Chapter 10: Training...

~ Ethan's Pov, a day later after work ~




After that talk I had with Ryan, we went home. To be honest, he was more excited than me about this. But, it's easy for him since he's not the one fighting. Either way, I didn't get to train my self yesterday, which was a shame. I don't have the time to slack off like I thought... The 7:30 - 5:30 shift.

Eleven hours back to back was tedious. That's easily half my damn day... If I continue like this, going for another 40 years. I'll be sacrificing more than 18 years out of my life to do this kind of thing; Yeah, I don't plan to...

In retrospect. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea after all.




"Yeah, Ryan... I still don't think this is such a great idea." I thought it over again, and the fact that I'm going to some secretive underground place just to earn some illegal dough seems like it'll be more of a pain, if I ever get caught that is...

Ryan put his arms around my shoulders, "Oh, relax! It is, trust me. You'll do more than fine. But, since you are lacking in the strength department, I say we wait for a few months before we actually try anything. We do need you to build-up your body as much as possible."

Build-up? "Whoa there buddy! Wait for just a minute man... How long are we talking here?"

"Let's see here... Around 2-4 months, give or take. Training consistently should start giving you some results. though, not everyone is the same. Some people can see results in less time. I mean, look at you? You've only been training for a week straight, yet you already moved much better than before, who knows how much you grow with actual equipment helping you?"

Now that he mentions it; He's right... I could barely even do my exercises just starting off at first, yet, I was already comfortable doing a decent amount of them in just a week's time... Maybe he's right, maybe this body of mine was just that much more talented than I gave it credit for.

And if that is the case... I won't waste the opportunity I've been given.

I turned towards him, "Alright, I hear you, I do... But the equipment part? Gyms around here aren't exactly free, and nor are they cheap. And I'm not exactly the richest guy around either. Plus, pay-day is a few days way, and even then I'm not so sure about it."

"I've got the equipment part down. I used to work out like a freak back a few years ago. I've still got those old equipment I've had back then too, heck; I still use em', but only to stay in shape, as you can see~" He started flexing his biceps.

'Well, I've got to give it to the guy, he was fairly toned. Plus, he seems like someone I could rely on a bit when it comes to stuff like this...'

"Alright, I get it~ Just put your arm down. I'm in, so let's just hurry and get started already..." Shrugging him off.

"No need to rush, I only live a few blocks down from here, c'mon."

'I just hope I don't regret this...'




"Welcome to my humble abode."

Wow... It really was humble. This place looked a bit smaller than my own, but not uncomfortably so. He had all the basic necessities; a bathroom, and a kitchen to go along with it too, with only the bathroom having it's own space...

I could see the amount of work-out equipment he had in a corner to themselves. Neatly packed away, in fact, his place was pretty much all neat and compact. Definitely much better looking on the inside than outside too.

This got me a bit curious, "Hey, if you don't mind me asking, how much do you pay to live here?"

"Around $1058, essentially $1060; Including the water, light and internet bill."

Wait... What?

"Okay dude; How the hell is your place so cheap? I pay close to 2 thousand, including the utility bills?" He's essentially paying half of what I did for a space that wasn't that much smaller... Is the housing industry that screwed up?

"Well… this place isn't exactly prime real estate. Crime's pretty high, so rent's dirt cheap. Plus, the space is tiny. And let's be a little real, man—no one's lining up to live somewhere that looks like piss and gunk on the outside." He explained.

And given those factors, he's damn right. But, I don't care. "Where is the landlord, I need to move in here asap. It takes me almost an hour to get to work, and it takes you like 15 minutes tops, if you take your time, and walk like what? A 90 year old man."

He got ready to speak, but quickly closed his mouth right after, "I can't argue with that kind of logic now, can I?"

Of course you can't, "I'm serious dude, I'll need to speak with the owner of this entire place, like pronto. Like, seriously. I'm moving out of my damn house the next time I get my pay... In fact, is the room in front of you even taken?"

Ryan laughed, "Taken? I'm one of the ten people who even lives here at all... Heck, It'd be a damn miracle in and of itself for you to even catch another living soul on this entire floor... So yes, it's free. But, we need to start your little work-out sesh. I personally don't have all day today."

He walked over to where some of his equipment were, "What are you looking for?"

He kept rummaging through his stuff, "I have a nice little theory about you that I've been thinking off all night, and I plan to test it."

Huh? Theory? "Care to enlighten me before you actually try anything that might harm me?"

"Nope, just put these on for now." He walked up to me, giving me some wristband looking things. They all marked 5 lbs. or somewhere around 2.1 kg, how they were so compact and weighed that much is a mystery to me... "Oh, and put both pairs on your ankle and wrists."

For some reason, I think I know what I'm gonna do...




"Huff!! Huff!!!"

My breath came out in short, ragged huffs... I sounded like a labored dog. The added weight made every step feel like I was dragging through mud, my legs burning while I tried pushing forward. Jogging in this condition was absolute hell.

"Damn… how long… do I gotta keep this up?" I managed between breaths, wiping the sweat from my head.

He walked beside me at a relaxed pace, hands in his pockets, not even breaking a sweat. "Just a little longer."

I shot him a glare, "Define… Huff! little."

He smiled at me, "Until you stop feeling like you're gonna collapse."

'I'm absolute chopped, aren't I...'









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