gourmet restaurant

Chapter 35 Accident

Chapter 35 Accident
As the food festival approached, Jiang Yang still opened the store, as if he didn't feel nervous at all.These two days were during the college entrance examination period, and the horns of the vehicles in Rongcheng became much quieter.

The weather is still hot, and the whole city of Chengdu is like a huge oven, it feels like the whole person has been roasted.

The air conditioner was turned on in the Jiangyang store, and many people still refused to leave after eating, wanting to use the air conditioner for a while.Jiang Yang didn't care either, the air conditioner was on for everyone, as long as it didn't hinder others from eating.

The regular customers have been very surprised these days. They found that the boss's craftsmanship has improved, and the dishes he cooks are getting better and better.

Jiang Yang once again felt the benefits of improved physical fitness, and recently his knife skills practice has reached a new level.Even compared to Gao Yu, it is not far behind.

The completion of Mapo Tofu has reached 80%.Also improved is the completion of the hot and sour potato shreds, which also reached 80%.It seems that 80% is a bottleneck, after that, no matter how hard Jiang Yang works, he can no longer improve.

However, Jiang Yang has great confidence in the 80% completion of Mapo Tofu.For a food festival, this level of dishes should be enough to see.

The ingredients of the bosses have also been contacted, and he called to reassure Jiang Yang.

The weather in June is hot, and the tofu goes bad quickly.Jiang Yang didn't want a small amount, so how to keep it became a headache for Jiang Yang.

Uncle Zhu came up with a solution, using ice cubes to delay the spoilage of tofu, and at the same time, pull some in the morning and some new ones in the afternoon.A two-pronged approach ensures the freshness of tofu to the greatest extent.

Jiang Yang agreed, but in this way, it will be hard for Zhushu.He can't pull the tofu himself, and he can only get rid of Zhushu's help.

Tang Liang was very lucky. After so many days in front of the computer, he finally snatched two all-you-can-eat tickets.

In fact, there is no all-you-can-eat ticket to enter the food festival. On the contrary, anyone can enter, but it costs more money.

Tang Liang took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Jiaojiao. "Jiaojiao, I have two all-you-can-eat food festival tickets, let's go together!"

Jiaojiao quickly replied, "Okay!"

Tang Liang jumped up excitedly when he saw it.Take the first step by yourself!come on!

Time flies like a white horse, passing quickly.But in the eyes of some foodies, time passes too slowly.Seeing that the Food Festival is just around the corner, I can't wait.

Finally, Food Festival is here!

The hotels in Rongcheng were full in these two days, and many people rushed to the food festival.Those who run a hotel have made a lot of money in the past two days.

The place where the food festival is held is not in the city. After all, there are so many people in the city, which will definitely cause traffic jams.

As a result, the food festival was moved to the suburbs of Rongcheng, a place with a beautiful environment and a spacious land.Here, the roads are separated by iron railings.This is to avoid crowds piled up together and stampede accidents.

Between the two roads, there are potted plants.This is both beautiful and functional as a partition.

There are many varieties of potted flowers, which are not far behind the previous Baihuahui in Rongcheng.

In some wider places, there are tables and chairs for some people to eat.

The food festival occupies a large area, and various food stalls are arranged in various places.For the convenience of tourists, they can eat a kind of food within a few steps.

The roads are not straight, but meandering, and the roads connect together to ensure that you can reach every stall.

Jiangyang arrived early, and they had special vouchers different from tourists.When the staff saw it, they would naturally let them in ahead of time.

The chef must come early. How early you come depends on the time you need to prepare the ingredients.

The food festival starts at ten o'clock in the morning and ends at ten o'clock in the evening, and lasts for three days.Yes, this food festival is different from the past, it lasts for three days!
Of course, the all-you-can-eat ticket can only be used for one day, not three days.

In the past, food festivals only lasted for one day.This year's food festival will last for three days.Come once, only five yuan ticket.Of course, after entering, you have to pay extra for shopping.

Five dollars may not seem like much, but the organizers can still earn a lot.The place where they make money in their hearts is not only tickets.

Jiang Yang arrived at the place at six o'clock, and he needed to prepare in advance.For the big and small bags, Jiang Yang took a taxi to move them there.

The organizer will not provide kitchen utensils and tableware, you have to bring these yourself.Jiang Yang uses disposable tableware, of course, other stalls do the same.

After entering, Jiang Yang fiddled with it, and began to wait for Zhushu's arrival.I didn't bring the ingredients with me!
"Boss! Answer the phone! Boss! Answer the phone!" A mobile phone rang, and Jiang Yang saw that it was a call from Uncle Zhu. He frowned slightly. What's the matter?
"Hello! Uncles!" Jiang Yang answered the phone.

"Xiaoyang, Uncle Zhu...I'm sorry!" There was a burst of noise from the opposite side, and then Uncle Zhu's voice came.

Jiang Yang frowned, and asked, "What's the matter, Uncles?"

The other side was silent for a while, and then Uncle Zhu said: "On the way here, I was hit by someone, and the tofu... shattered!"

Jiang Yang was startled, and hurriedly said, "Uncle Zhu, are you alright?"

"It's okay, the skin hasn't been scratched, it just fell to the ground. Everything else is fine, but the tofu is broken." Uncle Zhu blamed himself.

Jiang Yang said: "As long as you are fine! Uncle Zhu, where are you? I will go find you."

The bosses said: "I'm just outside here, alas~ I was about to arrive, but something happened."

Jiang Yang comforted: "It's okay, the ingredients are not important, as long as you are okay."

Jiang Yang said, and left the venue of the food festival.Sure enough, not far away, there were quite a few people around, pointing and talking.

Jiang Yang walked into the crowd and saw Uncle Zhu sitting on the ground slumped.On the other side, a young man looked panic-stricken.

The police have already intervened, so Jiang Yang doesn't have to worry about Zhu Shu losing money.He squeezed in and walked straight towards Uncle Zhu.Said: "Uncle Zhu, are you all right?"

Boss Zhu raised his head, saw Jiang Yang, and said in a hoarse voice, "Xiaoyang, Uncle Zhu is sorry for you."

Jiang Yang squatted down and said, "Don't talk about it, by the way, are you not hurt? How about we go to the hospital?"

The bosses shook their heads and said, "I'm fine, I can get hit."

Jiang Yang was worried, and looked around, and there was indeed no sign of injury on the bosses.But... this matter can't be seen on the surface, who knows if there is any internal injury?

"Let's go to the hospital, so we can rest assured." Jiang Yang persuaded.He also asked about the cause and effect, and it turned out that the young man accidentally hit Uncle Zhu when he was reversing the car.

The bosses looked at the ingredients on the tricycle, showing guilt. Seeing this, Jiang Yang quickly said: "It's okay, my tofu was supposed to be crushed, and now it's just right."

Upon hearing this, boss Zhu raised his head and said, "Is this really the case? Don't say this on purpose just to comfort your uncle Zhu. Otherwise, I'll pull another cart for you."

When Jiang Yang heard this, how could this be possible!He grabbed him and said, "Really! Don't worry, go to the hospital to have a look. I'll take the ingredients in. What do you think?"

The bosses were silent for a while, and then said: "That's all right, then go quickly, don't delay."

Jiang Yang replied: "Okay! Don't worry! There will be no delay." After finishing speaking, he went to find the young man again and said, "Take my uncle to the hospital to have a look. If there is nothing wrong, we won't hold him Don't let go."

The traffic policeman stood aside and said, "It's fine if you want to keep it private."

The young man also calmed down at this moment, he said: "Okay."

Jiang Yang turned to Zhushu and said, "What do you think?"

The bosses nodded and said, "I have no objection."

Jiang Yang nodded, turned to the young man and said, "That's it, take my uncle to the hospital. Let's talk about it if you have something to do, and forget it if you have nothing to do. We don't want to blackmail you, it's also to make us feel at ease. You, too Pay for your own mistakes."

The young man nodded and said nothing.

Jiang Yang walked over and said to the bosses: "Then you go first, uncle Zhu, and I will go in."

The bosses nodded and said: "Okay, you go in quickly!"

Jiang Yang nodded. He knew that if he didn't go in, Zhu Shu would not go to the hospital.He pushed the cart and went in with the ingredients.

How could it be possible to make mapo tofu with broken tofu? Jiang Yang couldn't help but smile wryly.It's really that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

(End of this chapter)

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