Guild Wars

Chapter 984 Interlude: Gentlemen Of Honor And Truth!

Misery, AP and Nightwalker began to sweat profusely, their hearts beating like drums and their minds roaring with the cries of agony of over hundreds of thousands of their gender.

They might be shameless and cruel, but their hearts were big and in the right place. So, when a disaster class event like this occurred, they felt it first before anyone else and they felt it heavily.

They could only slowly turn their heads around to see the source and happened to catch the sight of Elle manhandling Shadow's lips greedily. Realizing that she was on stream from the guild and party chat notification, and they understood the details.

Their lips couldn't help but twitch.

Every beauty in Umbra was a world popular beauty, lusted over and fawned on by hundreds of males worldwide. Their fan pages on Twitter, Instagram and the like had millions of likes per post and millions of followers.

Whether it was Bella, Slim Fatty, Eva, Loving Aunt, Xela, Elle or Shani, their pages were growing like fire. The women themselves didn't care much except for Bella who took full advantage of it.

Those hundreds of fellows had excitedly tuned int to look at their idol and the woman of their dreams stream. As for the content it was just icing on the cake, but it couldn't change their goal.

While they knew she was in a relationship, since they never did anything romantic on stream or for them to see, they could delude themselves into thinking that Elle was still untouched and pure, waiting for them to claim her from the evil clutches of Shadowheart.

However, Elle's actions directly shattered their hopes and dreams, and threw them into the abyss. If it was just a quick peck, they could accept the pain and wear the metaphorical green hat.

However with how Elle was molesting and manhandling Shadow, there was no more room for doubt. The truth was laid bare for them to see and swallow whether they liked it or not.


[Mega Ancient: Urgghh… arrghhh… someone… h-help me… My chest hurts… so much…]

[Pro Emu: I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I HATE ITT!!!!!]

[Ill Pepper: I want this channel to be brought down!! My love has turned into hate!! #Cancel Elle!!]

While the fellows screeched and roared in the chat, Elle finally let go of Shadow who looked confused yet amused.

"My love, are you that impatient? Why don't you wait a few days until we get back and I can fill you up with what you love?" Shadowheart offered in a gentle manner.

He had no idea Elle was on stream, and his words directly caused a hundred of thousands to directly spray blood all over their screen, their arteries and veins rupturing.

Elle blushed at his words, knowing that hundreds of thousands of her fans and admirers were listening. However, there was also this feeling of excitement, not due to perversion, but due to the cruel nature of Tiamat showing.

The idea that hundreds of thousands of men (and women) who wanted her and desired her having their dreams crushed by her vastly superior partner filled her with excitement untold.

As such, when Shadowheart placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her, he noticed she was trembling slightly. He then noticed the stream, opened it, read the comments, looked into Elle's slightly embarrassed and excited eyes, and quickly put everything together.

Shadowheart smiled softly. Since his beloved Elle wanted to put on a show, he would be remiss to let her down. After all, Elle was extremely self-sufficient and hardly asked for anything from him, rather always wanting to give.

It was finally time for him to fulfill one of her wishes, and he would do it to his typical preferred level of perfection.

As such, Shadowheart directly pulled Elle into his embrace and turned her around. He placed a hand on her chin and slowly caressed it, puckering her ace ever so slightly as he wore a smile of confidence and superiority.

Shadow then be forward slightly and sniffed her neck slowly, and with great exaggeration, putting on a a face of enjoyment as he did so. The problem was that the face was utterly genuine rather than faked.

"Ah chat, do you know what my lovely Elle smells like? I could tell you if you beg." Shadowheart offered with a cruel smirk.

[Flames of Despair: My name was once used to torment others, now I have become the tormented!]

[Sheele Eona: God I wish that were me! God how I wish I could be so close to Goddess Elle!]

[Random NPC: God I want to sniff! I want to sniff!! I'll do anything, pay any amount, just for one chance!]

[Jin Makaka: I can't take it anymore!! Boss Shadow, Father Shadow, God Shadow, please tell us! I beg you!!]

Seeing the fellows start to lose their mind from jealousy and envy, Shadowheart smiled slightly. With the most cruel and heartless glint in his eyes, he kissed Elle's neck, making the woman whimper.

"I won't tell you. You're gonna have to spend every waking moment of your lives guessing, wondering what heavenly and divine scent this otherworldly beauty possesses that got me so enraptured."

Another wave of blood spurted pout across the world, and many became slightly injured despite not even entering a fight.




More screams and hatred and rage sounded out, leaving Shadowheart amused. He simply continued to tease Elle, making her squirm and shake in a very attractive way that caused those who had been fawning over her to salivate.

But when they knew their Goddess was being toyed with in another man's arms, they couldn't help but be filled with pain. It was like their lungs was full of sewage and their eyes misted over by poison.

By the side, Misery, AP and Night could only look on with a chill in their hearts. They had long thought they were the most cruel hearted fellows, but they forgot that every member of the Golden Savages was a 'savage' when the situation called for it.

Shadowheart and Elle were usually more reserved with the cruelty, so they had underestimated them. However, this situation could be described as destroying an entire nation through a set of actions!

Misery and AP shared a look and a despicable smile appeared on their faces,. They came closer to Elle and Shadow and adopted the posture of bystanders while shouting their thoughts.

"Damn! If it were me and I was watching my Goddess being played with by a man that is far better than me in every regard, I would just delete my account and become homeless!"

"Sigh, my heart shakes for all those who have dreamed of her before this day. All those dreams shattered and gone. Why continue to fight? Why continue to suffer?"

"Personally, I think its best to get revenge on the fellow. Trying to kill him is pointless, he can just come back and defile your precious Elle over and over again!"

"Damn, then how can we stop someone like this Brother Misery? Is there really no hope but to watch?!"

"No! There is always a way! Find his enemy and them donate all your assets to them! By supporting his enemy, you are making his life more miserable on the daily!"

"Genius, genius, Genius! But then how do we know who is enemy is? Those fellows at Umbra are so tightly knit and brotherly. No one else apart form those in that guild are qualified to torment him too!"

"Thats why I'll let you in on a secret. The fellow called Nightwalker who is hiding to the side is actually Shadowheart's worst enemy, but people don't know that because we keep it a tight secret."

"Damn! I always knew something was up! How could those so-called Golden Savages group be so tight knit? Its probably a ruse to fool people! So you're saying that in order to punish and exact revenge on Shadowheart, we should donate all our assets to Nightwalker?"

"That's right! And quite the game and delete your character after doing so. Start afresh with a new character and cleanse your heart of the pain that ails you. Its guaranteed to work 100%!

"Grrr… I'll do it! By God I'll do it! I just want to see that Shadowheart fellow suffer! I don't care about the price or what I have to do as long as he suffers!"

"That's the spirit! He will suffer, he will suffer so much that you will wake up everyday laughing with joy!"

"Great! Say no more, I'm off to donate everything to Nightwalker and then delete my account!"

After saying this much, Misery and AP scurried away out of the camera's range and grabbed Nightwalker as they did so. The fellow could only smile bitterly when he saw that he was captured by these tow hooligans and used in their dastardly plot again.

As for Shadowheart and Elle, their faces changed slightly as they felt fear. They had only teased the general public a little and caused some broken hearts, but not everyone on the stream would be so shattered.

However, in the height of their negative emotions, Misery's and AP's words were like the signing of heavenly angels to them, giving them ideas that they otherwise would have never considered.

Immediately, many reacted.

[Bad Otaku: God, they're right! Rather than waste time trying to attack this fellow, why not torment him through his enemy!]

[Ninja Zac: I'm gonna do it! It make so much sense to me! I'm gonna make him suffer!]

[Business Ad: I have already given everything to the player called Nightwalker. I am now going to delete my account and restart. Good luck boys and I cant wait to see this bastard suffer!]

[Plus Ultra: Me too!]

[Casual Player Here: Me Three!]

More players admitted to having sent to Nightwalker and restarting their accounts, so the amount of viewers dropped rapidly until about half were left.

In other words, over 50 million players had fallen for the bait and had been switched up!

Immediately, the world lit up and Misery as well as AP noticed that a screen had appeared before them.

「System to Player Announcement

Player Misery and Player AP_Berzerker, congratulations for having gaslit and tricked over 50 million players at once during a very popular livestream! You have gained the title: Gentlemen of Honor and Truth!」

「Gentlemen of Honor and Truth – Special Rank

80% increase to all charisma based attempts.

3% chance to instantly charm a player and make them believe anything you say.

Immune to all gaslighting and charisma based skills from others.」

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