God’s Empire

Chapter 371: : Reinforcement arrives

Countless king worms were carrying a large number of fast-growing worm eggs, rushing towards each of the main battleships and fortresses of the Star God Fleet, each of which had translucent shields.

But these king worms, who don't seem to have high defense power, don't seem to care, and rush straight at the speed of sound.

However, the commanders of the various battleships and the fortress commanders had solemn expressions on their faces. They tried to open the space locking device in the ship many times, but they were always affected by the dimensional interference that covered the whole field with a large number of Leviathan.

If it is a Star God fleet with a scale of hundreds of millions, the space anchors contained in it can definitely not fear a fourth-order insect swarm, but they are only a patrol fleet.

"All the soldiers are ready, the defense forces on the ship are all in action, occupying various important locations on the ship, and with the defense weapons and self-defense mechanical legions on the ship, all the Zerg are quickly wiped out!"

The adjutant looked at the colonel who was ready to rush out at any time with his eyes closed, so he had no choice but to give an order instead.

After a few seconds, a large number of king insects have approached various fortresses and large warships.

Just when the first wave of worms was about to hit the shield, the deep space around the worms quickly twisted and collapsed! I saw that all the king insects had passed through the shield and even the surface armor with a flash of dark silver light!

At this time, the close-range four-dimensional pulse cannons that originally gathered a large number of fire king insects all turned their muzzles at this moment.

The dense firepower network composed of a large number of special projectiles greatly weakened the army of the second batch of king insects and even all the following batches, and the giant king insects were torn to pieces on the way to charge.

But even so, there are still king insect swarms like heavy rain, entering a large number of fortresses comparable to stars and even supernovas.

A soldier wearing a sci-fi battle armor with no joint gap held a rifle and rushed to various high points in a few jumps, and the floating cannons and rifles around him fired at the same time.

Intensive gunshots sounded, and a large number of king worms were instantly killed by a string of projectiles, but as more and more king worms became more and more, some king worms finally began to hit the surface of the fortress!

The giant king worm smashed the alloy road into a big hole, surrounded by various barbs and fragments of the broken metal road.

Fourteen or five Star God soldiers jumped on top of various tall alloy buildings and quickly came to the vast school field around the big pit.

Then, without looking at it, he fired directly at the giant pit and the surrounding giant pit that had just been smashed out. The fierce firepower directly covered the giant pit.

With the screaming of hundreds of Zerg in the giant pit, each of them was about 50% smaller than their counterparts in the void, and their fighting strength was also weakened as expected, and the tiger worms rushed out of the giant pit.

The streamlined body of three or four meters jumped back and forth in the dense barrage, rushing towards the Star God soldiers, and hundreds of tiger stripes rushed frantically from the walls, the ground, and the top of the building.

One tiger worm was headshot by the Star God soldier and even turned into a hornet's nest, but dozens of tiger worms rushed to the front of the Star God soldier.

The condensed creature can be compressed on the blade-like claws and swung towards the nearest soldier. The Star God soldier flicked his right arm, and a blade of light emerged.

With a puff sound, the head of the tiger worm was thrown high, and then the soldier suddenly jumped up, turned in the air, and swept the breastplate of a tiger worm that was trying to sneak attack with a whip leg.

A harsh click sounded, the tiger worm's breastplate shattered, and a large amount of dark green blood seeped out of the crack. Then the soldier pulled out a pistol and shot the two tiger worms to death.

The rest of the soldiers have also resolved the battle, but the team did not relax, but looked more vigilantly towards the corner of the alloy street.

Just when they and the same tens of thousands of teams cleaned up the first batch of Zerg, it was no longer known how many king insects had descended on the fortress.

A few minutes later, mechanical plasma cannons descended, along with thousands of heavy mechanical soldiers and thousands of Star God soldiers!

Hundreds of plasma cannons with a size of several tens of meters put down their fixing frames, and the crystal-like muzzles aimed at the intersection in the distance, and the mechanical soldiers and Star God soldiers also all looked at the intersection.

After more than ten seconds, with the earth shaking from the distance, hundreds of tall alloy buildings suddenly shattered and collapsed, and more than 200 ordinary thunder beasts spread over the Cang Yue level with hundreds of thousands of insect swarms to kill!

The body of nearly a thousand meters brought a terrifying sense of oppression.

This is just an insignificant part of the entire swarm that has descended upon this fortress!

boom! boom! boom!

Da Da Da Da!

A group of solid plasma **** flew out and fell directly into the swarm. With the surge of electric mans and the spread of ultra-high temperature ignition, hundreds of tiger worms were instantly electrocuted into coke!

Then a large number of plasma **** fell, and purple electric flowers bloomed all over the swarm.

A large number of Zerg corpses were blown up high, and even more than a dozen giant thunder beasts were destroyed by a plasma ball.

The barrage composed of a large number of plasma cannons and countless machine gun pulse rifles blocked the swarm.

Because it is a fast-forming Zerg, it is only half the size of the standard Zerg of the same type, and its lifespan is only ten days.

But in exchange, in just over ten seconds ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quickly became an adult!

With the plasma cannon's time-independent shelling, as well as a large number of machine guns and rifle projectiles that can kill masters and even kings, this swarm is quickly annihilated.

However, there were still thirty or forty Star God soldiers killed by the concentrated fire of tens of thousands of Hydralisks' heavy bone spurs!

This scene was staged in almost hundreds of places in this fortress, and some places were even larger in scale and used more firepower.

Artillery fire roared, various beams and energy cannons spread across the battlefield, and millions of insect swarms rushed towards the position, but they left a large number of corpses and were severely damaged and annihilated.

No swarm has won a local battle.

In fact, the swarm did not intend to rely on this kind of landing swarm troops to achieve any results.

This wave of battles on a large number of fortresses and battleships is already quite good to consume over a million troops of the Star God Fleet. Anyway, these troops are nothing to the insect swarm.

Void is recognized, do not play with the army of the Star God Unlimited Government and the soldiers' ability to fight alone, or you will definitely regret it.

Although the swarm does not regret it, it can be seen by looking at the loss ratio of the troops on both sides.

The king bugs continued to head towards the various Star God battleships and fortresses, but this time the Star God troops responded quickly.

A large number of unmanned machines and fighters swarmed out. When attacking the major Zerg air combat units, they killed a large number of king worms, and the speed of the aurora mecha shredding the king worms was even more slaughter.

For a time, less than one percent of the king bugs that could land on fortresses and battleships!

Just when the landing battle in the middle and rear became calm, the battle of the fleets in the front entered a white-hot stage.

Beams are scattered, missiles are like rain, and life is like ashes!

At the same time, tens of thousands of extremely huge wormholes opened simultaneously hundreds of light-years away from the flanks of the battlefield!

PS: ask for a ticket

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