Green Lanterns Light

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: X-Men

[Insert a GIF of the X-men Here]

Winner of the contest will be announced tomorrow.

Also John isn't going to be a member of the X-Men. He'll strike out on his own. But only after a few more chapters. You'll understand why soon enough.


'It really did all happen. Everything single thing.' John thought.

Still dealing with the realization he truly was now living in a different world.

And a world based on Marvel at that.

"Young man, hello? Are you alright?" Hank asked.

When he did John blinked a few times before turning his attention to Hank. "Sorry, what was that?"

"I asked if you are alright young man." Hank spoke again.

"Yes and no." John replied. "It's a mixed bag really."

"Understandable. Given all you have been through." Hank spoke.

"Thank you." John replied. "Also, I didn't catch your name doctor. By the way mine is John Marshall Stewart."

"A pleasure to meet you then young John. My name is Hank McCoy." Hank spoke.

"Right. So, where am I?" John asked.

Of course he knew where he likely was, but he wanted to make sure. Not to mention if he didn't ask it would be weird. And he can't have that.

Since John certainly wanted no one looking to closely at him. In particular his mind. For with what he knew anyone who got his hands on his knowledge might destroy the very fabric of the reality of his current home universe itself.

That's why John is never going to tell anyone about his previous life.


"In a safe place." Hank replied.

"I'm afraid your answer isn't good enough Dr. McCoy. Considering what I've been through. So I'd appreciate a straight answer. Otherwise I'll see myself out." John spoke. Enveloping his entire body in willpower energy.

"Please young John, there is no need for any sort of hostility." Hank spoke.

"And there won't be, if you tell me where I am." John replied. A sweet smile on his face.

In total contrast to the intense energy his body was now eminating.

Though before John could do anything with that energy he heard another very familiar voice.

Inside of his head at that.

'Alright young man, I think that's quite enough.'

Turning in the direction of the voice John saw the doors to the medical bay open.

After it did three people entered. One of them rolling in due to being in a wheelchair.

The person in the wheelchair being none other than the bald British telepath himself, Charles Xavier.

Who is the spitting image of his actor from the films, John Patrick Stewart.

[Insert Image of Professor X/Charles Xavier Here]

Seeing the man John couldn't help but wonder what that meant for this universe Star Trek franchise, and if there would be any Captain Picard at all.

But disregarding that John also looked at the other two individuals that entered the room with Xavier.

The first was the one who saved him, one of his all time comic book crushes, and a woman he had seen many times before form the Rule34 perspective in his previous life, the weather witch herself, Storm.

Also known as Ororo Munroe.

Also known to John as his savior. For if she hadn't shown up before when she did, he might've returned to the Afterlife again sooner than he would've liked.

The second person to enter the room was none other than the man, the myth, the legend himself, Hugh Jackman!

No, wait. Here he is known as James "Logan" Howlett, also known by the hero name Wolverine.

[Insert Image of James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine Here]

Who is over six feet like in the Fox films, and not the comic accurate height of 5'3".

But even if he was that wouldn't matter to John, since he would still respect Logan.

I mean he's Wolverine. Nothing else to say.

"Ah, it's you. You saved me before." John said to Ororo.

"Yes, that I did." Ororo replied.

"Thank you. Truly." John said. Meaning his words. "Oh, my name is John Marshall Stewart by the way. And you are?"

"Ororo Munroe." Ororo replied.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." John spoke.

"Hey bub, save the attempts at flirting for later will you." Logan spoke up.

"Maybe." John replied. "And in that case who might hou be?" He asked.

"Call me Logan kid." Logan replied.

"And I'm professor Charles Xavier." Charles spoke up.

"So, you were the one who was just talking to me in my head." John said.

"Correct, Mr. Stewart. That was me." Charles said.

"How?" John asked. Once more playing dumb.

"I, like you, have special abilities. Since I too am a Mutant. And one of mine is telepathy." Charles explained.

"I see." John spoke. "Okay. So back to my first question, where am I?"

"You are currently located in the medical facilities within the subterranean levels of the school I run." Charles easily spoke. "A place that is completely safe, I assure you."

"Well forgive me if I don't take you at your word professor, but considering what I've just been through I'll see if this place is safe with my own eyes. Unless I'm not allowed to leave?" John spoke.

Doing his best to play the role of the mistrusting teenager due to the torture he has suffered.

Working to make it seem like he didn't want to explore the X-Mansion, when he absolutely did.

"No, no, you may leave any time. Though I would prefer it if you stay." Charles spoke.

"Unless you do college courses at this school of yours professor I don't think that'll work. I'm eighteen after all." John said.

"Actually we are a fully accredited school. All the way up to college. At least to the Bachelor degree level." Charles explained. "So again, if you wish to stay here you can. No one here will try and stop you from leaving."

"I'll consider it." John replied.

Though he had already made up his mind to stay at the X-Mansion, and hang out with the X-Men for a while.

After all looking through his new memories John could see in this reality he had no parents or family. He grew up in the foster care system, moving from home to home, until he tried to sign up for the U.S. Marine Corps as a way to make a living.

Only for his Mutant powers to manifest shortly before he could complete his application.

After this happened John was quickly snatched up by those people who experimented on him.

So if he simply left the X-Mansion and tried to make it on his own, as he is now, he would most certainly end up in another fucked up situation.

Which John did not want for himself.

So he needed time.

Time to rest and recuperate, get a true handle on his powers, make real plans for the future, and even possibly recruit some allies.

As well as well attempt to flirt with Storm a bit more.

Since from looking at her John could tell she was only maybe three or four years older than him.

Meaning he might have a chance.

He hoped.

But yeah.

Those and a few others reasons are why he's going to stick with the X-Men for a while.

"Good to hear." Charles said. "Now then, into a bit more pressing business. Please tell my colleagues and I everything you can remember about the place you were being held captive."

"Why?" John asked.

"Because the people who ran it took their own lives and blew the facility to Kingdom come after we showed up." Logan quickly explained.

"What happened to the other prisoners?" John instantly decided to ask.

"We managed to get most of them out, but I'm sorry to say several didn't make it out of the facility in time before it exploded." Charles explained.

"I see." John replied. "Alright then. Let's begin." He said.

He then started recounting all he had seen and done since he found himself in that horrible facility.

Hoping his words would help the X-Men out a stop to those guys.

But if they didn't John made himself a promise.

He most definitely fucking would.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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