GODSLAYER: Dark Dreams Don’t Die.

Hot Summer Night

Hangar, Aemelia Louvent POV.

The girls arrived swiftly. I was honestly astonished at how swiftly The small one adapted to her new gender, but i guess the mind plays a big part in self-perception. 

"Listen up, Rios, Stein. You two have a mission. Rios, you are to train Stein in battlefield regulations and operation protocol en-route to the mission zone. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am, but what's the mission?"

"Omega. Erina returned, badly wounded... Without her mech. #11 is reportedly destroyed. 12 remained to cover her escape. but you know how your sister is, Erin... Why 12, Omega, chose her."

"Right. Damn Loner Personality. That brat probably won't retreat. So this is a rescue mission?"

"No. This is a Retreival mission.I don't mean to be cold, but the director is a damn softie, Which is why i am in charge of military affairs... So forgive my cruelty, But Private Rojas's Safety comes second to the Mech. Understood, Leuitenant?"

"Yes Ma'am, only... When did i get a promotion?"

"When this mission is complete, Rojas. In addition, Miss Stein will officially be Cadet Stein after this, with the rank of Private 2nd class. DISMISSED!"

The girls saluted... And dear gods, did no-one teach that child how to salute? One hand placed upon the opposite shoulder, the other raised slowly to the forehead. But Alexis Steins Salute was clumsy... I watched as they joined their Mecha, Astonished at the Mounting method of 13, Sierra... Its Head splits open like a demonic Jaw, and swallows its pilot. Its Terrifying.

??? Rojas POV

The battlefield was littered with fallen enemies, but still we fought... Energy reserves running low, and this Frog-Crab like bastard just wouldn't fall... Omega And i ran, followed by it and its Airborne ally, Looked like an Eagle-Moose... We barely dodged a strike, Only to be hit by a blast from its air support... Damn thing has laser eyes. This was it. The end. The moment of my death. I closed my eyes, prepared... at least Erina had escaped... I waited, but the blow never came... I opened my eyes to see a familiar blue lion mech, Grappling with the Frog-Crab... [DAMNIT, HANNAH, DON'T JUST GIVE UP!]

I was shocked. [Big Sis... Erin... Thank god you made it... Theres a flying one. watch... out...]

I lost consciousness... But i thought i saw a giant red Fox launching laser blades at the airborne opponent.

Darkness... All i saw for a while... i knew i was safe, and that big sis was probably mad at me... Omega was badly damaged, and i had been bleeding for a while...

"Am... Am i dead?"

an unknown voice giggled, and spoke.

"She's alive, Captain! You were right, My Nanites Did help... Just dont tell anyone... Even if it was basically CPR its embarrassing."

"Good. And you have my word, kid. HANNAH! Open your eyes, ya dammned  brat!"

I tried to, and surprisingly managed it... And was met by a wonderful sight... My sister was there of course, but i couldn't see her, my vision focused on the young girl beside her... "Guh! An Angel? So I Am Dead?"

I heard my sister laugh, and the almost obnoxiously pretty girl blushed.

"Ya hear that, Alexis, You've been promoted from Cadet to Angel! hahahahahahaha!"

"Please stop! Its Embarrassing."

Alexis? Beautiful. "The perfect name for an angel... hehehe... so pretty... its a shame im dead..." I felt a pain atop my head.

"CAPTAIN! You shouldn't hit the wounded!"

"Wounded? You heard her, apparently she's dead, so what's it matter? WAKE UP, FOOL! You aren't dead, though you came fucking close."

"Impossible... I gotta be dead, angels aren't real... And that has to be one, because nobody is that perfect... and all my pain is gone. Am i really not dead?"

"Not by a long shot, Thanks to Lexi And Sierra."


"Unit 13. Its bonus system is medical in nature... Nanites... They flow continuously between pilot and mech, and they transferred some into you, to heal your wounds. Via Fluidal Contact."

"Wait... do you mean?"

"Sure do, Sleeping Beauty!"

"I was... ki... ki... kissed? by an angel? My... my first... ummm... oh now im embarrassed... and i called her an angel so many times, thinking i was hallucinating... oh gods! KILL ME NOW, Please! So embarrassing."

Then i passed back out, to my sisters uproarious laughter... And i could swear Omega was also laughing at me...

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