Guild Wars

Chapter 991 The Outer Vault

The core members got to piece together the story of Poseidon, and many couldn't help but feel that he was a pitiful fellow. He had risen from a point of oppression to become a God and ruler of the seas, which was paved with hardship and loss.

Draco though, was not impressed in the least. First of all, who knew what Poseidon did in the later stages or in the story before he was captured? He had only shown selective scene from his past that totally put him as the aggrieved party.

Second, who didn't have to forbear to reach where they were? Did he and Eva get to where they were easily in the previous timeline? Even thinking about those events made one have a headache.

Thirdly, Poseidon always seemed to throw shade at Leviathan through those memories, as an evil mastermind who plotted his downfall, but the behemoth never actually instigated anything. Draco knew what it was like to lead, and he could tell you that right now, right fucking now, he had no clue what the basic members of Umbra were doing.

For all he knew, they could be beating, killing, or plundering innocents. There were only around 10k members too, and Leviathan controlled the entire sea of trillions upon trillions of sea monsters.

How was he supposed to know that a segment of sea monsters were oppressing a random sea race called mermen who existed in one inconspicuous corner of the world?

Draco put aside his thoughts and raised the badge in his hand which began to shine. Omega and Krona did same as their badges left their hands then merged together, forming a multicolored key.

The wall where the three doors existed also began to warp as they merged together like moving paint, forming a giant multicolored door with a single keyhole that had the runes for 'Outer Vault' written on it.

The multicolored key keened and rushed forward, entering the keyhole then turning sharply. This caused the entire place to shake once more as the door slid open, this time separating from the middle and retracting into the wall on either side.

King Neptune and the millions of soldiers showed excitement as they pushed the ship forward through to obvious black void before them, crossing it to enter a large sea area with a giant shore nearby.

On the shore was a large building that was shaped like a cone, which was glowing with a blue light. Draco recognized the buildings energy as his eyes narrowed.

He realized after probing that it was a Rank 7 Warehouse!

Not just any Rank 7 Warehouse, but one that was practically full to the brim!

My God!!!

One should know that even Vita Kingdom's Rank 7 Warehouse was only about 1.7% full, and they had already started giving things away through competitions and the like because Umbra would never be able to use it all.

This one was 99.8% full! Even if the Kingdom of the Undersea had trillions of people and ruled the entire sea area, those resources could last enough years that the amount of zeroes behind it would surpass Richmond's HP!

The Kingdom of the Undersea was set for life this time!

King Neptune immediately excitedly waved a hand and dispatched his soldiers to go inspect the resources, but it was unnecessary. The moment the ship neared the island, the Golden trident glowed and resonated with the warehouse.

It then shrunk into the size of a pearl and floated into King Neptune's hands shocking him. Draco wasn't surprised that a Rank 7 building could be moved, however, he was surprised that it could be done so easily.

It seemed like it was about time he moved the Rank 7 Guildhall and shop to Vita Kingdom rather than leave them in Cario City. While he loved Sturgehaven Kingdom for its nostalgia, it was just dumb to have those two buildings so far away.

After Neptune received the warehouse with all the resources meant for the Kingdom of the Undersea, he glanced at Draco and his core members warily. However, he felt embarrassed when he saw that the core members didn't even look at him and his resources with greed.

These were Common, Uncommon and Rare Rank stuff you know! Can't you show a little bit of enthusiasm?

Poor naive King Neptune. None of the men and women here were using anything less than a Legendary item! No core member even wore a bloody Epic item anymore, as they disdained them as worse than trash.

Some of the core members even had fucking Divine items, so that should tell you. The only thing the y lacked was custom Legendary items that were tailored for their new bloodlines like Draco's Dragorugio set, or Eva's Dragoira set.

Even Shuangtian didn't have a custom set yet. However, the things in this vault should help offset that problem as well as the things in the Divine Dragon Vault in the Ancestral City of Dragons.

With Shuangtian here, Draco and Eva dared to plunder the Divine section of the vault now. Whatever calamity the AI threw at them, they could likely tank, especially since the core members had bloodlines now.

(Author's Note: Hehe.)

Draco led his core members off the ship without even speaking to King Neptune, making it clear that their cooperation was over. After all, the rule was to leave the warehouse for the Kingdom of the Undersea.

The next step was to fight the Kraken and then claim the Inner Vault which had Epic, Legendary and Divine items! That was the true value of the Vault of the Deep that those who possessed the map wanted.

Obviously, King Neptune also thought he would have a share, and so brought his troops to use to help Draco and co fight. However, it was clear that Draco and co didn't even consider him and were confident in handling things themselves.

He began to hesitate. Should he offer his help, or should he leave with what he already had? He looked left and right and saw that his other important generals and ministers were also wearing greedy looks, but didn't dare to move.

This caused his thoughts to run as he began to have fanciful ideas.

At this moment, Draco paused and spoke without even looking back. "If you want your precious Olivia to become fatherless for the rest of her life, stay there for another 10 seconds."

Immediately, waves of intense killing intent blasted towards those on the ship from the core members who were ready to attack and slaughter the moment the 10 seconds elapsed. King Neptune was shocked by the sudden hostility as his thoughts became clear and the evil in his heart dissipated.

A bucket of cold water poured on his ministers and generals too, as they remembered they had literally been dead a few hours ago until Eva brought them back to life by reversing time.

Now that his mind was clear, he knew the right choice to make, and so resolutely ordered his shoulders to turn the ship around and leave. The ship quickly spun on the spot and dove underwater, heading out of this realm and the world altogether.

Draco snorted and continued moving with the core members. "Krona and Omega, when we return, speed up the conquering and subjugation of the sea areas around the mapped zones. I want there to be only one power in the sea, Umbra!"

"Yes!" Omega and krona acknowledged the order.

If King Neptune knew that his filthy thoughts had brought a future calamity for the Kingdom of the Undersea, he would likely commit suicide on the spot.

As for the members of Umbra, they crossed the island and came to the other side. There, on the sea near the horizon was a giant portal that swirled with a blue color, likely leading to the much desired Inner Vault.

However, to get there, one would have to deal with the illustrious foe before them…

「Name: The Kraken – General Rank monster (World Boss)

Level: 350

HP: 900,000,000,000,000/900,000,000,000,000」

The face of the core members became dark and bitter. This was a giant wall placed before them, an actual World Boss that required millions of same Rank players to come together to beat.

They were less than 50 right now, who were they supposed to fight? However, they saw that Draco, Eva and Shuangtian were not as bothered.

Eva turned to them and spoke seriously. "Everyone, regardless of the enemy's power, we will prevail. After all, we are the standard of power and perfection in this mundane world, so how can you be cowed by a mere this?"

Draco smiled. "What Eva said is basically the truth. Make sure to use all your best and most explosive powers, and hold nothing back, whether it is class or bloodline. We'll take the lead."

Immediately, Draco, Eva, and Shuangtian exploded with power as they unsealed themselves by 5%! This was the limit of what the world could tolerate since they were in the unmapped zone and in this high-quality world made by Poseidon.

However, even 5% of their 12 points of Eternal Control was 0.6! Compared to the 0.1 Eternal Control they were forced to use on the daily basis, the power boost was by 0.5 Eternal Control!

Anyone who had seen their feats in the Eternal World knew that every 0.1 point of Eternal Control was a whole different tier of power.

The core members felt endless pressure wash over them initially, but this pressure soon disappeared. Rather, they felt endless energy burst into their bodies that caused their bloodlines to boil crazily as if they were going to reach 100%, but were one stop short.

Eva had used her recently acquired 'Empowering' branch to buff the core members. Most of the abilities within this branch were new to her as she hardly used them, but they were similar to most of Hikari's buffing abilities in terms of longevity and nonsensical balance.

The core members roared and exploded with their various abilities, ready to jump into the battle. Draco nodded to Eva and Shuangtian and blasted forward, taking the lead.

Draco waved a hand and hundreds of portals opened around him. From them came all the God Serpents and then the special serpents in the minor array. Like Gilgamesh, Draco had one copy of each on his bloodline.

There were also Dragons of all the other elements as well, making a ferocious lineup. Eva followed up by waving her hand and summoning hundreds of portals that shoved out hundreds of Phoenixes and Divine birds.

Golden Crow, Roc, Peng, Garuda, and different elements of phoenixes from light to even dark. Shuangtian, the most adept in this field, waved her hand and hundreds of her elemental golems rushed out, filling the gaps between Draco and Eva's summons.

Before the battle had even started the sky was full of powerful beings being feed energy by Draco, Eva, and Shaungtian's bloodline with Eternal power. Of course, it wasn't as potent as when they had 12 Eternal Control in the Eternal World, but this should be enough to barely challenge a Rank 7 World Boss and offer a slight threat of death.

If you're wondering why Draco and Eva hadn't done this before it was because they weren't omniscient. Draco was a swordsman and Eva was an assassin, it was only recently that they started using their extended bloodline abilities wantonly, so they were still learning new ways to use it to fight.

When Shuangtian came back from the Eternal World and they interfaced with her, they saw how she summoned Elemental Golems to fight and were inspired by it, realizing that yes, Lucifer and co also often summoned out the avatars to fight proxy battles for them, hence all the mythology on earth.

They were used to fighting directly so never embarked on the path of summoning truly.

This was also why Draco called out 5 Black dragons the other time to teach the White Tiger of Calamity a lesson.

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