of the bloodline, especially the demeanor and disposition it paraded.

This was utterly normal though. Every bloodline and every species had its drawbacks. For example, humans fought with instincts to maintain reason.

For humans the prime instincts were  the need to create, the need to contemplate and reflect, the need to be active (relatively), the need for sex and procreation and the need to eat and consume.

Just like humans were burdened by these and even forced to do stupid and illogical things for it - primarily in the case of sex - so too did Eva have to deal with the instincts of her bloodline, and one of them was the deific arrogance.

Draco and Shuangtian also had these problems, but it wasn't often highlighted. Well, Draco's often was which was his playfulness and mischief, which manifested as the nonsense he often did.

As for Shuangtian, she had just started on this journey recently,m so her flaws were often shown, but it had appeared, which was her forcefulness and need for violence.

That was why neither Draco nor Shuangtian chastised Eva for her outburst. Now that it had happened, Eva would be guarded against it and would learn to control it.

Just like how a teen would be confused when they experience their first instinctual lust and later learn to control and hide it, so too would Eva manage. It was basic adaptability.

The core members regrouped and also activated their various abilities. The group knew the Kraken could not be taken down by this, otherwise Rank 7 beings would be a joke.

When the sea settled, the Kraken was still floating there, looking bruised and battered. It had lost over 50 billion Hp in this trike because Eva had surpassed her limit and even infused a full 12 points of Eternal Control into it, exceeding the logical limit of the AI's digital world.

This was also another reason why Rank 7's were hard to kill.

The obvious question was then, why did Rank 7's fear True Gods? Why were True Gods able to kill them easily like killing chickens?

Three reasons. Firstly, sublimation of life. Rank 7, no matter how much HP, was a mortal or Tier 1 being. Secondly, quality of energy. Divine Energy which was used to power divine attacks was a higher quality by far than Aetheric and surpassed anything a mortal could reasonably access.

Thirdly, utilization. True Gods didn't have cooldowns or durations for any skill, they fueled their own active and passives with their Divine energy produced naturally.  They also used the basis of laws for their skills, so the kind of power they could muster was potent for non law capable beings.

Why did Draco, Eva and Shuangtian not have this power despite being 100%? After all, Eternal power should theoretically surpass all that.

Well, if this universe could support Eternal power, they wouldn't have to seal themselves would they? They also would have needed to be sent to the Eternal World for Semi-Eternal classes.

And the fact that the limit was Semi-Eternal classes also spoke of the AI's limitation. So Draco and his two babes' output was not even Eternal not even origin and not even Divine. It was basic Worldly-tier power, just with a lot of raw oomph.

This was why they couldn't yet go up and bitchslap Origin Gods and own the universe. It was also why Draco and Eva were still hungrily staring at the skill that came with their Dragorugio and Dragoira sets.

「Black Dragon's Heritage – Passive skill (Rank 2)

100% Source Origin of a Supreme-ranked Black Dragon.」

「Light Dragon's Heritage – Passive skill (Rank 2)

100% Source Origin of a Supreme-ranked Light Dragon」

Despite saying Rank 2, because they were obviously currently at Rank 2 with their Eternal classes, the truth was that they had previously reached Rank 4, so their various skill and equipment stayed at that level.

The only thing was that things wouldn't increase until they crossed over to Rank 5.

The State of Being Rankings for any race were Low, Medium, High, Supreme, Divine, Semi-Origin and Origin. So basically, by Rank 5 Draco and co would become semi-True Gods able to go to the Divine Realm and by Rank 7, they could enter the Origin Realm.

They were looking forward to this even more than locking more bloodline branches. After all, the key to many things required them to climb to that height to receive answers and enlightenment on the way forward.

It was why they decided to Class Up immediate when they entered Rank 4 and unlocked their bloodline, because if they went to Rank 5 and Classed Up, they would have had their newly given Divine Source origin sealed.

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