Guild Wars

Chapter 1077 Battle Against The World Council 7

The core members eventually broke through the last blockade and entered the final chamber where they found Nathan Rothschild's projection on the wall facing them. Even though the fellow was confident in himself and his methods, it would be dumb to stay in the same room as such powerful fellows when he himself was but a normal elderly man. 

"Greetings, intruders. You have done well for mere members of the Lineages, killing all those innocent men and women whose only task was to protect my life on contract. You must surely be feeling like the heroes you are." Nathan addressed them with a mocking tone. 

The core members shared a look and then glanced at him. Shadowheart stepped forward and flourished his majestic cape slightly as he waved his left hand. 

"Greetings, Fifth Councilor Nathan. To be honest, it's pointless to try and attack us using morality, for we carry the mentality that whatever  we do or say is right and anyone that disagrees is wrong." Shadowheart replied succinctly. 

Nathan frowned while the others in the room had their eyes twitch. What kind of unreasonable, arrogant and despotic way of life was this?! Only you are right and everyone else is wrong?! 

Who in the world lived like this?!? 

Oh right, practically everyone did, only that they were at varying classes of society, so their impact was minor. 

"Well then, I would like to know why you spent so much effort to take my dear old life? It's not like I have that many years ahead of me, and compared to the lifespan you Lineage fellows possess why not simply wait it out?" Nathan asked with a confused expression. 

This was something that truly baffled him. The sheer power and energy they used to ambush him, and the different groups of Lineages and powers that had assembled meant that this overpowered group who should have been busy with their own infighting had called a truce. 

Even if it was just temporarily, the sheer implications of the Lineages working together was a scenario that frightened Nathan and Li Jian deeply, and they wished that they could scream to the other Councilors to drop a nuke on the estates of all the know Lineages, consequences be damned! 

These fellows banding together was a calamity as bad as the Primordials waking up, it couldn't be allowed to happen! 

Shadowheart smiled. "Mr. Rothschild, we do not care for your life. In fact, neither you nor Mr. Li or the ones with him hiding in the control room are our targets. All of you just happen to be innocent bystanders in this whole thing." 

The men in the control room froze from shock and then glanced at each other. These fellow could see them? Those walls in that chamber were made of the best materials to make Faraday Cage, believed to be able to seal all senses within. 

In truth, it did seal all senses, but it could not touch Control at Tier 4. Maybe Control at Tier 1 and below could be sealed, but above that? Forget about it. 

However, while Li Jian was surprised that he could be sensed, he soon became alarmed as he glanced at Nathan and saw his shocked expression. He then keyed into to what Shadowheart said, that neither he nor Nathan were his targets, so then… what were they after?! 

"Aren't you fellows an elite strike force sent by the Lineages to take down the World Council?" Nathan asked with a deep frown. 

"Haha, no. Only a few of us were born to the Lineages but none of us present represent them in any way. In fact, our dislike for them is something our both sides should have in common. No, we represent a smaller yet more dangerous group with private interests." Shadowheart revealed amidst his laughter. 

Nathan and Li Jian shared an uncertain look. A new faction?! Jesus Christ when will it come to an end?? Wasn't Earth already choked with so many different forces vying for supremacy already? 

"Let's cut to the chase, gentlemen. Who we represent does not matter at this very moment, as you will find out in due time. However, we've come here today to fulfill two objectives with varying levels of priority." Shadowheart continued without caring about how the two Councilors felt. 

"Firstly, and this is a mild priority, the head of Sengo Muramasa. His crimes are attacking Vita Kingdom and assisting in its siege." 

Shadowheart folded his arms behind his back and glanced at the wall, almost piercing through the metals to see the frowning samurai on the other side whose eyes showed deep hesitation. 

"Don't think just because you can run to the real world that you can avoid your punishment." Shadowheart concluded with a sneer. Making Sengo Muramasa's heart skip a beat. 

He finally understood, and then his expression became extremely ugly. Choosing to block Richmond that time was him being willful and causing trouble for Draco's faction after they had crossed him in the real world, just a spot of petty revenge. 

However, now that behavior from back then was biting him in the ass as it had created a death grudge which he could not escape. Sengo Muramasa's eyes flickered as he thought of countermeasures to his predicament. 

"As for our other target, she is the main reason for our visit and we won't leave without her. I hope you've had your fun, Maria, but it's time to pay your dues." Shadowheart declared as he slammed the butt of his staff into the ground. 

To this, the faces of everyone in the control room changed greatly as they turned to face Maria who was seated beside Nathan, her face pale and her expression utterly flabbergasted. She truly had no idea who these people were or why they were after her. 

Nathan also frowned deeply and asked the prudent question. "Why? What has Maria possibly done to your group that would warrant such a focus?" 

Shadowheart chuckled. "She knows better than anyone what she has done, this isn't a group issue or something necessarily of my faction, but more of a personal vendetta with which I called my superpowered friends to help me." 

Huh?! A personal vendetta? 

Nathan and Li Jian shared a look and were confused. Truthfully from the get go, they had always thought that they were the focus of this attack, and they had been wondering which powerful faction or persons they had crossed to warrant such a response. 

If it was the Lineages rebelling, then that would make sense as they were prime targets, even among the various Councilors. They had been planning ways to contact the other Councilors and let them know of the danger, but it seemed to be futile. 

They weren't even the focus, merely happening to be at the wrong place and the wrong time. Rather, it was the inconspicuous trophy wife Maria who was the cause of all this?! 

"Who are you?" Maria couldn't help but ask seeing that Shadowheart had said so much but not revealed who he was. 

When Shadowheart heard Maria's voice, a thread of killing intent burst in his eyes, but his smile remained genial as he explained himself. "Me? I guess you wouldn't recognize me now that I am a grown man. After all, grown men are not your taste, are they?" 

"Last you saw me, I was but a boy, a boy you toyed with and then sentenced to a life of suffering after he graduated from your 'stewardship'." Shadowheart concluded coldly. 

Maria's eyes widened. She was promiscuous sure, but she was also very picky. She had defiled more than a few young boys during her life time, but none were more memorable than a certain few. Among them was one boy who she remembered the most because of how things ended. 

"You!! You're Connor Baines!" Maria gasped out. 

"Bingo!" Shadowheart responded with a cold smile. 

Nathan turned to Maria questioningly and saw her pale face. She then turned to Nathan and spoke frankly. 

"There is no chance of reconciliation whatsoever. It can only end with the death of one party." 

Nathan paused and then nodded. He didn't ask any further questions because they were irrelevant. Knowing the ins and outs was no longer necessary because a severe death feud was a severe death feud, no amount of talking could resolve it. 

He turned to Sengo Muramasa. "So? Do you understand now? Apart from Councilor Li, no one here can escape what comes next, so get ready." 

Sengo Muramasa hesitated then nodded deeply. He understood that trying to run away would not save him, merely prolong the final date of the conflict, so he might as well fight for a chance of survival rather than run and live like a dog for the few days or hours he might get to keep his life. 

Li Jian was about to state his withdrawal when Shadowheart spoke once more. "Oh, and Councilor Li too must die. Not for any particular reason but because since we're already here, we might as well take out two Councilmen for the price of one straight up." 

This left the man speechless and his expression became black. He then turned to Nathan with a ferocious expression and growled. "Let's not waste an ymore time Nathan, do it!" 

Nathan agreed and pushed a button on his armrest that had appeared sometime during the conversation. 

"If that is how you feel then too bad. Let me carefully show you one reason why your Öineages are forced to swallow your grievances in before the world council." 

Nathan said this calmly and then watched as the Faraday Cage was filled with a strange set of waves that were like sound or brainwaves, technically intangible except that everyone could literally see these waves and they were of a red color. 

When those waves collided with the core members, their vigilant expression changed greatly as many fell to their knees or their butts in surprise. Even Shadowheart frowned deeply and was hunched over, trying his best to remain standing despite the weakness in his body. 

When he investigated it, he understood. However, Nathan, who was satisfied by the effect of his trump card, was happy enough to explain it himself. 

"Blood Suppression Waves. A special technological creation targeted at you bloodline wielders after decades of study. Since your power comes from your blood, we naturally counter your powers by suppressing the potency and flow of your blood." 

Nathan shrugged. "It's just that simple. See, is it not effective?" 

The core members were shocked speechless. Never in their lives would they have thought the overpowered bloodlines which could tear up both the real world and Boundless' world could be so simply suppressed like this. 

Of course, while it was suppressed, it was not gone, just weakened. At their level of purity and skill, they could still manifest great amounts of power enough to clear out any ambush, but then that ambush happened to be Sengo Muramasa who walked into the Faraday Cage while laughing, also swearing a special armband that made him immune to the waves. 

"Well, well, I didn't expect to see this. You wicked Immortal Adventurers of Umbra have chased me through two worlds in order to take my life, but what's this? A reversal has occurred and now you are on the floor." 

Sengo Muramasa shook his head with amusement. "As you lot are now, I can easily slaughter you all like pigs. Before you perish and go to the afterlife, make sure to repent for all your sins and be given a chance for salvation!" 

Sengo Muramasa charged forward heroically and slashed at Shadowheart, aiming to decapitate the fellow in one go and then set the stage for the slaughter that came after. Sengo even expected a last ditch effort to preserve their lives, because if their group could have trump cards, why couldn't Umbra's group have some as well? 

While he was watching out for any tricks, Shadowheart casually took in a deep breath and stretched a hand out to catch the blade. Seeing this, Sengo Muramasa sneered and understood that these fellows were likely on their last legs and could only muster a weak symbolic resistance. 

However, his expression naturally changed greatly to one of fear when Shadowheart easily caught the tip of the blade with a pinch of his index finger and thumb, smiling at him playfully. 

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