Guild Wars

Chapter 1013 Development 2

Luck Boost Potion x22,000

Sentinel Race Change Potion x21,000

Gigantification Potion x21,00

Lucky Hour (NPC skill) x4,568

Lucky Day (Player skill) x6,429

Luckmancer Class Change Scroll x39

Lucky Crafting (Tradeskill only) x188

Sentinel Summon (Summoner only) x287

Pure Sentinel Blood x2001

Sentinel Blood x2752

Sentinel Blood Essence x138

Sentinel True Fiber x465

Sentinel Fiber x1993

Sentinel Heart x10003

Sentinel Essence x50,000

Epic weapons and armor x500

Legendary weapons and armor x200

Epic consumables x1000

Legendary consumables x500

Draco noticed that the quantity was almost a hundred to a thousand times greater than the last time Roma worked for a period of time, but it was normal since a lot of time had passed.

He tossed the stuff into the Umbra Guild shop in case any members needed them for the upcoming fight and then focused on his own things.

For the entirety of the next day, he gathered all his children and sat them down as he narrated some of his struggles from his past life. The tots were so enraptured that they gasped, cried, laughed and jumped at various exciting parts of the stories.

Eva and Shuangtian, who came to listen on the side, had their faces go black because Draco had twisted the story to make himself seem overpowered when he was a dog in the past timeline for the most part.

He even forcefully injected Shuangtian into the story and narrated how the two fell head over heels for him while he was too busy being cool to reciprocate in the beginning.

Shuangtian had to hold Eva back from rushing in and beating the fellow up.

The next day, Draco moved onto his next task, which was the upgrading of the three inner seeds. The Sun Seed with Eva, the Planet Seed with Shuangtian and the Moon Seed with him.

They all needed different resources in order to upgrade.

From Tier 0 to Tier 1 needed Rare resources and one Epic main material, from Tier 1 to Tier 2 needed Epic Resources and one Legendary main material, from Tier 2 to Tier 3 needed Legendary Materials and one Divine main material and Tier 3 to Tier 4 needed a slew of Divine Materials.

Eva was already at Tier 2 since Draco had fished for her resources while he was in the Babylon Tower. Fortunately, the resources both he and Shuangtian needed were there too, up to Tier 4.

He took the resources out and then duplicated them, then returned them from whence they came. This only took a day since he had already recorded the divine materials needed and anything below that took far less effort to record and create.

So the three gathered together in the courtyard of the Ethereal Castle and sat in lotus positions.

The resources they needed for Tier 1 to Tier 4 were placed before them and they began to absorb them after connecting with their Inner Seeds.

Eva radiated endless heat and light, while Draco had an icy chill and a subtle darkness, and Shuangtian radiated pure physical pressure and lifeforce.

The three of them stayed like this for over an hour, handling the multiple breakthroughs and making sure nothing untoward happened with their Inner Seed's upgrade.

Eventually, they all opened their eyes and breathed out with relief, their breaths containing the elements that their bodies were radiating just now. In fact, they could even feel their very essence coursing with these properties.

The three shared a look and smiled, the endless power coursing through them was almost on par with one branch of their bloodlines.


That's right, Eva felt like the Light and Heat energy her Inner Sun was giving her was akin to her Eternal Rank Light Branch! The same held true for Draco and his Inner Moon with his Darkness branch and Shuangtian with her Elemental Golem branch.

"Right, lets see the details for these damn things, how can they be so goddamn potent?" Draco muttered with a curious smile.

First was the Sun Seed.

「Sun Star – Fusion item (Tier 4)

Rank: Divine

Durability: MAX


Passive 1 – Energy Generation: Your Inner Sun constantly spins and combusts to generate endless heat and Light Energy for you. No matter your mana or stamina stats, you will always be able to use techniques and skills related to these two elements.

Passive 2 – Power Boost: The fundamental nature of the heat and Light Energy used in your skills and techniques has been replaced by what is produced by the Inner Sun, increasing the effectiveness of both elements by 10,000%.

Active 1 – Sunderpress: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. When it rises, it sunders the horizon with its might and when it sets, it suppresses the horizon with its power. All enemies with a zone of your designation will either go through the effect of being sundered or being suppressed. Duration: Variable. Cooldown: Variable.please visit

Active 2 – Raze: The heat of the sun can only be borne by special fire species like the Sun Crow, the Phoenix, etc. Any other species subjected to its heat would be turned into ash, without a chance to fight back. Summon your Inner Sun out into the real world and allow its explosive heat to sweep through the battlefield. Duration: Variable. Cooldown: Variable.

Note: At Tier 4, all effects of the Sun Star are at their full power.

Description: A formerly young Sun that has grown to maturity within player Riveting Night who possesses the special bloodline of the Heat and Light Domains. As it has passed its infancy and has reached maturity, it has fully displayed its amazing compatibility with its host, allowing it to manifest abilities that are beyond what most could acquire.

Secret Note: Fuse with a Terra Planet and a Moon Satellite to advance to a Solar System.」

Then there was the Moon Seed.

「Moon Satellite – Fusion item (Tier 4)

Rank: Divine

Durability: MAX


Passive 1 – Energy Generation: Your Inner Moon constantly spins and precipitates to generate endless Frost and Darkness Energy for you. No matter your mana or stamina stats, you will always be able to use techniques and skills related to these two elements.

Passive 2 – Power Boost: The fundamental nature of the Frost and Darkness Energy used in your skills and techniques has been replaced by what is produced by the Inner Moon, increasing the effectiveness of both elements by 10,000%.

Active 1 – Sheerpressure: The moon abounds closer to the land, the waters go out of control. When in close proximity with the land, all entities will feel the geological and spatial pressure, as if they were 20,000 leagues under the sea. All enemies with a zone of your designation will either go through the effect of being submerged or being oppressed. Duration: Variable. Cooldown: Variable.

Active 2 – Freeze: The cold of the moon can only be borne by special ice species like the Jade Rabbit, Ice Phoenix, etc. Any other species subjected to its frost will turn into ice, without a chance to fight back. Summon your Inner Moon out into the real world and allow its pervasive cold to sweep through the battlefield.

Duration: Variable.

Cooldown: Variable.

Note: At Tier 4, all effects of the Moon Satellite are at the full power.

Description: A formerly young Moon that has grown to maturity within player Draco who possesses the special bloodline of the Frost and Darkness Domains. As it has passed its infancy and has reached maturity, it has fully displayed its amazing compatibility with its host, allowing it to manifest abilities that are beyond what most could acquire.

Secret Note: Fuse with a Terra Planet and a Sun Star to advance to a Solar System.」

And finally, the Planet Seed.

「Terra Planet – Fusion item (Tier 4)

Rank: Divine

Durability: MAX


Passive 1 – Energy Generation: Your Inner Planet constantly spins and precipitates to generate endless Physical and Nature Energy for you. No matter your mana or stamina stats, you will always be able to use techniques and skills related to these two elements.

Passive 2 – Power Boost: The fundamental nature of the Physical and Nature Energy used in your skills and techniques has been replaced by what is produced by the Inner Planet, increasing the effectiveness of both elements by 10,000%.

Active 1 – Weight of the World: There is no longer a need to lament that the world doesn't have a handle and that the sky is too small. The weight of the world crushes all beneath its might, and the spinning of its axis strengthens the gravity well. All enemies with a zone of your designation will either go through the effect of being smashed to death by a planet sized-mass or being dragged towards you through your gravitational pull. Duration: Variable. Cooldown: Variable.

Active 2 – Heal: The natural world of a planet can only be borne by special natural organisms like the Human, the Beast, etc. Any other species subjected to its natural environment will lose their vitality without a chance to fight back. Summon your Inner Planet out into the real world and allow its unique vitality to sweep through the battlefield. Duration: Variable. Cooldown: Variable.

Note: At Tier 4, all effects of the Terra Planet are at their full capacity.

Description: A formerly young Planet that has grown to maturity within player Jade Empress who possesses the special bloodline of the Physical and Nature/Elemental Domains. As it has passed its infancy and has reached maturity, it has fully displayed its amazing compatibility with its host, allowing it to manifest abilities that are beyond what most could acquire.

Secret Note: Fuse with a Moon Satellite and a Sun Star to advance to a Solar System.」

The three of them shared a look and saw the shock on their faces. First, passive one generates infinite mana and energy relating to the two elements which are based off your Intelligence and spirits stats, obviously.

Then passive two boosts the power of it in every form of use by 10,000%, which was basically x100!

Bruv, you should know that at Rank 3, their stats were virtually 300,000 in each stat, including Intelligence and Spirit. This was made infinite by passive and them multiplied by 100, so it was now 30,000,000 in Intelligence and Spirit.

Well with numbers like that, it was no fucking wonder they felt it was equivalent to their single branches which were Eternal Rank in power. Could the AI even support powers with these stats?!

And hey, what if they Ranked up? Wouldn't this stuff get even crazier then when their Semi-Eternal stat boosts climbed higher and higher?

Also, now that they had reached the pinnacle for them, the next step was to fuse into a Solar System. What would happen when that occurred, would these boosts increase further??

Because right now, Draco, Eva and Shuangtian could swear to you that they felt like they could throw out their Sun Star, Moon Satellite and Terra Planet to smash even a Rank 7 to near death, if not death.

If it increased further, could they finally challenge True Gods?

Not too likely, but they would no longer be helpless against them most probably.

Well, there was no need to speculate when they could see the end results for themselves. The trio then connected their minds and the AI prompt re-appeared as if it had never left.

「System to Player Announcement

Detected Sun Star, Moon Satellite, and Terra Planet presence within the same area. Due to intense synergy and the power of Origin Laws, all three items can be linked to form a Solar System.

Fuse? Y/N」

The prompt had changed, initially referring to them as seeds and the final fusion would have been a Minor Starry Sky Array, but after they reached maturity, they were referred to by their final names and the fusion was now a Solar System.

Naturally, Draco, Eva and Shuangtian chose yes on their respective prompts and then felt a surge of energy exploded from their bodies.

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