Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 39: Elite Rating

Relo's Firebird notebook, the mechanism of element bubble secretion and defense bubble has been completely drawn, just as detailed as the previous frog specimen drawing.

Rello feels the energy magnetic field in his body.

From the beginning, you need to close your eyes and use your heart to feel it. Now that your heart is moving freely, bubble surgery has become Relo's instinct, just like moving your index finger.

"By the elder sister, listening to Shatuo Luo said that before finding a media partner, scholars can only complete the zero-level basic academic structure simulation at most. Why can't they analyze the first-level academic in advance and then use the energy magnetic field to simulate? "

Bailing responded without thinking: "Accurately, the zero-order energy magnetic field is a natural magnetic field of human beings. As a zero-order energy magnetic field, it is impossible to simulate the complex mechanism structure evolved by the first-order organism."

After a pause, Braun continued: "Unknown reasons, the human energy magnetic field will be naturally rejected by this world, so we need the help of media partners to qualitatively change our own energy magnetic field and simulate higher and more complex biological specimen properties. Not only that, After you have a media partner, using the media partner to exercise the energy magnetic field can also save us energy and spend more time focusing on learning and research. "

It turns out that media partners are so important!

No wonder the Gubo instructor was worried all day that the sister could not complete the graduation assessment.

Less than a year before graduation assessment, the sister has no media partner, that is, she has not mastered the formal first-level academics. Even if her basic academics have evolved, who can determine whether those outstanding scholars will Are there outstanding students who have completed first-level academic evolution?

"Since the media partner is so important, why don't you find your media partner as soon as possible?"

Bailing gave Lei Luo a glance.

"Do you think I don't want to have a media partner sooner?"

Bailing calmly said: "Media partners are almost equivalent to the reconstruction of the scholar's potential, which will give scholars different talents and abilities, and also determine the speed of the accumulation of energy magnetic fields of scholars. Although determining the media partner will delay the graduation assessment, but randomly identifying the media partner is tantamount to burying my academic career! "

"It turns out so!"

Lei Luo suddenly realized.

It ’s not that Sister does n’t need to work, but has a longer-term plan for her future!

The corners of Bai Ling ’s mouth appeared a bit of arc, Mei Mei said: “Fortunately, Sister went out this time, and the harvest was good. If there is no accident, in a few months, I will buy enough gold coins for Ice Fox!

Knowing the hardships of life is not easy. Two hundred gold coins are indeed a staggering amount, even for Sister Bailing who has an ancient tutor as his father.

Lei Luo slowly said: "Sister, the gold coins given by the instructor, I still have a few pieces here, plus the magic guide given by Wushuang Shige without authorization, anyway, with my current energy magnetic field, it is difficult to activate the magic guide fan. , If you sell it together, you should be able to ... "

"Don't even think about it!"

Bai Ling's angerless look.

"I am your sister, not your sister, you still have to worry about yourself! With your current energy magnetic field strength, it is enough to simulate a basic academic. If you have time to worry about me, or worry about how to simulate yourself, do n’t be reprimanded by the old man. Now! "

Didn't get angry, but realized that the younger brother cares about himself. Bailing's heart was warm, and his cheeks couldn't help but two small dimples appeared, smiling beautifully.


Reilomo responded silently, lowering his head.


the next day.

Didn't go to class eleven, Lei Luo came to the teaching office with carefully prepared bubble papers and elemental bubble specimens overnight.

There are already two people waiting in line.

Academic Contribution Points Rating is a secret process. Rai Luo had to sit on the bench in the corridor and waited silently and patiently. Those who came behind Rai Luo to contribute the rating were even worse.

After a while.

The person in front finally finished the rating. After watching the list, the owl guardian at the door looked up and shouted: "Rello."


Took a deep breath, Lei Luo got up, gestured to the owl guardian, held the specimen, and pushed open the heavy wooden door.

The room is very spacious.

Lello noticed that there was a pure white marble clock directly opposite. Above the clock stood a statue of a young child. The peeing water column became a fountain and fell in the mouth of a marble herring with an open mouth below.

The pendulum wobbled non-stop, making the sound of "dingdong" and "dingdong".

There is a blue-yellow mirror on the roof, and the figure is on the top. It is somewhat distorted. It seems to be the single-sided mirror mentioned in "An Luotai Travels". Perhaps someone is looking at himself overlooking it, but he is unaware of it.

"Good mentor!"

Lei Luo saluted respectfully to the three strange mentors in front of him, and submitted his own elemental bubble natural specimen and bubble technique paper.

Three strangers, two men and one woman.

The three of them looked very old, just like Gubo tutors, wearing uniform black academic uniforms, drinking morning tea, and full of tea filled the large room, looking at the specimens and academic papers that Raiello placed on the table.

One of the male tutors, with darker skin and wrinkles and thick wrinkles on his forehead, turned to look at the elemental bubbles and asked quietly, "Where did you get this elemental specimen?"

"Gift from my sister."

Rellow responded honestly. The old man nodded, silently writing something on the paper, calmly said: "Although it is only a zero-level creature, there is no mutation, but it is a rare elemental creature in the territory of human beings. It can give you a three point. contribution."

Immediately, the old man looked at the other two around him.

The two were looking at Lei Luo carefully prepared the overnight bubble paper.

After a while, the female mentor took the lead to raise her head and looked at Lei Luo, her eyes with some appreciation and encouragement, could not help Lei Luo instinct gave birth to some kind of intimacy, it felt like seeing Anna's grandpa.

"Looking at the analysis of your bubble technique paper, you actually mentioned some line, surface, and body theories. You think of the flow of energy as a complex space-time medium flow process. You have bold ideas. These are your own ideas. Or did someone else help you? "

Lei Luo looked at the female mentor who seemed to be looking forward to herself, and responded confidently: "I was inspired by the" Evolution of the Profound Truth "published by Antonio Herald, because through the mentor's microscope, the element bubble The energy flow process is very similar to the description of Antonio Pioneer and was written in the paper. "

Listening to Lei Luo's explanation, nodded silently.

"This kind of academic problem, even many senior scholars think it is just a near-fantasy thing, not to mention the new enlightenment students, you can have such bold thinking now, it is commendable, I hope you continue to work hard in the future, I decided Five points for you! "

"Thank you!"

Rello thanked.

The last male tutor with a fat figure was still looking at Lei Luo's thesis. After hearing the five-point contribution rating given by the female tutor next to him, he rubbed his forehead and looked at Lei Luo with an indisputable face. 'S serious scrutiny attitude ~ ~ told me that you have an imagination about using bubble surgery as your first academic future. "


Lei Luo froze for a while, murmured: "You can add some poisons in bubble surgery to complete the academic evolution."


Facing this male mentor with a completely different attitude from the female mentor, Lei Luo was embarrassed, and after thinking for a while with his lips pressed, he slowly shook his head and seemed to realize his own shortcomings. Sweat.

The fat male tutor bowed his head and wrote an evaluation, disappointed and dissatisfied, without concealment.

"Since you have chosen to use bubble surgery as the first basic academic in your life, you should be full of infinite fantasy in its future! The more borderless, the more nearly impossible, the more you will work hard for this, the more There is potential! Tutor Starina, I disagree with your elite score, I can only give him two points! "

Lei Luo stood stunned, every word of the fat male tutor made Lei Luo suffer a huge blow.

Lei Luo opened his mouth and wanted to refute what, but for a while did not know what to say.

Until now, Lei Luo found out that, as the mentor said, he was so naive, he didn't even have any illusions about the future of bubble surgery, and even learning bubble surgery was not his own wish, just the arrangement of the sister.

Do you have to rely on the teaching of your sister to become the pride of your tutor?

For a while, countless thoughts were breeding in the heart of Lei Luo.

Men and women mentors communicated with each other in a low voice, and finally the stern fat mentor compromised, and the two unanimously gave a four-point rating to Rello's bubble technique.

Four points plus three points, which is seven points.

Rello walked slowly, leaving the room slowly.

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