Chapter 13: New Man...

~ Ryan's Pov, 2 months Later... ~





Another day, another me…

I stretched my arms over my head, bones popping in that satisfying way that reminded me I was still very much alive. Morning light streamed through my shitty apartment window, and the familiar smell of instant coffee and whatever leftovers I had in the fridge filled the air.

Routine. Simple. Predictable. Just how I liked it.

Except, well…

One thing had definitely not been predictable these last two months.

And that thing was Ethan.

Or whatever version of Ethan existed now.

I mean, don't get me wrong—dude was still Ethan-ish. Still had that sarcastic mouth, still stubborn as hell, still did things that made me question whether he actually cared about his own well-being.

But the difference?

He was actually getting scary.

Two months ago, he was collapsing after a thirty-minute jog with weights. Now? He was moving like they weren't even there.

His frame had filled out too—not in some crazy muscle-head way, but the dude was looking noticeably stronger. Less scrawny, more solid. I'd even caught a few people at the park sneaking looks at him lately, like they weren't sure if he was the same guy who used to half-ass his workouts.

And the worst part?

I don't even think he realized how much he'd changed. He's never brought up anything but training constantly to me either.

It wasn't just the training. His whole vibe was different. More focused. More collected.

And, I dunno... That? That's what unsettled me the most.

Because, if there was one thing I knew about Ethan before, it was that he was never really… in control.

But now? Now he looked like someone who had already decided on something big. Metaphorically speaking. He looked like he could actually take on the world...

I just wasn't sure if I was supposed to be impressed—or, worried...

Knock! Knock!

"Ah, I'm comin'"

I put on the shirt I had nearby, opening the door...


"Morning dude... Ready for another day?"

I looked at him. A part of me felt proud of my friend. Like, really proud. But, another part of me was absolutely puzzled as to who, or what I'm even seeing in front of me. I remembered just two months ago when Ryan was just a bit shorter than I was; In fact, he was around 5'8".

I'm 5'10", or 6' tall. A decent height gap, still, not totally astronomical... But that was then. Now he was actually as tall as me. Not even that... His face, it didn't even look entirely the same either. I didn't want to be that weird friend. But, he went from average in looks, to being slightly above the average. A solid 6/10 from his previous 5/10. 

I'm wondering if he was doing that looks-maxxing trend I saw these other grown ass dudes and even kids doing on this app called TikTok...

Regardless, I didn't know how that was even possible to change this much... He was 21 years old damn it, and statistically, him even growing an inch more at this age was nothing short of miraculous. Much less two inches in two months.

I calmed myself down a bit, realizing that this was still my old friend... "Y-Yeah... Morning Ethan."


~ Ethan's Pov ~




"Hurry up and get changed, I want to head out and get something."

"And that would be?"

I lifted my right arm, tapping on the weighted wristband, "I wanna get these bad boys replaced. The 50s are just getting a little too light for me right now. I actually thinking of getting and jumping right to the 100s, and then also buy the 200s."

I never really thought I'd see the day that I'd ever say something like that so casually... But, here I was. I was effectively 370 lbs. Give or take a pound or two... But, I felt completely normal, at least to the point before I upped them from the 30s.

He looked at me as if I was crazy, "Ethan... Why did you even bother knocking me up? this is something you can do, alone."

He's right, "I know, but you have nothing better to do at the moment either... I'll even buy us some drinks after."

He raised his arms, only to put it down right after, "Touché... Give me a minute to get something half decent on."

I laughed, "Yeah, I'll be down at the front."




We went on our ways in getting what I needed to get...

I saw Ryan taking a deep breath, "You know... I don't think you're a normal human anymore."

'That one came out of nowhere.'

"You don't think I've realized that...? Half way into the journey, I picked up that the rate I was growing wasn't exactly normal by human standards. Much less carrying something like these weights everywhere I go. Now I getting ones twice as heavy."

"It's kind of crazy to think that my friend has powers like those heroes we see..."

I raised an eyebrow at the powers part... "I never said anything about having me having powers now, did I? Actually, my level of strength has only increased when I actually bothered to even train it. These weren't granted to me."

Ryan looked at me, "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that I'm still not entirely sure of what I have, exactly. Based on my observations, I have increased strength, speed, endurance and dexterity. I'm not so sure about the toughness part.

Ryan let out a slow exhale, rubbing the back of his neck. "Man… Do you hear yourself right now?"

I gave him a look, "Yeah?"

He gestured vaguely at me. "Ethan, two months ago, you could barely jog with a few extra pounds strapped on. Now you're walking around with 370 pounds like it's a fashion accessory, casually talking about doubling that. You don't think that sounds even a little insane?"

I shrugged, "I mean… when you put it like that, yeah."

Ryan shook his head, muttering something under his breath. Then, after a pause, he sighed. "Alright, let's break this down. You're telling me your strength, speed, endurance, and dexterity have all shot up, but only because you actually trained them?"

"That's what it seems like," I said, adjusting my wrist weights. "If I wasn't putting in the effort, I don't think I'd be making gains like this."

Ryan narrowed his eyes. "And your toughness? You haven't noticed an increase?"

I frowned, thinking about it. "Not exactly. I don't heal faster or anything. Though, it's not like I've actually tested it... Ad, if I get hit, I still feel it. But I guess I don't tire out the same way I used to."

Ryan crossed his arms, looking deep in thought. "So what, you've got some kind of progression-based ability? Like… the more you train, the stronger you get, but only if you put in actual work?"

I exhaled through my nose, "That's what I've been trying to figure out still... If this was some kind of supernatural ability, you'd think there'd be some kind of shortcut, right? But no—every bit of strength I've gained has been from training my ass off, at least so far."

Ryan rubbed his chin, "Still. Even if it's 'earned' power, that's not normal. You're telling me a regular dude like you can just grind his way to superhuman levels as long as he works hard enough?"

I shrugged. "Maybe I'm not a regular dude."

Ryan let out a long sigh. "Yeah, no shit."

We walked in silence for a moment, the city streets humming with the usual mid-day buzz—cars passing, people chatting, the faint scent of street food lingering in the air.

Then Ryan glanced at me again, eyes sharp. "You're not… worried?"

I raised an eyebrow. "About?"

"About what this means," he said, serious now. "Like, think about it. If you're growing at this rate, where's the limit? Is there even a limit in the first place? What happens when your body hits the next threshold? You gonna start bench-pressing cars next?"

I smirked, "I mean, that'd be kind of cool."

Ryan groaned. "Ethan, I'm being serious."

I stopped walking, turning to him fully. "And I'm serious too, Ryan. I don't know what's happening to me. But sitting around freaking out about it isn't gonna change anything, is it? The only thing I do know? Is just live, and know that I feel good. Better than I ever have."

Ryan studied me, like he was trying to see if I was just saying that or if I actually meant it.

Finally, he sighed, shaking his head. "You're a freak."

I grinned, "And you're just jealous."

"Jealous my ass," Ryan muttered. "C'mon, let's go buy your stupid weights before you start challenging people to arm-wrestling matches in the street."

I laughed, stretching out my arms again. "Sounds like you're scared."

Ryan groaned louder, "I hate you."

"Love you too, bud."

And with that over with, we kept walking until we saw the store. These things weren't cheap, the 100s cost me around 100 dollars and the 200s cost me double, leaving me with only a few hundred dollars left... The good part was that they could ship it all for me.

A pity I couldn't fly...

We went on the path to get some food and drunks... Luckily there was a burger king a few blocks away...

"Hey, Ethan... I'm still wondering if we should go ahead with this, Uhh... underground thingy? You aren't exactly, well... A, normal human."

I turned towards him and shook my head, picking up the clear sarcasm... "I can still attend. I'm not so much above regular humans, yet or much... The most that I have, is the endurance or stamina, and that's still an if. Plus, who says that this state of mine isn't my current limit?"

He sighed, "You're right... Since you already came this far... How much money are you willing to stake?"

I did some mental calculations, "Around a few hundred dollars, why? You thinking of doing this thing today?"


Ryan turned to me slowly, smiling, "Yes. I think I do."









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