Guild Wars

Chapter 1098 Anubesetesh's First Time

Meanwhile, Anubesetesh had also entered the world of Boundless, but not with his real body. He had also been given access to a pod in a special location and entered the game the same way the human race did. 

The AI was also more than happy to accommodate such a unique being, as while his body was in the pod, it could take this chance to analyze his various physiological details and add them into the lore of Boundless. 

Once he entered the game world, Anubesetesh marveled at the level of completeness of this digital world. As for the realism and all that, he wasn't too moved. 

After all, the Tomegamon were an ancient race that had been one of the top dogs of the Gerdo Galaxy for as long as it existed. They had seen and created technology far better than this in their prime, but they were mostly people of the arts. 

Anubesetesh did not appear in thew towns because that would be too conspicuous, even for the AI. It secretly created an instanced town for him to experience the early gameplay loop. 

Anubesetesh enjoyed this nice and fun experience. He didn't mind that he was secluded from the human players, as he knew he needed an identity with which to join them with, something that Draco and Eva were working on. 

So Anubesetesh surprisingly did not use is abilities or powers, only the game given weapons and his skills. As the Gold Sealer and God-king of the Tomegamon, you know for sure that his skills were peak. 

He redeemed two rare grade khopesh from the master package as well as a set of medium armor. He wore them and them redeemed his three free skill books for two attack skills and one control skill. 

Where the average player struggled and even some experienced players suffered, Anubesetesh was having a breeze. The ancient being felt like a young man again as he danced and weaved through monsters that attacked him with the full intent to kill him. 

Not only that, those monsters had insanely good battle instincts and tactics, often surprising even him. Anubesetesh couldn't help but feel that if the average human player could fully grasp dealing with such monsters, then the human race would become a race of top-tier warriors. 

One should know, the previous Gerdo Galaxy humans had been more of scientists and researchers than fighters, most of their fighting ability coming from technology and some bits of Control. 

Yet with this, they had dominated the galaxy so bad that for the first time since the various races became sentient, they all banded together to almost mutually perish with the humans. 

If the current humans could gain this level of warrior ability and regain their achievements with technology, then Anubesetesh could only mourn for those races in the Gerdo Galaxy. 

As for him, he was ambivalent. He was not necessarily some pacifist who hated combat or war, he just did not like needless genocide. Besides, this grudge was not something he had the right to step in. 

When the races ambushed the humans, he remained neutral and prevented Tomegamon from participating. When the races suffered defeat, he still remained neutral and did not capitalize on the situation. 

So since he maintained his neutrality then, he would do so now. 

Anubesetesh quickly leveled up after dealing with some monsters. He couldn't help but notice that a lot of these monsters were similar to the races of the Gerdo galaxy, just that they were severely stunted like they were born from defective genetics. 

Some were even bizarre mixtures of two or more races. Even though they were less powerful than their archetypes, if the humans gained enough experience fighting these things, they would be somewhat prepared to deal with the archetypes. 

A normal human would not realize this, and even the Evil trio only theorized it, but Anubesetesh could directly tell. This entire world was a military training simulator for the humans to deal with the aliens of the Gerdo Galaxy. 

This couldn't help but raise questions in his mind about this 'AI' and its mysterious creator. Anubesetesh made a mental note to investigate at some point, not out of anything but curiosity. 

Eventually, Anubesetesh reached level 10 and teleported to the city. He had allocated his tats and played like a normal player, and he had received a warrior related class called the 'Tomb Swordsman'. 

They were ancient Anubis-like warriors who wielded dual khopeshes and fought like Asuras from hell. Anubesetesh did not know what an Anubis was, but he liked this class. 

When he appeared, he directly came to Vita Kingdom. Yes, Vita was a city that players could materialize in after completing the level 10 run and come to the city for the first time. 

When Anubesetesh appeared, players only gave him a cursory glance before looking away. They assumed him to be a player who had race changed into a werewolf type race. 

Some directly took pictures and posted on the forums, joking about how the God of Death Anubis had come to life. Some others joked in the replies saying that Anubesetesh locoed more like the ancestor of Anubis if anything given his aura and demeanor. 

Anubesetesh did not notice this and slowly walked out of the Portal Center in the outer area of Vita Kingdom, walking through the streets like a normal person. 

He looked left and right, seeing the various races and people bustling up and down. He felt the various energies of the city and marveled at the diversity of it. 

In the real world, there was only Worldly Energy and Origin Energy. There was no Aetheric or Divine Energy, those had been designed and crafted by the AI to fill in the gaps, but even doing this was not something easy at all. 

Anubesetesh had also noticed that this planet the humans lived on was deprived of both Worldly and Origin Energy, as if the very will of the planet itself had sealed it to prevent its living beings from accessing it. 

Such a thing was utterly strange and very foolish. The living beings had only adapted to a world without energy and were flourishing, but sealing the energy would harm the planets growth. 

The humans likely thought that their development was causing harm to the planet, but they were just ants on a field at best. The real harm was being caused by the planets own decision. 

To compare, it was like starving yourself to kill a worm in your intestines. The idea was that if you didn't eat, it would eat and would starve before you. 

However, the worm simply began eating your internal organs and flesh instead while you continued to suffer and kill yourself. How dumb was that? 

The worst part was that the planet would eventually give in and have to release all that energy once more to prevent suicide. This earth that there would be a spiritual explosion in the far future. 

So all those fantasy authors who wrote about spiritual energy returning to earth, creating demons beasts from animals and granting humans superpowers were technically right. 

However, it wouldn't happen in the next few hundred years, so it was a wonder if humanity would even survive till then. 

The entire situation with earth was not right, but Anubesetesh was not going to interfere. Besides this planet, and this human race, had three powerful Eternals who were even slightly stronger than him in terms of upper limit, but their control was… 

However, he didn't judge them too harshly. He was also terrible when he started out and spent centuries refining and honing himself to become the pinnacle being he was today. 

Those fellow had barely lived more than 23 earth years, so having their current achievements was already considered a great thing. He wouldn't be surprised that with their talent and a bit of his guidance, they could achieve much more than he did in a shorter time. 

Anubesetesh was looking forward to it. He was a wise elder who only wanted to see the youth succeed, not to mention that this group possessed the origin of the Celestial and Abyssal laws. 

As someone who had been raised within the realm of purgatory, he understood just how important this two laws were on a universal scale, or he would not have rushed over here so quickly. 

Anubesetesh eventually bought some trinkets and curious with the money he earned from slaughtering monsters, causing the merchants to treat him with enthusiasm. 

Most players spent on weapons and various battle related goods to strengthen themselves and kill monsters better. They hardly ever encountered someone willing to spent of these miscellaneous things, so they saw hope of breaking the red from Anubesetesh. 

However, how could Anubesetesh not know what they were thinking? He rolled his eyes and thought that these natives were really underestimating him. 

He had even bargained with ancient chaotic terrors at the edge of the universe and come out unscathed… mostly. Did these mere mortals think they could fleece him? 

Anubesetesh left and ignored them, heading for the core area where he was told to meet up with the Evil Trio. The moment he crossed into the inner section, he saw how developed it was and how it far more controlled and civil here compared to the outer section. These were the residents and various VIP clans that had migrated to Vita Kingdom due to the benefits. 

They were a cut above the rest, but not so much so that they could be treated a true citizens. That was why when Anubesetesh inevitably walked into the core section, he felt the difference. 

Not only was the energy here the strongest, but the treatment and development was the greatest. He could also sense that the lives here were more strongly connected, forming a unique and almost familial bond that transcended blood. 

With a people spiritually connected like this, it would be extremely difficult for them not to rise. Even if they purposefully wanted to lag behind, they would find it very taxing to do so, while progressing was as easy as drinking water. 

Soon Anubesetesh saw the various residences and families of the members of Umbra. Most of them were out and about fighting the war of conquest, so they left their families behind who managed the properties. 

These families were filled with happiness and carefreeness, as if the idea that their loved ones could lose or die was a joke. After all, putting aside the fact that they were Immortal Adventurers, who were the members of Umbra? 

Were these something that could be deal with just because someone wanted to? 

Anubesetesh shook his head and reached the Aether Palace. It was truly a grand and expansive building, far bigger than any palace in reality on earth in the history of mankind. 

The enrage radiating fro m it made Anubesetesh marvel slightly. If such a building were to exist in reality, just how many races would froth at the mouth to fight for it? 

The necessity of energy was extremely perverse in the real world compared to Boundless. It wasn't even the same. Here, the Worldly Energy everyone took for granted could likely cause whole brotherhoods to fall apart in reality. 

When he stood before the palace, Vitae and Mortem appeared before him. Vitae was still as he was and so was Mortem. They radiated the aura of Draco and Eva specifically, but Anubesetesh was puzzled that he didn't see one that resembled Shuangtian. 

Of course, how could he know that the Evil Trio were fixing that issue right now? Shuangtian had gone to the center of the palace and placed her hand on the pedestal, having a bit of her bloodline source extracted and mixed with Aetheric Energy to form her own Aether Apparition. 

Where Vitae was green with red eyes and Mortem was yellow with blue eyes, Shuangtian's was white in color with purple eyes, and her voluptuous body had been perfectly recreated. 

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