Guild Wars

Chapter 1035 Vita's War 10

Noble Soul was even more direct. He simply stood at the forefront of the charge as he roared and cut through anyone in his path.

While he might possess a positive class like the Legend which was one step up from the hero, it didn't mean he couldn't do certain things.

In fact, the Legend was far less constrained than the hero and could go further in many regards. For one, the Legend didn't hesitate to slaughter minions of an evil army to protect those at the back.

In this case the 'innocent' minion army was the ones he was slaughtering and the 'evil' Vita Kingdom was the one he was protecting. It was easy for heroes to twist their words with the power of self righteousness and gas-lighting.

So Noble Soul was piercing through the battle while shouting one-liners that were full of heroic valor, but his actions didn't match up since they were followed by screams of pain, throes of death and human intestines flying about.

His face was determined and unmoved for his class was just his source of power and had nothing to do with his personality. Yes, he was noble and valiant but that was only to his friends.

As for his enemies, he was just like any other member of Umbra, cruel and heartless!

「Daughter of Gaia - Divine Class (Rank 5)

Rank 1: Gaia's Blessing (Passive), Gaia's Might (Passive), Earth Matron Form (Active), Earth Golem Summon (Active)

Rank 2: Planet Spirits (Active), Vitality (Active),

Rank 3: Gaia's Aura (Passive), Gaia's Love (Passive).

Rank 4: Nature's True Army (Active), Nymph Daughters (Active)

Rank 5: Gaia's World (Passive), Gaia's Wish (Passive)

Starting Stats: Str 10, Dex 10, End 100, Int 200, Spr 100, Cha 50, Lck 20

Exp gain rate: 0.25%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Staff.

Class skills: Any Wood, Nature, Earth.」

「Gaia's Blessing – Passive skill

Effect: The Daughter of Gaia is blessed directly with her mother's bloodline and attributes. All stats are boosted by 500% at all times due to the reinforcement of nature and within any planetary zone with nature, the stats are boost by 1,000%! The user's health regeneration is always active and fixed at 5% HP per second.」

「Gaia's Might – Passive skill

Effect: The Daughter of Gaia is able to freely manipulate and generate all nature-related elements as well as nature itself. All offensive, defensive and support-related moves created through this skill are buffed by 500%.」

「Earth Matron Form – Active skill

Effect: Transform into an Earth Matron, greatly increasing your attributes and granting you explosive healing abilities as well as supreme defensive and offensive abilities.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Earth Golem Summon – Active skill

Effect: Spawn a group of Earth Golems equipped with nature armor and weapons that form your Elite Guard and will diligently fight any enemy for you.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Planet Spirits – Active skill

Effect: Summon a group of Planet Spirits to aid you in battle. They have little offensive abilities, but their defensive and supportive abilities are the strongest among all nature related species under Gaia.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Vitality – Active skill

Effect: Gather the energy of the the earth mother through the world and share it with your allies, instantly recovering their HP, MP and Stamina to the maximum limit.

Cooldown: 3 minutes.」

「Gaia's Aura – Passive skill

Effect: As a Daughter of Gaia, you possess a Gaia's bloodline and aura in your body that causes you to spawn all and any type flora and fauna wherever you are, naturally.」

「Gaia's Love – Passive skill

Effect: As a Daughter of Gaia, you are directly related to Mother Nature. As such, all Earth, Wood and Nature element monsters will refuse to attack you at all and will even assist you in all endeavors you partake in.」

「Nature's True Army – Active skill

Effect: With your stature as Gaia's Daughter, call forth the various Earth, Wood and Nature element monsters and NPCs that reside on a Continent Zone to swarm an area of your choice with their fury. The Nature Army will actively attack any enemy within the range you specify and protect any allies at the same time.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Nymph Daughters – Active skill

Effect: Call out a group of 50 Nymphs of all types including Dryads, Undine, Sprites and Wood Elves from the depths of the world to aid you in battle, performing healing and support based roles for you for the duration.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Gaia's World – Passive skill

Effect: The Daughter of Gaia has unique access to the nature World of Gaia, where you can call out and store any affiliated Nature Element beings. Your active and passive skills based on summoning nature related beings now call them forth from the world of Gaia directly.」

「Gaia's Wish – Passive skill

Effect: The Daughter of Gaia is one of the World Mother's beloved kin, and her wish to the world is that you will remain safe and protected at all times. Once every hour, you can cheat death 5 times and resurrect on the spot without paying any penalties.」

Gentle Flower was just like her name, a lovely and svelte flora that bloomed with beauty and love at all times.

However, her actions betrayed her soft appearance and attractive demeanors as she waved a hand to send plants and vines to attack the enemy before her. Hundred of men and women on the other side were pierced, dragged underground, choked and squeezed to death in seconds.

However, Gentle Flower maintained a soft smile on her face that highlighted her beautiful features, especially since she had Eva's Celestial Maiden inheritance now, specifically that of Freya and Ishtar.

Her body retained its slender nature, but her previous modest assets had swelled and made her into something like a sex symbol, much like the two goddesses she embodied.

(Author's Note: Basically, she's kinda built like Nico Robin and Nami body-wise post-timeskip.)

「Troubadour of Madness - Divine Class (Rank 5)

Rank 1: Ambiguity of Speech (Passive), Charming Words (Passive), Toxic Speech (Active), Inspire to Defy (Active).

Rank 2: A Legendary Tale (Active), Unending Roast (Active).

Rank 3: Piercing Voice (Passive), God-tier Voice Box (Passive).

Rank 4: Profound Words (Active), The MESSAGE (Active).

Rank 5: Madness Inducing (Passive), Bard Followers (Passive)

Starting Stats: Str 20, Dex 50, End 20, Int 50, Spr 50, Cha 150, Lck 150

Exp gain rate: 0.25%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Any Instrument.

Class skills: Any Bard, Curse.」

「Ambiguity of Speech – Passive skill

Effect: The Troubadour of Madness is one whose words dangle the line between truth and lie, fact and falsehood, as well as meander through different meanings. Everyone who listens to your words will derive their own meaning from it that benefits whatever intention you have for speaking it.」

「Charming Words – Passive skill

Effect: The Troubadour of Madness speaks a few words and all beings that listen finds themselves falling into a daze, their minds suppressed beneath the lull of his tone and the charm of his pitch. The Daze lasts for as long as you keep speaking and is unevadable.」

「Toxic Speech – Active skill

Effect: Speak an unending stream of toxic garbage filled with cursed utterly cursed content so vile that all enemies within hearing distance lose 5% of their HP per second and suffer a permanent <Descent to Madness> status effect even if they survive.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Inspire to Defy – Active skill

Effect: Speak out a line about camaraderie and brotherhood, inspiring all allies within a Continent Zone to do their best. All damage, defense, and speed for allies are increased by 500% while damage, defense, and speed for all enemies is reduced by 500%.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「A Legendary Tale – Active skill

Effect: Weave a tale so grand that any listener would find their minds blown and their horizons broadened by the depth of your story's… uniqueness. This skill causes all enemies to undergo a will check to save their sanity.

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Unending Roast – Active skill

Effect: Roast your enemies with the most brutal bars, cooking them until they are unable to raise their heads anymore. Because the universe will assist you in ratioing them, they suffer a 99% decrease to all stats.

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Piercing Voice – Passive skill

Effect: Your voice is now fully unblockable regardless of the circumstance. It pierces through all defenses and enters the soul of your target, causing them to suffer the various effects fully.」

「God-tier Voice Box – Passive skill

Effect: You can freely manipulate the volume of your speech or song, able to increase it to broadcast over large areas, or condense it into a smaller area for devastating concentrated effects.」

「Profound Words – Active skill

Effect: Speak a string of words with such profoundness and wisdom that the crowd listening will be enraptured by it, feeling that their powers has increased greatly. This increases all allies damage and defense by 500% and makes them super hyper.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「The MESSAGE – Active skill

Effect: Tell the world about your various mental deficiencies, all the while berating the normal ones for not accepting your flaws and making normalcy a crime. This deals 3,000% mental damage per second and possibly might infect others with this mentality for life, perpetuating the spread of foolishness.

Note: The side effects of this skill CANNOT be predicted and may end up ruining society by causing a split down the middle in terms of common sense!

WARNING: Be careful how you use it!

Duration: 1 hour.

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Madness Inducing – Passive skill

Effect: The Troubadour of Madness is the Dao Child of insanity and his speech pushes forth the Dao endlessly. All allies are immune from the damaging effect of your words but all enemies suffer 500% more effects from your skills and abilities.」

「Bard Followers – Passive skill

Effect: The Troubadour of Madness is always followed by his groupies-… cough, bard followers who are there to hype him up and act stupidly awed by anything he says while becoming like feral beasts when anyone dares to criticize him.」

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