Chapter 137: Chapter 137: A Special Birthday Chapter!: A Very Happy Birthday To The Love Angel Wedding Peach!
"Hello there viewers...Shinko Hanasaki here...or Angel Bluebell, for those of you who don't yet already know...Which you know, would only be even remotely possible, if you for some reason, have chosen to continue to skim through most, if not all of the most recent chapters up to this one...*I proceed to say this, while proceeding to smile with both of my eyes closed. Only for me to then suddenly get a bit irritated, with a tickmark now currently becoming visibly present, on one side of my face. To which I then proceed to briefly clear my throat, and the tickmark to then quickly disappear just as quickly as it had appeared on one side of my face. To which I then proceed to continue to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...for those who don't know what today is supposed to mark...and why it is special to me and everyone else of the Four Aces Alliance...then allow me to the honors, as well as help to make you all aware about what makes today so special to me and everyone else okay?...And speaking of which...oh sis?...Would you come over here for a brief moment please?...*I proceed to say this, while once again proceeding to smile with both of my eyes closed. To which Momoko...or Wedding Peach for those who don't already know, proceeds to come into the frame of shot*"
"Yes Shinko, what is it?...*Momoko proceeds to ask me this, with a bit of intrigue to her tone*"
"Well sis, as I am sure that you are aware what today is, I would like to wish you a very happy birthday...and more does everyone else...Which includes the viewers as well...Oh, and I am not the only one who is here either viewers along with Momoko...*I proceed to say. To which everyone else of the Four Aces Alliance then proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to wish Momoko a happy birthday*"
"T-thank you Shinko, this means a lot...*Momoko proceeds to say this to me, while smiling at me with both of her eyes closed, and with a very grateful tone to her voice*"
"You're quite welcome sis...and just for the record I am sure that I don't need to remind you all for what is most likely the umpteenth time...But for those who need me to remind them, in an effort to refresh their memory...Momoko is my sister and nothing more...You do remember me telling this to you all, in more then one recently previous chapter right?...I mean, that is unless you've all been doing a lot of skimming through most, if not all of the previous chapters of this fanfic, as I previously aforementioned in this particular chapter...Because just so you know, and for the record viewers...that doesn't count in even the slightest bit of rationality, as being any form of honest, nor reliable reading...In fact, to put it more specifically...It is actually just you, somehow thinking that it is a proper way to go about reading these three fanfics...As you're choosing, by your own fruition and be far too darn lazy, to want to put in the necessary effort, to read these chapters in their proper entirety...*I proceed to say this, while my expression proceeds to change to a small eyed weary looking expression, and my mouth also proceeds to slowly shift into a straight line. Which is to help hammer home the fact, that if any of you viewers are still deciding to do this, then that not only makes you quite daft, but it also makes you lazy, and thus not willing to put in the effort to thoroughly read the fanfics in this chapter, or the other two that are connected to it*...You do realize that, don't you?...I mean after all should've been obvious, that that is not a great way to read any sort of reading material, as it doesn't really instill any sort of confidence into either you, or your peers...But anyway viewers...for those who don't already know, Momoko was in fact born, on March 3, 1983...and for those who don't know, I was born...on March 3, 1982...And no viewers...that is not my real life birth date...I mean, did you really honestly think that I would be daft enough, to put my real life birth date anywhere in any of these 3 fanfics?...So sorry to disappoint you on that basis...But you must've realized that that was in fact the case in this situation, right?...*I then proceed to once again briefly clear my throat, before I once again proceed to properly address the viewers*...But more importantly viewers...apart from wishing Momoko a very happy birthday...this is also being done to help honor one Nao Yazawa, for helping to create, what is still one of the most well known 90s magical girl anime...I mean after all viewers...Wedding Peach is part of the 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity for a good reason...and yes viewers...I am all too well aware that most consider Revolutionary Girl Utena, to be part of the trinity, along with Sailor Moon, and Cardcaptor Sakura...But viewers, I am afraid I have to contest Wedding Peach...though it never got a proper release over in the states, from what I have heard...And as I am sure you remember reading from my very first fourth wall break back in chapter two of this fanfic...Among all of the other things that these three fanfics are helping to prove...I am also offering these three fanfics to the anime industry, in order to convince them to adapt them into anime shows...I mean I did say that at some point, or several, in quite a few previous chapters of this particular fanfic...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And once again I would like to wish a very happy birthday to you Momoko...and viewers...we will get right back into the action, in the next sis...would you like to help me in doing the honors this time?...*I proceed to say this, while proceeding to turn to Momoko, while smiling with both of my eyes closed*"
"Certainly Shinko...hello there viewers...Momoko Hanasaki here...and like Shinko just so rightfully stated, we all look forward to seeing you all in the next viewers, see you there...okay?...*Momoko proceeds to say this, while proceeding to wink at the viewers. While I proceed to smile with both of my eyes closed*"