Golden Finger Arrived Only After I Became the Emperor

Chapter 679: Waking up, sleeping dragon!

   "Are they special?" A cold voice rang in Meng Chuan's ears, causing Meng Chuan to wake up from the silence.

   After Ye Fan entered the coffin, Meng Chuan didn't pay much attention, but was thinking about some of his own things.

   was awakened by ruthless people at this moment.

   "Who? Which of them?" Meng Chuan was a little confused.

   "That group of people."

   "Oh, you said them." Meng Chuan got it, the ruthless guy was talking about Ye Fan's classmates.

   "There is nothing special." Meng Chuan shook his head, "I just don't want to deprive them of an opportunity that belongs to them."

   Since everything is developing normally, they can also have the opportunity to see a wider world, so Meng Chuan gave them this opportunity.

   Anyway, Ye Fan will pick up one by one, and the group will pick them up.

   "Emperor, it's almost the Big Dipper." Meng Chuan glanced at Nine Dragon Pulling Coffin.

   "The Jiu Miao Immortal Medicine has been placed in the ancient forbidden ground." The Great Emperor Ruthless nodded.

   "That's good." Meng Chuan also nodded, indicating that you are doing business, I'm relieved.

   Then Meng Chuan moved his fingers, and a bright light suddenly burst out of the Qinling Mountains in Beidou Zhongzhou.

   It's time for a pretty boy who has fallen asleep forever to be born.


  The huge dragon chants came from the Qinling Mountains and spread throughout the Beidou, drawing everyone's attention from the Nine Dragons Coffin.

   The wind and clouds rolled, the dragons turned into small dragons roaring, and the voice was full of joy, as if a king was about to be born.

   The elements of earth, water, wind, fire, spiritual life are boiling there, the small bubble world rises and disappears, the spirit is impermanent, and the vitality is full of life!

"There is…"

   "Eternal Dragon Cave?!"

   There are dynasties in Zhongzhou that have been affected by the dragon luck, and they seem to be echoing the changes there.

   The dragon energy of the Jiuli and Guhua dynasties even partly flowed out, and went to the place where the wind and clouds gathered, and danced for it.

   "Could it be possible that a true dragon will be born from the Dragon's Cave of the Ages?"

   Some people from the Great Xia Dynasty were shocked. They used the emperor's soldiers to investigate, but unfortunately they didn't get the slightest gain.

   Everything there is hazy and unreal, but this kind of brilliance coercion, this kind of pure dragon breath, made their minds have an answer instantly.

   Many immortal dynasties in Zhongzhou were very sensitive to dragon energy.

   There was a message on the top of the news in the world in an instant.

   Beidou Zhongzhou, the eternal dragon cave was born, and a real dragon is suspected to be bred inside!

   "In the starry sky, there are nine dragons pulling a coffin, and a real dragon in the Big Dipper is about to be born. What is going on in this world?"

   Someone muttered to himself, things that were invisible in the past seem to have all suddenly appeared today.

   "Whether it is a real dragon or not is still unknown."

   "Even if it's not a real dragon, the bloodline is absolutely extraordinary! The dragon cave has been undiscovered forever, and I didn't expect to hold a big one now."

   "Buddha becomes immortal, Nine Dragons pulls the coffin, eternal dragon's cave, Tianjiao of various races..."

   Someone muttered to himself, reading out some things that had happened in these short years.

   "Will Chengxian Road really open in this world?"

   The best. Someone pointed the finger at Chengxianlu. This era performed very special, and the invincibles also deduced this era before eternal years.

   These special performances at this moment are even more evidence of Chengxian Road!

   "In this world, maybe someone can go to Xianyu through Chengxian Road!"

  In the Taoist world, such remarks swept across the Taoist world as soon as they appeared.

   "This will be an extremely bright and prosperous age, the best ever!"

   Someone asserted that it provokes a lot of people to agree, and all this appears to be too special after all.

   Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin, Qiangu Longxue and other visions are all regarded as the beginning of this brilliant world!

   Countless speeches, no matter the judgments flow through the Dao realm to the whole world, gradually, everyone has a recognition of the peculiarities of this era.

  Of course, these monks who are talking about the world, pointing the world, and planning the future world situation are all under the saint.

   "The Bright World on the Keyboard"

   But these arguments are not wrong, but the situation of the universe is tied to the mouth of some powerful kings, which feels a bit weird.

   But in the discussion of sentient beings, the vision of the ancient dragon's cave has gradually subsided, and the dragon inside is still a little bit close to being born.

   "True dragon?" Ruthless Ren also paid attention to this place, asking suspiciously.

   "It can also be regarded as a real dragon, but it is not the same race in the ancient times of our world."

   Meng Chuan probably explained that Lu Mingfei is a dragon in other worlds after all.

  The true dragons of the ancient times are generally supreme when they were born to perfection. After practicing, there is no problem with true immortals.

   has become a true fairy, and the quasi-immortal king is a matter of course.

   After becoming a quasi-immortal king, if you can provoke the immortal king's robbery, temper your body, and let the soul touch a little bit of the rules of the heavens, you will be at the ten evil level.

   At that time, he could fight against the fairy king.

   And among the ten evil spirits, the strength of the true dragon clan ranks among the top, sometimes it can even be said to be the first.

   There is a quasi-immortal emperor-level old man who destroys the world, but there are no other records, so the overall strength of the ten fierce races is a little bit behind.

   It can be said that if a real dragon can be born perfectly and grow up in the most ideal state, it will be a quasi-immortal king the last time.

  Of course, this kind of ideal state is generally just to think about it.

   But this can still show the power of the true dragon family.

   Lu Mingfei was born after these tens of thousands of years of metamorphosis, if you only talk about the bloodline, it is definitely not as good as the true dragons of the ancient times.

   Meng Chuan still does not have the ability to create ten evil spirits, and ten evil spirits cannot be created by some treasures.

   However, Lu Mingfei's identity is a bit different. At any rate, it is also the ultimate existence of one party in the world where the boundless sea of ​​chaos exists.

   is now conceived under these conditions, and finally born, as long as he is not too useless and works hard by himself.

   can completely evolve the bloodline to the level of ten fierce true dragons, even because of the chat group, it is not impossible to go further.

  In the age of immortality, if they weren't born with true dragons, other races had ways to transform them into dragons.

   After being tempered time and time again, he sublimated his blood, and finally became a true dragon blood.

   However, following this path, what you get in the end is definitely more precious than the blood of a real dragon.

   Of course, although it is not as good as the true dragon clan of Xiangu, it does not mean that Lu Mingfei's blood is weak now.

   It depends on who you compare with!

   Ruthless people listened to Meng Chuan's words, more confident, this level of blood, a Holy Physique can be compared to it?

   Then the ruthless person found that something was wrong, and quickly killed the thoughts in his heart.

  How can I have such a very Menghua thinking coming out of it?

   Ruthless people glanced at Meng Chuan, UU reading didn't want to talk anymore.

  Meng Chuan didn’t feel strange, and it’s normal for Ruthless people to stop talking suddenly.

   This is the inherent impression at work.

   One day when the sacred body talks to Meng Chuan with good words, Meng Chuan will feel horrified instead.

   will think that this guy must have been turned off, or it is not bad good intentions, ready to make a big ticket.

   And Nine Dragons pulling the coffin did not exceed everyone's expectations, and began to stop at Beidou.

   These sacred forces in the Beidou have been paying attention to Nine Dragons pulling the coffin. At this moment, seeing that Nine Dragons pulling the coffin is about to fall, they immediately geared up to see this mysterious thing.

   and those who were taken over.

   However, these people were dumbfounded when they saw the place where Nine Dragons pull the coffin finally fell.

   How could it be an ancient forbidden place?

  How can you fall to the forbidden land? That's the place of the empress, how dare you?

   Are you not afraid of being taken back, the coffins are chopped for firewood?

  You offended the Empress. According to the rumours that you don’t know the truth or where, don’t you offend the Emperor?

   And Ye Fan and the others finally got out of the coffin and set foot on Beidou.



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