Chapter 7: chapter 7: your flipping the script!!!!
(POV third)
Kai lei looked up at the moon, he took a sip of tea while enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, several days had passed since he arrived at the city and it was very quiet, a little to quiet maybe..
"Sir Kai lei , the orphanage you asked me to look for has been found" a servant came into the courtyard and bowed while speaking .
"Alright" Kai lei waved his hand and one of his guards handed over a few taels of silver, the servant smiled and quickly Skedaddled.
"Prepare to go out" Kai lei said as he stretched and yawned.
The guards nodded and went to make preparations..
Kai lei strolled through the city buying some trinkets and a cool looking mask that costed 1 silver tael ,after a while of shopping He walked deep into the slums of the city where he saw a building on the brink of collapse, Kai lei went and knocked on the door.
Shouts of children crying could be heard as a burly man opened the door.
"What do , ah mr noble sir are you here to buy some children?" The man said changing his tone immediately upon seeing the child's clothes and the several guards.
"Yeah the entire orphanage of children, how much?" Kai lei was very uncomfortable but he understood that things can't change overnight.
"Uh, ah 20 silver!!!" The burly man said excitedly imagining the amount of food and wine he could get.
"Fine" Kai lei waved his hand and a guard pulled out 20 silver and tossed it to the man.
The man was speechless but quickly opened the doors and began to gather the children along with a few other people in the orphanage , after several minutes dozens of children came out in front of Kai lei.
Kai lei saw the scrawny and beaten children, then looked at the man rubbing his hands together and smiling, he said nothing and after all 56 children were gathered he escorted them towards the courtyards he bought a few days prior for his orphanage .
Upon arrival he opened the gate and let all the children gather.
"Hello there my name is Kai lei, I am your new benefactor, now welcome to your new home" Kai lei waved at the big courtyard with over two dozen rooms, the big courtyard was connected to a smaller courtyard with several more rooms..
The children didn't react much though a few had a glimmer of hope , Kai lei understood that the children would be lifeless, he then turned around and said.
"Come and greet the children director and teachers of the orphanage" Kai lei said and a door to one of the rooms opened revealing several men and women, Kai lei then walked away and left the children to the others .
He had got the director and teacher's of the orphanage from a sign in three day ago, he left a pile of silver and instructed a few guards to protect the orphanage.
His plan was to raise the children in order to activate the martial art book which stated that one must raise 25 children or more to understand the way of the killing god, a strange way to activate a martial art but he had the time.
Arriving at his courtyard Kai lei laid down to rest as he had travelled quite a distance, after some time Mei hong appeared silently behind Kai lei, the guards had acted as if they didn't see her.
"Boo!" Me hong spoke into Kai lei's ears, Kai lei jumped up holding his little heart.
"Hehe" mei hong laughed as her sweet voice rang into Kai lei's ears.
He looked at Mei hong and pouting he walked up and kissed her on the cheek while he spoke.
"This is my revenge" he immediately turned around and ran away leaving Mei hong in a daze.
After a few seconds she pouted and chased after him, the two ran around in circles while Kai lei ran for his life, and Mei hong chased him.
"Got you!" Mei hong excitedly said while she pinned Kai lei down on the ground , she sat atop of him, panting trying to catch her breath, Kai lei was also exhausted and didn't realize the position he was in.
Mei hong giggled and kissed him on the cheek then ran away with a shy face before Kai lei could react.
After some time of staring at the clouds Kai lei leisurely sat up and went back to his chair,with a smiling expression he happily looked back towards the shapes in the clouds, the only entertainment he could find so far, and the only thing to distract him from the horrific smell of the city....
Mei hong ran into her room with a shy face, lady Daiyu was putting on some light makeup and saw her daughter come in.
"What's wrong?" Lady Daiyu asked as she patted her daughter's head, Mei hong snuggled into her mother's embrace then proceeded to tell on Kai lei.
Lady Daiyu smiled after hearing what her daughter said and spoke softly .
"That child must really like you" she teased as Mei hong snuggled into her embrace shyly.
Kai lei got up and wore a black colored outfit ,attaching a dagger to his waist he proceeded to take the mask that he found in the marketplace and wear it.
If outsiders were to see Kai lei they would think he is some kind of dwarf assassin, walking into the center of the courtyard he grabbed the transportation talisman and ripped it thinking of the qin dynasty's royal palace.
Appearing in one of the vast rooms Kai lei immediately ducked down and hid in a corner looking around warily, after some time he didn't see or hear anyone so he cautiously walked the halls.
After avoiding a few guards who lazily chatted and walked past him, he glimpsed their fat bodies and looked away, he was confused but decided to completely ignore it for now.
After walking around like a headless chicken and losing his way he sat down behind a pillar and began to regain his strength, Kai lei Decided to come here and meet the future emperor and give him his wish of immortality as he has an elixir, he really didn't have a plan, just a spur of the moment decision.
After some rest he saw a boy with a silken robe with intricate silver and gold patterns, he thought the child was a noble so he decided to "ask" for directions.
A few servants followed some distance behind him, ignoring them he waited for the child to come close,Popping out from his cover he grabbed the boy by the mouth who was bigger than him and pulled him back into his hiding spot.
Pulling the dagger out he pressed it near the ribs of the boy in front of him, Kai lei knew this was an awkward position for both of them but he wasn't quite as big as the boy next to him.
Although Kai lei didn't notice that the boy didn't even struggle and was just watching the small child with intrigue.
Pressing the dagger slightly Kai lei spoke into the child's ear.
"Where is king ying Zheng's bedroom, bring me there now or…., face blood?" Kai lei's voice was confused but quickly spoke forgetting the fact that ying Zheng isn't king yet..
The boy who looked about 12 years old acted scared and said.
"Please don't hurt me, I-I will show you, i don't want to die" his voice was full of emotion but it wasn't panic, it was amusement he also moved his arms around in "panic" ,though Kai lei didn't realize and thought the boy was scared .
"Good dismiss your servants, if you don't behave i will kill them" Kai lei threatened, the boy nodded and acted very "scared".
Pleased he released the child as the servants started to panic, before they could yell out the child appeared and said.
"Go I wish to have some space" he spoke in a commanding tone, no trace of fear in those eyes, the servants hesitated but then quickly left.
Walking out after they left Kai lei slow clapped a few times.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were born to rule, unfortunately for you only he can become the ruler" Kai lei said as he stood next to the boy.
"What?, who is he?" The boy said with "panic".
"Ahh nothing I'm saying to much, go, go, to the ying Zheng's bedroom please" Kai lei said as he pointed the blade up and down in a "move it" gesture.
"Uh-huh" the boy said calmly and quietly walked towards his bedroom.
After some time the two made it to ying Zheng's bedroom door, turning around Kai lei said with apologies.
" I am sorry for pulling out my blade, I was very lost, anyway go away and tell no one about my visit, if you do that I'll give you an immortal's healing pill" Kai lei said.
" i don't believe in immortality" the boy said flatly.
"Well it's better to show you, come in with me for a minute" Kai lei said, the boy followed Kai lei into his bedroom with a raised eyebrow.
"Look" Kai lei said slicing a deep cut in his hand with his dagger, wincing Kai lei showed the wound that showed bones.
"Now you see the wound right?, well let me show you the healing pill" Kai lei with excitement spoke and pulled out a healing pill, waving it in front of the boy he plopped it into his mouth and bit down.
The boy's eyes were wide with shock as Kai lei's wound healed at a fast speed, within a few breaths his wound was like it was never there.
"See, this is the healing pill" Kai lei said handing over a few healing pills as he had over a few hundred pills now.
"This, is immortality real?" The boy said with trembling excitement and another emotion that seemed to be loss.
"Yeah immortality is real, but most people can't even touch the surface, usually there are people who use the word immortal for their own gains, for example someone declares themselves an immortal masters apprentice coming down the mountain and they are showered with wealth and power" Kai lei said with some distain.
"Also you should never believe in immortality, only in science, um for example saltpeter can make ice, I'm not sure of the specifics , anyway go away I'm saying to much" he said and walked away
The boy looked deeply at the small…dwarf?, and then said.
"Interesting good to know" the boy said and followed Kai lei in.
Kai lei looked at the luxurious room with gold and silver everywhere and sighed, hearing footsteps behind him he looked back.
Kai lei: "…."
The boy: "…"
The two stared at each other then the boy said with a smile.
"My name is ying Zheng, what's your's?" His voice was clear and calm as if he wasn't just threatened.
Kai lei was to put it mildly in disbelief, he took a breath and said.
"I'm Kai lei" he said with a little embarrassment, reaching to shake hands, ying Zheng looked at Kai lei's hand confused.
"shaking hands is a greeting where I'm from" Kai lei said holding his hands up higher, ying Zheng nodded and reached his hand out, Kai lei grabbed his hand and shook it.
After the greeting Kai lei smiled but in his heart he yelled out.
'Kai lei, ah Kai lei ,your flipping the script!!!!!!'
"Nice to meet you Kai lei, now, why have you come to my room?" Ying Zheng asked with interest.
"Ah ,I ,uh well , you see I originally came here on a wim to give you the immortality elixir, as it was….your wish, but you see if you are given the elixir you will stay at the age you are at forever, um nvm I gotta go" Kai lei spoke his mind and started to run thinking he could get away anyway so he told the truth..
Ying Zheng grabbed Kai lei by the shoulder ,stopping the child with ease, no matter how many times a normal person's strength Kai lei had he was still no match for ying Zheng..
After a few moments of struggle Kai lei gave up.
"What do you want?" He said with a pout, though ying Zheng couldn't see his face but he heard the tone, chuckling he spoke.
"You said you will give me the immortality elixir, so hand it over" he said in a happy tone, gently patting Kai lei's shoulder, Kai lei was silent and ying Zheng didn't rush.
The two just stood in silence until Kai Kai lei's voice finally sounded out .
"If, I give you the elixir I suggest you don't use it untill you are at your peak, also if I do you must promise one thing" his voice was very soft, yet ying Zheng heard it loud and clear
"What is it?" Ying Zheng said and let go of Kai lei's shoulder sitting down at a nearby chair and gesturing towards Kai lei to sit.
"Well, you must promise to treat all humans without any prejudice, you must know that the world is far bigger than you realize, like the moon in the sky above us, this world is like a sphere in other words a circle, i ask you to not make judgements based on the color of the skin, for we are all the human race, anyway I ask that you don't make judgements based on one side of the story" Kai lei articulated his thoughts while unceremoniously sitting down, he gestured in a circle with his hands and explained.
After some time thinking ying Zheng said.
"I can promise you, but you must understand that as time passes I may change" ying Zheng said with full honesty.
" I know" Kai lei said taking out a small wooden box he opened it and an aroma filled the room.
Ying Zheng took a breath and he felt refreshed, looking at the translucent like pill he glanced at Kai lei.
"This is the pill" Kai lei said then pushed the box towards ying Zheng , ying Zheng grabbed the pill and put in away in his robe.
The two chatted for quite some time getting to know each other,until Kai lei finally spoke.
"I must leave now, I have been gone for to long, remember my warnings ,science is the advancement of civilization, no matter how powerful magic may be it pales in comparison to science and technology" Kai lei waved goodbye and pulled out the transportation talisman.
"Good bye" ying Zheng said , ying Zheng watched as Kai lei disappeared from sight.
"Science and technology, like bows and arrows?" Ying Zheng mumbled as he opened a hidden passage way and walked deeper into the depths…
——(end of chap)