Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 3: Anna

The long winter is finally coming to an end, and the warm sun is falling on the last white snow.

Lei Luo will never forget the night a month ago.

After receiving the doctor's bloodletting treatment, when the high fever weak father looked at his eyes, Lei Luo knew that it was his father's silent blessing.

From now on, he will disguise himself in this world full of bright beliefs, and survive carefully, without a surname, can not mention his own life to anyone.

Opened the window, Lei Luo looked into the distance, a trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.

At the moment, the book in Rello ’s hand is one of the three relics left by his father. The title "Evolution" is published by Antonio, the pioneer of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. Although it is not a banned book by the church, it is also a common clergy. It's a dangerous book.

Those scholars in the natural sciences always like to publish some bizarre doctrines.

Everyone knows a long time ago, in the Principality of Utoran, a scholar published the "Heliocentric Theory", thinking that the sun stone is the center of the universe, the star screen world is a huge spherical object, orbiting the sun, there are still many in the universe Spherical celestial bodies that do not resemble star-screen worlds revolve around the sun and are classified as heresy by the Holy See.

In the religious court, the scholar refused to confess, insisted on his academic arguments, and was eventually burned to death by the church.

If it were in the past, Rello would never go to read such dangerous books.

but now……


Everything is alive, dependent cycle, natural selection, survival of the fittest, no creature can survive independent of natural rules.

Microorganisms decompose minerals and turn minerals into soil.

Plants survive on the soil and nurture higher insects, birds, beasts, Warcraft, and humans.

Humans look at all creatures, but are they really the top creatures in the food chain?

If there are higher creatures, then it must be above the food chain humans, and the special attributes that edible humans are not distinguished from plants, birds, beasts, and Warcraft, the soul brain, the soul thinking power in the brain!

The whole book of "Evolution" has listed the evolution of more than one hundred species of organisms, and expressed the concepts of species evolution, survival of the fittest, natural selection, survival of the fittest, and gave Leroy an unprecedented impact on concepts.

But the words that really made Lei Luo completely lose the power of prayer, but it was just a hundred words above, hidden in the paragraphs of the whole book, unremarkable.

Lei Luo has lost the power of prayer.

Faith was shaken, and Raylo could no longer feel the **** of light. In the eyes of believers, it seemed like the sky had lost the sun and plunged into boundless darkness.

Unprecedented fear!

For seventeen years, the **** of light believed by Lei Luo day and night, is it just the higher-level creatures above the human in the food chain mentioned in the book, through captive humans, the existence of human soul thinking to feed?

Faith needs to be deeply ingrained, and continue to believe in hypnotizing yourself. Once doubt arises, the cornerstone will completely collapse.

"Beep beep, reminder: The star nucleus contains 39,474 kinds of biological species, mineral resources, and new element data. If you need to consult the data, please enter the image data or start recognition after you come close."

This star-core necklace is the secret of his father as the best hunter in the village.

The surface of the necklace pendant looks like an ordinary agate stone, with a few dark red lines, nothing special.

If you look closely, you will find a small bump connected to the pendant. When Rello pressed the bump, the prompt just appeared.

Rello couldn't understand what a star-core necklace was.

According to his father, he got it from his grandfather, who also got it from his great-grandfather, probably a relic of an evil wizard.

Father relied on this necklace to distinguish whether the beast had the legacy of Warcraft, but he did not expect that he would eventually be attacked by a Warcraft that was not recorded by the star because he was too dependent on this string of nuclear necklaces.

Lei Luo must not let anyone know the identity of his descendants of wizards, otherwise waiting for himself will inevitably be the torture rack of the church!

Finally, it was a badge left by his father, just like a blooming Bauhinia, and Lei Luo finally knew its purpose.

This turned out to be a contribution badge of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences. It was used to commend those who had made outstanding contributions to the college. Those who held the badge can enter the college without going through the examination and arrange appropriate enlightenment instructors as Feedback to outstanding contributors of the college.

Lei Luo vaguely remembered the expression on the face of the town priest when he saw Lei Luo took out the Bauhinia badge.

It was incredulously stunned, and even once said that let Rello be selflessly dedicated, and then said that let Rello be away from those atheists.

"Brother Rello."

A girl wearing a fur coat came in the snow.

The girl had some light freckles on her cheeks and a shy expression. She put some black bread and bacon in front of Lei Luo and whispered: "Grandpa said, I will ask you to eat with me at night."

Anna's grandpa is a friend of his father and a famous hunter in the village.

It is said that his father once saved his life. I don't know if it is true.

As for Anna, she grew up together with Lei Luo, and it was only because the church stipulated that the missionaries and nuns were loyal servants of the **** of light, unable to marry and have children, so in recent years, as the two reached the age of marriage, they gradually separated.

Anna peeked into Lei Luo, his eyes were always full of pious faith in the **** of light, making people feel extremely sincere, warm and safe.

It's just a pity that he is determined to become a missionary, serve the great God of Light for life, and can never be with himself.

Whenever he thinks of this, Anna will always be very lost, as if her most precious things have been taken away by the God of Light.

Anna probably never thought that she would eat the vinegar of the light god. UU reading books

Lello looked at the bread and bacon and was ashamed: "Winter is coming to an end, I ... I can live on my own, and your family is not rich. Do n’t always give me anything."

Looking at the ashamed Lei Luo, although thin and thin, she has a self-reliant heart. Anna liked it more and couldn't help but feel even more lost. She whispered: "It was grandpa who asked me to come over to dinner at night. Don't forget. "

Finished, Anna trot away for a while.

Holding bread and bacon, Lei Luo looked at the figure of Anna's departure. The two grew up together from childhood, and they could not tell the feelings.

Had also dreamed of being with her for a lifetime, but in the face of the belief in the light god, Lei Luo kept admonishing himself that Anna was only her own sister, and she would serve the great light creator all her life and spread light for the world.

But now.

Is actually a descendant of an evil wizard!

Once discovered, not only oneself, but also the person closest to oneself will be branded with heresy, and will be wailed and burned to death on the torture rack. It is in this trembling that his father spent his life, even eating and drinking. To thank the God of Light, in order to protect his favorite people.

I want to spend my life in fear and wandering with Anna like my father?

Once his identity was revealed, the church checked the clues and imagined the scene of Anna wailing on the torture rack. Reloe's face flashed a trace of panic.

Never let this happen!

Stay away from the town and avoid dragging on the people here!

But I have never left the town of Manauhu, where can I go?

Suddenly, Lei Luo thought of something, took out the redbud badge, and murmured: "Gran Institute of Natural Sciences."

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