Chapter 4: chapter 4: I have a mother in law…
(Little dark this chapter fair warning ⚠️ ,don't worry the man will get what he deserves,karma is watching, you have been warned ).
(POV third)
Lady Daiyu smiled gently and spoke
"Good boy, rest for a while I'll officially introduce my daughter another time" she said and then left as she had other things to do, such as interrogate the prisoners.
Kai lēi watched as lady Daiyu left, and looked up at the clouds overhead.
" I have a mother in law" he muttered still not believing he got away that easily,after a few minutes he finally accepted it.
Kai lei asked one of the guards who were nearby for a blanket, the guard saw this little child politely asking for blankets and memories of last night overlapped, instantly he felt shivers down his spine and quickly ran to get a blanket.
After the guard returned Kai lei thanked the soldier and reached for his pouch to get silver, but he didn't find the pouch.
"Sorry sir.soldier I seem to have lost my money pouch during the fight" Kai lei apologized, the soldier replied quickly
"It's fine little red" the soldier said and ran away after handing the blanket.
"Little red?" Kai lei mumbled and realized that's probably his nickname given by the survivors.
Looking at his appearance he understood why they called him that, blood was quite literally everywhere on his clothes and body.
Kai lei looked up at the sky and wondered if maybe he was to excited for blood last night, his emotions ran pretty high and now that he thought about it he was extremely reckless if he didn't have the healing pill then he'd probably be in the medical tent.
Mentally thanking the system he took a nap as he couldn't do anything with his body so sore and hurting.
Lady Daiyu entered the tent with prisoners and a stench hit her nostrils, one would think a noble lady would be disturbed by the smell and complain, but lady Daiyu had no emotion on her face.
Stepping towards one of the prisoners she stood over the man, she stared at him and noticed that despite the many wounds from torture he didn't say a thing.
" the prime minister sent you correct?" She lazily said as a servant brought a wooden chair and placed it behind her, she gracefully sat down and looked at her fingernails.
The man shot his gaze toward her so fast that everyone in the tent heard a bone breaking , but the man didn't care about the pain in his neck and with every ounce of his strength he looked her dead in the eye.
"Oh, how interesting" lady Daiyu smiled and looked at the man's comrades.
The man guessed her intentions
"They don't have the information" he said flatly
Hearing this lady Daiyu laughed, as a mesmerizing laugh echoed through the air the man looked at her with angry eyes.
" we don't know until we ask, hmmm" she said and flicked her hand in that direction, one of the men in a black uniform felt a supernatural force grabbing his neck, the man began to panic as the force lifted him in the air.
The man frantically struggled as lady Daiyu said with an annoyed expression
"Tell me did the prime minister send you?" She said and stared the leader of the men dead in the eye
The leader was extremely shocked ,
"Y-Your a master-level martial artist?!?!!" He stuttered , the man himself was a low level martial artist and after over 20 years of effort but this woman, the leader shivered..
"did he send you" she ignored his shock and asked gripping her hand tighter,
The man in the air was barely resisting anymore as he didn't have the strength.
The leader saw this and he stayed silent.
The subordinate in the air lost his life as his cold corpse fell down,lady Daiyu merely glanced to make sure he was actually dead before she spoke.
"Last chance" her voice was like an executioners axe.
The man seemed to have a desperate expression as he said
"I don't know what you are talking about"
Seeing that she couldn't get them to talk she just smiled softly already knowing the outcome and waving her hand the entire group of enemies were waving their hands and feet frantically in the air, but it was of no use as she broke their necks.
The leaders body was the last to fall down ,she slowly got up and with a calm expression she said to the guards who were trembling in fear.
"Clean it up, and send in the next batch"
The guards didn't dare be slow and they brought in the next group of captured enemy's after clearing the bodies.
"Now where were we" she said as she stared at another leader of the men in black
In the bustling border city of julu , a old looking man with a cane walked into an alleyway, his back was hunched from years of work as he held his lower back to support his walk.
The old man walked up to the dead end of the alley and pressed a spot, sounds of stone grinding can be heard as part of the wall opened revealing a passageway.
The old man slowly walked forward with a hunch,as the stone door shut the old man began to walk normally, the cane was nowhere to be seen as the man walked with his hands behind his back.
Entering a chamber after descending down the staircase he was greeted with a thunderous salute from hundreds of people below.
"WE GREET ELDER FU!!" They shouted and bowed low.
The old man had no expression on his gentle looking face,he slowly walked down the stairs.
The men who greeted him went back to work as the sounds of metal clashing can be heard,smoke rose from the furnaces hitting the ceiling before disappearing as an air current swept through providing a constant flow of oxygen to the workers,the temperature of the room rose higher due to the constant heat.
the old man looked at the piles of weapons and armor that are being constantly made and stored.
"How is the progress" he said as a masked man wearing all black came up.
"Reporting to the elder, 5,000 sets of arms to fully equip the soldiers have been stocked up and will be dispatched in half a month when the total sets of 6,000 arms are ready" the man said flatly while doing a salute, elder fu just nodded, this isn't the first time he had been here so he was making sure that progress was made .
" did you hear from the 32nd group yet" elder fu said, he was mainly here today for this reason.
The man hesitated.
"No, last report was they attacked during the night" he quickly replied.
Elder fu didn't show any emotion, he just nodded.
" if you don't hear from them by midnight tonight then consider them dead" elder fu said and left to supervise the process of the armor smith's and the other facilities.
The man stayed bowing for a few minutes before he started to make arrangements..
Some male porters and a few servants of the caravan can be seen gathered around kneeling in a circle , a scruffy looking man with a tall build, stood up and said to the group.
"It's true, the child has lots of gold and silver , if we rob him then we can all split it, that's enough to feed us all well for a few years" the man said to the crowd.
this man had gathered a group of people to rob the little child, the bunch of people gathered around had yet to know of the "little red" child and even if they did they thought it was just a stupid story that one of the pretty servant girls made up.
"Really?" Said a scrawny man in his thirties .
"Yeah" said the tall man
"What if he tells on us?" Said another man in fear.
"That's why we kill him" the tall man said without hesitation.
"I agree" said a young man he had a pair of what seem to be glasses on him, he also had clothes that seemed out of this world,but they were all but rags now.
The rest were hesitant to kill a child but after the man mentioned the money again they finally agreed.
"Good then tonight, gather here and we'll go together " said the tall man.
The men slowly walked away going back to their jobs ,The man with glasses smiled and bowing low he said to the tall man.
"Brother do you mind if I kill the child?" The glasses man said practically begging him.
The tall man looked disgusted but nodded his head as he really did not want to kill a child.
"Okay you can kill the child" the tall man said and pushed the teenager away, the man with glasses fell to the ground,patting himself off he pulled his glasses up.
'Just you wait,once I activate my ultimate golden finger I'll be king of this world hahaha' the man laughed outloud making everyone not come near the madman.
This man was a transmigrator, he had thought he would reach the pinnacle of this world but he was sorely mistaken,he had found out he had to "kill" 50 children to activate his system called "killing god" and so far he only has one more child left in order to activate it, originally he was planning to go after that rich girl, he licked his chapped lips before continuing his monologue ,he was going to kill her but this child came and saved him a lot of trouble.
He laughed evilly again and the people nearby were on the verge of calling the guards.
After he walked away he waited for nightfall…
If only he knew just how much pain he would be in after the child find out his deeds…
Oh well that's for a future time ….
(I made a little song hope it's decent, I personally like it)
Kai lei looked up at the clouds and began singing.
"Soldiers gather around,its time to fight for the crown, oh soldiers, listen now, it's time to fight ,for the crown, oh the people suffer now, it's time to change our ways, oh soldier's gather around" he sang slowly with a rhythm.
A few guards and nearby people of the caravan heard his song and started to gather around the boy.
"The people suffer now, war has changed our ways, it's time to gather around, oh soldiers, listen now,oh my soldiers raise your arms in abounds, for the war is here now, the enemies are near now, here now, soldiers listen now it's time to fight for the crown ~" Kai lei sang sweetly in his childish voice as he looked down he saw many people gathered around.
"Hello everyone" Kai lei said slightly embarrassed.
Everyone began to clap and smile at the child's singing, though some of the servants looked at the child with an odd expression but quickly withdrew and left.
After Kai lei sang his little song he got up and headed towards the caravan asking around to see if he could find lady Daiyu.
After looking for a while he couldn't find her but he saw something interesting, in one of the corners of the caravan a man with strange clothes , Kai lei didn't even go towards the man's location but he heard the system ding.
[ host kill that man!!!, his system is begging for help, if you hadn't guessed yet he is a transmigrated person]
The system said quickly to Kai lei.
'His system is asking for help?, can you tell me why' Kai lei asked the system as he left the area, the man with glasses didn't notice anything as he was to focused on the meal in front of him golfing it down.
[his system said that the man is a Malevolent and heinous person he had killed 49 innocent children as he thought the system meant for him to kill them,but the system didn't say that, what the system meant to say was raise 50 children, this man is crazy host give the order and 200 soldiers will kill the son of a-]
'Whoa whoa whoa hold it, calm down' Kai lei tried to comfort his system, after consoling his system for a while he asked.
'This man is extremely mental and evil, how about this tomorrow night i will kill him' Kai lei said but the system yelled out.
[ you,must,hurt him for what he did,host though it's against the rules I'll help you just say yes!!!!]
'No' Kai lei firmly rejected the system and said.
'Don't worry he will have his due, but torture isn't something that's worth glorifying' Kai lei said, the system was silent.
[ FINE, just make sure he confesses I'll record it] the system said in a tone that took no for an answer
'Okay?' Kai lei said, and walked around trying to find lady Daiyu, he didn't care if their were other transmigrated people in this world but he would be glad to rid this earth of evil and mental people like him.
"Ah lady Daiyu!!" Kai lei said excitedly waving at her as she exited a tent, lady Daiyu saw Kai lei coming from afar and waved her hand,the blood that was splattered across her yellow dress was evaporated into the air.
Kai lei saw this and blinked, coming up to lady Daiyu he circled around her while saying.
"Did i imagine it?" He quickly stopped circling her and leaned forward to apologize.
"Sorry mother in law i thought I saw something, it seems i was wrong" Kai lei said though he trusted his vision he didn't dare go and say he had eagle vision, lady Daiyu smiled.
"What are you looking for me for?" Lady Daiyu asked him.
"Oh that, I was wondering if i could buy some supplies from you, I have the money, also mother in law ,could you give me some time I'll get the dowry as fast as possible" Kai lei said showing respect to lady Daiyu.
"Hmmm, you can take some supplies from the caravan no need to pay, as for the dowry what will you give?" She asked, curious as to what this child will give her, money she has plenty of so she was very interested in what this child might have..
"Ah well, um if you promise not to be angry i will tell you" Kai lei said nervously.
After seeing his actions she patted his head and said.
"No promises, tell me first" she said softly.
Kai lei had a struggling expression before he Finally waved the flag in surrender .
"Very well, I have 200 soldiers under my command at the moment they are nearby and 100 gold taels, i know it's not much compared to" Kai lei looked around at the almost 300 plus soldiers left from the caravan which had over 1,000 soldiers and continued.
"But that's all the soldiers I have for now" Kai lei finished and looked up at lady Daiyu.
Lady Daiyu's expression on her face froze.
'How?,this child is definitely not from a village, 200 soldiers then where were they last night?..' She thought but didn't think much on it as he is her son in law now, and she knows this child won't betray his family, a woman's intuition is certainly a scary thing....
" very well i accept the dowry, but tell me where did you get the soldiers?" She had to ask out of curiosity.
"The Han dynasty, they are my friends" Kai lei said spouting nonsense,lady Daiyu saw this and didn't push the child as he is in her grasp anyway.
"Hmmm" she hummed and tapped his forehead, her eyes widened slightly before going back to normal.
"Go get the supplies you need and when we get back to our city, your new home, I'll have you introduce your soldiers into the citys army to help bolster the city's security " she said and Kai lei nodded he didn't see any problems with that, though he wondered just how powerful his mother in law is to be able to introduce soldiers into a city without questions.
"Okay" Kai lei said, after saying goodbye he left to get the supplies..
Lady Daiyu looked at the child and looking towards a shadow she spoke.
"Keep an eye on the child, just observe for now, another one go search for his army" she said as a few masked men in red attire appeared, the big muscles and tall build on their body's showed they were between a peak low-level martial artist and achieving a breakthrough to mid tier,though one could usually tell the strength of the martial artist by other methods, measuring their body size is also a way to know..
Bowing the men said nothing and vanished back into the shadows,in broad daylight, lady Daiyu looked up at the sky and wondered .
'If even the red shadows can't find out this child's true strength then maybe he is worthy of my daughter' she thought with a small smirk on her lips, before she went towards her carriage.
But she didn't manage to step in that direction when she was distracted by a massive object in the sky.
The object was covered in flames as it plummeted towards the ground.
She thought for a moment before pointing at the sky and saying.
"Send a few squads to the location of the crash and secure it, when we get back to the city I'll dispatch some troops to support you " her voice was like a judges hammer, marking that thing covered in flames as her own..
Many figures dressed in red started rushing towards the meteor following it, jumping through the trees and disappearing from view , lady Daiyu looked around and saw that she only had few squads left and decided not to send the rest of the red shadows as its unknown if there will be another attack, and she wanted her daughter safely protected if there was one.
Turning around she went to her carriage, after stepping inside she saw her daughter looking at her with stars in her eyes.
"Mother, did he agree?" Her daughter, Mei hong said as she shyly covered her eyes with her hands as she moved around the seat.
"Yes dearest" lady Daiyu smiled and said patting the girl's head…..