Guild Wars

Chapter 1032 Vita's War 7

Aside the two angry lovers who were filled with killing intent and cruelty towards the unfortunate, there was also Uno, Sanji, Akainu and Dreary Traveler who teamed up to display the power of their new Divine Classes across the four directions.

To the north of the Four Directional Slaughter Wave was Uno, who was wielding his usual bell hammer and towner shield. However, he was also decked out in Divine Equipment that suited his class and highlighted his obscene power.

「The Bastion - Divine Class (Rank 5)

Rank 1: Law of Defense (Passive), Divine Bastion (Passive), Immovable Defense (Active), Perfect Reflection (Active).

Rank 2: Shield Wave (Active), Ground Smash (Active).

Rank 3: Indomitable (Passive), Indefatigable (Passive).

Rank 4: Noble Sacrifice (Active), Vanguard (Active).

Rank 5: Best Offense Is A Good Defense (Passive), Best Defense Is A Good Offensive (Passive)

Starting Stats: Str 120, Dex 30, End 300, Int 10, Spr 10, Cha 10, Lck 10

Exp gain rate: 0.25%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Any Hammer, Shield.

Class skills: Any Defensive and Physical.」

「Law of Defense – Passive skill

Effect: The Bastion has mastered the Law of Defense, granting himself and all allies within a Continent Zone an increase to physical defense by 500%, magical defense by 500%, physical resistance by 50%, and magical resistance by 50%. Their base HP is also increased by 500%.」

「Divine Bastion – Passive skill

Effect: The Bastion is not fazed by your little tricks. All stuns, knockbacks and knock-ups as well as any form of Crowd Control is ineffective on the bastion and all allies within a Continent Zone.」

「Immovable Defense – Active skill

Effect: Put your shield down and create an ethereal dome that blocks all physical, magical and spiritual attacks for the duration.

Note: The barrier has a fixed 99% damage reduction regardless of source. It also has a damage threshold of 400,000,000 at Rank 5.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Perfect Reflection – Active skill

Effect: Stand firm and receive the unparalleled attack of any foe and then casually toss it back at the foe.

Note 1: This requires a shield of the Divine Rank at the least.

Note 2: Reflect can take on attacks of up to 1 billion damage at once.

Note 3: The return attack is unblockable, unevadeable and immune to skill effects.

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Shield Wave – Active skill

Effect: Swing your shield outward, coalesce your Bastion Energy into a giant wave that smashes all foes in an Area Zone away, causing them to be knocked-back and stunned.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cooldown: 1 Hour.」

「Ground Smash – Active skill

Effect: Use your hammer to smash the earth with all your might, unbalancing and knocking up all enemies within a Continent Zone.

Note: Knocked up enemies can be juggled for the duration!

Duration: 10 minutes

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Indomitable – Passive skill

Effect: The Bastion is not moved by his loneliness and pressure on the field of battle. When he is the strongest defensive class in any conflict, all stats are increased by 200% and skills have no cooldowns.」

「Indefatigable – Passive skill

Effect: The Bastion does not understand the meaning of attrition. All he knows is to stand before all others on the battlefield, acting as their shield and guiding light. During large scale battles, the more enemies that engage you directly, the higher you defense becomes. Each enemy increases defense stats by 10% and has no cap.」

「Noble Sacrifice – Active skill

Effect: Cast away your life for a noble cause, burning the remainder of your HP grant all your allies Invulnerability proportionate to the amount of HP burned in minutes. For the duration, your allies can attack freely and they cannot be attacked, tracked or interrupted by enemies.

Duration: From 1 minute - 100 minutes.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Vanguard – Active skill

Effect: Step forward in battle with your shield out and activate this skill to show all parties that you are ready to pave the way for your people, boosting stats by 750% for you and your allies.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「The Best Defense Is A Good Offense – Passive skill

Effect: The Bastion has realized the eternal truth of the universe, that defense is the only way to attack! As such, your Endurance stat becomes the main modifier for all your attacks, so the higher your defense, the higher your attack!」

「The Best Offense is A Good Defense – Passive skill

Effect: The Bastion has begrudgingly accepted the stable truth that a good offense constituted a powerful defense, though he believes it to be bullshit. As such, you radiate an aura of empowerment to all allies, boosting Damage by 400%!」

Uno walked through the battle lazily, smashing heads in with his hammer as he walked forth. Many goblins roared and tried to stop him, but they were casually smashed to meatpaste on the ground.

When he met with a fellow tank on the opposite side who was at Rank 6, he paused with a raised eyebrow. The fellow was a hobgoblin with a buff body and kitted in full heavy armor that was of the Epic Rank.

This was definitely a top fellow in this kingdoms and was likely sent out to stop the charge of the core members. Seeing that Uno was a fellow 'defender' he thought the two would cancel each other out , especially since he was 1 Rank higher.

The longer he could stall Uno, the more damage he could do. Since it would give the other Rank 7 powers time to clean up the other blokes and then come finish the despicable human off!

Uno glanced at the fellow and read his thoughts. He was amused and didn't even bother to check the fellow's HP, simply walking forward as if he couldn't see him.

The Goblin Tank was filled with fury and rushed at Uno, waving his mace. Uno easily blocked the attack with one hand, causing the face of the Goblin t=Tank to be filled with shock.

Even though he wasn't the strongest bloke out there, he was still a powerhouse! How could Uno easily block his casual strike, especially when there was Rank Suppression?!

Uno smiled and then raised his hammer, swinging it forth towards the head of the Goblin Tank. The fellow sneered at Uno and raised his shield up to block the hammer, feeling that he could easily replicate Uno's trick just now.

As such when the hammer collided, his Epic Rank shield shattered immediately and then turned the fellows head into pieces of meat that flew through the air.

Instant kill of a Rank 6!

While Uno was doing his thing, Dreary Traveler was moving to the south with his legions of undead that grew with every step. As another member of the Four Directions Slaughter Wave, he was contributing the highest to the kill count.

「The Lich King - Divine Class (Rank 5)

Rank 1: Lich King's Might (Passive), Law of Death (Passive), Perfect Return (Active), Bestow (Active).

Rank 2: Death World (Active), Turn Living (Active).

Rank 3: Lich King's Blessing (Passive), Law of Frost (Passive).

Rank 4: Supreme Netherworld Gate (Active), Darkness Envoy (Active).

Rank 5: Soul Defilement (Passive), Indestructible Army (Passive)

Starting Stats: Str 20, Dex 20, End 50, Int 220, Spr 130, Cha 30, Lck 20

Exp gain rate: 0.25%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: Any Sword, Lance.

Class skills: Any Ice, Death and Soul.」

「Lich King's Might – Passive skill

Effect: The Lich King is the ultimate being of all undead, a king among lords. He can command any undead species below himself, including Liches, to do his bidding and they are unable to rebel.」

「Law of Death – Passive skill

Effect: The Lich King is no longer strictly undead, but is now a Lord of Death itself. He is immune to all forms of physical damage except for those imbued with light or fire, which deal 40% damage.

Magical spells deal 30% of their damage unless they are also light and fire based, in which they deal 80%. The Lich King is also unable to be sent to respawn, and will only be put into a short period of recuperation upon defeat with no loss of experience or equipment.」

「Perfect Return – Active skill

Effect: Using the purest death energy, make every corpse within a Continent Zone to rise up from their graves and fight for you under your banner. All corpses raised like this retain 100% of their power, skills, abilities and intelligence.

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Bestow – Active skill

Effect: Casually promote any rank of undead below you up to any Rank you want.

Note 1: Can be used on any undead, whether those summoned, risen, or enslaved from elsewhere.

Note 2: The undead chosen will become 200% stronger than those of its rank.

Note 3: Promotion can skip ranks from a mere skeleton up to even a Lich.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Death World – Active skill

Effect: Permanently create a special sub-space full of Death Energy to store owned undead when not in combat. Armies can be deposited in and withdrawn at will.

Note 1: The world empowers all undead stored within an raises their experience by 1% every day, and they can climb up to any Rank below True God.

Note 2: Your Lich subordinates can freely enter and exist your world, also able to store their summoned armies within and call them out to fight for you on different battlefronts.

Cooldown: none.」

「Turn Living – Active skill

Effect: Turn any living being into a special undead. Depending on the Rank, power and State of Being of the individual, their undead affiliation may vary. All undead warriors made like this are totally loyal and are empowered by 1,000% of their power when they were at their peak in life.

Note: Consent is not necessary. Only those at your Rank and above can resist this.

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Lich King's Blessing – Passive skill

Effect: The Lich King casually radiates the purest energy of death, causing all undead minions to benefit from it in passing. All minions within a Continent Zone of the Lich King will benefit from a 700% increase to their HP, Stamina and Mana, as well as a 1,500% increase to Damage and Defense. They also gain a 30% resistance to light and fire based attacks.」

「Law of Frost – Passive skill

Effect: The Lich King has mastered the Law of Frost, able to use the Ice element freely in any skill or attack. Not only can the Lich King now learn ice-based skills and techniques, as well as posses a 99% resistance to ice-element attacks, but they also gain the ability to freely manipulate the ice element.」

「Supreme Netherworld Gate – Active skill

Effect: Deploy a gate that leads right into the Palace of the Lich Clan within Netherworld, allowing endless amounts of Liches to rush through the passage into the world of the living.

Note: You do not own or control these Liches, but they will heed your orders for the duration out of respect, but will they not be added to your personal army and will return to the clan base after the skill expires.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Darkness Envoy – Active skill

Effect: You can freely enter any Side Realm or small world affiliated with the death, destruction, darkness and void elements, and you will be given a highest respect while traveling there.

Duration: 1 month

Cooldown: 3 months.」

「Soul Defilement – Passive skill

Effect: The Lich King's mere presence and name can invoke the laws of death to taint the soul of any living beings, turning them into his loyal undead after they die of unnatural causes. All undead created like this will be teleported to the side of the Lich King after transformation.」

「Indestructible Army – Passive skill

Effect: The Lich King's army are the elite of the elite. No matter the status of the Lich King or his subordinates and empire, his army will always exist and wreak havoc throughout the ages, able to respawn in the Death World and leak out into the mortal world to form an Undead Calamity every 1,000 years!」

Dreary Traveler simply sat on the back of a Bone Dragon as he hovered over the battlefield. He had a bored look on his face as the screams of mortals and warriors below entered his ears, and his face looked to the horizon.

How was his beloved his loli doing? He missed playing with her, especially putting her on the torture rack and then subjecting her to all kinds of horrors while her euphoric expression showed.

Thinking of her, Dreary Travelers cold and handsome face broke into a smile. He knew he couldn't live an extra day in this world if Hera was not with him.

His Bone Dragon made a cry and Dreary Traveler snapped out of his reverie. He noticed that the entire city below had been brutally slaughtered by his undead army, so he sighed and raised them all up.

The Undead Goblins who had once hated Dreary Traveler to their bones now bowed to him before picking up their weapons and marching within his army obediently.

By the time he cleared his direction, his army should shape up quite nicely, Dreary Traveler thought with a calm smile.

Meanwhile to the west, Sanji was moving through the battlefield like a hurricane, using his glowing red feet to smash his foes into embers.

「Demon Soleus - Divine Class (Rank 5)

Rank 1: Red Leg (Passive), Infinite Agility (Passive), Area Destruction (Active), Around the World Kick (Active).

Rank 2: High Kick of Flames (Active), 10,000 Kicks (Active).

Rank 3: Air Step (Passive), Indestructible Calves (Passive).

Rank 4: Supreme Down Kick (Active), Demonic Hands (Active).

Rank 5: Hellfire Legs (Passive), Anti-Water Flames (Passive)

Starting Stats: Str 200, Dex 150, End 20, Int 50, Spr 10, Cha 10, Lck 50

Exp gain rate: 0.25%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: None.

Class skills: Any Unarmed (Leg), Fire and Agility.」

「Red Leg – Passive skill

Effect: The Demon Soleus was once known in another universe as the Akai Ashi, the Red Leg. Your have mastered the element of fire, but can only display it through your legs, manifesting in explosive flames that deal immense physical and fire damage to all foes struck by it.

All kick damage increased by 500% and fire damage by 1,000%!」

「Infinite Agility – Passive skill

Effect: The Demon Soleus has trained their agility to levels that no man can easily comprehend. Your Movement Speed is increased by 10,000% and your attack Speed by 5,000%! Your Dexterity stat has been augmented into Agility, and only benefits your movement speed and attack speed directly rather than the typical effects of Dexterity! 」

「Area Destruction – Active skill

Effect: Stomp on the ground and destroy the area of a Continent Zone, causing earthquakes and fissures all over the land. Explosions of fire will emerge from these fissures burning all living beings nearby. This deals  3,000% fire damage.

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Around the World Kick – Active skill

Effect: Overclock your speed and run around the entire world, making a full circle and then releasing that force into a single drop kick on an enemy. This deals 10,000% unarmed damage to a foe.

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「High Kick of Flames – Active skill

Effect: Jump into the air and rise high above the battlefield. Explode with your fire energy and fill your legs with it. Kick downwards repeatedly to send down giant leg shaped fireballs that strike any area you target and explode with immense explosive damage. Each fire attack does 500% fire damage.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「10,000 Kicks – Active skill

Effect: Kick an enemy up to 10,000 times within a single moment, with each kick dealing 30% unarmed damage.

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Air Step – Passive skill

Effect: The Demon Soleus has incomparable power restrained within their leg. With your great Agility and powerful leg muscles, step on the air itself as if it were the ground, achieving pseudo-flight.」

「Indestructible Calves – Passive skill

Effect: The Demon Soleus has demonic soleuses, who would have thought? Your legs are covered with a permanent shield of fire energy, preventing them from coming under harm as you attack your foes. You can shift severe injuries from your legs to other parts of your body.」

「Supreme Down Kick – Active skill

Effect: Jump up into the air, high into the atmosphere. When you reached the peak and of your rise, charge downwards while spinning, building unparalleled force within your leg. Along with the momentum and your strength, you explode with your best fire energy to deal great damage to a single target. This deals 7,000% unarmed and fire damage.

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Demonic Hands – Active skill

Effect: In a critical situation, you can activate this skill to switch your skills to your hands and fight using them as if they were your legs. After the skill elapses, all damage your hands suffer are transferred to your legs.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Hellfire Legs – Passive skill

Effect: The Demon Soleus is a member of the Demon Race, and constant use of the fire element has allowed them to awaken their affinity and control over hellfire, upgrading all flames in your attacks to the ever-burning hellfire!

「Anti-Water Flames – Passive skill

Effect: The Demon Soleus' flames can no longer be put out or quenched by water. Even in the case of special types of water, it cannot be weakened at all, retaining its full might.」

Sanji puffed out a small cloud of smoke from his cigarette and then looked at the city below him. He was casually stepping on the air, and only those with Control or elite senses could notice that his legs were moving ever so slightly with each second, exerting enough force to keep him airborne.

Sanji sighed as he looked down. He wasn't much of a bloodthirsty fellow and killing was not really his thing, but the orders from above stated his duty and he would follow them to the letter.

A look of pity appeared on his handsome face, but he didn't slow down at all. Immediately his legs exploded with red flames that slowly turned black, and made all living beings tremble as it targeted more than just the body, but the soul too.

Sanji then casually kicked downwards, causing huge leg shaped flames to rush downwards and into the city, causing huge explosions that shook the very earth itself.

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