Great Power Technology.

Chapter 592 Let's Handle It

Chapter 592 Let's Handle It

"Xiansheng Pharmaceutical? The one you told me before? The company that monopolizes life-saving drugs and harms people?"

The wife looked at Hu Li in surprise, but the latter nodded without speaking.

"...Then pull it down, you'd better not sign it, no matter what the others are, at least we can't confuse this conscience, or else we'll have a restless life for the rest of our lives."

"But you have to know that even if I don't sign it, if other people sign it, the company will still sell what should be sold, and we will lose a lot of money."

"...That's a question, but do you think people from your company will sign?"

Hearing this, Hu Li sighed.

From an emotional point of view, he certainly hopes that other colleagues in the company will unite to resist the acquisition of Simcere Pharmaceuticals and prevent them from continuing to do anything wrong in this life-threatening field.

But in fact, everyone is just ordinary people, and the difficulties he faces are nothing compared to others. Based on his social circle, he knows that there are two patients in Lao Wang's family in the same group, both of whom are sick. When you need money urgently.

For them, Simcere Pharmaceuticals doesn't even need to offer too high a condition, because every extra sum of money will be a blessing in disguise.

What reason do I have to stop them, and what position can I use to persuade them?
Don't seek for others without the suffering of others.

"...We can't control whether they sign or not, but after thinking about it, I think I can't sign."

"Have you read the novels? In some cultivating novels, those masters are often defeated not by their opponents, but by their own hands. This is called Dao heart instability."

"If I sign the contract today, there will be a problem with my Dao heart - I still want to continue to cultivate in this industry, and I don't want this short-term benefit to affect my future development."

"It sounds ridiculous. But you believe me, I will make more money in the future and buy us a bigger house!"

There was a bit of pleading in Hu Li's expression, but when he looked at his wife, there was Zhang Yingying's smiling face.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you can't afford a house. No matter what you decide, I will support you—let alone such a decision."

Hu Li let out a long sigh of relief, and held his wife's hand. He wanted to continue to slack for a while, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door in the living room out of season.

Hu Li stood up suspiciously, and after opening the door, several figures in suits and leather shoes appeared in front of him.

The badges on the opponent's chest have already exposed their identities.

The business representative of Simcere Pharmaceuticals.


Hu Li's tone was unceremonious, but the other party didn't take it seriously, but still maintained a kind smile and said:
"Brother Hu, there's no need to reject people thousands of miles away, right? We're old acquaintances. We even clinked glasses at the 16 trade fair."

Hu Li sneered, thankfully the other party still remembered what happened more than ten years ago—of course, if they deliberately did enough homework, let alone ten years, even if it was decades ago, they could dig it out. He almost had a relationship with his great-grandfather.

"At that time, you were not so low-spirited, Zhang Yi, don't you know that your company's reputation is stinky? Now the situation is very unfavorable to you, hurry up and find another job, don't delay yourself."

The other party smiled and did not speak, but pointed to the room, signaling to enter the room to talk.

Hu Li hesitated for a moment, but finally let them in.

After sitting down on the sofa, the sales representative named Zhang Yi said straight to the point:

"Brother Hu, you're impatient to argue with me anyway, so I'll just be honest."

"We plan to acquire your company. The general framework has been negotiated. Now it depends on the opinions of the staff committee."

"We have received confirmation from 8 key employees, and they will support us in the subsequent votes. If you agree, we will find another one to ensure more than half of the votes and facilitate this acquisition."

"Now our asking price is 60 yuan, and this 30 yuan will be reflected in bonuses, subsidies, and salary increases. In order to ensure that your interests can be reflected in the shortest possible time, we can promise that we will make a small-scale capital injection before the acquisition is completed. Form, let your company's board of directors give you a part of the bonus in advance."

"The amount of this part of the bonus will reach more than 60% of the total package, which is about 40."

"How about it, Brother Hu, think about it?"

Big money.

Hu Li sighed secretly in his heart.

With this money, the down payment of the house he fancy can be settled immediately, and he can even be rich enough to use it for the vacation after the wedding.

Originally, because of tight funds, they didn't even arrange a honeymoon.

Unfortunately, just a few minutes ago, he had already made a decision.

But for him, a good decision is not so easy to change.

"Sorry, I have decided not to sign. If you are confident, go find someone else."

"No, Brother Hu, are you so decisive? No, did you not understand the situation?"

"The current situation is that no matter how you deal with it, our chances of winning are already great. Instead of sticking to your own so-called principles, why don't you join us in gathering some of the company's wool?"

"60 is really not a small number. To be honest, I'm even moved."

"Look, if I can facilitate your intention today, the commission I get will only be a few thousand yuan. I regret why I am not an employee of your Canshi."

"Take a step back, no matter how much you resist, it's useless. Now that you don't agree, turn around and I'll go to the next one. You know who is behind the first move, and are there any companies that they can't take down?"

Hu Li took a deep breath. In all fairness, everything the other party said was true, and it could almost be said that he was extremely frank. For him, the most correct choice was to sign an agreement and get what belonged to him.

Even if he took the money and ran away, that wouldn't count as accomplice, would it?

However, Hu Li really couldn't pass this test.

He, who has been trained to be extremely slick in the workplace for a long time, still retains a stubborn sense of justice, which he himself did not expect.

After a pause, he said:
"Needless to say these, different ways do not conspire with each other."

"I won't buy you tea. You don't look thirsty anyway—but some patients are thirsty."

"Let's go, don't send it off."

Seeing his performance, Zhang Yi shook his head and stood up, put down a business card on the table and said:

"Anyway, if you think it through, call me again."

"It's not easy for everyone. I know you're biased against me, but I have a family to raise—don't you too?"

After finishing speaking, he simply turned around and left.

Seeing the closed anti-theft door, Hu Li sat down on the sofa, frowning for half a minute, and then suddenly laughed.

The wife on the side also laughed out loud, and in this short moment, she had completely understood Hu Li's smile.

"You are like a hero!"

she said.

"Hey, what kind of hero am I. But the feeling of rejection is really cool."

While talking, Hu Li's phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number.

As soon as he picked up the phone, the man on the other end said:
"Mr. Hu Li? I heard that Simcere Pharmaceuticals has contacted you."

Hu Li frowned, and said impatiently:
"I said if I don't sign it, I won't sign it. You can find someone else, and don't bother me!"

The person on the opposite side was obviously stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted. Before Hu Li hung up the phone, he said quickly:

"I'm the Chief Technology Officer!"

"We heard that Simcere Pharmaceuticals is in contact with you, so we called to inquire about the situation."

Hu Li hurriedly picked up the phone again to apologize, and the other party smiled generously, and continued to speak:
"Listen to what you said just now, as an important member of the staff committee, you have already rejected them?"

"Yes, the discussion has collapsed."

The man on the opposite side hummed and continued:

"With Xiansheng Pharmaceutical's way of doing things, it shouldn't be a case of collapse, right? Well, let's make a long story short."

"I want to tell you what conditions they want to give you, just go ahead."

"It's free money, why don't you want it?"

"As for the rest, we will deal with it."

 Resume the update, the group said the reason.

  Write for a while, and slowly finish the rest of the story.

(End of this chapter)

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