Guild Wars

Chapter 1005 Killing All His Loved Ones

Hoover was quickly carried away by some Goddess Descendants into the Aether Palace while many of those with significant strength in the core area rushed out.

This included Chief Dwamena of the Nshaw Tribe as well as Anan his right hand man and powerful assassin. From Rank 4 back then, they were now Rank 6.

There were also Vishad and the pother 99 Cit Lords of the Goddess Descendants who were Rank 5 back then and were Rank 7, but were of the politician class, so couldn't fight.

Then there was Vadoma, Roma's mother, of the gypsies who was a pure Rank 7 Seer. She was not powerful in terms of combat, but her Mystic Arts were much more mature and sinister than Roma.

When they came out, they immediately blocked the core areas of the Kingdom and glared at the Rank 7 fellows outside. Those with hostility sneered and stood there confidently while those who were neutral had their expressions changed multiple times.

Damn, these fucktards have made things much more difficult for everyone!

However, they eventually did not stop them. They were also dissatisfied that Draco was not here and wondered how to conclude things, but if these hostile fellows took the blame and destroyed his kingdom, the fellow would rush back, right?

Richmond in the void frowned deeply and raised his staff many times, but lowered it in the end. His face became gloomy and he hoped Draco would come back soon, because he - as his master - did not like to see his apprentice disgraced so easily.

Nakiu also frowned with disdain. He was a proud cultivator who had reached the peak and only ever bullied the strong and protected the weak. To see the so called powerhouses of this world doing something so cheap and despicable, he felt like he really lowered himself to come here.

However, Nakiu had the wrong idea. He came from an Eastern Fantasy universe where cultivators became more stuck up the higher they went and cared about 'face'. They would even kill and decide the fate of billions based on nothing but 'face', not logic to be found.

So the high tier cultivators would never do something like this so easily.

But Western Fantasy had nothing like face. It was pure benefits-oriented and focused on cold, rational logic and the false abuse of morality to get ones way.

Hence, the current situation.

The eyes of the various Rank 7s landed on Vadoma, who was the strongest among those who rose up and was the only one who could challenge them. As such, she became the de facto spokesperson for Vita with the absence of Sublime or Hoover.

Despite being stared at by hundreds of Rank 7 fellows, Vadoma simply smiled beautifully. Every since Hikari cured her blindness and removed her seer abilities, she had aged backwards slightly, revealing the beauty she had in her youth which was no less than Roma.

"I do not think you fellows have thought it through completely. You have no idea what method he used to achieve what he did. It could be a one-time method that involved many lucky chances." Vadoma began in a soft tone.

Her eyes then narrowed. "That would be the best case scenario for you. But what if his method is something that can be replicated? Even if it has a cost, what if it can be used more than once? Are you ready to accept the consequences of your actions?"

Vadoma's words put a chill in not just the hearts of the Rank 7 fellows, but in everyone listening. Yes, they had thought about it and felt like it was more likely a one-time thing.

But what if? Hat if he could replicate it? That was why the rushed here, to hold him down and force him to spit out the method and then ban everyone else from using it to protect their pseudo-invincible status.

It was fine if True Gods and Titled Gods could kill them, but how could they tolerate anyone else having that power?

And if Draco did come back and saw that they were attacking his Kingdom, wouldn't he go berserk and then use the item to kill? Even if he could only use it once, who would he target?

Everyone looked at the fellows who attacked and backed away from them as if they had the plague. The fellows themselves had a great expression change as their faces were filled with fear and horror.

Soon, their eyes became bloodshot. Since they were already at loggerheads, they might as well go all the way and destroy everything that Draco loved and cared about, so that even if he killed them, they could laugh with glee at his pain.

Suddenly, their bodies exploded with killing intent and power as they used their maximum strength to attack the core area, knowing that this was the important place of Vita Kingdom.

Lets kill all his family and friends first!

The faces of those in the core area changed greatly. Vadoma was shocked that these fellows would be so foolish and hasty, and glowed with a green outline as her hair flew up and moved like snakes.

She began to chant in a voice that echoed upon itself and torrents of Aetheric Energy gathered towards her. Dwamena and Ana also mustered their strength to resist, while the politicians could could share looks of dismay and used their bodies to block.

When the attacks landed, on Vadoma was barely able to resist by spitting blood and holding on. The politicians were smashed into awkward shapes and sent flying down.

As for Dwamena and Anan, they were directly blown into bloodmist and killed. The attacks then landed down on the core area, killing hundreds of Nshaw tribe residents and Goddess Descendants.

Thanks to Vadoma's strength, very few of the Gypsies were forced to suffer this brutal fate. However, many were still killed.

What was even worse were the estates of the core members.

All of their residences were destroyed into rubble, their families, concubines and friends killed immediately. Those like Boyd and Shani who had an in-game child lost that child today.

Chel and Bria, Zaine's sisters who were freeloading off Misery were stunned by the sudden attack and threw out the lifesaving items that Mephisto had given them.

However, this only allowed them to last longer for a few seconds before they were broken through, and the two Royal Devil beauties were smashed into paste.

Vadoma saw all this and was utterly furious. What made her almost faint was that her son Vano was currently staying on Cobra's residence and had been smashed into paste as well before he could even scream.

Vadoma felt her knees go weak and she wanted to cry out, but her pain was soon replaced by madness and hatred. She roared and used her greatest strength but sacrificing her lifeforce, soul and power to make a fatal blow against those who harmed her son.

The three fellows who had attacked in that direction had their faces change as it seemed like the entire world had descended upon them. They shouted and used their strongest defenses to resist, but all lost their lives in the end to this brutal curse fueled by everything Vadoma had.

The mother of Roma instantly withered like willow and looked on the verge of death as she fell out of the sky. While she was falling, the other Rank 7 fellows who watched the terrible fate of the three were initially scared.

However, when they saw the price Vadoma had to pay to do this, they were comforted and then furious.

When we are killing your loved ones and smashing your property, how dare you fight back and feel angry. You should be kneeling in thanks until its our time to deal with you!

As such, they all converged their power and fired one giant palm down that was filled with killing intent. Once this one landed, forget the core area, the entire Vita Kingdom would be leveled into nothing!

All those below could only look up with fear and shock, wondering if this was really how they were going to die.

The other Rank 7 fellows who hadn't attacked hesitated greatly, wondering if they should stop this or not. However, they still made no moves even to the last second, and just watched coldly.

Richmond immediately appeared from the void as he couldn't take it anymore, using a magic spell to strike towards to block the palm. However, his attacks was slashed in half by a blow of equal power, as a mysterious man wearing a Japanese hakama with a samurai hat made of black metal appeared near Richmond.

"SENGO MURAMASA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Richmond roared with fury, Nakiu appearing beside him and throwing a punch out without even speaking.

Muramasa blocked Nakiu's attack and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, your apprentice dares to interfere with my matters and so will die!"

Richmond and Nakiu attacked Sengo Muramasa with the intent to kill, but it was too late. The perfect period for them to block the attack below was over.

Vadoma, who was falling helplessly, could only barely smile as she wondered how her son-in-law and beloved daughter were doing, hoping that they wouldn't come here to suffer along with her.

However, her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a powerful shout filled with fury.


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