Guild Wars

Chapter 1061 The Life And Times Of Kaelresh 1

Anubesetesh had finally entered the Milky Way after so long and could sense the potency of the duo… no, trio, he was now looking for! He felt excitement because he felt the universe itself pushing him forward to meet these three and bring them on the right path before it was too late. 

With his current speed, it would only take a week at most to reach Earth, and being so close, his thoughts couldn't help but wander to the past once more. 


Several days after the events in the arena where he had claimed his supremacy over the Tomegamon, suppressed his rival and claimed his beauty Kaelresh, he felt a slight weight on his left side as his mind began to return from the depths of unconsciousness. 

It was the sound of peaceful and pleasant snoring. It took Kaelresh a second to understand just who exactly was resting their head on his mid-section before his brain caught up. 

Now aware it was his mate, the supreme beauty Inuhkmun, he slowly opened his eyes. 

She was draped over his body in a slightly protective way but also in such a way to find comfort in being near him. Kaelresh's heart softened as he found the whole scene to be simply beautiful. 

Looking around, Kaelresh was in a room with walls made of a white marble-like stone mixed with red granite as well as a brownish rock. The room was lit by numerous bluish white gems that shone with a slight glow. 

Looking out the ceiling to floor window to his left, it seemed one of the three suns of their home planet was setting, bringing in early evening towards night. With Kalkesh (the planet's name) being so massive that three suns couldn't light it up all at once, this wasn't unusual. 

Kaelresh lay in a bed that took up a good portion of the room which was the size of a normal apartment. The bed frame was made from what seemed to be a blueish crystalline metal and was also floating. 

Even the mirror across from him showed there were no legs or other support as it hung in the air. The comforter was made of a fabric that was soft and comfortable to the touch, making you want to just lay there and sleep. 

It was colored in different shades of green and brown with a depiction of Kahl-Ra (Ram-Kha's mate and the planet's spiritual embodiment of health and life) covering more than half of it with her eyes seeming to shine brightly with gilded thread. 

Besides the bed, there were other amenities that would be in a bedroom: shelves, an enchanted crystal screen that seemed frail resting in a stand on top of table, a piece of furniture that stood tall and alone split down the middle with two knobs opposite each other on either side made of brownish material that seemed sturdy, and a couple floating bed side tables. 

Kaelresh also noticed some equipment that, according to his parents, was meant for medical purposes and were obviously there for him while he was unconscious. There was a door in the wall leading to what he assumed to be the bathroom, and another door right next to the wardrobe piece. 

"How long have I been out?" Kaelresh asked with a shaky voice due to grogginess. 

"About three days, give or take." Garhun, one of Kaelresh's three powerful familiars, answered in a deep masculine voice fit for a warrior. 

"Damn…" Kaelresh muttered as he rubbed his forehead. 

"Well, you did kind of go overboard fighting Garuksuun right after making our contract you idiot." Solakara snarkily replied, her elegant and arrogant feminine voice sounded. 

She was another of Kaelresh's familiars. 

The fellow himself chuckled slightly in response, not getting angry. "Well, I had to impress my troublesome new mate now, didn't I?" 

Kaelresh could practically feel Solakara rolling her eyes. 

After observing the room, he looked down at himself and noticed he had markings that he didn't recognize running down his arms and across his chest. His chest was covered in a depiction of Garhun: the face of a wolf surrounded by clouds. 

His right arm held Ram-Kha, a giant serpent with playful eyes and his left had Solakara, a giant spider that could hide in the light of the sun. 

"What in the…" Kaelresh questioned as he touched the markings. 

"They represent our pact, rtched into your very body and soul," Ram-Kha explained in a clean and mature male voice that seemed a little energetic. 

"Ah, that makes sense. Father did mention something like this would happen. I wonder if Innuhkmun has similar markings somewhere…" 

Looking over at her, Kaelresh realized that he wouldn't be able to see much due to her wearing a dark blue top made of a leather-like material that held her impressive bust up which was also tied with cords above her cleavage. 

Her forearms still held bracers from the event and though he couldn't see all of it, he assumed she was still wearing that same dangerously small skirt. Thinking about how exotic she looked made certain parts of Kaelresh's youthful anatomy begin to wake up and demand rent. 

At that moment the young woman stirred, whether this was a result from the slight lust that he had let out or from something else he wasn't entirely sure of. 

Thinking quickly and not forgetting her words about wanting to put him beneath her, Kaelresh devised a devilish plan of making sure she understood who she was mated to and how things were going to go in their bedroom. 

He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. 

Inuhkmun opened her eyes and looked around, not noticing anything out of place. She then looked towards her mate to find him still resting. 

"It's been three days and you still haven't awoken? Why'd you have to go so far you idiot..." She mumbled with a hint of exasperation and worry in her voice. 

Her eyes went to the new marks on Kaelresh's body, completely fascinated by them. They had appeared around a day after they brought him here and she currently traced them with her eyes and hand. 

"Just how could someone make a contract with these guys? Just who are you Kaelresh…?" She spoke to herself in a curious tone. 

Her eyes began passing over his face and horns, going over his 6 normal eyes in slight wonder. Then, her gaze fell on the seventh eye in the middle of his forehead. It had healed completely from when he had stabbed it. 

She couldn't quite reach it so, completely unaware of what she was doing, she got onto the bed and straddled her mate to get closer and be able to touch my supposed 'cursed eye'. 

Hehe, that was her biggest mistake. 

After letting her feel my body, Kaelresh was beginning to lose control but forcibly kept calm. Eventually, she did something he actually did not expect, which was to get on top of him herself. 

Kaelresh grinned evilly in his head, something that would make Draco hug him like a long-lost brother. 

Once she was enthralled by his eye and was about to touch it, boom!, Kaelresh turned over and captured her. 

He pinned her beneath his body and made it seem completely natural, as if he was doing it in his sleep. If she could see his internal smile she would probably go off. 

Heh, well either way, she would be 'going off' soon but from something different. 

Startled, Innuhkmun began trying to break free and get out from underneath him, causing her to rub against his body. Suddenly, she felt something long and hard hit her leg. 

Slightly puzzled by this, she continued to try and move out from under him before an enchantingly deep and smooth voice entered her ear, "Zhie zhie zhie so, mu chuisle, it seems you do like being on the bottom." 

(Author's Note: Mu chuisle (pronounced: ma hushla) is an affectionate Irish expression literally translating as 'my pulse'. It means 'my darling'.) 

Her eyes widened and she began struggling more, understanding what exactly had hit her leg and the meaning behind the devilishly charming voice. 

"Now, now, my princess no need to fuss! We've got all night long ken ken ken…." Kaelresh laughed despicably. 

At this point, she realized she'd been tricked and instead of struggling, she made a move of her own. Pushing up with her body and moving slightly to her left, she was able to get room enough to flip him out of the covers and on to his back, causing the bed to go down slightly with our combined weight. 

"Now you are in your rightful position you beast!" She stated with gritted teeth. 

Grinning broadly and without shame, Kaelresh leaned up and whispered, "Oh I'm definitely a beast! However, I have yet to show you why." 

"Heh, by the time I'm done claiming what's mine, you won't be able to move without walking in zigzag, hahaha!" The fellow teased as he let his rod slap her ass cheek without moving, making her jump with surprise. 

Taking this chance, he did a reversal and now she was pinned beneath him again. Not liking her new position one bit, she flipped her legs around and knocked him to the side, pinning him down, huffing slightly. 

The bed once again floated downwards, this time almost hitting the floor. 

  "You have been out for three days, and you think you can do as you please!? I will make sure you are out for another three!" She declared with dominance in her eyes. 

This back and forth continued on the bed until the poor piece of furniture finally collapsed under the constant foreplay- *cough* fighting. At this sound, the guards outside banged on the door asking if everything was ok. 

Not hearing them, they continued in their battle for dominance, creating even more sounds of destruction. The guards attempted to enter but were blown back by a spectral kick. 

"Leave them be. This is the most crucial battle they will ever face!" Innuhksun (His mother) stated plainly before closing the door and standing guard. 

Inside the room, unbeknownst to Kaelresh that it was his mother's bedroom in the first place, their fight continued all over until he finally pinned her against the wall. 

Using his earth 'voice' (I.e magic) he "chained" her to the wall. Each of them was slightly huffing and puffing due to the exertion and the battle had allowed the scent of lust to develop strongly in the air, but so was the scent of blood. 

Both of them were becoming a bit feral in their attempt at domination and the blood added fuel to a bonfire. 

"Now, now, my darling Innuhkmun looks like you've gotten yourself stuck to the wall, let me help you out." Kaelresh stated with an evil grin. 

However, that got the response he was looking for as instead of being infuriated, her arousal hit an all-time high. Kaelresh confidently stepped up to her, arms and legs locked in the wall and unable to move, the wealth of hesitation and worry in her eyes were already clouding over from lust. 

Reaching up, he removed her already torn top. "Oops, clumsy me! I seem to have ruined your armor, let's get it off you before it gets ruined even more." 

His teasing voice and impudent actions only made her respond with a whimper that could tell of her desire. She was a princess who had been revered and praised all her life, when had she been suppressed and dealt with like this? 

"I see your skirt has also been damaged! Tsk, tsk this simply must go too!" Kaelresh dramatically dropped it to the floor after tearing it down. 

Now all that was left was a thin piece of fabric held to her by cords around her waist. He cruelly ripped it off her as well, making sure to graze her sweet spot with his finger just enough to elicit the sound he was looking for. 

"Now, love, let us establish some facts. Who does this body of yours belong to?" Kaelresh asked as he began to play with her breasts as she moaned reluctantly. 

Not getting an answer, he became emboldened and smacked her ass to get her to become lucid enough. 

"I asked you a question little Inuhkmun." He teased calmly, using words to suppress her just as well as actions. 

"Y-You! Ugh, it belongs to you, Kaelresh…" She admitted while turning her head away in defiance. 

"And where do you belong in our bedroom?" Kaelresh inquired while casually teasing her nipples and thighs at the same time, making sure not to touch her supreme pathway of holiness and divinity yet. 

"Wherever you want! Are you happy now?! S-Stop teasing me and get to it! Hurry…oohh!!" She cried out in surprise. 

Heh, at this point, she was barely holding on without him doing much, but her strong will and defiant nature would not bend so easy. 

Just how he liked it. 

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