Godless Birth

Chapter 226

Dead Sea Resolution (0)

The noisy midfielder quickly stabilized as if it were when, and soon after, strange words were repeatedly heard.

The age of godlessness is peaceful.

I didn’t do anything.

It just exists, but that’s it.

It was a symbol of hope for some, and despair for others.

Anyway, a thousand men were completed.

I can finally live my whole life.

I had to do something to do that.

I took a deep breath to find Won Young to calm my beating heart.

Young-young welcomes me with a big smile as always.

That’s why my heart was beating faster.

It was because I was more afraid than ever.

But I couldn’t wait any longer.

In order for us to be whole, there must be no lies.

“I didn’t actually come down from the sky. ”

For the first time, Wonyoung gave me a look that was strange to me.

Then he smiled at me.

“Brother, do I still seem young enough to believe such a lie? ”

I looked at Forever with a serious look.

Then Won Young smiled and made a nervous face.

“I’m from another world, actually. The congenital era, the apocalypse, they were all lies. I lost my powers when I came to this world from three different worlds. ”

I explained it over and over and over and over again.

He was listening silently.

I was nervous because I saw Wonyoung, who always had emotions on her face, just hear it with an expressionless voice.

Soon after I finished, Wonyoung’s hand slowly approached my cheek.

You deserve it.

Yes… I can’t help it.

“How hard could it be? ”

“ ……. Huh? ”

Unlike what I thought, Won Young’s hand was touching my cheeks.

Tears in my eyes.

“You wouldn’t have been able to say it, and you wouldn’t have been moaning by yourself. ”

I realized how understanding and broad-minded Wonyoung is in the warmth of my hands, and how narrow I am.

Maybe this is the reward for completing the thousand.

If you think of the best thing you’ll ever do, you’ll probably meet Wonyoung as a pillar.

Wonyoung was curious about the world I lived in, and I quietly solved Wonyoung’s curiosity.

I couldn’t tell you how good it felt to have someone who was sick.

In particular, there was great satisfaction in having someone who could reveal themselves completely and reveal the truth.

“But are you really okay with that? ”

“It was surprising, but it doesn’t change the fact that my brother is my brother. Or not?”


“Don’t worry too much. because they’re not going to be different from me. ”

“Should I?”

“Trust me. ”

A week later, all the people who were the dishwashers of Hanssega and my close friends gathered together.

Jegal Chung, who was a Buddhist monk and a general soldier, retired and even packed up his things and came to Hanxue Street.

Master and master’s right arm.

How could I not welcome you?

I welcomed you and ordered you to serve me in the utmost earnest.

Anyway, I revealed the truth that I had told Forever, in the gathering place.

Everyone looked surprised that I was from another world.

But that was it.

Like Wonyoung said, they know me as well.

After each one, the master opened his mouth one last time.

“You have borne the great burden of a thousand men, and you have defended them. As a result, we have received an unpaid grace from you. That’s never gonna change.

Not even the fact that you’re my student. Don’t you think? ”

“That’s right.”

“That’s it. Are you going back? ”

At that moment, everyone looked at me with tense eyes.

“I don’t know yet. What’s clear is that this is where I need to be right now. ”

“Do as you will. ”

Master gladly smiled and patted my shoulders, and I bowed my head for a moment to the heat I felt deep in my heart.

Yes, these are my family.

Not just words, real family.

* * *

Originally, Lim Woo planned to invite only acquaintances to the wedding with Garden Young.

However, as gifts arrived from all over the world, where rumors had spread, I was asked to invite them.

So I built the board.

Colorful, as a festival in the area.

But the problem occurred while communicating the fact.

The ones who came out of nowhere.

Wangwoojin, Jingu Baek, Fanghyuk, Jegaljin.

They told Lim Wu that they wanted to have a wedding at Hansi Sega.

I was disappointed that Lim Woo was planning a plan to forsake their marriage as an excuse, but I had to accept it because I knew why they were so stubborn.

It was the fate of all of us meeting here.

Lim Wu gave the will of four people to Garden Young, and the answer from Garden Young was, “Aren’t we all clans?”

So let’s be together.

Lim Woo didn’t actually think about it.

Weddings are so hands-on and caring.

It was a lot of trouble.

There are a lot of people to attend.

It was not easy to treat them all.

So I thought it would be better to end it all at once, but I was holding back on the judgment that I couldn’t blow up a marriage once in my life.

However, Park Young-woo was giving the answer that she wanted because she was not the woman who would become the mistress of Hanssi Sega.

Lim Wu passed on the matter to everyone and quickly worked as everyone’s acceptance fell.

In the process, Je Gal-hyun, the prime minister of Hansi Sega,

I married quietly.

For some it was the second, but for some it was the first.

So it was Jegal-hyun who was trying to have a grand wedding like the others.

Seeing the age difference so much, I thought it had to be.

But he was the father of Jegalyeon and Jegaljin.

Of course, he can’t have a joint wedding with his children.

Lee suggested that we make a small wedding, and they invited only those who were gathering at Hanseok Ga and quietly cooled down.

After that.

By the time the sunny spring weather came, the Gangseo station was in full swing.

But no one was annoyed.

It was a good day for a thankful person who saved Kangho, so everyone laughed.

I really wanted to congratulate him, so there were people everywhere in the midterm.

Most importantly, there were a lot of people to celebrate.

In the celebration of many people, Jung Woo and Garden Young were married with a kiss.

But the wedding isn’t over.

Next, Wang Woojin, Myung Ga-young, Jingheuk, Jihyeok, Panghyuk, Jegalyeon, Jegaljin and Cheolleun stood side by side.

The guests who attended the dedication were surprised and troubled by the fact that Cheolyun daughter of Cheolwoo, the owner of the house of Zechariah, was getting married.

However, when Lim Wu applauded and celebrated, everyone shut up and followed the applause.

It would not have been possible if it had been a few years ago, but nothing would have happened in the river that is ruled by Lim Wu, and that was a new order. And let’s sigh and lift the sky to see if some of Noh Kang-ho’s guesses that this is the beginning.

I was staring.

As the joint wedding proceeded after Lim Wu’s wedding, suddenly the sky was dark and the torch was illuminating the courtyard of Hans Sega, which was being held on behalf of the sun.

When Chun Mujin, a former Muslim monk, told me that the ceremony was over, the Black Plains who looked disgusted surrounded the courtyard of the banquet.


The sunlight that lit the intestine was extinguished as a whole.

In the dark, the Black Plains held up their chests one by one.

Cock, cock!

With the sound of the box opening, the dark chapter of me lit up.

A week ago, there was a special name for the Black Plaza.

Get every crew to fill their crates with anti-flares.

The bright blue light illuminated the darkness and Hansse embroidered the whole area.

When everyone was fascinated by that beautiful light, many fireworks started shooting into the night sky, not surprisingly, even though they called all the fireworks in the Middle East.

Phew! Phew!

It was a gift from Jungwoo prepared for everyone, including Garden Young.

The limited rains held Garden Young’s hand tightly and looked up at the night sky where the fireworks were embroidered and were filled with remorse.

So much has happened and so much has changed.

The person who couldn’t speak his opinion got to speak his own opinion.

I knew the selfish one would be with me.

I know what it means to protect.

And now I’m the one who can reach out first.

I could feel a lot of things had changed.

probably not filled like a space in the brackets

Something is filled with people who can be called Young-young and other families.

That’s why my life is so precious and satisfying.




Ten thousand war on the outside of Hanci Sega.

Ten elders gathered there late at night and frowned.

“No, what’s so urgent about this time

Did you call it in? ”

The elders seemed to be frowning as it was an urgent summoning near midnight.

Everyone was impressed, but the filthiest phosphorus statue was also a frenzied horse.

At the same time as he entered the island, he turned away from the cool gaze that shot at him.

“Tell them to accelerate construction in progress at the Headquarters starting tomorrow. The elders will also choose the number of people to work on the church.

“Inspiration, what do you mean all of a sudden? Our ashes are good, but it’s time to refine the cabin.

Everyone said the water went up in training. ”

In the middle of the mineral horse, the cerebellum said without hesitation.

“The Lord is with child. ”

Everyone, including the mineral horse, got up on their knees and put their foreheads to the ground.

And he cried out.

“Hail! Hail! A thousand years old!”

At almost midnight, Han Ci Sega started to win with a loud shout, bringing the air into the air.

“Shouldn’t we inform the people? ”

“The festival!”

* * *

“Have you seen this madness? ”

When I threw the letters all together, I threw them on the floor, and the scattered letters on the floor were torn apart by Hobok teeth.

Nevertheless, I was unable to let go, and I was stabbed by Wonyoung’s finger.

“Good talk. ”

“I’m sorry, but you’re angry. ”

“You should have been decent enough. I don’t know what happened to my dad. ”

I smiled at Won Young, who smiled as she said she would release her anger.

“It’s because she’s so pretty. If I didn’t know better, I’d be at war with you. You’re a war beauty. You look half like her. I’m telling you, he’s having an affair. ”

“It would be really dangerous if it looked like our advantage. ”

“Of course! A daughter or a son, you’d be the most handsome woman in all of South America. ”

“I want you to have a peaceful river as your child grows up. ”

Now that you’re accustomed to my bold words, I guess we’re married.

“Are there any? ”

“He said that the child he was about to be born

You want to be the last man standing behind you? ”

“Well, I hope you don’t get hit somewhere. ”

Of course, the big human who beat my child would be John Jae, but there were so many lunatics in Kangho that I couldn’t be relieved.

“I just want to grow up healthy.

I nodded, looking at Wonyoung, and she continued to talk.

“Someday I’ll change my words and nag too, right? ”

“If she looked like you, she’d be good at it. Well, if you’re worried, then you’re just too nice to look like your mom. Sometimes I get into trouble.

I should have let you be a parent. ”

“What if he resembles you? ”

“Then you won’t have to nag. ”


“Not just any bald head. I know it’s a little overwhelming. ”


We talked a lot thinking about the future that had not yet been born.

I didn’t get bored even though I spent time with him every day.

This is probably happiness.

It’s good.

Such a relaxing day.

I think it was yesterday that we hugged each other and celebrated the fact that we would become parents, but the birth of life was short and twins were born.

First son Han Seung Woo, Second daughter Han Seung Ah.

It was a joy and emotion that could not be exchanged for anything.

But the day after the twins were born, I shouted in a loud voice.

“Declare war now! ”

“Brother! Wake up. I want to hear them.”

“No, did I wake up? You send a noose to newborns? Is that God Almighty? These are my…

“Lord, be patient. You say this is a big deal when you get engaged. ”

“Chancellor, may I arrange a marriage with my soon-to-be-born daughter and one of the gods I received today? If I looked like Snow, I’d look like her. ”

“Where is it? I will lead the tropical liquor and tropical rains and dry the seeds immediately. ”

“Everyone, stop! ”

It wasn’t until Wonyoung yelled at me that the chancellor and I came to our senses.

“Huh, call the Black Plaza, now. ”

When I told the chancellor, Won Young looked at me.

“What’s wrong with the Black Plaza? I told you to stop the war, and you’re gonna start one? ”

“No, escort the children. Genie’s been doing it lately. ”

It was at that moment that the Black Cyclone, known as Kangho’s strongest force, was determined to be placed in custody and security.

* * *

Every summer, Hans and Hans left the Hans family to have a time of reconciliation in Dongho.

“Wow, the world’s first. ”

“Hey, don’t you see the old oath next door? ”

He was looking at the scene of the heaviest man in the world with his arms folded, and Jinghyuk muttered, saying that he was not alone.

“Master, how many times have I told you to clean up after yourself that you’re not doing that? What a rash personality.”

“I’ll only give birth to one…”

“Isn’t that two birds? Double the joy. ”

“I doubled my strength. ”

“Listen to him. ”

“This is where we’re going to get weird. Seungwoo, Seungah, my hands have been shaking and I keep forgetting ever since this grandmother told me to take care of you. I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re replacing the age excuse here? We didn’t make it back so I gave you a hearing aid last month. ”

“This guy looks just like his father. Hnng”

“I’ve been feeding elixir instead of milk lately. ”

Fang Hyuk was shaking his head as he looked at the heavenly host and the only one.

“I have to give birth late. ”

Madongseok laughed at such fanfare.

“That’s up to you? I thought you asked God’s grandfather for some medicine. ”

The moment Fanghyuk frowned.


Who do you want this time?

When Fanghyuk and the horseshoe turned around,


A thunderous roar that seemed to burst out of the lions caused a ripple in sympathy.

That tone was rhetorical.

“Here we go!”

Jin-Geuk came out showing Lee Hyeong-hwan.

“Slavery is no different. ”

The horseshoe mutters to himself.

Then, I captured the scenes around me in my eyes.

“You want me to marry you too? ”

“Are you a friend? ”

“Hell is coming with us. Well, to be honest, there are times when you’re more uncomfortable and annoyed than you are alone. But there’s more to tell as a senior. Comfort from Stability,

It brings peace of mind and relaxation. ”


Dong-suk had never felt lonely until recently.

However, when Mo Yong-wool, who was walking around together, recently got married, there was a bit of a crisis.

I live a free life that everyone does not want, but why I feel so alone.

It seemed as if I could not go on alone. Why does he look so happy when he looks so tired? It was a question.

In fact, it was not that I disliked Madong Seok.

It was good to be honest.

He was still waiting quietly by his side.

So I thought I would confess when I saw the time.

I think I made him wait too long.

But after today, I also thought it might be a good idea to wait a little longer.

‘Not yet…

Let’s have a little more fun.

They weren’t like that before the wedding.

“Lord Gaju’s diaper-wearing skills are in the hands of God. ”

The women gathered and were amazed.

It was a skill of 499 levels.

“You’re the Lord’s specialty when you do whatever it takes. ”

“Ha……. He’s not the first one to raise a kid, but he doesn’t know how to do anything. Just pretend to be busy all the time. ”

Lee Seol slashed his lips, looking at Jegar Hyun’s heart.

“Oh, you’re the Gunnery Minister called Gangho’s biggest city? ”

“That’s very kind of you. ”

“I don’t care if you lift me up…

“You can’t fool your age. ”

In the parable, I stopped talking, and my aging stopped.

“The Lord’s upbringing is special, by the way. ”

The women grew resilient as they put the child to sleep in the air.

I feel comfortable even looking at it, but how can I not feel it?

“Clouds are beds. ”

“If you do that to Sua, she’ll be fine…

“Ha, I don’t practice these days. Peace be upon you.”

“The chancellor never trained. He’s been trying to marry you for months. ”

“I’m not unmanned, I don’t know, but I still feel not bad. Do you think it’s a warning that he’s as dangerous as he is when he trains? ”

Everyone smiled and nodded, knowing how this peace was won.

After placing the sleeping monk and Seungah on the bed, I stared blankly for a long time.

I could not help but smile.

I was still alive.

The feeling I felt when I held my children wrapped in sacks the day Seung Woo and Seung Ah were born.

Lately, I’ve been able to feel a lot thanks to Seungwoo and Seungah.

Being a parent raising a child makes me feel like I’m becoming a little adult.

So I want to go back to the original world someday.

Of course, I wasn’t going there forever, but I was going to go there for a while as a kind of vacation concept.

This is the world where my children will grow up, where I should be.

Of course, I didn’t intend to try right away.

Haven’t you collected enough backpacks to move dimensions?

I raided the Imperial Palace and gathered them all.

In the info window, go to the Republic of Korea where I lived

We still have the coordinates.

I was afraid because it was the first time I tried it.

I could not guarantee that there were no circumstances or variables.

So I was excited to go back and meet my family someday, but not now.

I wanted to watch two children grow up next to a monk and Seungah, who grew up differently every day, so I couldn’t help but grow up.

Taking the first step.

Calling me dad for the first time.

I didn’t want to miss it.

This moment will never come back.

Come out and look for a quiet wave of sympathy.

It’s been a long time since grown-ups joined together to unravel.

I also joined and bumped into a cup of grilled foo.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go? You said you had family. Maybe he’ll come back. ”

The co-workers’ questions, and those who were nervous waiting for an answer from my mouth, I smiled at their faces.

“I have recently awakened the wisdom of life. I almost got a light bulb when I blew it. ”

“What’s that? ”

“If you have poison nursery, you will never come back. ”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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