Great Power Technology.

Chapter 608 Ending

Chapter 608 Ending
Harbor City.

In the office, Liu Sen's hair was messy and his beard was unshaven. After returning from Shencheng, he had locked himself in the office for three whole days.

During these three days, he frantically looked up all kinds of information and made countless phone calls, trying to grab the life-saving straw that might not exist.

But obviously, he failed.

Just now, after he made the last international phone call, a bank located in a small, wealthy country in the Middle East also rejected his application—and the funds he wanted were actually only 60 billion!
60 billion, this amount of funds, if it was placed two months ago, countless banks would rush to him like flies smelling fishy smell, scrambling to send the money to him.

This is not an exaggeration. He still remembers that once, he just inadvertently disclosed his financing needs at a reception. That night, an unknown source of funds was directly remitted to his private account.

At that time, he was both funny and absurd. After investigation, he found out that the remitter was a prince in the Middle East.

He didn't accept the money, but now, he wished that he had accepted the money.

In this way, he can at least establish a moderate relationship with that prince, and in the current crisis, he can have one more chance.

Even if it is just an opportunity, it is precious enough to him.

Liu Sen sighed heavily. He never thought that the business empire that he and his father had built with great difficulty would collapse so quickly.

Yes, he still has a lot of businesses running normally, but the most important personal terminal business has almost cut off all ways of survival.

Two weeks later, the group has 160 billion long-term and short-term bank debts due, and the relevant banks have sent him a risk warning. If the repayment cannot be made on time this time, the bank will immediately initiate emergency procedures, that is to say, he will face Serious Credit Default Allegations.

At that time, the company's assets as collateral will also be recovered by the bank.

One hair will affect the whole body. At this point in time, breach of contract is tantamount to death.

He has already used all his resources and even sold two villas at a low price, but the amount of funds in hand now is still short of 60 billion after paying the current expenses.

Clearance, fire sale, down payment, application to the bank for extension, and even delayed payment of employee wages, but there is always a gap of billions.

Of course he knows that the 160 billion non-extendable and non-restructurable debts are definitely calculated carefully. His opponent formulated this set of combo punches only after calculating the upper limit of the cash flow he holds.

But what can I do?

There is no way to dodge, so I can only bite the bullet and eat it.

Liu Sen felt that his lips were a little bitter, and he suddenly realized that no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to meet the bank's requirements, because once he detected that his cash flow had increased, a new bank would immediately pop up and ask for repayment. payment.

This is an endless loop, there is no way to break the game, because their game is a loop.

He slumped down on the chair, quietly looking at the post-modern sculpture in the office that he was tired of looking at, feeling in a trance that the experience of these decades was like a dream.

Since he took over the company, he always thought that he was doing the right thing, that he was just a businessman, and it was understandable to pursue profit. The feeling of passing the lantern.

The conversation with Iverson that day reverberated in his ears.

"Don't you really think that the Liu family's recognition is declining?"

That's right, how can Liu's recognition be evaluated by market share?At that time, how could I be so arrogant and arrogant to say "I don't think so" to Iverson?
In 06, the Feixianmen incident, when the Liu family recalled all computers with problems in the world—except Huaxia.

In 08, when the screen door was changed, the Y430 Huaxia version used all inferior screens.

In 11 years, the splash screen door incident scored twice, and all computers with problems except Huaxia were replaced.

In 15, because the price difference between inside and outside caused public outrage, our side explained that the price difference of notebooks was due to value-added tax. However, at that time, the price difference between inside and outside was as high as 47.46%, while the value-added tax was only 17%.

In 15, the broken shaft door incident, for the third time, announced that the Y50 short shaft can be replaced globally except China.

In 16, the 5G voting event.

In XX, Simcere Pharmaceuticals.

In XX, taxi-hailing software was smuggled into the market, and soon fell into a crisis of data leakage...

Isn't it enough to add up all these things to constitute the result of "declining recognition"?

No, the "recognition" mentioned by Iverson definitely does not only refer to the recognition from consumers, but of course also includes the official recognition from Huaxia.

They are the most sober people.

In the past, they have always controlled and used the Liu family, but in fact it was only for the sake of profit, and when they found that the Liu family had embarked on an unprofitable path, they immediately let go and fled.

This is a smart businessman.

Liu Sen sighed again, he regretted it.

It's not that I regret how many wrong things I have done, but that I have misread the situation from the very beginning.

If he had known that Huaxia could gain power like this, who would be the dog of the ugly country?
With a wry smile, he picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it down.

Afterwards, he pushed open the door of the office, and the secretary who had been waiting outside the door was startled by his haggard appearance, and asked quickly:
"Mr. Liu, are you alright?"

Liu Sen shook his head and replied:

"I'm fine, help me call the shareholders' meeting, there are important things to announce."

Looking at Liu Sen's precarious figure, the secretary asked hesitantly:
"Now? Do you want to go to rest first..."

"No, just now."

Liu Sen interrupted him, and then added:
"In the future, there will be plenty of time to rest."


Two weeks later, several major companies under the Liu family filed for bankruptcy with the court, established a bankruptcy liquidation team, notified creditors, and made announcements in major newspapers and media.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

No one would have imagined that a once giant group would fall so quickly, even the Ugly Nation, who had known the inside story for a long time, was surprised.

The public's reaction was somewhat intriguing.

On the Internet, many stupid or bad netizens went to the official account of the Liu family to light candles in memory of this former giant.

But on the Intranet, the comments section of the official account of the Liu family was full of drums and firecrackers.

Ye Zhou, who was far away in Rongcheng, sat opposite Chen Hao, with a cup of tea in front of him, marking the end of the siege.

"You said, how many times do we have to do this kind of action?"

Ye Zhou asked suddenly.

Chen Hao shook his head and replied:
"I do not know."

"Interested groups like the Liu family will always appear. This is an unchangeable objective fact—even things worse than them will continue to flow."

"However, I have absolute confidence that as long as our organization is still there, if such a thing pops up, we will fight one."

"One day, the soil that breeds these things will be completely cleared."

"I think that day is not far away."

(End of this chapter)

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