Guild Wars

Chapter 1029 Vita's War 4

Noble Writer floated above the war with an arrogant and lofty expression on his face. He didn't even bother to look at the enemies who were fighting for their life, liberty and freedom as if they were ants that he could crush by casually stepping down with his foot.

In truth, the fellow was not usually like this. Noble Writer was humble, hardworking and full of intelligence, your typical nerdy fellow who was destined for high merit work in life.

However after receiving Eva's bloodline, his arrogance had become awe inspiring. His current class didn't help with his ego either, and it was all thanks to Amaterasu's shitty habits that the poor fellow had been ruined like this.

He looked down at the Yuto Theocracy's troops and his expression became cold.

"After careful consideration using my fair and objective judgment, I have found the Yuto Theocracy guilty of several unforgivable crimes, the premier of them being existing in land that belongs to the Vita Kingdom, the second being that they dare to hold resentment and hostility towards Vita Kingdom and the third being that they actually dare to fight back when slaughtered!"

Noble Writer's words made many of the generals in the army have a change of expression, and they were furious. How was this Vita Kingdom's land, they were clearly invaders coming to slaughter them without even trying to negotiate first!

However, the entire army felt a wave of blood churn up their throats as the laws of the world backed Noble Writer's callous declaration and made his words truth. So they were not the aggressors according to the truth of the world.

Understanding this, each of their eyes became red with sorrow and resentment. They were just trying to protect their homes and their family, but now they had been abandoned by the world itself.

Those who relied on Worldly Energy to fight lost that ability to control it and those who as manipulated worldly forces felt their connection become cut off.

Even the core members here couldn't help but given the lofty Noble Writer another look. What a frightening class ability!

Next was Happy Saint, the Machine King.

「Machine King - Divine Class (Rank 5)

Rank 1: Soul of Metal (Passive), Law of Metal (Passive), Warrior Metal King (Active), Mage Metal King (Active).

Rank 2: Machine Army (Active), Crafter Metal King (Active).

Rank 3: Body of Metal (Passive), Life of Metal (Passive).

Rank 4: Dismantle (Active), Craft (Active).

Rank 5: Metal World (Passive), Internal Mine (Passive),

Starting Stats: Str 50, Dex 50, End 50, Int 250, Spr 30, Cha 30, Lck 30

Exp gain rate: 0.25%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: None.

Class skills: Any Metal, Engineering.」

「Soul of Metal – Passive skill

Effect: The Machine King possesses the true soul of metal, able to sense any form of the element within the range of his senses. Due to his affinity and soul, he possesses all knowledge of the properties, characteristics and possible transformations/combinations of all metals in existence.」

「Law of Metal – Passive skill

Effect: The Machine King can manipulate any metal at will, in any shape or form and does not exhaust mana to do so. The utility of this is unlimited.」

「Warrior Metal King – Active skill

Effect: Transform from the base form of the class into the Warrior Metal King, increasing Strength, Dexterity and Endurance by 500% each.

Duration: continuous.

Cooldown: none.」

「Mage Metal King – Active skill

Effect: Transform from the base form of the class into the Mage Metal King, increasing Intelligence and Spirit by 500% each.

Duration: continuous.

Cooldown: none.」

「Machine Army – Active skill

Effect: Use your control over the law of metal to form mental golems unlike anything ever seen before, able to use Worldly Energy to fire beams and process combat data to perfect themselves.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 3 hours.」

「Crafter Metal King – Active skill

Effect: Transform from the base form of the class into the Crafter Metal King, increasing Tradeskill exp gain, Enlightenment, Speed of Production and Quality of Production by 500% each.

Duration: continuous.

Cooldown: none.」

「Body of Metal – Passive skill

Effect: The Machine King has long fused the essence of metal right into his own body. At all times, there is a permanent existence of formless liquid metal that acts as a shield around you at all times, blocking all physical damage regardless of source and 30% of elemental/magical damage regardless of source.」

「Life of Metal – Passive skill

Effect: The Machine King is the only being who can absolutely grant any form of metal he control sentient life. Metal he encounters joins the unique race belonging to the Machine King, the Machine Race!」

「Dismantle – Active skill

Effect: Take apart any item or contraption made with any form of engineering or metal and comprehend how its made, able to replicate it at will.

Cooldown: 1 second.」

「Craft – Active skill

Effect: Put together any item you know of that is made through engineering immediately.

Cooldown: 1 second.」

「Metal World – Passive skill

Effect: You have opened an unique sub-space for your Machine Race to exist and grow stronger, the Metal World! All your forces are kept in your Metal World, ready to be summoned at any time.」

「Internal Mine – Passive skill

Effect: The Machine King no longer needs to absorb external metal, for he now produces it naturally within himself! You have an internal mine which is furnished with Worldly Energy, and the energy can be converted into metal of any type.」

Happy Saint didn't bother to go all out in this battle, opting to take on the Warrior Machine King form and transform into a virtual T-1000.

His arms had turned into long silver blades that could slice through anything in his way, and the metal from the solders swords and armor melted and followed Happy Saint, turning into stock for him.

His killing rate was not the highest, but he was definitely cutting his own swathe into the battle. He didn't even have to bother with defense as any strike, shot or blast would just deflect off his body or leave him unscathed.

He shook his head and focused slowly on dealing with his foes. As a long time member of Umbra, despite being a relatively genial mature man, he was used to slaughter and brutality, so much so that he even believed in it.

When it was time to craft, he was like a careful and inspired mentor, but when it was time to fight, he was a cruel overlord.

Finally, the last person was Money Lover, who was actually relaxed in the back of the group.

「The Merchant God - Divine Class (Rank 5)

Rank 1: Divine Persuasion (Passive), Perfect Negotiation (Passive), Mobile Market (Active), Summon the World Merchant (Active).

Rank 2: Limitless Assets (Active), Auction (Active).

Rank 3: Vault of Wealth (Passive), Perfect Business Operation (Passive).

Rank 4: Recruitment (Active), Board of Directors (Active).

Rank 5: Golden Rule (Passive), Unpovertible (Passive),

Starting Stats: Str 20, Dex 20, End 20, Int 50, Spr 50, Cha 280, Lck 50

Exp gain rate: 0.25%

Rank up difficulty: 50%

Class weapons: None.

Class skills: Any Charisma, Merchant.」

「Divine Persuasion – Passive skill

Effect: The Merchant God is able to use words or actions to convince any entities or entities of the truth of his meaning. Your words are taken seriously and can affect the state of the world.」

「Perfect Negotiation – Passive skill

Effect: The Merchant God is well… the god of mercantilism? So obviously, when they engage in any form of trade with any entity, they are able to spend buy at 1% of the factual cost price of the item and when selling, sell at 100% of the true demand.

Note: Buying price cannot be less than 1 Bronze Coin or its equivalent and the selling price cannot be less than 1 Gold Coin or its equivalent.」

「Mobile Market – Active skill

Effect: You can spawn a Rank 7 Shop whenever you go to sort our your mercantile needs at any time. The shop belongs to you and sells goods and services that you own to others while using your class skills.

Duration: 1 day.

Cooldown: 2 days.」

「Summon the World Merchant – Active skill

Effect: Call down the ethereal World Merchant from wherever it is, allowing yourself and anyone in the area to use its services for the duration.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Limitless Assets – Active skill

Effect: You can turn anything into a physical asset that can be sold for money after buying it from its owner or from the Will of the World. The prices of assets vary by their nature, and the final valuation is decided by the system.

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Auction – Active skill

Effect: Initiate an auction that summons into attendance all the most powerful entities in the same Continent Zone as you.

Duration: 1 hour

Cooldown: 1 day.」

「Vault of Wealth – Passive skill

Effect: Your Inventory has coalesced into its own sub-space, where all your wealth is kept, categorized and managed.

Note: Due to your linkages with the Rank 7 bank of Vita, your assets are able to accumulate interest overtime.」

「Perfect Business Operation – Passive skill

Effect: The Merchant God is not just a mere trade, but  is adept at all matters of business as well. You can easily manage any company and bring it from the bottom to the top with ease. Companies managed by the Merchant God never fail to make less than 100% profit.」

「Recruitment – Active skill

Effect: How can the Merchant God trade blows like a ragmuffin? Do you think he is Misery or AP_Berzerker? Use your endless wealth to recruit any player, NPC or monster to become your personal guard who fight for you.

Duration: Variable

Cooldown: 1 hour.」

「Board of Directors – Active skill

Effect: You can hire a group of capable business Tradeskill masters to inherit some of your abilities and manage your assets, properties and sales on your behalf while you deal with bigger matters, like which secretory to 'do' today.

Cooldown: 10 minutes.」

「Golden Rule – Passive skill

Effect: You live by the Golden Rule, willing to do good by others but will retaliate if bad is done to you. When retaliating to any wrong, your response's effect is 1,000% stronger than your enemy's.」

「Unpovertible – Passive skill

Effect: The Merchant God is a being that the Law of Wealth favors, so the Law of Poverty flees in his presence. No matter how bad the situation, how bad the location or how devastated the world, the Merchant God will always be wealthy, unable to even know the value of money.」

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