Guild Wars

Chapter 986 Golden Savage Murderfest 3

Shadowheart rolled his eyes. "Alright enough guys. Lets get down to what we planned to do."

Hearing this, Misery and AP_Berzerker settled down and stopped causing trouble. Rather, they looked at Shadow with anticipation and the fellow didn't disappoint.

He tossed over some Demon Crystals to everyone, including Nightwalker who was standing by the side with an aggrieved expression.

「Semi-Volatile Corrupted Demon Crystal – Consumable

Rank: Rare (100% effectiveness)

Effect: A Demon Crystal used to store Demonic Energy. It is created through filling Aether Crystals with Demon Energy and mixing the two, causing the resulting substance to be corrupt and deadly. Due to the infusion of Chaos Energy, the two energies are kept in a tentative balance, but can either be detonated through removal of the energy to create a 1.5x power blast, or detonated by irritating the two energies with the chaos energy, causing a 5x blast power!」

Seeing this, the pupils of the fellows couldn't help but constrict. A 5x blast power on a Rare-tier Crystal would be at the level of one of the more powerful thermobaric nuclear warheads of the modern era.

One could just see the kind of devastation that this would bring. The thought excited these crooks and the immediately stopped waiting time as they sent out to bring the entire Surtur Province to its knees.

They encountered the Demon town that Misery and AP had first come to bully in the past. There, the two same guards were defending, and they saw the group approaching rapidly without even holding back.

Their faces changed when they recognized the figures of Misery and AP, but were shocked when they saw that they weren't retarded demons, but actually humans like that other fellow who had died a social death had said.

Before they could sound the alarm, AP chuckled and tossed something over to one of the Demon Guards.

"Think fast chucklenuts!" AP launched, confusing the Demon Guard who scrambled to catch the item.

The Demon Guard had no idea why he bothered to catch it and saw that it was a low tier Demon Crystal. He was puzzled and filled with disdain. What was he trying to do by throwing this over, trying to harm him?

Of course the demons knew that the crystals were volatile and could be used, but the ensuing explosion was barely enough to even hurt Demon babies, much less adults like them.

They even disdained to use them as grenades during the Great War, which should tell you how much they looked down on Demon Crystals. Otherwise, would the Demons have stood there for Misery and AP to carry them away back then, even if they were doing a skit?

However, before the Demon Guard could toss the crystal aside and then sound the alarm, he noticed that there was a strange black light in the crystal and shook the energies within, causing them to become extra active.

Immediately, the Demon Guard knew something was wrong as the feeling of death enveloped him from head to toe. It was as if lady death was licking his entire body, impatient to devour him in one bite.

Rather than happy or excited, he was filled with endless fear and regret as he tried to throw away the bomb in his hand.

However, apart from in Call of Duty, how could anyone easily throw a grenade that was cooked away?


Welp, there went the entire gate area and like, 1/4th of the entire town!

The payload of a Common Demon Crystal boosted by 5x due to Elle's 'modification' was truly fearsome. It was on the level of a small Inter-Continental Missile.

One should obviously know that towns or cities in Boundless were magnitudes bigger than on earth, with this town being the size of a small country. The ICBMs on earth that could raze cities could only eat 1/4th of this town, but whereas ICBMs cost millions to make and fire, this one cost almost nothing!

The explosion shook the earth and caused aftershocks that killed many others in their homes, and the demons were absolutely spooked and in a mess. The group of Golden Savages felt nothing because they were airborne, but the mouths of everyone by Elle and Shadow dropped.

Eventually, they shook their heads and came out of their shock. After testing the bombs, their eyes shone, but they suddenly treated them carefully and didn't want to waste them.

Rather, they rushed forward to attack. Even Shadow and Elle decided to participate here and used their classes to the best effect.

Nightwalker first appeared above one section of the remaining town and smiled cruelly. He spread his hands out and used one of his active skills.

「Generate – Active skill

Effect: Using your innate Destruction Force, generate a batch of new Apocalypses that can be used in any situation as if they were present in your Calamity Source.

Cooldown: 10 minutes.」

Immediately, a storm of clouds came together suddenly, lightning crackling within. The clouds darkened the area and filled all beings within range with endless horror and regret for their entire lives until now.

Heavenly Thunder Calamity!

Lightning bolts snaked through the clouds and began to launch downwards at impossible speeds, striking various demons and turning them into ashes or bloodmist.

None could escape from this range, and those who tried to do so would be prioritized by the Heavenly Thunder which was merciless and cruel. It struck adult, child and even pets alike!

The heavens were cold and callous, not caring about the feelings of the various living beings below it.

As for Shadowheart, he was far more direct. He simply rose above another segment of the two and pointed downwards as he activated one of his few class skills for AOE damage.

「Omni-Beam Strike – Active skill

Effect: Rise into the air and fire a beam of all elemental energy that strike the ground and spreads over an Area Zone, dealing 1800% omni-damage to all enemies within range.

Cooldown: 8 hours.」

Like a powerful God, Shadowheart fired a beam of multicolored energy that spun and spiraled towards the ground. The moment it connected, it was as if the world paused for a second, before a huge explosion rose to the sky from the ground, turning everything within its range to dist and ash.

The Demons struck by this ability didn't even have the chance to cry out before death greeted them. From a certain point of view, this was actually benevolent and merciful, for they died instantly without feeling anything.

Elle appeared at another part of the town and her blazing blue eyes were filled with potency and the intent to kill.

「Chaos Blast – Active skill

Effect: Charge Chaos Energy into a condensed form and send it out as a concentrated blast of energy that deals 1,500% chaos damage and 250% Chaos Degradation.

Cooldown: 30 minutes.」

She raised her hands up high and concentrated her energy into a ball of energy that was blackish-grey. The ball grew in size with every second, and it soon eclipsed the size of a large barn.

Elle immediately grunted and tossed it downwards, where it hurtled without any scruples. When it crashed, it exploded and spread its energy over the entire range of the skill, turning everything within range into either something random, or degrading it into pure Chaos Energy.

The ground turned into metal at parts, magma at other parts or even fine sand at others. The Demons turned into balls of flesh, into rubber, into stone or even into aberrations.

The buildings also shared the same fate of being shifted into something else, though most of its turned into ambient Chaos Energy that slowly gathered towards Elle like a child seeing its mother and crawling over.

By the time the group were done with this town, it had been razed to the ground, not a single life remaining. The Golden Savages looked down upon their handiwork without expression, their cold scanning scanning the debris for survivors.

"Okay Night, the place is good for your apocalypse now." Shadowheart stated, to which Nightwalker calmly nodded and waved his hand.

His bloodline spawned apocalypses then surged over from the horizon, quickly devouring anything that was left below at their levels and power continued to climb.

Although many demons turned to ash or were chaotically warped, it was not a problem for these apocalypses. To them, everything was a hearty meal that could be enjoyed, even aimless sand.

If you looked at the are behind these apocalypses, essentially where they came from, you would see an endless expanse of dull white ground. Everything had been consumed, the vitality, the desolation, the elemental energy… everything.

Ironically enough, the white ground was actually 'healthier' than the previous blackish wasteland earth which was full of desolation. After all, Desolation hampered vitality and the growth of it, which was why resources were scarce.

If the Demons were smart, they would use this white earth that was sort of a 'clean slate' and fill it with vitality to create the first patch of healthy, main plane like earth in the Hell Realm.

However, that was a problem for the demons to solve later. Right now, the biggest problem of the demons of Surtur Province was the extinction class event coming their way!

The Golden Savages didn't stop here, but continued to advance cruelly and resolutely. They would use their class skills and abilities when they could but when they couldn't, they would toss Demon Crystals down to form a sort of airstrike.

For some reason, they never used their bloodlines, especially when the livestream was on. After all, players were already spitting fire from jealousy and awe at their class based abilities and strength, and only recently grudgingly accepted it when they knew the exorbitant costs involved as well as the great difficulty.

If the players of the world saw their current bloodline power, they would cough endless blood and go crazy. After all, the power they could muster with their bloodline was enough to destroy Pangu's Golem in China, much less this.

The Golden Savages were exceedingly smart and careful despite seeming brusque and callous. They only rotated around the edges, destroying demon towns and villages before they could call for help and empowered Nightwalker's apocalypses.

When the apocalypses reached Rank 5, the group let them take the lead and plague the cities. At this point, it was impossible to hide their actions from the center of the province.

High level demons troops were rapidly dispatched to cull this issue, but it would take them time to arrive, time which they didn't have as the cities were raided by voracious apocalypses that could even suppress Demons of the same Rank.

The Rank 6 demons sent over from the capital came to met now Rank 6 apocalypses that had fed on millions of demons and had Ranked up once more.

As for the Golden Savages, they were nowhere to be seen. They had wisely retreated as a fight with Rank 6 Demons was not something they could joke about, and left the hardwork to the apocalypses.

This was why they even used this method anyway. As such, to the Demons this sudden apocalypse was a plot from the other provinces that had stewed for a long time, rather than being something that mere humans could create.

While they defended from the apocalypses, the Golden Savages sneakily caused chaos by setting off Demon Crystal explosions during key battles and defenses, causing the resistance to fail at key moments, and making the apocalypses advance greatly.

The players watching this extended livestream were always commenting endlessly, marveling at the dastardliness of the Golden Savages while suggesting plans like armchair generals.

They were naturally ignored so throughly that they could only go offline and cry to their pillows.

Eventually, the now peak Rank 6 apocalypses converged at the walls of the capital city of Surtur Province, snarling and snapping at the guards on the walls who were shaking with fear.

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