Guild Wars

Chapter 1100 The Fundamentals Of Eternals 2

Shuangtian listened to Anubesetesh with a raised eyebrow. "So theoretically, anyone can become an Eternal as long as they put in enough hardwork?" 

Anubesetesh nodded. "That's is somewhat right. It is a bit more than hardwork and also requires comprehension ability, because to upgrade from Origin to Eternal, one needs consummate understanding." 

"Then what is the situation with us? I don't think we fit into the category you are speaking of." Shuangtian pointed out with a frown. 

Anubesetesh hesitated. "This is something that also baffled me for a while, but after watching your fight and spending some time observing you three, Ive come to understand something." 

"The three of you aren't actually Eternals, not in the proper and orthodox sense. To become an Eternal, there is a set process to follow. None of you have gone through that process." 

"In the case of a normal Eternal, whether he was born with the eternal talent or not, he would have to condense a seed of law to truly become an Eternal level lifeform and progress, or that talent would be wasted." 

"In the case of you three, you don't have seeds of law. In fact, as far as I can tell, you cannot even control basic laws, only able to use abilities passively without understanding the core rules behind them due to bloodline inheritance." 

"The reason you are considered eternals by the universe and even myself, is because you possess a definite Eternal talent, but that eternal talent is so powerful that it basically grants you the full scope of an Eternal's power without even reaching the Origin level as a lifeform." Anubesetesh concluded. 

Shuangtian's eyes narrowed greatly and her mind was shaken. She did not doubt Anubesetesh's words because she mindlessly believed him, but because everything seemed to click for her at this moment. 

She was also connected to Draco and Eva through their bond so they also received every bit of information she did and were processing it together. 

Shuangtian thought back to the worlds of the World Will of the Eternal World when Draco and Eva first descended. 

['Origin Being Draco and Origin Being Eva, I'm the Will of the Eternal World. After scanning your memories, you appear to be most familiar with this type of address, so I shall mimic it while dealing with you. It has been detected that you seek to obtain 'Eternal' level power, or something halfway to it. This is predicated on the fact that you possess 'Eternal' level talent. 

After scanning, it has further been found that you have two 'Eternal' level talents. 

One is your Chaotic Origin bloodline implanted by a being with weaker talent than yourselves. Your Chaotic Origin bloodline has since been upgraded to Chaotic Eternal bloodline due to the perfection of the fusion, hence it's one aspect of your Eternal talent… etc'] 

Then there was what it said when Shuangtian descended upon the Eternal World on her own. 

['Origin Being Shuangtian, I'm the Will of the Eternal World. After scanning your memories, you appear to be affiliated with the two Origin Beings turned Semi-Eternal, Draco, and Eva. As such, things should be relatively simple to explain to you using them as a backdrop. 

Just like them you possess two Eternal talents; A Chaotic Eternal Bloodline and the Unity of Body and Soul. Same as them, you have chosen to seek out how to bind your Chaotic Eternal Bloodline to the Origin of the Universe you came from, something which is possible here.'] 

Really, if you read in between the lines, the truth had been obvious from the start. When they were at 99% of their bloodline, still limited by their sub-human form, they were counted as Origin Beings at best. 

This was why their bloodline was called a Chaotic Origin Bloodline at first. 

That had been their previous limit, and they would have likely never encountered becoming Eternals if they never reached 100% or followed the beaten path Anubesetesh described. 

However, after unlocking 100%, they had upgraded to become Chaotic Eternal Bloodline. This allowed them to have the qualifications to easily become Eternals, and due to the sheer power of the bloodline, they were at the peak of power an Eternal could control. 

However, their Eternal Control had been so poor because putting aside the fact that they were simply relying on their bloodline, they didn't even have a full grasp of their abilities. 

So theoretically, even if they reached 100 points of Eternal Control, they still wouldn't be Eternals, but would have the power of one. 

It was basically the same thing as Combat Rank and Source Origin all over again. One denoted the raw martial power and the other denoted the state of life/energy generation ability. 

So they basically had the Combat Rank of an Eternal but not the Source origin or State of Being. This was the simple conclusion Draco, Eva and Shuangtian came to through their connection and found that it hit the matter right on the head. 


"In truth, it doesn't matter much. A normal person who climbs to the state of life of an Eternal Will start out with 1 Eternal Power, 1 Eternal Limit and 1 Eternal Control. From there, they will have to painstakingly increase the power of their seed of law and let it germinate to increase their power." 

"You however, have already gained the maximum power of an Eternal. You can freely use that power as long as you train up your control, and can even choose to condense a seed of law later on to raise your life level as well." Anubesetesh comforted with a sigh. 

Heh, in other words, it was just like if a budding Control user achieved Fake Tier 1. You might have only the Body of Godliness or the Void of Perfection, but because you have achieved one aspect required, you count as a Control master anyway. 

The exciting bonus was that achieving one part made it exponentially easier to achieve the other, almost making it a guaranteed acquisition. 

Thinking like this, Shuangtian settled down. "For now, it would be best to train our Eternal control with out current Eternal talent before thinking about the seed of law method." 

Anubesetesh nodded. "I thought same too. It is far wiser to grasp what is at hand than chase after what is ahead. In lieu of that, let me teach you some techniques in this regard…" 

Anubesetesh then spent the next while slowly helping Shuangtian eke out the power of her bloodline. Right now, the biggest stumbling block towards their Eternal Control were two things. 

The first was their efficiency in converting bloodline energy into power for their abilities. This meant that the speed, quantity, and consumption of their bloodline energy needed to be calibrated until they could reach an equilibrium. This was something that Anubesetesh could easily help with and was the focus of their training. 

The second was their bloodline tree's shadowed parts. In other words, the parts of their bloodline that they had not comprehended yet. While bloodlines worked through a passive understanding, these still needed a basic grasping of its essence. 

Otherwise, those form the lineages would not even need to train or learn any techniques, nor would they have need for teachers like Loving Aunt. 

As for this one, Anubesetesh could not much help, even if he wanted to. Even the beings in possession of this chaotic bloodline were confused and overwhelmed much less he who was an outsider. 

Besides, this involved the core secrets of the Evil Trio, so they'd much rather keep it to themselves. 


Meanwhile, Eva was seated on a throne, and arranged before her in separate seats based by ranking were the rest of the Morningstar Clan. In the front row were Zaine, Hikari and Roma, who had small seats by the side for their children, Loki, Kuro and Shiro, and finally Rosella. 

Behind them were the Goddess descendants who numbered 32. In the lead was Natasha, and in her hands were two different children. One was a young boy with dark black bird-like wings and a extremely handsome features and the other was still an infant, but his tiny black wings were starting to grow out. 

After that was Ophie who cradled a young girl with black hair like Draco in her arms, the two of them giggling. Beside Ophie was Lovelia, a Grandmaster turned God of the Interior Design Tradeskill. 

Her original boundless arrogance had been tempered after being taught a lesson by Draco, and motherhood had tempered her fiestiness as well. The brown-skinned red-headed pettanko held her similar brown skinned and red-haired son in her lap, using her chin to rub his head. 

Next to Lovelia was Potera, a half human, half naga beauty with huge breasts that were on par with Sublime and Loving Aunt. She was currently holding three little children in her arms, all girls with Draco's messy black hair, but their mothers silvery-colored eyes. 

Due to their Draconic bloodline, their lower bodies did not form naga tails but were scaly legs like a dragonoid. Next was Asha, a half human, half succubus with pink hair, dark skin like Zaine, and a fat ass, who also had a total of five children with her! 

Out of the concubines, she had been the one to seek Draco out the most for new children and had given birth 5 times in this same duration! All of them were cute little girls too, as both the Naga and the Succubi only gave birth to females. 

In fact, this was the case for all nymphs races, so one should not be surprised. 

Beside Asha was Vix, the sexiest of all the concubines with a body almost on par with Zaine while possessing the dark charm of Roma. She was a half foxkin beauty with blonde hair and sparkling purple eyes. 

She had only one child with her, a handsome young boy who had a playful expression on his face. His eyes were dark green like Draco's, but he had his mother's blonde hair. 

After Vix was Moira, a half serpentkin beauty who was quite elegant and reserved. She had also visited Draco multiple times due to her bloodline compulsion and have given birth to 3 children, all who were boys. 

Next to Moria was Lithe, a half catkin with cats ears and a tail. She had one child in her arms, a boy that was so cute that he could likely melt the heart of any evildoer. 

Next was a short fair skinned girl with small breasts but extremely wide hips, a half mermaid called Kio. She had her blue hair tied into a ponytail and held a baby girl in her arms who had a fish tail that was septate from her human legs. 

Next was Goma, a half goblin that was cute in appearance. She had only one child, a half goblin boy who looked more like a human but with goblin ears and teeth. 

Next was Sesa, a half orc babe who was tall and thick, also being very muscular. She had a berth of 4 half orc boys with her, because she also continually sought Draco out as was orc instinct. 

Seated beside Sesa and her litter was Noel, a half golem girl who had bits of rock on her arms and legs. She only held one child in her arms, a strong looking young lad with a confused and slow expression. 

In the seat beside Noel was Eishatherinomaker'oimnusthevor, or Eisha for short. She was a half-elf beauty with a timid demeanor who held one baby girl in her arms. Unlike her, her little elf toddler was extremely lively and out spoken, often found bullying her own mother. 

And finally, among the well know Goddess Descendants concubines was Chisa, a half fae with an extroverted demeanor and a relatively small body that was almost always airborne. 

She was quietly seated with her son in hand, another fae being with a slightly more sinister appearance due to the darker colors from his fairy dust.

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