Guild Wars

Chapter 953 Cyrus Trueblood

Amelia Rothschild. The direct niece of the Fifth Councilor and one of the new generation heirs of one of the world's most powerful families. Ever since she was young, she was given the strictest and most elite training to grow up into a capable descendant of their illustrious family.

Amelia had never once complained or faltered, believing in the brainwashing she had received that she was a scion who was born into a family destined to rule the world. As such, she grew to be firm, determined and extremely decisive, leading Superhuman to challenge Supernatural wantonly.

However, today she felt like she was just another girl on the street, because her chaotic mind and surging emotions made her feel all over the place and overwhelmed.

The emotions she had believed to have sealed under lock and key had broken out and were rioting in her head, the law enforcement that usually restrained them beaten to death and defeated.

She looked at Cyrus opposite her and thought of when she first met him. The fellow probably didn't remember, but he had been a broken down wreck after the court decided that he was criminally insane and killed his entire family for refusing to let him do what he wanted.

Amelia had seen him head on and while one had been able to see the insane part at the time, there had been no element of a criminal, just darkness in his eyes that showed that he had lost his soul.

Amelia had felt pity for him, because he was far from being the first patient they had acquired who had discovered their powers, only to end up unable to control them, ending up hurting their loved ones.

However, he was just exactly her age, her peer even and while not on the same scale, he too stemmed from a wealthy family. According to the files, Cyrus had been extremely close to his family and his father had treated him as his direct successor in every way.

How could such a person snap and kill everyone? Even the jury knew there was something fishy, but Amelia had used her power to force a judgment so she could acquire this likely super powered person.

The later events had proven her right, especially with Cyrus' testimony in the court that his parents and family had simply exploded upon touching him. Such a story had made the prosecution laugh at the silliness of it but the evidence had showed that it was no laughing matter.

If Amelia hadn't picked him up and away, they likely wouldn't have even known what to do with him.

After picking him up, Cyrus had been like a vegetative person, strapped onto his restraining chair as they had performed all sorts of experiments on him, but forget reacting, it was like he couldn't recognize the people before him on a day-to-day basis.

After finding various extraordinary results, they had placed him as a priority subject, but they could not even pierce his skin due to a strange film of energy and all those who tried to harm him would suffer double the backlash.

His invincibility became their main point of research and they locked him in a room with weapons continually firing at him to see how long he would last. Initially, it was only a few knives and the occasional attack, but the more he proved to be able to tolerate, the more they probed with stronger and more violent methods.

During all this, Cyrus hadn't reacted much but his consciousness had been coming back day by day, and the group realized the pressing issue. With Cyrus' power, if he ever came out, they were likely in deep trouble.

He had already spent almost 4 real-life years in their facility after the death of his family and their rich assets had long been cut up and shared by various vultures and enemies.

Not to mention if he remembered all the tests and things they had done to him, he would likely be filled with hate and a desire to kill, so they needed a way to suppress him.

Lo and behold, the announcement of Boundless World last year. Amelia hadn't put much thought into it before authorizing them to put a Virtua Helmet on Cyrus's head.

Luckily for them, the 16 hour limitation on normal people for play time never worked on Ghost as he was never evicted for some reason, likely because his body could handle being in the game 24/7.

So while they continued their tests on his invincibility, Ghost began playing Boundless from Day 1, but due to his mindless state, he was inconspicuous during the era of Draco's early exploits breaking the game.

He remained like this, aimlessly wandering about Boundless' world and not really doing much until one day, Amelia didn't know what happened, but a short while after Boundless was out, Cyrus's body suddenly shuddered so strongly he almost shattered the restraining chair.

A great purple light shone around his body and the image of a nine-headed hydra suspected to be Orochi from Japanese folklore appeared above him and roared with joy.

After that day, Cyrus seem to have awoken and become a new person. He didn't seem to remember anything from before and began to live a lax and lazy life within Boundless World.

He seemed to have no troubles or concerns and his threat level reduced so greatly that the security personnel assigned to watch him decreased with each passing week until the day he suddenly broke out of Boundless and took a stroll through their facility.

That day, he didn't kill anyone, and he even appeared in the conference room of the facility. Luckily, Amelia and the other board members had been informed so they could ad-lib things and meet him through a screen.

Seeing Cyrus who had transformed from a half-dead, wretched and dead-eyed youth to a young man full of life, confidence and nonchalance was amazing and moving for Amelia.

Not only that, but he had this look in his eye when he looked at her and it made her heart trace uncontrollably. Shockingly, he went right back into captivity after their 'first' meeting, and was generally well-behaved since then.

It was only when the God Serpents raided the Elemental Group and then fought Sengo Muramasa to try and kill Maria that Amelia realized that Cyrus was not something she could handle and was a part of a group she could not fathom.

As a Rothschild, and since it was the Rothschild faction that had been challenged, of course she was privy to this information. She kept this from the board of Superhuman because it was none of their business and because… well, she didn't know why else.

Things went out of hand when Cyrus disappeared from their facility for two weeks to around today. They had scrambled to find him everywhere and they initially did when they found the footage from China, but Draco and Eva reversed time and replaced the events, so Amelia lacked those memories as it was part of a reset timeline.

And now, out of nowhere, Cyrus appeared in his old room of captivity. This was bad news because what if he had regained his memories and was here for revenge?

The first plan was to evacuate Amelia and the board and delay Cyrus, but Amelia knew this was futile as Cyrus and the faction behind him could find her anywhere if they wanted to.

As such, Amelia had directly just got up and away from her security who were protesting the whole time and told them to stay back. She didn't know why she was filled with this sudden impulse, but she came before Cyrus… alone.

This was the first time they were face to face with Cyrus being lucid and responsive. She was overwhelmed with many thoughts and emotions as she thought of the history, and the events that led to this moment, as well as the knowledge of the power he had and what he could do.

All of this culminated into one word, his name being uttered from her mouth with many emotions and a heavy weight behind it. Amelia expected many things in response, but not Cyrus repeating her name in the same manner with an amused tone.

In that moment, many thoughts passed through her head and the track 'you didn't have to cut me off' seemed to be playing in the background.

Amelia felt deflated and defeated, and her shoulder slumped. Seeing this, Ghostpro was stunned as he didn't know why this strong woman was suddenly like a balloon with a puncture.

He could only cough and get down to why he came here.

"Right, come to think of it, as I recall you told me that you were the head of Superhuman? What exactly is the goal of this organization and what exactly do you want?"

Amelia perked up slightly at that. "I lead Superhuman, yes, but I didn't create it. Also, my goal it to understand the true meaning of power as well as the way to acquire it."

Ghost raised his eyebrows and smiled. "No need for a whole organization to do that. I can show you myself."

With that, Ghost disappeared from his spot, grabbed Amelia by the waist and teleported them out. His movements were so fast that none of the security personnel outside the room stood a chance to react in any way. The moment they understood the severity of their situation, they fell into a severe panic.

As for Ghost and Amelia, they were currently high up in the atmosphere, overlooking a random mountainous region near Tibet. The high mountains were filled with ice and cold, and Amelia began to shiver.

Ghostpro simply waved his hand and a barrier of fire surged around them, cutting off the outside cold and making the areas where they stood warm. No longer freezing, Amelia finally had time to digest what was going on and turned to Ghostpro after marveling at her surroundings.

"Where are we? And why did you bring me here?" She asked with a puzzled expression.

Ghostpro smiled. "You wanted to know what power is and what its source is? I'm here to show you."

He led Amelia to the side where they could see endless hills and glaciers below as the area stretched before them. It was a harsh tundra with very little life due to the stormy winds and the blood freezing cold.

Seeing the raw power of nature, Amelia was overwhelmed and moved, thinking that this was what Ghost wanted to show her. If that was the case, then she was only somewhat enlightened, but this wasn't exactly what she was looking for.

Ghostpro raised a hand and aimed towards the tundra below. "Let me show you what real power looks like."

Before Amelia could ask what he meant, she saw a huge gout of flame the size of twenty skyscrapers fire from Ghost's outstretched fist, washing over the tundra down below and sweeping through it wantonly.

The entire area was cooked and sizzled, huge amounts of mist and vapor rising up as the ice turned into water.

By the time Ghost stopped, the entire tundra had turned into a small sea, and the water was beginning to move restlessly. It was likely that in a few days or even weeks, one of the nearby towns or cities near this area would experience a flood of cataclysmic proportions.

Amelia just stood there, stupefied. Before she could even begin to contemplate what her eyes had just showed her, Ghost stretched out his other hand and fired a gigantic wave of ice down to the very same small sea, turning it right back into an icy tundra.

Apart from a few scorched hills and collapsed icebergs, one would think that this place was the exact same as it was before. The calamity that would have come from the melting got fixed the very next moment.

Ghostpro pulled back his hand with a casual and nonchalant glance fitting his usual self and placed his hands on the back of his waist lazily.

"Now Amelia, you should have seen it for yourself. Running an organization or doing the bidding of your family is not true power but merely power by proxy."

Ghost pointed to the now icy and silent tundra.

"What you just witnessed, the ability to change nature itself on your mere whim, THAT is true power."

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