Great Novelist

Chapter 24

Language Acquisition Device

Before heading home, he decided to stop by the bookstore for a while. I had things to buy.

I was heading to a bookstore nearby, and I saw a foreigner. It seemed to me that I was lost when I saw my restlessness. As she tried to speak, the people left in a hurry. Normally, I’d pretend I didn’t know.

However, the present self, with the language acquisition device running in his head, was able to confront the unknown language with certainty.

He asked in English.

“Can I help you?”

She glanced at the language she had heard for a long time. She replied in English.

“Yes! Help me! It’s called” Arabia, “and I don’t know how to get there. ”

“Well, wait a minute. ”

It was the first place I heard of. After a moment of deliberation, he led her into a nearby real estate. The sleepy employee got up from the chair in a panic.

“Do you know where Arabia is? ”

“Oh, yes. Wait a minute.”

He searched for something fearless. After finding the location, I gave you the location on the walled map. When the man explained his way here, he translated as is and passed it on to the woman. I could feel the man looking at me with strange eyes.

“Oh, I know. Across the street from the market. I was circling around the same place. ”

She smiles brightly. He must have been very anxious to get lost in a strange country.

“Enjoy your trip. ”

“Oh, thank you so much. This is why I can’t stop traveling even if I get lost every time. ”

She thanked you again for coming along. I waved my hand at her as she turned and left for the road. The short relationship came to an end. He also headed back to the bookstore.

There were a lot of people in a big bookstore. I passed a long line in front of the register. The first thing that caught my eye was that there were traces of birds on the shelf. People look at the book in front of a rectangular pole. He glanced at it for a moment and then turned around.

It was a bookstore for a long time. I moved to the literature corner to see a little. There were lots of columns of writers. They were all famous writers.

Looking all the way, he stopped walking in front of a person’s name. The main street. Right next to it is the name of the writer in the saddle. Maybe the bookstore deliberately placed them this close.

These two were famous combinations of literature.

These two people were born two months apart in the same neighborhood and went to the same elementary school, middle school, and high school. The author said in his writing that he had six times the same experience in total.

As a college student, I wanted to fall apart, but one of the things happened when the writer was thrown out of the dormitory. I end up in the footsteps of the highway.

Today, they are both writers working in the same profession and became popular writers side by side. It is a tough fate that Zata admits.

Essentials co-authored by the two were also published. It was popular, but I enjoyed reading it. A book written by two people that contradicts their personality gives them a feeling of alternating cold sugar and hot tubs throughout their reading.


I read a lot of his work, especially since I was old. Most of his books are based on a true story, and his methods of expression are also realistic. The coarse satire he writes is cold and sharp. Uses a concise and masculine style I once admired Hemingway in an interview.

I picked up a book. The temperature of the cold book has been conveyed. It was a book called “Genius.” I was just going to watch. I made an impulse purchase.

I went into a place with a professional book. There was a man sitting on the floor reading a book. I crossed his legs and went deeper into him. Bookshelves are divided into categories. When I looked one by one, I saw the words I was looking for shortly after. Papers.

There was no one in front of him. After entering quite deeply, the shadows of the bookshelves lie in front of the corner of the manuscript. There were all kinds of languages embedded in the bookshelf, and the atmosphere was mysterious because it was under a dark shadow.

English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, German, Latin, Russian, and Filipino. There were strange languages such as Welsh, Scandinavian, Gothic, and Lombardian. I wanted to buy them all because I felt like it, but today I only bought three books.

What should I do? I thought about it for a moment and picked out some Japanese. There were little characters on the red cover. Thanks to that, the secret atmosphere flew away at once.

Katakana and Hiragana were written in the first chapter.


The moment I read it, a voice rang in my head. The sound of a button clicking.

The acquisition device worked hard. Next chapter. Next chapter. The page flipped faster. Learning about the universal grammar of Japanese.

“Hello, good to see you. You’ve eaten. Waste of resources. Environmental destruction. What do you think? What day is it today? It’s a holiday. It’s snowing. Clear skies. Have a seat. Let’s have a drink. I feel good today. Thank you.”

He mutters anything in Japanese, and the man sitting on the floor stares intensely. Whatever it was, I fell in love with this strange feeling.

I think I can smell it on my nose.

Language acquisition devices sniff out the smell of language. It happens naturally.

I pulled out the next book. German. This book was written for travellers. Guten Tak. The basic personnel were categorized as airline, lodging, dining, shopping, transportation, telephone and emergency.

Click, again. I focused my nerves on my head. I felt a slight fever in the temples.

After going through the books, I held three books in my arms. It was about German, French and Spanish. I was planning to learn as many other languages as possible.

In front of the register, it was quiet. I calculated the book comfortably.

“Dr. James. I’m here for the data. ”

He entered the English classroom. It was the home of James, a native English teacher. James and I spoke often after the Zeyne incident. In the meantime, James said he would provide resources on Medieval English and Ancient English, not that he was interested in English. He gladly accepted.

“Wait a minute. I’m still moving the data. Almost there. ”

James naturally spoke English. I know my English proficiency In response, Australia also answered in English.

“Okay. You’ll get it before the club, right? ”

“Absolutely. All right, done. ”

He handed back Australia’s USB that he had received in advance. It will contain the history of English he studied as a college student. I accepted it with gratitude.

“Come and ask me anything you don’t know. I annotated it on the side, but it’s hard. ”

“Yes, thank you. ”

“Thank you, I feel like a teacher now. Dealing with sleepy students is yawn.

I’m bored enough as it is. ”

James said, yawning. It was an exaggerated gesture. It resembled someone who was unfit for school life.

“Are you close with Moon? ”

“Mr. Moon got a lot of help when I was confused in Korean. We ate together. It was good pork belly.”

It was a little funny to imagine the two of them baking meat. James lowers his voice and speaks in secret.

“You know what? Moon hates carrots in life. I’ve seen you sneak aside without eating. ”

“Life is carrots. ”

I didn’t think it would faint, but I was surprised.

“I teased the taste of a young child, and he was angry to ask me where I got that Korean. Thanks to you, I learned a new verb. ”

That’s a great teacher. The moment James tries to say more, the door opens. Turning to him, Mr. Poor Moon is standing with A4 paper.


“Ms. Moon. Why did you come?”

After a greeting from Australia, James said in a somewhat awkward Korean pronunciation. Moon looked at the two people who were with him alternately and waved the paper in his hand.

“The printer’s broken in the office, so I came this way. What are you doing here without breaking? ”

“I came to learn English. ”

“Were you such a model student? You never came to me. I haven’t seen him in the office. ”

Without blinking an eye, I say that to the student.

“I’m very interested in English. ”

When Mr. Moon looked surprised, James stepped forward and said,

“Australia is a very hardworking student. She’s good. She understands English. He talks to me almost in English. ”

“Really? I didn’t know that. What’s the main topic of the conversation? ”

“Everyday, it’s all about the situation. Sometimes I talk about the centipede I left in the backyard. He’s a very interesting student.

Then Moon said, rubbing his chin.

“Then you shouldn’t blame me for hearing my name. ”

“Hmm, I don’t understand what Mr. Moon said. What?”

It was a moment when James’ Korean skills had deteriorated. He decided to leave the room so as not to interrupt their conversation. I stepped back a little while ago, and Mr. Moon noticed and said.

“Are you going to break anyway? Come with me.”


He was touching the USB in his pocket until the end of his business. James greets the two of you.

“Come back another time. ”

“Goodbye. ”

He lightly baptized, and the two of them came out into the hall.

The hallway was empty. The students had already entered their classrooms. Speaking with James, I didn’t realize time was running out. If Mr. Moon hadn’t come, he would have been late. I thought I should be careful from now on.

The teacher who was moving quietly opened his mouth.

“I read the article. It was a very personal ending. ”

“Did you?”

I pretended not to know.

“You’ve written before, right? ”


“There is a sense of stability in the sentence. There was no awkwardness, especially when writing long sentences. That’s impossible without the experience. No, a genius writer would do that. ”

I paused a little.

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