Guild Wars

Chapter 1075 Battle Against The World Council 5

The faces of all the guards in hiding around changed as their eyes rolled back into their head and blood gushed out of their ears. The stronger ones had their brains melt into goo that leaked from their orifices while the weaker ones had their heads directly explode. 

RamButt's face was ruddy with joy. It had been a while since he got a chance to express himself and he realized he was even far more potent than before. He viciously thought about saving a few lyrics to play for his 'brothers' and 'sisters' in Umbra, but ultimately decided to be the bigger man. 

The core members of Umbra were unaware that they had inadvertently dodged a calamity. 

RamButt explored the area slowly, noticing that apart from some exotic plants and pottery, this place was not likely to hold his target. As such, he unhappily rolled his eyes and left the place, heading to the central mansion. 


Money Lover, Happy Saint and Noble Writer had decided to explore the southern section of the estate, where the servants quarters were. It also happened to be the location of the barracks, so the deployment was quite fierce over here. 

Money Lover casually punched an enemy in his gut, his hand going through their body and coming out from the other side. He then casually pulled his hand out and shook the blood and intestines off with a disgusted look. 

"I need to find a more efficient way to kill. Unfortunately, I've spent too much time doing mercantilism to do combat training. Hm, after this, I should take the time to resolve this issue." 

Money Lover stated coldly as he pushed up his square rimmed glasses, pursing his flat yet thin lips and twitching his short nose. His dark green eyes were permanently narrowed, as if he was scrutinizing everyone before him and calculating their value. 

… yes, he was almost always doing that. 

He was extremely slim, not to the point of anorexia, but he was generally an average skinny guy build wise. Strangely, on top of that, his skin was a little pale, but not enough to match the likes of Hera or Joker, no. 

His hair was a slick back blond that was made flat and clean thanks to his meticulousness. He had the habit of wearing a business-like green suit, and he was even wearing one today on their attack. 

In Boundless, he was Umbra's Godly Merchant King, but in reality, he was a bestowed Lucifer Lineage inheritor, granted the Broker Dark Angel power by Draco. 

He normally did not use his bloodline for direct combat as that was not the best way to use it, obviously. While he could, he simply preferred to rely on Tier 4 Control to deal with such foes, and truthfully, it was more than enough. 

Meanwhile, Happy Saint was wholeheartedly using his bloodline as he pleased. In a battle where his foes were using hot weapons that spat endless amounts of lead towards him, Happy Saint was more than happy to collect the free metal flying his way. 

The rapidly fired bullets and rockets simply stopped before him as if they had met an invisible wall, turning around and returning at twice their speed to the ones who sent them over. Unlike Happy Saint though, the ones firring could not block the bullets and were torn to shreds or blown to pieces. 

The remaining soldiers were dumbfounded. In their eyes, Happy Saint was a handsome middle aged gentleman with a well-trimmed beard, his eyes showing wisdom and maturity, telling one of the wealth of experiences he had gained over his life. 

He was the kind of uncle that one could confide all their problems to and received the best and most down to earth advice. 

He had always been tall well built, traits that had been further magnified after he had accepted the Pangu Lineage bloodline. He looked like a noble gentleman with his custom robe-like attire along with those smile lines on his face as well as those gentle blue eyes that displayed kindness to the world. 

And yet this refined fellow was currently slaughtering them like pigs, his expression not even changing amidst the blood, screams and carnage! 

"Hello gentlemen, can we not do this? If you alert us to the location of the Fifth Councilor, we would allow you to leave in peace." Happy Saint offered with a kind smile. He happened to have a very masculine and baritone voice that made the few females in the area perk up. 

Even the males felt a tinge of jealousy, but their eyes turned to their officer who was conflicted. However, the officer looked to the right and became speechless. 

There, Noble Writer had manifested his astral avatar which was in its stage 2 form. This was equivalent to a half-body Susanoo, and it had Noble Writer's features with a book in its left hand and a pen in its right. 

The man himself glowed with a white light that coalesced behind and above him, forming the base of his Astral Projection. 

With the pen, it wrote into its ethereal book and then swiped forward, which caused the things it wrote to manifest in a similar form to magatama discs that struck the remaining soldiers in the direction he was facing and cause explosions which tore their bodies apart. 

What was crazy was that the fellow himself was only a young man with round rimmed glasses, messy black hair and dark blue eyes along with a freckled face that was filled with nerdiness. He looked like the kid you would give wedgies and dunk into the toilet, yet he was so cruel! 

His height was average, being slightly shorter than most men and he wore a green sweater over a short-sleeves white shirt and black trousers. Coupled with his slightly hunched back from carrying heavy books all day, one could help but want to tease him. 

However, no one here could muster the will to do so in the face of his power. Seeing how Noble Writer was dealing with them, the officer woke up and seemed to have an epiphany. 

Why the fuck was he fighting against superpowered people as a normal person? What the fuck had ever made him think that was a good fucking idea? Had he been brainwashed by the Fifth Councilor or what? 

Immediately, his eyes cleared up and he brought his men to surrender to Happy Saint, Noble Writer and Money Lover, explaining to them the same things that the other fellow had to Boyd and his group. 

Of course, the moment was ruined by the explosion and AP's roar of hatred, which made both groups silent. At least, it proved that the officer had not lied with the information he gave, so the three were more than happy to let him go. 

Now, if one looked at the estate from a bird's eye view, they would see that the core members of Umbra had stopped exploring the misc places and were slowly converging upon the center. 

The first to arrive here was Boyd's group, then the rest trickled in slowly after, meeting Misery who was casually drinking near the entrance of the underground bunker. The last group to arrive were the God Serpents, led by Shadowheart and Essence Stalker. 

AP_Berzerker had already made his way back with a black expression on his face, but he could only symbolically threaten Misery as he knew that the booze was in the fellows hands for now. 

The group then breached the entrance to the underground bunker and fearlessly rushed down. Their eyes gleamed with excitement as they were about to capture their target and face some real enemies, as it was said that the true superpowered defenders were kept here. 

When they turned the corner that led to a long hallway, the core members had to pause as Uno jumped in front and created a shield. Immediately, the shield was struck with hundreds of attacks, some elemental, some magical and some physical. 

On the other side were men and women wearing battle suits made of some high-tech material, and these suits were color coded according to their power it seemed. The leader was a person with a white battle suit and he raised his hands for the others to stop their bombardment when he saw its futility against Uno's shield. 

The core members also glanced over casually when they saw the ambush attacks come to a halt, analyzing their foes with superior expressions. That made the faces of some of the enemy group darken as they felt rage at the arrogance of the core members. 

Who the hell did they think they were? 

The leader in the white combat suit also saw this and sneered. He felt like he was dealing with a group of arrogant idiots who did not know the truth of the world, so his plan to approach things slowly was changed by him. 

Instead, he folded his hands behind his back and spoke. "Cretin criminals from outside, quickly surrender and you will get to keep your lives. Fight back and there is no guarantee that you will not be killed by superior firepower. Not only that, but if you resist, you will implicate all your family and friends who will be slaughtered to follow you to hell." 

The core members were speechless and shared a look. 

"Let's just beat them all to death and then move on. This kind of group is filled with idiots and will hardly amount to much." Sublime stated her verdict casually. 

As such, Uno took back his shield and the core members struck. Seeing that they dared to fight back, not only was the leader in white enraged, so too were his subordinates. 

"Kill! Kill them all without mercy!" He roared with fury, jumping forth to launch his own attacks as well. 

His men obliged and began firing out their attacks once more, but this time, they could not feel any satisfaction because the core members counterattacked right back. Many of them had basic superpowers like flight, super strength, fire manipulation and whatnot, so they felt that they were the cream of the crop among humanity. 

In fact, that group that the God Serpents had exterminated the other time, the one called the Elemental Group, were merely an external branch of this force, where their weakest cannon fodder went out to train. 

If these freaks thought that they could deal with them easily because they were lucky enough to catch the Elemental Group off guard, then they had another thing coming! 

Of course, all such thoughts crumbled when actual first contact was made. In the span of three seconds, almost half of the opposing sides forces were gone, hacked, stabbed or beaten to death as they screamed in horror and regret. 

This naturally caused the faces of those who were still alive to change greatly as fear coursed through their bodies. 

Just what kind of monsters were these fellows?! They seemed to be like miniature Gods on earth, releasing power of the quality and quantity that far surpassed even their wildest dreams! 

The leader in white was filled with shock as he clashed head on with Keira, his arm blasted into mincemeant which caused him to scream in sheer agony. 

Seeing that their almighty leader was crippled severely in one exchange and was on the verge of death - his survival unknown and frankly, unlikely - the rest of his subordinates had their morale break. 

Being a superpowered person meant that they were above the common rabble that populated Earth, being the true nobility among such commoners. How could they die here, in some trashy underground bunker for some evil politician? 


Run, run run!!! 

They all broke off and tried to flee using different methods, planning to escape the lab and never come back. As for the fact that they owed their superpowers to the Fifth Councilor who granted it to them, and so what? 

In front of their lives and personal survival, what was a mere oath? 

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