Guild Wars

Chapter 965 Homie Reunion

At this time, while everyone was doing their various things in the real world and in Boundless, two nefarious fellows were currently wearing hooded cloaks as they sat in a cave.

One of the two fellows turned to the other and spoke in a voice filled with malevolence.

"Shit-eating lizard, is it finally ready?"

The other fellow, who was usually far larger but had shrunk himself down to this size, replied with an irritated tone.

"Shut up you stupid cat, of course, it's ready. Do you think the past weeks we spent working had was for fun?"

The two fellows pulled down their hoods at this time, revealing aged, wizened and- Ptui! What a lie!

It was the face of two youthful hooligans of extraordinary nature. There was nothing too evil, too chaotic, too despicable for them. They had absolutely no bottom line!

One the left was a golden lion with a burly and muscular body filled with power. Any lioness that saw him would feel her womb twitch with desire, but it was too bad that while the exterior was great, the interior was decrepit.

It was said that one time, a Rank 7 Zombie God had once passed by this fellow while muttering 'nnneedd… braiinss…', took a good look at the fellow who was lying there, and continued onward with his hunt.

As for the other fellow, it was a Dragonoid who had bright red scales and shiny golden eyes filled with thoughts beyond mortal comprehension. The fellow was buff and perfectly sculpted, a pinnacle Draconic male.

Unfortunately, just like the other one, the exterior was fine, but the interior required maintenance.

It was said that this fellow once got into a High IQ debate with the Rank 7 Tilted God for philosophy. After 7 days and nights, the Tilted God flew out of his building while spurting blood, clutching his head and wailing that he had been knocked down to Rank 1 due to a loss of all his IQ.

Who else could it be but Clarent and Qiong Qi?

These two had disappeared the moment Draco had returned from the Tower and had not been seen since. The question was, what had they been up to all this while and why were they now relevant?

Well, the answer lay in the gigantic magic circle that had been drawn before them using chalk, oil, blood, and a bit of dung.

"Motherfucker, why is there dung in the circle then?!" Clarent roared as he asked.

"Bitch, you try and enter the town and go but materials. When they see me, every dog and cat wants to tame me as a mount due to my handsomeness. You know how hard it was to break me out of that dog palace of that Rank 7 fellow last time." Qiong Qi retorted with complaint.

Clarent was speechless. "And if I go what do you think will happen? A whole pure-blooded Dragon, I might cause the entire continent to rise up with lustful eyes."

Clarent and Qiong Qi glanced at each other and sighed deeply. At the same time, they titled their heads to the sky with lofty looks filled with vicissitudes, folding their arms together with deep sentiment.

"Its hard being so handsome!" They lamented together at the same time.

"Are you sure this will work?" Qiong Qi came down from his 'visionary' state and asked with worry.

"Hmph, this has to work. This is a secret of my Dragon Clan that only the top warriors could know. The poor quality of materials means that 'he' will be weaker than his peak, but that's exactly what we want anyway." Clarent replied with budding excitement.

Qiong Qi was not convinced and still hesitated, causing Clarent to fly into a rage and thwack him on the head. "Bitch, after coming so far, you're chickening out at the last step? This is our only chance to get revenge on that bastard Draco!"

Qiong Qi clutched his head and seemed unwilling. "But really, why do we bother? We never win against that fellow and things always backfire. Why don't we bury our hatchet with him forever and go back in peace?"

Clarent was silent, and began to hesitate. He thought about it and realized that Qiong Qi was right and that this would likely backfire. Thinking about the feeling of being beaten up by Draco again, he found that he was unwilling to experience it again.

Clarent's face changed many times within a short period, and he eventually sighed and drooped his shoulder. "Fine, you're right. Let's head back and try to let this matter go. Draco may have abused us on the tower, but it was in good faith, right?"

"Right, right. Friends tend to mess around like this. It's normal." Qiong Qi nodded with certainty.

Eventually, the two covered their complete magic circle and packed up to leave. As they had chosen a place far from Vita Kingdom that was also near the Secret Realm leading to Qiong Qi's true self's World Boss area.

As such, it took them a while to get back, almost 2 days. Even though they could fly with Clarent at full speed, many hungry fellows lusting after a Dragon tried to interrupt them but were either beaten up, swindled, or left in the dust from high-speed escaping depending on their power level.

When they arrived at the bustling Vita Kingdom that was full of life, the two fellows felt emotional, because they had been here when this magnificent Kingdom was still a settlement.

Thinking back, their adventurers and journey with Draco had been full of laughs, love, and joy. It was actually weird that they only remembered the bad parts and focused on them.

Draco had actually done a lot for them and had shown them great kindness, first by resurrecting Clarent and then allowing Qiong Qi to materialize in reality instead of dissipating with the Unique Quest.

Yet, all they could ever think of was how to hurt him and get back at him!

They couldn't help but feel deeply ashamed of their antics and behavior these past few weeks, and they decided to smartly pretend that nothing has happened.

Soon, they descended on the Aether Palace and entered the Anomaly Realm at the bottom. There, they saw Draco in the Morningstar family intermission building, lazily basking in the non-existent sun and artificial heat.

When Draco saw Qiong Qi and Clarent, his face displayed shock and awe, then excitement. He almost had tears in his eyes as he rushed over to them with a desperate look.

Qiong Qi and Clarent were surprised but touched by Draco's reaction, and also rushed over with tears in their eyes. Three snot-filled fellows were about to collide when Draco suddenly paused vigilantly as if he remembered something.

"Hmph, Qiong Qi, show me your stomach! I know you're hiding world-ending level gas in there!" Draco questioned with a sharp look.

Qiong Qi's expression became ugly. He knew he had been caught because this was his backup plan to vent the last bit of his anger toward Draco.

You might be asking, what the fuck did this stupid lion think this retarded and frankly unfunny gimmick would work? Well, the definitely of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Obviously, Qiong Qi was not exactly sane.

Draco pointed to a space crack he created. "Hmph, release it in here, or don't even think about coming back home!"

Qiong Qi could only tsk and walk over with chagrin, placing his butt into the space crack and then pushing with all his might. His face whet red with exertion, as it was clear that this one had brewed for a long time and was almost solid!

With a roar of power and might, Qiong Qi's body shuddered and almost broke apart, and even the space crack in which his butt had partially entered began to wobble as if it had been hit with a megaton explosion.

After about two seconds of euphorically pushing everything out, Qiong Qi sighed with a kind of relief that anyone could understand, he even visibly lost weight! He then twerked his bum a little and pulled out of the space crack, which Draco quickly closed to prevent the horror inside from coming out.

Draco had a severe expression as he sensed that the space inside was extremely volatile and likely to only last a short while. Even when he casually tried to sense what was inside, he felt an aura that made him feel fear in his bones.

No, he had to empty what was inside somewhere or something terrible would happen!

Thinking like this, Draco teleported right on top of the Water Elf clan that he had previously made a deal with. He then detonated the space crack in the sky and ran without even daring to see what would come out.

The Water Elves who had been injected with new life thanks to the money Draco paid for the map were renovating, building, and generally thriving! The men, women, and children were happy, full of smiles, and knew that the future was endlessly bright!

At this moment, they all saw the world above them dark, and the sun seemed to be blotted out by something. They all looked up at the same time and their pupils constricted as they saw something that their minds couldn't even comprehend.

Today, the Water Elf clan received a grim reminder…

When Draco reappeared before Clarent and Qiong Qi, he felt like he had released something that would come back to haunt him later, but he refused to believe anything could trouble the 100% bloodline him.

Hmph, hmph, if he released his full power, the entire world would shatter. How could some mere fart harm him?

"Right, where were we? Oh yeah!" Draco muttered before he burst into tears and snot and rushed to hug the two fellows, who also resumed what they were doing before being stopped.

When they hugged, they wailed and cried while shouting 'brother!!', 'I missed you so much!!' and 'stop touching my ass!!'

Their nosiness irritated many family members nearby who wanted to throw a shoe to whack them. Eventually, they calmed down and began laughing amiably.

"Sigh, how I have missed you two. The world just isn't the same without you." Draco stated with a kind expression.

"I know right. We've been thinking entirely about how to help you in this time, but our efforts were futile before the evil of others!" Clarent also sighed as he lied through his teeth.

Qiong Qi shook his head with lament. "Let's not talk about this, now that we are back with brother Draco, everything shall be as it were in the past!"

The three laughed uproariously again, picturing their next few days causing trouble. They couldn't wait to torment innocent souls who deserved better!

Suddenly, Draco sighed. "You know, recently I have bonded with a new wife and she had been taken away from me by an evil World Will. I have been on tenterhooks waiting for her to come back, but I simply cannot calm myself down normally."

Clarent and Qiong Qi's faces changed as they felt Draco's grip on them became powerful, and they could barely move.

"Draco, what are you doing??"

"Let me go and explain what the meaning of this is?"

"Since I'm so distraught, my only way to calm down is to beat up someone. Thankfully, I have my two best pals to take the world-shattering blows for me!" Draco revealed as he smiled evilly.

"No wait!"

"Not the face, not the face!!"


After about ten minutes of such horrendous sounds, the gate of the Anomaly Realm opened and two bloodied and bruised fellows were kicked out while spitting blood through the air.

One could only hear Draco's malevolent laughter as they were sent out, and the portal closed.

The two lumps of meat shook and barely managed to rise to their feet. A light of hatred shone in their eyes as they grit their teeth.


"Follow me." Was all Clarent said, his voice icier than hell itself.

Tsk, tsk, this time Draco went too far and provoked who he shouldn't have. Can he survive what comes next?

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