Guild Wars

Chapter 957 Sweeping Li City 2

Eventually, she reached the gates of Li City and showed her token once more. Where she previously flew over arrogantly without a care for anyone, including the city's laws and customs, now she had to obediently pass through the front since she had goods with her.

Of course though, as an Eternal, she didn't have to line up or go through so many troublesome processes, and her identity as part of the Mercenaries Pavilion also smoothened things out. The various vehicles manned by the golems filed into the city and followed Shuangtian casually.

Now that she was back, she felt somewhat relieved and decided that it was time to sell all this stuff. She first returned to the Mercenaries Pavilion to mark the mission as done, otherwise she couldn't claim the things she was about to sell.

Once it was processed and approved, she left and entered the commercial area once again. Many store owners saw that she had a lot to sell and solicited her, but when they sensed her Eternal aura, they shied away fearfully.

Shuangtian eventually passed by the store she entered earlier, but she saw that the entire area had collapsed and been ruined severely. There were a lot of dead bodies and a cleaning crew was currently fixing the area while the rest was blocked off.

From the chatter of the nearby crowd, Shuangtian could tell that a shop employee had gone berserker and summoned an Eternal monster into the city to kill his boss, and the fallout from a single strike caused all this.

Shuangtian shook her head and continued till she saw a tall pagoda in the center of the business area. This should be the central shop of the Merchant's House faction in Li City.

Shuangtian took a look and entered the place that was bustling with people. Before she could even cough, an attendant rushed over to her, seeing that she was a first-timer and his eyes lit up when he saw how stunning Shuangtian was.

He bowed, greeted her, and asked her what she wanted to do today, so Shuangtian pointed to her line of vehicles that were taking up a part of the road and gaining the envy and greed of the people around.

However, no one dared to go up and steal because each vehicle was driven by an Eternal Golem while another hung in the back to monitor the goods. There were even various corpses Shuangtian had ignored that lined the road from where she entered to here.

They were people who thought they could filch just one item and get away with it or that their backing or power was sufficient to do anything they wanted in this city, but they were now unceremoniously dead because the golems didn't care and Shuangtian didn't care.

The attendant gulped and lost all his thoughts earlier, adopting a servile posture as he rushed to call the manager. A small boy like him didn't dare to serve an Eternal.

Shuangtian furrowed her brows with annoyance and was about to capture a random worker to unload the goods if anything when a strong Semi-Eternal power aura appeared before her.

It was a skinny man with sunken cheeks, pale skin, and a gloomy outlook. He wore a tweed suit and had his hair combed and piled, but he wasn't even close to handsome with such a configuration.

He adjusted his tie, smiled - or thought he did what we normal people called a smile - and greeted Shuangtian.

"Hello, Madam Eternal. I am the Manager of the Treasure and Trade Pagoda of Li City. I have been informed that you have a large volume of precious goods you wish to sell to us, is this correct?"

Shuangtian smiled. "That is correct."

The Manager looked behind her, saw the length of vehicles and the heap of goods, and marveled. "And I am correct in believing that the goods in those vehicles, protected by those majestic monsters, are yours? And that you wish to sell them all?"

Shaungtian's lips twitched. "That is correct."

He then clapped his hands and sent a wave of workers forward to handle the goods. "Great, then we shall begin the valuation."

While the workers began to unload and sent the goods to appraisers, the manager engaged Shuangtian in a light chat.

"Please follow me to the VIP area."

Shuangtian nodded and followed the fellow up various escalators and elevators to reach a small lounge that was as luxurious as she expected. After seating themselves on opposite sides, the manager smiled politely.

"Forgive me for asking so many questions earlier, when dealing with important and powerful clients, you have to be sure of their intentions, otherwise you might offend someone unintentionally."

Shuangtian waved her hand boredly. "I want to buy information, rent a residence to stay and have peace and quiet from all factions while I am quartered here in Li city."

The Manager's eyes flashed and he smiled. "We are the Merchant's House, we dare to sell anything you want. Just let me know what kind of information, what kind of residence, and what should be in it as well as how deep the peace and quiet should be."

Shuangtian nodded. "Firstly, I need a full map of the entire plane the most detailed one you have, and secondly, I need the full list of information on all personnel in and around Li City who are of importance,  as well as the distribution of monsters and forbidden areas of significance in and around Li City."

"As for the residence, I want something mid-range that is close to the Mercenaries Pavilion. Finally, peace and quiet should prevent any faction or force from disturbing me for gains, information or membership. If I am approached by anyone of any power level for any reason, I will do my best to kill them even if it means razing Li City down." Shuangtian concluded coldly.

The Manager felt sweat accumulate on his back as he thought of her threat and the fact that even he, as a Semi_Eternal, could raze the city down, much less her.

As such, he called a few aides to prepare what she wanted while they waited. Some delicacies were served for them to eat and Shuangtian partook in them because why not.

After chatting for a while, in which the Manager mostly spoke about the things Shuangtian should take note of, the items had been counted and valued. The final value came to 900 billion Tokens, which was the name of the currency used on this plane.

The Manager was startled slightly by this amount, and couldn't help but wonder where Shuangtian got all this wealth from. However, he knew better than to ask and presented her with the money in a spatial ring that had almost 3000 cubic meters of space for free.

Finally getting a storage item, Shuangtian was thoroughly satisfied. She paid for the things she asked for, namely the comprehensive map and information, the residence, and the warning to all other factions and persons.

This didn't even cost her more than 30 million tokens overall, and the majority of the cost came from the residence. After all, the place she was asking for was quite expensive since it was close to the center of the city, and the land there was worth its weight in gold.

The moment she was done, she bid farewell to the Manager and desummoned her golems before taking to the sky. She left Li City less dramatically this time and headed towards the area with the Dire Wolves that formed a pack.

It only took her less than an hour at full speed to arrive at the plains where they were said to exist. True to the information, there were over 500 dire wolves of the Origin rank and one alpha that was at the peak of the Rank.

When they maximized their power and concentrated it into their alpha, it could temporarily reach the Pseudo-Eternal rank, which was enough to allow it to run rampant among everyone below the Eternal Rank.

When Shuangtian arrived above them and inspected them slowly, the Dire Wolves seemed to sense her presence and looked up. Seeing that a True Eternal had come, they knew they were in for a deadly battle, but they did not flee yet.

The Alpha bayed coldly and got the wolves into formation, directly bringing out their strongest power as they waited for Shaungtian's next move. After all, they couldn't fly, now could they?

Shuangtian naturally called down her Golems once more, this time only bringing out 10. She wanted to see the combat effectiveness and train synergy between the various elements.

Finally having a target, the Dire Wolves howled and charged. The Golems also rushed forward and clashed with the beasts using fits, legs, and elemental power.

From Shaungtian's point of view, the battle was mostly even. While the Golems could easily mow down any Dire Wolf that attacked them, the wolves themselves were glowing with a red color and seemed to have been stimulated by something as their attacks were willing to trade injury for death.

They ripped off chunks of the golems with their claws and teeth even if it hurt them to do so and cost them their life eventually, so they were actually wearing their foes down.

Shuangtian let the golems fight on their own at first, which was why this scene appeared, but then she began to directly control them to merge attack and time their advances with each other, and the situation changed drastically.

Where the battle could be barely called even as the number of wolves dwindled but the golems also sustained significant damage, now it was just sad as the wolves were dying without doing anything substantial.

The alpha wolf saw this and rushed forward, charging at full speed until it became a blur as it blasted into the body of an earth golem, tearing a hole through its insides and snatching its core.

It then glanced at Shuangtian casually and then snapped its jaw, crushing the core to bits. The earth golem then disintegrated and disappeared reducing the number of enemies by one.

The Wolves howled with respect, joy, and mocking towards Shuangtian, and there was a hint of challenge in the Alpha Wolf's eyes. It was telling Shuangtian to stop playing tricks and come and fight like a real woman!

Shuangtian naturally raised an eyebrow in surprise, and then smiled beautifully. She lowered herself to the ground and stood with her arms folded, glancing at the Alpha Dire Wolf with an amused look.

The Alpha's eyes gleamed with excitement. If it could take this woman down or at least, trade injuries with her enough to make her feel dismayed and leave, then the pack could survive this calamity!

As such, it concentrated and focused more than it had in its entire life and then rushed toward Shuangtian. Every step brought out all the latent power in its body and it even seemed to dig into its bloodline.

The Wolves around began to sway and howl majestically, sending all their energy and even bits of their lifeforce to their Alpha, knowing that this was a crucial time for the pack.

As such, the Alpha Wolf's red color changed to bright gold, seeming to have broken through its limits and ascended past what a normal wolf could do… it was the Legendary Super Wolf!

With such power, it had actually climbed to the Semi-Eternal Rank and even an Eternal would feel a bit of danger from this. However, Shuangtian just stood there and took the attack from the glowing gold Alpha wolf which aimed to rip through her body like it did the golem.


Naturally, when it collided with Shaungtian's body, the Alpha Dire Wolf burst into pieces, its former golden aura dissipating as its flesh and blood flew everywhere as if it had collided with an oncoming train at full speed.

The Alpha Dire Wolf had killed itself using its own momentum!

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