Guild Wars

Chapter 1001 Wealth! Wealth!! WEALTH!!! 2

Shuangtian only frowned a little before the Planet Seed merged with her. Within her core, there was a giant planet the size of Jupiter that was filled with lush continents, and the rest were giant seas of the purest color.

Naturally, there was no life on it… yet.

While Shuangtian was satisfied by the power brought by the new Planet Seed, Draco was looking at his fingers with lament.

No fucking wonder his hand was crushed so badly and he even screamed like a bitch to call Shuangtian!

He wasn't carry anything but a seed with the fucking weight of an entire planet!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

If Draco hadn't reached Rank 3 with the Semi-Eternal class and gained 300,000 points in each stat, specifically in this case Strength, he would have liked been forced into the Invincibility State from passive 2 of the Seal of Camelot.

Even Shuangtian had to add her strength leaf the Barbarian Empress power, and that one, even below 100% gave Shangtian the approximate power of Superman. As for Shuangtian, she was even more exaggerated and had punched Draco from earth into the solar system and through planets before.

Her strength - even passively and without activating the branch's abilities - were not something that could be easily understood. That was likely even this so called Goddess of Power favored Shuangtian so much.

Now that the seed had fused with Shuangtian, Draco sighed tiredly and took a step back. The prompt for the fusion was still there, but they couldn't click yes because their Inner Sun/Moon/Planet were not at the same tier collectively.

Eva's had already been sent to Tier 2 while they were still at Tier 0. However, it shouldn't be a problem to gather the resources needed for the level up, since everything up to Tier 4 was present in the goodies from the Tower of Babylon as well as the Refinement Treasury.

It was just that Draco and Eva had grown in power so quickly that these things became somewhat forgotten, but the appearance of the Planet Seed rekindled its value.

Now that Draco could also reproduce Divine materials with Refinement Stage 2, he no longer had to fear wasting them or consuming them once and for all.

Draco sighed and patted himself before walking to compartment 7. He opened it and then put his hand in gently, rummaging around before gripping slightly. This time, he obviously rested its weight before pulling it out.

It was a glowing purple sword that had black lines running through that glowed with a eerier light. Just looking at it, one could feel their skin being cut by the air that touched the sword.

「Kusanagi no Tsurugi – Ornamental Item

Rank: Divine

Durability: MAX


Passive 1 – Double Reflect: Any strike made with this blade, or any strike made onto this blade, would have its full power reflected back onto the attacker with double the strength!

Passive 2 – Grasscutter: This sword cannot be blocked, avoided or evaded through any ability below the Divine Rank.

Active 1 – Storm of Earth and Fire: The sword gathers the power of a thunderous storm to cover the area of one Continent Zone. The storm disables all similar elemental abilities and disrupts the flow of natural energies. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 24 hours.

Active 2 – Light Severance: This sword is the only thing in the universe that can sever the pure Light of Amaterasu. Activate this ability to gain the temporary power to slice through all forms of light. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 24 hours.

Description: The Kusanagi is a divine symbol of the Goddess Amaterasu's valor and justice pertaining the to eradication of evil, foul light and impurity. In its presence, light not belonging to her shall be extinguished and those with combative intent will die under the force of their own attacks.

Note: This item is soul-bound. No other than Amaterasu can wield it.」

Immediately, Eva's eyes lit up and she reached out for the sword that was naturally hers. However, Draco pulled back and kept the sword with a dangerous smile.

Eva glanced at Draco angrily. "You… Draco, what are you doing?!"

Draco smiled and twirled the sword. "Hehe, the only items that can cut your light huh? I'll have a lot of fun in our future sparring matches!"

Eva's face paled as she trembled. Shit, she had not realized this. Draco was definitely an evil bastard who even bullied babies without any scruples, how could he pass up the chance to bully her with this word that targeted her biggest strength?

Shuangtian was puzzled though. "But its soulbound to Eva, right? How are you gonna use it on her?"

Eva suddenly perked up when she heard this, but Draco's smile made her lose confidence. Currently, though they were connected mentally, Draco had blocked the connection so she couldn't read his mind.

"Hehe, isn't there Amaterasu? I'll just go and either charm her to death to sue the sword for me or I'll find a way to enslave her so she could sue the sword to block Eva." Draco stated evilly.

"Despicable!" Eva gritted her teeth with indignation.

"Hahaha, thanks for the compliment!' Draco roared with laughter as he held the sword up.

However, before he could react, the sword itself flew out of his grip and began to fly around. Eva's eyes lit up at the chance and grabbed out, trying to collect the sword.

However, it sliced and cut through Eva's power, then flew over in another direction. Draco, Eva and Shuangtian could only speechless watch it slowly fly over before seemingly finding its target.

Then it suddenly accelerated like a bullet and rushed to pierce!

Meanwhile, Ghostpro was lazily scouring the place for interesting loot when he suddenly felt a life and death crisis-like never before.

Orochi woke up within him and seemed excited.

"My tail! I can sense my tail! Return to me!!" He cried with joy.

However, Ghostpro turned and saw the Kusangi no Tsurugi hurtling towards him at abhorrent speed, aiming precisely fore his backside!

Looking at where Orochi's tail was on its body, that was the equivalent of the human booty hole rather than the human tailbone. The sword also naturally aimed for that spot since it did not care about human biology.

Ghostpro would die first before allowing this to happen, so he immediately mustered his power to resist. Orochi saw this and became anxious, a cruel light flash in his eyes as he disrupted Ghostpro's bloodline power, causing it to be unstable.

Ghostpro's face changed greatly. "OROCHI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Orochi did no seem to care about how he would harm Ghost, only thinking about how great it would be to have his tail back, even if it was digital. Orochi was already a big traitor towards Ghost, and had shown his darker side today too.

Ghost felt a chill as the sword had come to close for him to muster any useful method to block it due to Orochi's interference. He was finished!

Just when Ghost thought it was all over, he heard a piercing sound like steel tearing into flesh, but he did not feel any pain. Rather he turned to see that Draco had somehow appeared behind him and had used his body to block the sword.

It had run through his abdomen and popped out at the other side, wriggling and struggling as if it wanted to tear through his body completely and then reach its destination.

Draco simply grabbed the sword by the hilt, which was stuck in his gut and pulled it out casually. He then flocked the blade with psychic power, causing a mental scream to sound out the the blade to stop moving.

Clearly, its divine will or spirit had been severely injured with that strike from Draco.

Ghost simply sighed with relief and glanced at Draco with gratitude, who waved his hands and smiled. "Hmph, how can I let my own General be pierced by this vile item belonging to Eva's line?"

He then disappeared from where he stood and returned to Eva and Shaungtian's side.

Meanwhile Ghostpro glanced at Orochi within with killing intent, and the eight-headed serpent knew he had fucked up big time.

"Brother Cyrus, wait! It was just the long lost obsession of mine rearing its head- PLEASE WAIT!" Orochi screamed as he begged, but Ghost ignored him and suppressed him terribly.

Orochi was beaten up badly internally and tossed to the side like a dead dog.

Meanwhile, while Draco had gone to save Ghostpro, an evil smile appeared on Eva's face as she rushed to the cabinet, specifically compartment 6 and dragged it open.

Without a care, she tossed her hand in and pulled out what was within.

She held it up and saw that it was a glowing Golden Orb with runes all over its body.

「Orb of Worlds – Unique Item

Rank: Divine


Passive 1 – Void Traveler: Anyone can be blessed with the 'Void Traveler' status, preventing them from experiencing any backlash from world traveling and carrying the entirety of their power and prowess into other worlds.

Note: Void Traveler means that the indigenes and world will of the destination world will know you are an outsider, but you will be treated as a special diplomat with diplomatic immunity.

Passive 2 – Special Immigration: No matter which realm one is transported to, the people sent over by this item are granted the knowledge of the native's language, culture, history ans well as the world's general secrets, laws, concepts, rules and power system.

Active 1 – Gateway: Activating this skill sends anyone to any known realm of any grade for an indefinite amount of time. Cooldown: None.

Active 2 – Naturalization: Activating this skill allows anyone selected by the orb to switch their world of Origin and become a permanent native of the world they are currently in. Cooldown: None.

Description: This is the true Orb of Worlds, a special item created by an Origin God during the inception of the universe before the calamity that forced them all to he locked away. It has unparalleled power in terms of world travel and can allow its controller to go anywhere they want.」

The face of Eva changed as she dropped the orb like it was red hot. Her eyes became dark and her head dropped slightly, her emotions becoming chaotic.

Draco and Shuangtian saw this and their faces changed. Draco immediately rushed over and forgot about the Divine sword, and he - along with Shuangtian - held Eva in their embrace.

Draco stroke Eva's hair gently. "Eva, there not need to think about it. Its all in the past."

Shuangtian also nodded as she smothered Eva's face in her large torpedo breasts. "Its from a different era, so there's no need to think about it."

The reason for Eva's reaction was the same as why she had mental break down when she saw the Legendary Rank replica of this item being auctioned in the Divine Auction way back then.

It was precisely for this item that Draco had descended upon Darkrow with the full strength of Hellscape, his hatred and revenge culminating into their final battle where he lost and was defeated.

It was also when Draco lorded his hatred over her and spoke the most lines to her during their 8 year feud. (See Chapter 1)

As such, she always had very complex feelings whenever she saw this thing as it dug up the memories and feelings from back then. Eva usually kept them repressed because they were too painful to ignore, and this opened the seal slightly.

Draco and Shuangtian could sense this through the mental bond, and so rushed over to comfort her. Naturally, with the two of her most beloved people giving her strength, she managed to gather herself really quickly.

After making sure that she really was okay, Draco and Shuangtian shared a look. This time, Shuangtian stepped forward and opened the cabinet's next compartment, which was numbered 5.

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