GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society


[Seireitei; 4th Division]

Under the moonlight, a beautiful black-haired woman wearing a black kimono and a white cloak with the number 4 on the back sat quietly as she sipped on her green tea while gazing at the reflection of the moon on the artificial lake.

Next to her, a tall silver-haired woman also stood silently. In fact, calling her tall would be an understatement, since she reached an impressive height of 187 cm. A height only a few men could reach. Still, this changed nothing about her beauty.

Compared to her, the black-haired woman's petite frame and kind smile gave her a motherly aura.

It was a picturesque scene. Anyone seeing this would think of a knight protecting a beautiful and helpless woman.

'They couldn't be any more wrong.'

Isane Kotetsu, the vice-captain of the 4th division thought silently.

"Something is bothering you?"

Shaking her head, Isane answered, "Captain, I received the news that a student named Satoru Gojo applied to the 4th division."

Retsu Unohana tilted her head.

"Satoru Gojo. Wasn't he just a first year? So he already graduated?"


"Ohh. A genius, is it?"

Contrary to what one might think, neither Unohana nor Isane particularly cared about the title of Genius.

Isane had already lived for more than 1700 years while Unohana was already past 2000.

In all those years, the number of Geniuses they had seen was so high it was staggering.


"Why would such a genius wish to join our division?"

Isane also had the same doubt.

Even though Captain Unohana was basically in the top five most powerful captains, few people knew about this.

The 4th division was without a doubt the weakest one, and generally, only shinigami with absolutely no talent for fighting would join it.

Unohana thought for a while before shaking her head,

"Oh well, it doesn't matter. Once he enters, Isane, you will take care of him and teach him Kaido. After all, since such a genius chose us, no matter what his motive, we must treat him well."

She could feel that this man must be joining this division for a specific goal. But she didn't care.

She had once been one of the worst criminals in the soul society and she was also one of the founding members of the Gotei 13. If some young pup wanted to mess around in her backyard, she would simply smack him around a few times to get him in line.

'Hum. I wonder if he could get my blood pumped.'

Isane, who more or less knew what was going through her captain's mind, gave a bitter smile as she nodded,



[Seireitei; 2nd Division]

Meanwhile, in the barracks of the second division, Soi Fon, draped in her white cloak, frowned after she heard the report of her vice-captain.

"He chose the 4th division?"

This was a choice that completely baffled her.

It was well known that the 4th division was basically full of cowards or people who wished to save everyone.

Even though there wasn't that much difference in power between most divisions, the 4th division was without a doubt the weakest one.

Of course, Soi Fon also greatly respected the 4th division. She knew more than anyone else the importance of having competent healers when you went on the battlefield.

But this didn't change the fact that they were weak.

The Gojo Satoru she remembered was not weak and from the previous report about the hollow incident, he should be far stronger than she remembered. What is more, he clearly wasn't a coward either.

'Something is fishy.'

Soi Fon's eyes narrowed.

She hesitated for a short while before deciding against sending people to spy on him. He had already proven that this would be impossible.

At the same time, she couldn't dispatch the secret force just to monitor a man because of her own intuition.

'I guess I have no choice. I will have to approach him myself.'

Her training had been very complete back when she was just a member of the secret force like any other. Becoming close to a man to obtain information was nothing weird.

If he was clean, then everything would be alright.

But if he wasn't...She would simply let him get a taste of her Suzumebachi.

{*Giggle* So you finally found a man that interests you?}

A small laugh sounded in her ears, causing Soi Fon to frown in distaste.

"Omaeda, you are dismissed."


Once Omaeda left, Soi Fon sighed and raised her head.

There, above her, was floating a fairy-sized girl clothed in black and gold, while her entire right arm was covered by a yellow and black stinger.

"Suzumebachi. Stop bothering me."

This was the spirit of Soi Fon zanpakuto.


At the captain level, or more precisely in order to reach the Bankai, the wielder had to be able to manifest the spirit of their zanpakuto in the real world and then subjugate it.

Of course, even though the spirit could manifest, in order for it to affect the real world or stay longer than a few minutes, some special means had to be used.

Suzumebachi pouted a little as she continued to fly around,

{I already told you that you would be far happier if you stopped worshipping your Yoruichi and found a real man. That guy wasn't bad.}

Soi Fon pinched her eyebrows in annoyance.

Since Zanpakuto were essentially weapons, most shinigami thought of them as weapons. But they couldn't be more wrong.

A zanpakuto was a companion. Something between a child and sibling. They had their own thoughts, opinions, and desires, and sometimes, said desire didn't align with that of their wielders.

"Firstly, that guy doesn't interest me. I need more than a pretty face. Secondly, I do not worship Yoruichi-sama."

{Hehehe~! You should hear yourself. If so, why do you still add -sama to her name? Forget it, I am going to sleep.}

After those words, Suzumebachi vanished, leaving Soi Fon deep in thought.

(AN: Technically, Unohana is the second most powerful captain. In fact, in terms of pure stats, she surpasses Yamato in physical strength and is equal to him in basically everything else. Those are official stats by the way. Though in terms of Bankai, no one can beat Yamamoto aside from Ichibe from division 0. That guy's power is sick. Anyway, the reason I didn't say Unohana is 2nd most powerful, is because from Isane's perspective, there is Yamamoto, Shunsui, Ukitake, and Ginrei.)

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