God’s Love Game [Unlimited]

Chapter 17 - ①⑦

Xiangnu was really flustered and confused, but after being pushed out by Yu Su, he still did not forget to remind Yu Su: “Mr. Yu, why don’t you put on your life jacket…”

Yu Su replied, “You don’t need to worry about it.”

As soon as he said that, Xiangnu immediately shut up.

The beautiful young people were embraced by the youths in military uniforms and walked into the carriage. The missionaries looked at them with obscure and careful eyes, and finally landed on the capsule in Yu Su’s hands, with different thoughts.

Some were thinking that the two had just cleared the customs and went to the cab again. Was the capsule taken out from the cab? The flight attendant is not in the cab?

Of course, many people realized that Xiangnu may have hidden a few capsules on his body before.

The white cloak on his body was so wide, it was really good for hiding things underneath.

And everyone doesn’t know if there are any extra capsules under his cloak, and if they have discovered more secrets in the cab.

Before the change, Chen Chengen, etc., could also ask the slaves, but after Yu Su started, the relationship between the many taskers and the two of them became rigid.

But in the face of life and death, face is not a big issue that is too important.

Chen Chengen looked around in the carriage, gave a vague look, and then Li Yue stood up tremblingly and asked cautiously, “Brother Xiang, Brother Yu, you are back.”

Naturally, Yu Su didn’t respond. Judging from his performance, whether he heard Li Yue’s words was a question.

Xiangnu tilted his head, nodded slightly, and replied, “En.”

Li Yue’s appearance of scratching his ears and cheeks looked uncomfortable, but he couldn’t see it, and he would not take the initiative to ask him intimately.

In the end, it was his companion who screwed him hard, and Li Yue said hesitantly: “Well, Brother Xiang, in fact, that person didn’t blame Brother Yu for killing him in anger just now. Brother Xiang, you have already told everyone the clues you have discovered. He didn’t hide it at all, it’s okay if he doesn’t appreciate it at all, it’s too much to want to rob you. Even if he dies… he deserves it.”

Xiangnu raised the corners of his lips, and smiled ironically and contemptuously for no reason, but what he said was very gentle and thoughtful: “It’s okay, the dead is the biggest, I’m not angry, and I don’t want to have a relationship with everyone because of him. We are in Survival in the same copy should be mutual help.”

Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief, couldn’t help but glanced at Chen Chengen with a heavy face, and then said, “Brother Xiang, can you share the information in the cab with us? That’s it, everyone has already rummaged through the carriage, although relying on you to summarize A lot of rules have been found, and a suspected way of life has been found, but in fact, for this dungeon itself, there is no exploration at all, in this case, even if we can escape, there will be no reward.”

Xiangnu still didn’t know much about the copy, so he said casually: “As long as you can survive, you can’t be too greedy for rewards or something.”

Li Yue paused, with a subtle expression: “But if there is no reward, how will your eyes recover?”

Xiang Nu was stunned, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, “Go ahead.”

Li Yue gave him a careful look and continued: “So we suspect that there are two possibilities…”

“One is that the secret of the dungeon is very deep and the thinking is very different, so everyone has not found relevant clues. But this is unlikely. There are more than 300 people in this dungeon mission, how could it be possible to find even a little clue. Can’t you?”

“So the high probability is another possibility, that is, there is no clue about the copy in our compartment at all! If there is none, how can we find it?”

Xiangnu’s hand that was held by Yu Su couldn’t help but tighten, his heart jumped, but there was only a little doubt on his face: “But… if there is no clue, is this copy unsolved, the system is going to send it on purposely Are we going to die?”

Li Yue was a bit at a loss for words and couldn’t say why. Chen Chengen had to jump out and say, “It’s impossible without clues. The system won’t give us mortal tasks, but the difficulty is high and low.”

Chen Chengen said: “If there are really no clues in the carriage, then the clues are likely to be concentrated in one place, which is very dangerous and difficult to approach, such as the place where the monsters live, the cab, and the tasker can’t go in and explore at all. “

Xiangnu snorted: “The cab can only be entered when the flight attendant leaves. There are other monsters in it, and if there are other monsters, we need to find clues. This is no exploration at all.”

Chen Chengen was slightly startled, his face suddenly changed: “There are monsters in the cab?”

Xiangnu said solemnly: “Of course, which train has only one flight attendant, and besides the flight attendant, there must be a driver. The driver is in the cab.”

Xiangnu thought to himself that he said more monsters, so that they could prepare more, and the more preparations, the fewer accidents there would be. This is a white lie.

Xiang Nu frightened the tasker so much that Chen Chengen’s face was also much ugly to the naked eye, but he still smiled reluctantly and said, “Thank you Mr. Xiang for reminding me, but such a highly limited clue like this is in a fixed location. In general, it will be more conspicuous and easier to find. Mr. Xiang and Mr. Yu stayed in the cab for a long time, did they really find no relevant clues? “

Xiangnu remembered the leather-covered notebook, and the frequency of his heartbeat became much denser, but the cold body temperature of the people around him kept reminding him of his previous warning. After hesitating for a while, he pursed his lips slightly and asked: “No, but I have a question. If the dungeon is explored together by everyone, will the reward be the same as if it was explored alone?”

Everyone did not speak, and their expressions were very solemn.

The one who answered the slave was Yu Su: “Of course it’s different, the reward value that a dungeon can get is fixed, and the distribution method doesn’t depend on who discovered the clue. Anyone who knows the clue can clear the level. All rewards are equally shared.”

“Equally divided?” Xiangnu murmured: “This is really a way to suffer. In this way, if he encounters some very selfish people, won’t his companions be miserable?”

Yu Su said indifferently: “Yeah, it will be miserable, but the missionaries were originally only dying people collected by the system, and their meaning is ‘food’.”

Xiangnu vaguely felt that he had touched some important information. He pressed his finger on his temple and thought with a headache: because as long as the exploration degree of the dungeon is regarded as a customs clearance, although some people are unwilling to share their information, it will make the dungeon. The mortality rate is very high, but at the same time, there will be some people who would rather have less rewards, as long as they bring a few more people to live…

Xiang Nu felt that this was very important, but he couldn’t figure out what was important, but it was impossible to ask others.

Chen Chengen was still urging Xiang slave and asked him, “Mr. Xiang, do you really have no clue?”

Xiangnu decided to put the blame on Yu Su, and it was Yu Su who told him not to give out the notebook: “I’m blind, I can’t even see the road without help, so how can I find clues? Mr. Yu took me, Mr. Yu, did you find any clues in the cab?”

Xiangnu is a little fortunate now, it is really good to have Yu Su behind him to be a big villain. If Yu Su hadn’t forced him not to give the notebook to anyone, Xiangnu would definitely reward and help others generously now. tangled in.

Xiang Slave couldn’t help but struggle. There are hundreds of people in this copy, and they are still in this sealed and circulated train environment, where the secret is not hidden at all.

How many rewards can he get when hundreds of people clear the customs together? If the reward is too small, he will not be able to treat his eyes. If the eye disease cannot be cured, how will he clear the next dungeon?

Will there be a second Yu Su to help him like this? No, regardless of whether there will be a second Yu Su, the Yu Su in front of him is enough to give him a headache…

At this moment, Mr. Yu, who was grateful to Xiang slave, did not live up to his expectations, and denied it without changing his face: “There is no clue.”

But everyone didn’t believe it very much, especially after Xiangnu asked about the reward.

Chen Chengen smiled reluctantly and said, “Since Mr. Xiang doesn’t want to talk about it, don’t bother Mr. Yu anymore.”

Xiangnu smiled, and the corners of his lips remained in a fixed arc, as if they were frozen, full of alienation and perfunctory taste.

But now Yu Su seems to be in a better mood, seeing this, he actually took the initiative to explain: “If we found a clue, we would have passed the customs and left by now, and it’s not your turn to ask us here.”

When everyone thought about it, they also felt that it made some sense. In addition, they felt that Yu Su and Xiangnu couldn’t communicate, so they slowly dispersed into several groups and gathered together to continue the discussion.

Yu Su took Xiangnu to the front seat very close to the driver’s cab. He glanced back and forth on the window next to the seat, and finally selected the glass next to the third seat.

Yu Su let go of Xiangnu’s hand, Xiangnu supported the seat and stood obediently to the side, Yu Su took a small red hammer from the fire hydrant and was ready to start.

Seeing this, the tasker next to them couldn’t help but feel numb, and said nervously, “Are you going to smash the window?”

Yu Su asked casually, “Yes, do you have any questions?”

The man was very uneasy: “This… if the car window is broken, will there be any unexpected situation, and will strange things flood into the outside space…”

While he was talking, he turned his eyes to Chen Chengen for help, but Feng Hejia stood up before Chen Chengen and said, “Hasn’t the No. 4 carriage been tested, it should be fine, don’t worry. If you are really scared, change your seat. Sit back.”

Chen Chengen glanced at her and swallowed the unspoken words.

Seeing that the man could not wait for Chen Chengen’s response, he had to move back by himself, far away from Yu Su and the others.

Chen Chengen hesitated for a moment and asked, “Mr. Xiang, Mr. Yu, have you really made up your mind?”

Yu Su’s answer was the hammer that was thrown and the shattered car window. Snow-white glass shards shattered on the ground, scattered densely, and some even stuck on the seat.

In the gray fog outside the train, like a vulture smelling a rotten smell, it approached like a madman, but was stopped by an invisible barrier.

Yu Su carefully selected a seat that was not affected by Xiangnu for him to sit on, then took off a seat cover and laid it on the ground.

The thick leather seat cover perfectly covered the glass shards on the ground. He took off another seat cover and carefully picked up the broken glass shards from the surrounding seats.

The lion-faced flight attendant walked out of the cab and entered the No. 1 car like a ghost. It ignored the glass **** and broken windows in that place, and walked through the aisle of No. 1 car with a leisurely tail. When passing by Yu Su, who was attentive to picking up the pieces, he politely walked around the corner without touching Yu Su, and finally lay down at the end of the back compartment 1, facing compartment 1. The missionaries stared at them leisurely.

After the battle at the stitching beauty club, everyone deeply realized the power of the flight attendants. Being stared at by such a powerful monster all the time made everyone uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Until the announcement sounded, “Hello, all passengers, the train will enter the fourth station in fifteen minutes, please return to your own compartment and take a seat, and the flight attendant will randomly select a compartment for ticket checking in five minutes. .” After everyone saw the hope of the flight attendant leaving, their tensed hearts relaxed a little.

Because the flight attendant was guarding the door, everyone didn’t wander around in other carriages this time, but at this point, wandering around is of little significance, so everyone is not anxious.

Five minutes later, “this time the car is the No. 8 car.”

The flight attendant slowly got up, and the face was full of unexplainable smells. It glanced coldly at the task person in the carriage, turned around and hurried to the No. 8 carriage.

Li Yue jumped up quickly and shouted, “Brother Chen, let’s go to the cab now!”

Chen Chengen gave him a cold look with a sullen face, and ran to the cab quickly. When passing by Yu Su, who was seriously picking up the glass shards, he couldn’t help but take a deep breath, then walked around him and walked directly. past.

Xiangnu felt a gust of wind blowing across his face, and he couldn’t help but look down at Yu Su, who just looked up and gave him a gentle smile.

Chen Chengen opened the doors of the No. 1 carriage and the driver’s cab. He imagined many situations, such as hiding from a sneak attacking monster behind the door, but he didn’t expect that what he saw was actually a screening door.

He was stunned in place, but the door that scanned the infrared heat source made a ‘beep’, and said coldly, “Hello, please show the staff ID, scan and verify it and enter the door.”

Chen Chengen’s expression was a little broken, and he couldn’t help but scolded: “This broken copy is deliberately tossing people, why is there such a thing as a screening door on a train?”

Chen Chengen turned back angrily, endured the irritability in his heart and asked, “Do we have an electrician or programmer here to try to unlock the lock?”

Chen Chengen thought that there must be a programmer in the fifty-odd people in his car, but he never thought that such unfortunate things would really happen to him, and there were actually no one in the fifty or so people in the No. 1 car.

Chen Chengen hurriedly asked people to go to the No. 2 carriage to ask for support. At this time, it might have been too long before the screening door for document scanning had a new response. It made a ‘beep’ and said again: “The work document has not been scanned, so replace the verification. method. Please select the verification method, 1. face recognition, 2. fingerprint recognition, 3. password unlock.”

This multiple-choice question is not difficult to do, the first two will not work at all, and the last one can be a chance.

Chen Chengen didn’t have time to think about the price of trial and error, so he directly chose the password to unlock.

The screening door reacted, and there was a small chrysanthemum slowly turning on the screen, completely unable to understand the anxiety of the person in front of him.

Chen Chengen scolded again: “What is this crap, why does it take so long to react?”

Xiangnu reminded friendly: “Taking advantage of this moment, Mr. Chen might as well think about what the password might be?”

Chen Chengen’s eyes flickered when he heard the words. He observed the page that had been redirected but kept showing the redirection, and said, “It seems that the password is 6 numbers. Do you have any ideas for Mr. Xiang?”

Xiangnu didn’t think too much, and said directly: “142857 and 741852, I can only think of these two numbers.”

Chen Chengen’s Adam’s apple rolled: “But the password is not necessarily related to this, and generally speaking, the password can only be tried and wrong three times.”

Xiangnu thought for a while, and said, “It’s okay, there are those that can be tried and wrong five times.”

Chen Chengen: “…” If you have no clue about the password, what’s the difference between three times and five times!

Chen Chengen thought gloomily, the screen of the screening door finally jumped, and he entered the password input page. Chen Chengen’s mind was blank, tangled and trembling in front of the two passwords provided by Xiangnu, and finally decided to enter ‘741852’ first, after all This is the order of random inspection of the carriages.

But the **** of fate did not favor Chen Chengen. After he pressed the confirmation button, the screening door ruthlessly reminded him: “Your password is wrong, please re-enter it. Reminder, the password can only be entered wrong three times. If all three times are wrong, the password will be lost. will automatically lock.”

Chen Chengen’s face was pale, his fingers were shaking when he typed ‘142857’, and he even clicked a wrong number. There should be a delete button, otherwise he would miss an opportunity in vain.

He was so nervous that he didn’t even hear the radio.

“All passengers and friends are very abiding by the rules. There are no foul passengers in the random check at this station. The train is about to enter the fourth station, Children’s Square, please be prepared.”

When Chen Chengen trembled and pressed the confirm button again, Chen Chengen had already thought about it again. Even if he made a mistake this time, he would not try again.

Fortunately, the password was entered correctly this time, and the silvery-white light faded away, revealing the original wooden door. Chen Chengen excitedly pressed his hand on the door handle. Just as he was about to press it, the flight attendant’s voice came from behind, and it was cold and faint. Behind Chen Chengen asked, “what are you doing?”

Chen Chengen turned his head blankly, his eyes were filled with the huge head of the flight attendant, and he could even clearly see his reflection in its eyes.

Chen Chengen pressed against the wooden door and couldn’t say a word. The flight attendant glanced at him with disgust and pulled him aside with a paw. Then he pressed his paw on the door, and the silver-white color spread back again, changing from a normal door to a Screening doors.

Because of the angle, Chen Chengen couldn’t see what the flight attendant was doing. He only saw its hairy claws patted on the screen constantly. From time to time, he lowered his head and smiled deliberately at him, with a malicious expression on his face.

The flight attendant didn’t do anything to Chen Chengen, but roared heavily in Chen Chengen’s ear after fiddling with the screening door, and roared, “Go back to my seat and sit!”

Chen Chengen’s blood was surging, and he walked back to his seat with a dizzy mind, and his expression was sluggish and decadent.

Feng Hejia caught him when he was passing by, and dropped another bomb in Chen Chengen’s ear: “The flight attendant just… seems to have changed the password.”

Chen Chengen woke up instantly and exclaimed, “What!”

The flight attendant followed Chen Chengen with his tail wagging. Hearing his gaffe scream, he glanced at him contemptuously, then walked over forcefully, arched his butt, and pushed him aside.

Chen Chengen’s face was distorted, he took a deep breath and endured it.

The flight attendant walked slowly to the end of the No. 1 carriage, squatted down there, and stared at every move inside the carriage, making everyone dare not do what they wanted to do.

Chen Chengen stared at the silver-white door obscurely. After a while, he wiped his face and comforted his companions and said, “Let’s take a look at the opportunity later… If it doesn’t work, we’ll wait until the prison.”

“To the prison…” Feng Hejia thought thoughtfully: “What does the prison at the end of the train mean? Is it also a copy there? Is it a copy of this train or a separate copy, or is it a death ending?”

No one knows, it is very likely that no one can enter the cab where the secret is hidden, and the exploration progress of the dungeon is still 0, even if you want to discuss it, it is useless.

Yu Su had almost picked out the glass scum by now. He rolled up the seat cover on which he had picked out the glass scum on the back cushion, and threw it out of the broken car window next to it.

Everyone watched his movements intently, watching the chair cover disappear into thin air.

Chen Chengen’s eyes flashed slightly, and he said to Xiangnu in a deep voice: “Mr. Xiang, although the window glass is broken, there is another barrier outside that prevents the things inside from going out and the things outside coming in, trying to pass through that layer. The things in the barrier are directly burned to fly ash, the cloak on your body may not really be effective, you are very smart, and your partner Yu Su is also very strong, do you really want to risk your life to try?”

He sighed and said regretfully, “It’s not necessary, really.”

Xiang Nu tightly hugged the backpack under the cloak, the notebook inside was all his hope.

Xiangnu firmly refused and said, “Thank you, Mr. Chen, for your kindness. You don’t need to persuade me any more, I know it well.”

Chen Chengen didn’t speak, he thought, Xiangnu and Yu Su must have clues in the cab, otherwise why would he be so determined to leave?

You must know that there is no reward for simply escaping from the dungeon. Other healthy people with normal physique can not care about the reward, but what about the slave?

Doesn’t he want to restore the light?

If the light cannot be restored, even if Xiangnu is lucky enough to pass the mission this time, he may not have such good luck next time.

If the light cannot be restored, Xiang slaves can only find clues through other people. There are too many disadvantages.

He didn’t know whether the clues he had obtained were true or false, and whether the people who helped him observe had any omissions, and this kind of behavior made Xiang slave entrust his life to others.

Xiangnu is not stupid, he knows very well that choice is in his favor. And although he looked soft and kind, he didn’t react at all when Yu Su killed someone in front of him before, which shows that his nature is also ruthless.

It is impossible to count on a slave.

Chen Chengen looked at the bewildered missionaries in the carriage in confusion. They had also participated in many dungeons, but in this mission, they could not put forward many effective suggestions at all, because most of them were taken by Chen Chengen and Lin. This kind of person who is a little soft-hearted and doesn’t care about rewards takes the customs clearance.

Thinking of the dungeon rules, Chen Chengen thought that he might understand the real purpose of this dungeon’s existence.

The flight attendant came back after checking the No. 8 car, but the ten minutes for him to check has just ended.

The silver light was about to come, Yu Su picked up Princess Xiangnu who was sitting, and stroked Xiangnu’s hands around him, before Yu Su reprimanded him and asked, “Mr. Yu, are we going to leave this copy? ?”

Yu Su responded in a low voice, and Xiangnu asked, “Then why don’t you put on your life jacket?”

Yu Su’s voice was indifferent, and he asked back, “Do you really want to know the reason?”

Xiangnu smashed his head into his arms and muttered softly, “If you ask, then I definitely don’t want to.”

“Heh.” Yu Su chuckled lightly: “Okay, then I won’t ask.”

“Remember our agreement, I will find you.”

Xiangnu pursed his lips nervously, and answered after a while.

The silver-white light suddenly dissipated all the gray and foggy space. Yu Su stood in front of the broken window and looked down at the magnificent city below. In that piece of silver light, it finally disappeared.

“Passenger No. 963 has completed the task, received the right to pardon, and was removed from the prison list.”

The cold broadcast sounded, Chen Chengen nervously and fearfully looked at the back of the man in front of the window, and asked tremblingly, “Yu, Mr. Yu, you also have a capsule, why don’t you go with Xiangnu?”

Yu Su tilted her head slightly, her brows hidden in the shadows were cold and sharp.

Xiangnu was thrown from the carriage by Yu Su, and his body kept falling, as if he had fallen into a bottomless pit. After falling for an endless period of time, he finally landed on a soft and elastic cushion.

Someone came over to help Xiangnu up, and Xiangnu’s backpack was backed by him on his chest. When he was smashed to the ground, the backpack also bounced violently and hit Xiangnu’s chest heavily, although it was inside. There is nothing, but I can’t stand Xiang Slave’s poor physical fitness, and I almost lost half of my life by this hit.

That’s the case, when people around him came to support Xiangnu and wanted to help him take off his backpack, Xiangnu didn’t let go.

He didn’t dare to let go of Xiangnu, because there was a notebook in the backpack to see whether he could redeem the reward. He could feel at ease only by holding the backpack himself.

The one who helped Xiangnu up was a woman, her voice was sweet and soft, and the perfume on her body was the fresh scent of tender grass after the rain, elegant but not greasy, and full of vitality.

The female slave didn’t want to let go of the bag and didn’t force it when she saw it, she just asked very gently: “Little boy, are you a mission person who just cleared the level? You don’t seem to be able to see, do you need my help to take you to the mission settlement window? ?”

Such an enthusiastic person…

Xiangnu drooped his slender eyebrows, and his cheeks were dyed with a layer of crimson. He shyly thanked: “Then I’ll trouble you, thank you sister.”

The woman said softly, “You’re welcome, I’m a staff member here, and that’s my job.”

Said, lead the way for Xiangnu.

Xiangnu landed not far from the task settlement window mentioned by the woman, and the woman only took him a few steps to get there.

“It’s here.” The woman told Xiangnu, and then gently pushed him on the back: “Go:”

Xiangnu was caught off guard and staggered, and after reacting, he quickly said, “Thank you, sister, what should I call you, sister?”

The staff behind the settlement window looked at the slave with a strange expression, looked out from the glass window wall, and said suspiciously, “No one is outside, hello, who are you talking to?”

Xiangnu was stunned for a moment, and when he realized that his back turned pale, he asked, “Is there no one around me? Are you sure? Not under the window sill? She said she was a staff member here.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m the only one who works here!” Having said that, the staff glanced at him vigilantly, and then quickly leaned out of the windowsill to take a look, and replied, “Really no one!”

Xiangnu also knew that no one was there, and he couldn’t feel the breath of the third person except him and the staff member opposite him.

With a pale face, Xiang Nu opened a gap in his backpack and muttered in a low voice, “Why is this central hall still haunted…”

Isn’t this place said to be a safe area for missionaries? Could it be possible to stop the ghosts?

Xiang Nu was worried, forced a smile at the staff, and said sternly: “Hello, I’m here to settle the task.”

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