Golden Finger Arrived Only After I Became the Emperor

Chapter 45: Hongchen Zhanxianlu

   Meng Chuan: Everyone, I have already got on line with Lu Mingfei

   Meng Chuan lay lazily on the sofa of the hotel, feeling the long-lost touch at the same time, sent a message to the group.

   Meng Qi: I received it! Dongguai received!

   Meng Qi: I also live and die with the chat group!

   Lu Mingfei was sitting next to Meng Chuan, and seeing Meng Qi's words, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and a network matchmaking event was about to begin!

   Meng Qi: Big.JPG

  Looking at the emoticon package sent by Meng Qi, Lu Mingfei is dead, and the lane has failed in advance!

   Meng Chuan looked at Lu Mingfei in the emoticon pack and shouted blankly, and laughed directly.

   Zhang Sanfeng: The old Dao is so old, this name is not appropriate!

   Yaochen: The old man is that old too, this name is not appropriate either!

  Bibi Dong: You are good and bad!

   Fei Peng: Is the emperor now free to travel through the world? @孟川

   Fei Peng is the only person in the group who has not been assimilated by these "treasures". He is still the first genius who wants to find a good opponent and has fewer words.

   But according to a certain thunder knife monk who did not want to be named, although a certain general is not a lot of water, his online time is the second in the group!

   Meng Chuan: Yes, unlike the one-time channel last time, this time it is a permanent permission function

   Then Meng Chuan posted a screenshot of the group reminder to the group. There is nothing shameful about it. Now, let’s not say, he will travel to the world of group friends in the future. Is it impossible to hide it from them?

   Meng Qi: It really is the authority... the authority emperor!

   Meng Chuan: I know what you want to say

   Zhang Sanfeng: I also know

   Yaochen: I also know

   Yaochen: There is a person in the family, if there is a treasure, the knowledge that feels strange and strange has increased

The four administrators had no other thoughts on the increase of Meng Chuan's authority. Everyone had the same authority at the beginning. It was the emperor's ability to increase the authority. The task was done desperately by others. Everything was reasonable, and for the group As far as the members are concerned, whether to increase or not, the emperor is all about managing...

   Besides, even if the authority is increased, Meng Chuan will not do anything that is not conducive to chatting, and will not bully any group member. Everyone believes this.

   Someone who asked not to be named Mang Jingang had something to say about this.

   Meng Chuan: @飞蓬, does Feipeng want me to go to your world?

   Fei Peng: If the emperor has time to come here in the future, Fei Peng will welcome you by sweeping the couch!

  Meng Qi: Don't sweep the couch...

   Meng Chuan: Want to enjoy a set meal? @孟奇

   Meng Chuan: Haven't the Chonglou come here yet?

   Fei Peng: He is here, but now he is no longer my opponent

   Meng Qi: General Fei Peng, always the first general!

   Zhang Sanfeng: The general has made great progress!

   Yaochen: Isn’t it about to be able to sit in the position of the Emperor of Heaven?

  Bibi Dong: Why do you want to say that Brother Fei Peng wants to sit in the position of the emperor?

   Medicine dust:...

   Gu Yi: @比比东, not the position of the emperor, but the position of the emperor in the world of General Feipeng

  Bibi Dong: Oh (●??ω??)?

   Meng Chuan found it interesting, but now this Bibi Dong feels a bit silly.

   But the thought of the girl in the original plot will eventually become like that, and it’s a bit sad.

   Meng Qi: Yao Lao, did Xiao Yan tell you about Journey to the West? He can sit in this position of the Emperor, why can't my grandson sit!

   Medicine dust: Hahahaha, occasionally talk about it, occasionally talk about it

   Meng Chuan: I will go to your world if I have a chance in the future, and there are other people’s worlds, I should go once or several times

   Koichi: Is the emperor going to transform?

   Meng Chuan: Yes, the great way of heaven and earth, the way of the strong is the fuel that ignites the fire of my way, and every world is no less valuable to me than Xianzhen

   Fei Peng: Then I'll wait for the emperor to come

   Fei Peng: The Great, I have one more question

   Meng Chuan: General, you say

   Fei Peng speaks more serious in this group, and Meng Chuan will respond to him with the same attitude, otherwise one side is serious and the other has a hippy smile, which is a bit bad.

   Even Meng Qi wouldn't be playing tricks all the time when he talked to Fei Peng alone.

   Fei Peng: I am a god, as everyone knows, that is, I feel that the humanity of the emperor is stronger, after the emperor’s transformation

   Lu Mingfei: That's right! A dignified generation of great emperors actually hooked up with me!

  Meng Qi: I always feel like you are showing off...

   Koichi: I felt this way when I watched the live broadcast just now

  Bibi Dong: No, right? I think the emperor has always been very human, so strong he will laugh with everyone.

   Looking at Fei Peng's question, Meng Chuan could not have imagined that this **** would be so keen.

   Meng Chuan: The general judged nothing wrong

   Meng Chuan: Cultivation, in the end, is definitely not a creature with one mind and no emotions.

   Meng Chuan: My Dao Shi Da Dao allowed me to maintain a great humanity when I became an emperor, allowing me to retain my original self

   Meng Chuan: Then after these three transformations, three times, I am not wrong, not the one you think, I am getting closer to the truth, and the humanity expressed is stronger

   Meng Chuan: The beginning of the Dao, the beginning of the Dao. Of course, if it is the original appearance, how can it be changed into something else?

  Zhang Sanfeng: Isn’t this the same as when Xiao Meng later achieved Yuanshi Tianzun, he was still Yuanshi Tianzun Meng Qi, and not simply Yuanshi Tianzun?

   Koichi: This should be just not assimilated by the realm

  Meng Qi: The dream is a bubble thing, but how can you let it go easily?

At this moment, Meng Qi was thinking far, thinking of her unwilling to ask the sky, thinking of herself that almost turned into a monster, thinking of the fellow brothers and friends who flew moths to the flames in front of the golden mother, and thinking of her future self. That decisive knife.

   Meng Chuan: Wake up, you are still bald!

   Meng Qi: Great, you are really disappointed!

   Meng Chuan: What’s wrong with being bald? You don’t need to think too much about those now, it will only increase your troubles.

   Meng Qi: (;'?????`)

   Zhang Sanfeng: But the emperor did you say three transformations?

   Meng Chuan: My own accumulation is enough to transform once. The four avenues of the outside world that I have never touched and the avenues of the old world of medicine have also transformed me once, and the avenue of the immortal tripod, three times.

   Fei Peng: How strong is the emperor now?

   Meng Chuan: This is not very easy to say. There is no comparison object, but the undead emperor who has not turned into a flesh ball nirvana should be able to fight a battle. The immortal emperor should be in the fifth or sixth life.

   Meng Chuan: The last time I threatened all the restricted areas, I wanted to draw him out. UU reading put five restricted areas to escape to see if he would jump out, but he was too cautious.

   Koichi: The emperor’s method of becoming immortal is too powerful...

  Meng Qi: After all, he is a fierce man who forcibly starts his next life by fighting power

   Meng Qi: I think the road of the Great Emperor can be called the Red Dust Fighting Fairy Road in the future*?(???)?*

   Yaochen: Don’t you think that the emperor’s transformation is really fast as long as the conditions are met...

   Meng Chuan doesn't think so. If there is no chat group, it will be difficult to accumulate enough fuelwood for one transformation if there is no chat group, and it will be difficult to accumulate enough fuelwood for one transformation.

   Meng Qi: Great, it's fast!

   Lu Mingfei: Great, really fast!

   In the hotel, Lu Mingfei just finished sending this message, he felt a cold back, his neck stiffly twisted, and looked at Meng Chuan, smiling somewhat reluctantly.

   "Emperor, I'm talking nonsense..."


   A magic sword of the law was placed on Lu Mingfei's neck. Meng Chuan looked at Lu Mingfei and said quietly: "When you send a message, do you care if I am by your side?"

   Feeling the coolness around his neck, Lu Mingfei slowly moved his head away.

   "Emperor, it's late at night, why don't we rest?"

   The magic knife slapped Lu Mingfei directly on the sofa.

   "Don't say such ambiguous words, you go to rest first, I have been comprehending the rules of your world, and there is no need to rest."

   Meng Chuan threw Lu Mingfei directly into the bedroom, and Shen Nian also helped him turn off the light.

   "Good night, Great!" Lu Mingfei's howling came from the crack of the door.

   Meng Chuan shook his head, he was a real treasure.


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