Godslayer's Legacy

Chapter Ten: Titan Core and Essence

As dawn broke, the mountainside was bathed in a golden light, highlighting Kael and Lyra's path. Leaving the dense forest behind, they faced the challenge of rocky slopes. Here, vegetation was scarce, with only a few hardy trees managing to sprout amidst the stones.

Despite feeling exhausted, Kael pressed on, driven by fear and uncertainty. His mind was filled with questions, but one in particular kept coming back to him.

Breaking the silence that had settled between them, Kael asked, "Lyra, how can I tell which kind of power I've inherited? How do I find out which Titan chose me?"

He was not ready to share that Oranos, the leader of the Titans, had chosen him, knowing the consequences of such a revelation.

Lyra glanced at him before replying, "It's different for everyone. Some people immediately understand their Titan's power once chosen, but others might take a while to figure it out."

Kael looked thoughtful for a moment. "So, where do I begin?"

Lyra paused, turning to face him with a serious look. "The source of Titan's power is the Titan Core. Every Godslayer possesses one—it's the part of you that contains the essence of the Titan. To tap into the Titan's power, you must awaken your Titan Core."

"The Titan Core?" Kael echoed, a mix of curiosity and nervousness in his voice. "I don't feel anything like that inside me."

Lyra responded, "That's common at the beginning. The Core is a part of you, just lying dormant for now. Once you find a way to connect with it, the power will start to flow."

Lyra pointed towards a smooth area on the rock's edge perched above a deep canyon. The wind was strong here, whistling through the mountainous terrain. "Let's sit over there. We'll start by trying to awaken your Core," she suggested.

They moved to the indicated spot, a leveled area on the rock that offered a clear view of the dramatic ravine below. The wind was relentless here, its icy fingers pulling at their clothing as it danced around them. Lyra motioned for Kael to take a seat.

"This spot is perfect," Lyra remarked, her voice severe yet infused with a calming presence. "Sit here, Kael."

Kael paused, feeling the seriousness of her words sink in. He knew this moment's importance, yet he couldn't shake off his doubts.

Despite hesitation, he followed her instructions and sat cross-legged on the rock. The wind seemed colder and sharper here, making him even more aware of the significant task he was about to undertake.

Lyra was close by, watching him intently. "Close your eyes," she instructed, calm yet commanding. "You need to concentrate, to look deep within yourself. The Titan Core is part of you, hidden away, just waiting to be awakened."

Kael's expression showed concern, but he did what he was told, closing his eyes and taking a slow, deep breath. As he did so, the noises around him—the loud wind and the far-off sound of the river below—started to disappear as he focused on the rhythm of his breathing, steady and calm.

Lyra said, "To awaken the Titan Core, you must first connect deeply with your own body. Sense the blood flowing through your veins. Notice the heartbeat in your chest, the regular beat of your heart. Start with that."

Focusing on Lyra's words, Kael listened to his heartbeat, feeling a soft yet persistent thump in his ears. He made this heartbeat the center of his attention, letting go of everything else—the wind, the cold, and even his thoughts. All that was left was the steady beat of his heart in the silent darkness behind his closed eyes.

Lyra explained, "The Titan Core isn't simply a physical thing. It's more like a second heart, but deeper inside you, connected to your soul. It contains the essence of the Titan that picked you. At first, it might feel far away, like a faint heartbeat or a buzz, almost like it's whispering to you. Just take your time with it. Allow yourself to naturally feel drawn towards it."

Kael was doing his best to follow her guidance, attempting to tap into the more profound rhythm she had told him about. He tried to listen intently for any sign of it within himself, searching for a hidden pulse beneath his heart's normal beating.

As Kael focused, his breathing slowed and deepened, his muscles started to relax, and he felt as if a burden was gradually being lifted from him.

Despite his efforts, Kael found himself unable to detect the elusive Titan Core he was seeking.

After some time, with a hint of disappointment, he frowned and quietly said, "Still nothing."

Lyra stood with her arms crossed, a look of genuine confusion on her face. "That's strange. This should be working! It's exactly how my mentor taught me when I first awakened my Core. It worked for me, so it should work for you, too. I've even practiced this tutorial multiple times if I needed to help someone else. How could it possibly not be working?"

Kael couldn't suppress a chuckle. "Hold on, are you telling me you memorized the steps?"

Shooting him a playful glare, Lyra retorted, "Of course I did. What else was I supposed to do? I'm still trying to understand all this Godslayer business myself."

Kael's laughter grew louder. "So, it's like we're both just figuring this out as we go?"

Lyra let out a sigh, pretending to be defeated. "Yes, okay? I don't have all the answers. But you're really not helping!"

Kael, still laughing, wiped away a tear from his eye. "Alright, alright. Let's give it another go."

Lyra kept a close watch on him, then broke the silence. "The Core sometimes needs a little nudge to activate," she explained, lifting her hand.

A dark, swirling shadow appeared in her palm. "This happens when I project my energy outside my body, called aura. But when it stays inside, it's my essence. I'll use my essence to lead the way for you. See if you can find and tap into something similar within yourself."

Kael nodded, enveloped in Lyra's warmth. "I can feel your essence," he said.

"That's good. Now, look inside yourself. Try to find your Titan Core by sensing where something like my essence might be," she instructed.

Kael was deeply focused, feeling something like a distant heartbeat. When he connected with it, the Titan Core came to life, bursting with energy. This energy was so strong that it pushed Lyra away, making her stumble several feet back.

"Kael!" Lyra exclaimed as she got back on her feet, shocked. "What just happened?"

Kael stood there, amazed and overwhelmed by the intense power that had surged through him. It felt like the mighty essence of a Titan was coursing through his veins, unstoppable and wild.

Catching her breath, Lyra looked at Kael, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Which Titan… chose you?" she whispered, more to herself than to him. "I've never seen anything like this. It's unbelievable."

"I… don't know," Kael said hesitantly, still trying to understand what had just occurred. "It was overwhelming. I couldn't control it."

Lyra observed him, her expression a mix of admiration and concern. "We need to try again," she suggested after a brief moment. "But this time, try not to force it. Let the power come to you naturally. Just let it flow."

Kael nodded, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes again despite the lingering fear of that overwhelming energy. This time, he gently reached out to the Titan Core, letting the power reach the surface without exerting force.

Bit by bit, he could sense the Titan Essence moving through him. It wasn't as intense as before, but a rising warmth spread all over his body.

His eyes flew open, excitement lighting them up. "I can feel it!" he said, his voice filled with awe. "I can feel the essence now."

Lyra smiled with relief. "Good. Now, you need to spend some time getting to know the essence. It's important to become familiar with it and natural at sensing it. Let's dedicate an hour to this."

Kael nodded, closing his eyes once more and focusing on the essence. The power felt like a part of him now—still wild but not uncontrollable. As it pulsed through his Titan Core, he could sense the connection growing stronger.

Lyra stepped back, allowing him some space while she observed him closely. She was still puzzled. 'Who is he?' she pondered. 'The power he possesses is unlike anything I've encountered.'

An hour had passed in silence when Kael finally spoke up. "There's something else," he said, breaking the quiet.

Curious, Lyra faced him, a question in her gaze. "What's on your mind?"

Kael hesitated before confessing, "I've never been trained in combat. I'm not weak—I've always been active in the village, doing manual work and keeping fit. But when it comes to actual fighting, I'm at a loss. I don't even know where to start."

Lyra nodded, showing her understanding. "We can work on that," she reassured him. "Being strong is good, but it's not everything. Luckily, we have some time before we get to the Sanctuary. You'll need to learn how to defend yourself."

Kael was buzzing with a mix of nerves and excitement. "Where do I start?" he asked eagerly.

"In the Sanctuary," Lyra began, her voice filled with a sense of importance, "you'll discover the Arcanum Manus. These ancient texts contain the battle techniques of the Titans, techniques that have been handed down through generations. As Godslayers, we must learn and master these techniques to survive."

Kael echoed the words with wonder, "The Arcanum Manus…" The name was new and intriguing to him. "Can I learn that?"

Lyra gave a reassuring nod. "In time, yes. But first, you need to understand the basics. The most important concept you'll come across is called Resonance."

"Resonance?" Kael's brow furrowed; the term was completely new to him.

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