Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Hello, my name is Kuchiki Rukia

********** A little NSFW, skip to SFW if you don't want to read it.***********

Yuna lightly stirred in her sleep as she felt something soft press into her body, making her subconsciously smile. Moments later, she opened her eyes and was greeted by Hinata's sleeping face, causing her smile to widen.

By now, another two years had passed, making Yuna and Hinata 15 years old. Now that they were both horny teenagers, night activities resumed between the duo, resulting in a lot of fun. Obviously, they could restrain their urges if they wanted to, but why would they do it? It's not like anybody would care about two 15-year-olds going at it. Especially if it was between two women, which ruled out the chance of pregnancy... normally. Well, Yuna didn't find a method to make that happen in this world yet, but who knows what the future holds.

Anyway, Yuna looked up and down at Hinata's body and nodded in approval at the well-shaped naked breasts that enticingly peaked out from under the blanket. Yuna licked her lips as she moved her hands towards them to get a little grope in. However, just when she was about to sink her fingers into Hinata's soft breast, a groan escaped Hinata.

"Yuna, it's still early. Be peaceful."

Yuna glanced at Hinata's face and noticed that her eyes were now opened and were accusingly looking at Yuna. Yuna considered Hinata's words for a short moment before groping her breasts anyway, causing Hinata to roll her eyes.

"Seriously, is there any point in time when you are not thinking about sex?"

"Well, if you are talking about exclusively thinking about it, then there are actually quite a lot of moments like that. However, if we are talking about me having it at the back of my mind, then... well... *cough* Anyway, good morning, Hinata."

Hinata rolled her eyes yet again before getting up from her lying position and giving Yuna a good morning kiss.

"Good morning, Yuna."

Yuna couldn't help but smile a little at Hinata, quickly moving her head away after their lips met to prevent Yuna from escalating the situation.

"Anyway, shall we get washed up?"

"Sure, let's go."

Hearing Hinata agree, Yuna quickly got up from the bed and picked Hinata up in a princess carry.

"Very well, let me carry you to the bathroom, princess."

Hinata couldn't help but giggle a little as her arms wrapped around Yuna while completely ignoring the hand that was currently massaging her butt. Well, Yuna was a pervert; she already knew that, so no big deal.

**********SFW from here on. **********

Around an hour later, Yuna, Hinata, and Naruto reached their school. It was the beginning of the new school year, so listening to a boring speech was the first item on today's agenda.

However, as the principal was droning on and on, a single marble landed on the platform he was standing on with a surprisingly loud sound, attracting everyone's attention. Somehow, that little marble continued attracting everyone's attention, as even the principal had stopped talking, and moments later, it collided with a broom leaning against a wall.

While quite a few people were wondering where that broom had come from, it fell over, pulling on a string that was attached to its handle. After the string was pulled, loud clicking and clacking could be heard from the ceiling, resulting in everyone looking up. And moments later...


... multiple cakes and pies fell from the ceiling, hitting random people in the face, splattering confectionery everywhere. Silence reigned the whole assembly before those that weren't hit by cake burst into roaring laughter, causing even a few people that were hit to start laughing.

In the end, the only one who wasn't laughing was the principal, who was beyond enraged. He was screaming and shouting, demanding the culprit to show themselves, but the crowd's laughter easily suppressed his angry roars.

Around half an hour later, Yuna, Naruto, and Hinata were standing inside the principal's office, with the still fuming principal standing directly in front of them.

"It was you three, wasn't it!? You are responsible for that prank in the auditorium, right?"

The first one from the trio to react was Hinata, who seemed to be visibly offended.

"I can understand why you would suspect these two, but how come I'm part of this as well?"

The principal could only snort in disdain when he heard Hinata's words.

"Aren't you part of their group? Obviously, you were involved in this matter as well."

"Group punishments are against the Geneva Convention."

"Since when were we at war?"

"I think rules that apply during a war should also be applied during peace times as well."

The principal clicked his tongue at Hinata's somewhat sound argument and decided to ignore her for now.

"So, will you confess your deeds?"

As he said that, he looked the duo deep in the eyes to see the flicker of guilt he would so often see in the eyes of a student that had done something wrong. However, no such flicker appeared in the duo's eyes.

"Mah, that's a rather wild accusation there."

"Yeah, nee-san is right. You can't just call us here and pin some random prank on us."

Hearing Naruto's disinterested words, the principal finally snapped and smashed his hand on his desk.


Despite being roared at by the angry principal, the trio's faces were indifferent. Yuna casually lifted her hand and moved it around, making it look like she was simply shoving the principal's words away.

"Incorrect. Every time these two things are involved, you one-sidedly assume we are the culprits without a single proof from your side."

Naruto nodded his head when he heard Yuna's words and continued speaking.

"Yeah, we even cooperated with you when you wanted to take our fingerprints, which was beyond ridiculous."

Hearing Naruto's words, Hinata could only shake her head.

"Seriously, isn't this getting a little too shameful."

The principal grew even angrier when he heard the trio's mocking words, but before he could blow up, Naruto resumed speaking.

"Anyway, this is already a checkmate for you, so you might as well let us go."

Despite still being furious, the principal was taken aback by Naruto's words.

'Checkmate? What is he talking about? How is this checkmate?'

Seeing that the person in front of him didn't know what he was talking about, Naruto chuckled in amusement and resumed speaking.

"Hehe, nee-san, can you do us the honors?"

"Mhh? Sure, why not."

This small conversation confused the principal even further, but moments later, his eyeballs almost popped out of his eye sockets as Yuna's indifferent expression was gone instantly. Instead, it was replaced with a fear-filled expression, with tears slowly trickling out of her eyes.

"Y-Yes m-mister inspector, h-h-he became really angry a-and even started yelling and *sob* h-hitting the table. I-I w-was so a-afraid that he m-might hit me. Y-Yes, he was o-one-sidedly accusing us of being the c-culprits *sob*. N-No, he had no proof."

The principal's face, which initially was red from anger, turned paler and paler as Yuna continued speaking in a sad and fearful tone. It became completely white as he fully realized the situation he was currently in.

'Shit, I got too aggressive. These three never falter, so I forgot that they are still children. I know that these three are pretty much impossible to intimidate, but an inspector sent to investigate my behavior wouldn't know that. No, things are even worse. I'm done for when Yuna turns on the waterworks like that in front of an inspector. My career will be over.'

Cold sweat flowed down the principal's back like a river as he realized that that trio had likely provoked him more than necessary to get that kind of reaction out of him.

'Are these three really just 15-year-old brats? What teenager can pull off schemes like that? No, what kind of adult can pull off schemes like that? Shit, these three are demons.'

An ugly smile appeared on the principal's face, making him look like he was about to start crying.

"Hehe, sorry about yelling at you. I just got a little heated; I hope you can forgive me. As for the accusation of you being the one responsible for the prank, I'm really sorry about that as well. Hehe, I'm already somewhat old, so my mind occasionally gets a little muddy, so I hope you don't look at this old man too critically."

Hearing his words, a demon-like smile appeared on Yuna's face that almost caused the principal to faint in terror.

"Hehe, what might you be talking about? Yelling? Accusation? Aren't we just here because you want to hand me the monetary reward for getting the best exam score?"

Initially, the principal had no idea what Yuna was talking about, but he quickly realized what was going on.

'She wants me to bribe her? I can live with that.'

He took out his pouch and was just about to hand Yuna a few bank notes when Yuna continued speaking.

"Well, I hope the reward fits what we achieved."

The principal hand stilled as he realized what Yuna meant.

'She won't be satisfied with a little cash; she wants a lot of it. Considering this bribe prevents me from potentially losing my job, I see where she is coming from with her demand.'

He gritted his teeth and stored his money pouch again, taking out a checkbook instead. After picking up a pen and writing on it for a little, he handed it to Yuna, who quickly studied its content.

Moments later, a frown appeared on Yuna's face as she squinted her eyes and pulled the check closer to her face. Her frown became even more pronounced as she started slowly murmuring while one of her fingers traced something on the check.

"One, two, three, four, five. Again, I must have miscounted. One, two, three, four, five. Damn, no matter how often I count, it's always five."

Yuna stopped staring at the check and eyed the principal instead.

"This is missing a zero."

The principal's mouth opened in shock when he heard Yuna's demand.

'Just how greedy is she? I mean, I can easily pay such a high amount, but what the hell?'

"There is no way I would hand over such a ridiculous..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yuna burst into tears and resumed speaking with a frightened voice.

"Y-Yes, mister Inspector, he tried to t-t-touch m..."

"Enough! Fine! You get your shitty additional zero."

Yuna's tears seemed to vanish instantly as a broad smile appeared on her face.

"Hahaha, good, very good. To think this school would hand over such a high reward. Truly impressive."

The principal cursed Yuna under his breath but didn't say anything else as he wrote Yuna a new check and handed it over.

"And now get lost. I don't want to see you again."

"Hehe, we like you as well, old man."

"See ya!"

"See you next time."

After everyone had said their farewells, the principal sagged into his seat while sighing deeply. However, just before Yuna left the room, she turned around and started speaking again.

"Oh yeah, while we are at it. Could you 'lose' the reports about my and Hinata's cases of inappropriate public behavior?"

The principal's face deadpanned when he heard Yuna's request.

"Would that even matter? Won't you just get reported again within a week?"

"Yeah, about that, could you 'lose' the future ones as well."

The principal's eyebrows started twitching like crazy before he stood up and smashed his hand on his desk.

"Get out of here already!"

"Hehe, taking that as a yes."

After the door closed, he fell back on his chair while sighing again.

"*Sigh* I need a drink."

Meanwhile, Yuna raised her hands, balled them into fists, and pointed them at Hinata and Naruto, who quickly raised their hands as well to give Yuna a fist bump.

"Hehe, funds secured."

"Yup, that went well."

"Well, I feel a little sorry for the principal."

"Mah, don't worry, Hinata. Have you seen that guy's car? That amount of money is no big deal for him."

Hearing Yuna's words, Hinata simply nodded her head. Naturally, she was aware of that as well. Otherwise, she would have never agreed to this operation.

"*Cough*, Nee-san, about that third monitor we were talking about..."

Yuna's eyebrows rose as she glanced at Naruto, who was currently sheepishly scratching his head. After a few moments of thinking about Naruto's request, Yuna shrugged her shoulders.

"Might as well get you one now that our funds have grown quite a bit."

"Haha, YES!"

While Naruto was happy about the third monitor he would buy soon, Yuna's gaze landed on Hinata.

"Do you want something as well, Hinata?"

Hinata lightly held her chin as she pondered Yuna's question, and after a few seconds, she nodded her head.

"I want a set of high-quality kitchen knives. The one I'm currently using isn't that great."

Hearing Hinata's request, Yuna chuckled in amusement.

"As always, your mother energy is pretty high, Hinata."

Hinata couldn't help but blush a little when she heard Yuna's words. Nonetheless, a happy smile appeared on her face as she snaked her arm around Yuna's waist.

"Hehe, of course. After all, I AM the mother."

"Hehe, mommy~"


While a pink atmosphere started covering Yuna and Hinata, the principal walked out of his office and interrupted the duo with a fake cough,

"As I said, won't you simply cause more of those reports to be written?

"Well, and as I said, please 'lose' those as well."

Hearing Yuna's answer, the principal could only sigh in defeat. He realized that there was no way to beat Yuna's shamelessness.

A short while later, the trio returned to their classroom and took their seats. Naturally, Yuna sat in the second to last row by the window, while Naruto sat behind her and Hinata next to her.

"Yo, did you three get chewed out by the principal again?"

This question was asked by Tatsuki, who would occasionally hang out with the trio and who walked toward them as soon as they sat down. Naruto chuckled in amusement before shaking his head with a wry smile on his face.

"He can yell as much as he wants; he still won't be able to pin any blame on us."

Tatsuki could only shake her head with a wry smile on her face. Indeed, Yuna and Naruto had pulled quite a few pranks by now, but they were not punished once due to there never being any proof. In fact, the only reason why people were suspicious of them was that they were always present when something happened.

"Seriously, how did you even manage to pull a stunt like that?"

Yuna and Naruto looked visibly offended when they heard Tatsuki's words. Yuna immediately rebuked her with a righteous facial expression.

"Tatsuki! How can you accuse us kind and harmless people of pulling such a vile prank? Obviously, we had nothing to do with that."

Hearing Yuna's words, Hinata and Naruto chuckled in amusement, while Tatsuki could only roll her eyes at Yuna's shameless words. Even if the trio weren't responsible for the prank, Tatsuki knew that at least Naruto wasn't a harmless person. After all, Tatsuki had seen him fight before, and Naruto clearly knew what he was doing.

"Anyway, that prank aside, I want to have a sparring match against you, Naruto."

Naruto raised his eyebrows when he heard Tatsuki's request before chuckling in amusement.

"I knew you would challenge me to a fight at one point in time, but I was expecting you to do so earlier. What's the occasion?"

Tatsuki's eyes widened when she heard that Naruto expected her to challenge him, but she quickly got back her bearing and answered his question.

"It's true that I initially wanted to fight you when I saw how easy you dealt with those three bullies, but directly after defeating them, you picked all three of them up, showing how strong you are. Anyway, I quickly realized that I would be no match for you, so I wanted to train some more before trying to challenge you. As for the occasion, I managed to defeat my teacher, so I decided to give you a try."

Naruto nodded in understanding as he answered her.

"Sure, I don't mind fighting you."

"Fighting is no good."

Before Tatsuki could answer, someone else injected themselves into the conversation. She was a woman with brown eyes and long, waist-length, orange hair. Hearing what the woman said, Tatsuki shook her head with a slight smile on her face.

"We are not really fighting, Orihime. We are just having a sparring match. It's equivalent to two people comparing who can run faster."

Orihime pondered Tatsuki's words for a short moment before nodding her head in understanding.

"So it's like that, then it's fine, I think."

As the group surrounding Yuna's seat grew bigger, a teen with orange hair and sharp eyes approached them as well.

"Yo, how is everyone doing?"

This person was Ichigo, who had overheard their conversation, making him curious about something.

"Tatsuki, I heard you want to fight Naruto; why would you fight him and not Yuna?"

Tatsuki couldn't help but look at Ichigo weirdly when he asked that question.

"Why would I fight Yuna? Isn't Naruto the one with martial arts knowledge?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Tatsuki? Yuna instantly defeated an adult when she was like twelve."

Tatsuki's head instantly snapped towards Yuna, looking at her in bewilderment. After all, she only saw Naruto knock out two people that were slightly older them him and not actual adults.

"Is that true, Yuna?"

Yuna looked at Tatsuki, and after thinking about it for a short moment, she tilted her head in confusion.

"I mean, it's pretty much possible, but was there really an event like that? I tend not to bother remembering the actions of small fries, so I'm actually not sure."

While Tatsuki and Ichigo could only look at Yuna in bewilderment, Hinata and Naruto couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"Don't worry about nee-san; she has a rather selective memory."

This bewildered the duo even further as they wondered how Yuna actively managed to forget stuff she had no interest in.

"Morning, HIME~!"


Suddenly a woman with short red hair and purple eyes appeared behind Orihime and hugged her waist, causing Orihime to exclaim in surprise. The woman's hands were just about to fondle Orihime's breasts when the back of a heel smashed into her face, sending her flying away.

"Keep your hands away from Orihime, you pervert!"

The woman who was just knocked away quickly wiped away the blood coming out of the corner of her mouth and resumed speaking.

"Hehe, your comebacks are as fierce as always, Tatsuki."

Tatsuki rolled her eyes at the woman's words and threateningly lifted her fist.

"I don't mind giving you another fierce 'comeback'. Seriously, what's wrong with you, Chizuru? Is getting women all you can think about?"

Chizuru answered that question by quickly standing up and giving Tatsumaki a thumbs up.

"Yes, all I want is women!"

While Tatsuki sighed in defeat, Yuna nodded her head in approval.

"That's a good attitude to have. I approve!"

Tatsuki's gaze snapped towards Yuna, and she couldn't help but look at her in bewilderment. Next, her gaze wandered to Hinata, who seemed to be utterly indifferent to what Yuna had just said.

'Aren't these two dating? Why doesn't Hinata care about Yuna having that kind of opinion.'

Meanwhile, Chizuru was just as shocked as Tatsuki, but for a different reason. She looked at Yuna with stars in her eyes and quickly started talking with a hint of worship in her voice.

"Right! I'll be in the same class as the legendary pervert Yuna that has no shame and is constantly flirting in public."

"Ah, that would be me."

While Hinata and Naruto could only chuckle in amusement at how easily Yuna agreed to what most people would consider to be an insult, Orihime and Tatsuki looked at her in bewilderment. On the other hand, Chizuru hastily nodded in approval. She didn't know how Yuna would react to her words but shamelessly admitting to them was really good in her book. So, a look of determination appeared on her face as her gaze met Yuna's.

"Please teach me how to seduce women, Yuna... no... SENSEI!"

"Oh? I was expecting you to ask me to become your girlfriend."

Chizuru straightened her back as she huffed in annoyance when she heard Yuna's words.

"I might be a pervert, but I'm not going after women that are already dating someone."

Yuna nodded in approval at that attitude but chuckled in amusement a few moments later.

"Well, that's a good attitude to have, but since I'm aiming for multiple women anyway, it doesn't really matter."

As soon as these words left Yuna's mouth, the air solidified. Everyone looked at Yuna in bewilderment as their gazes slowly shifted towards Hinata, who they expected to explode in anger any second now. Surprisingly, Hinata's face was still neutral, and as soon as she felt everyone's gazes on her, she rolled her eyes.

"Well, Yuna is a pervert, so it can't be helped."

"Hehe, why do you make it sound like I'm the only one who will have fun sle..."

Before Yuna could finish speaking, Hinata quickly covered her mouth while glaring at her.

"Don't say stuff like that in public!"

However, Yuna quickly freed her and gave Hinata a perverted grin.

"Hehe, but you like it in pu..."

"I said stop!"

Yet again, Hinata blocked Yuna's mouth with her hands, stopping her from saying the whole sentence. However, considering how the small group surrounding them was looking at her, she didn't stop Yuna in time.

Naturally, everyone's jaws hit the floor when Hinata gave such a nonchalant answer, but the conversation after that caused everyone to look at Hinata in bewilderment. Most of them thought something along the lines of: So Hinata is a pervert as well, huh?

Meanwhile, Tatsuki couldn't help but glance at Naruto when she heard Yuna's intentions.

"What about you, Naruto? Don't you find Yuna's ambitions to be weird?"

Naruto tilted his head in confusion when he heard Tatsuki's question and answered her after a few seconds.

"Mhh, not really? Isn't it only natural to do so?"

Everyone couldn't help but stare at Naruto blankly after he happily confirmed that he thinks having multiple women is natural. Tatsuki could only shake her head with a weirded-out expression on her face.

'How weird, why do both of the twins have such an unusual worldview? Oh well, it's not my problem, right?'

Meanwhile, Chizuru had slightly different thoughts as she looked at Yuna with even more worship than she previously did.

'As expected of someone I'm looking up to. Just having caught a single woman isn't enough for her, and she is instead gunning for the legendary all-women harem. How admirable. And on top of that, she got her girlfriend to agree to this matter. Is she a god?'

"Sensei! No, master! Please teach me your craft!"

Yuna chuckled in amusement as she lifted her hands and wiggled her fingers, causing shivers to go down the spines of everybody present.

"Hehe, are you sure you can endure my teachings?"

Chizuru subconsciously took a step back when she heard Yuna's words. Somehow, Yuna was currently giving off a very dangerous aura that made Chizuru feel like she was standing in front of a predator that would eat her at any moment. However, before she could answer Yuna's question or do anything else, a rolled-up newspaper hit Yuna on the head.

"Don't pressure her like that, Yuna."

"Hehe, fine, fine, I'll stop, Hinata."

Chizuru's shoulders sagged as she sighed in relief when the pressure radiating out of Yuna vanished.

'What the hell was that feeling she was giving me? Was that the famous intent some manga occasionally write about? Or maybe aura? Nonono, stop thinking nonsense, Chizuru.'

While Chizuru was still thinking about what had just happened, a leisurely smile appeared on Yuna's face.

"Well, if you want to learn, I can teach you a few little tricks."

Chizuru eagerly nodded her head when Yuna agreed to teach her some tricks, but her happy facial expression quickly vanished after Yuna spoke a few more words.

"Well, just come over to my house on the weekend. I'll teach you a lot of... fun things~"

Another shiver went through Chizuru's spine when Yuna spoke the last two words in a drawn-out husky voice. Somehow, she got the feeling that she was about to enter the den of a tiger instead of an average house.

"O-Okay, I'll be there."

Despite that, Chizuru decided to agree anyway. In her opinion, Yuna was just teasing her and wouldn't actually attack her. She was sure that Yuna wouldn't force herself on her.

"Anyway, nee-san luring little girls into a trap aside..."


"Naruto, don't startle my prey."


"... we have gotten quite off-topic, haven't we?"

Everyone except for Chizuru tilted their heads in confusion, having already forgotten the original topic Naruto was talking about. Well, the reason Chizuru didn't have the same reaction was that she was currently contemplating whether she should run away or not.

"The original topic? What do you mean, Naruto?"

Hearing Hinata's question, a smirk appeared on Naruto's face as he pointed his finger at Tatsuki.

"I accept your request for a sparring match."

At first, Tatsuki was a little dumbfounded before she realized that she had indeed made such a request. Moments later, a slight grin appeared on her face as her gaze met Naruto's.

"Oh! I'm looking forward to it!"

A few days have passed since Naruto's promise to fight Tatsuki, and the duo is currently facing each other inside a vast training hall. While Tatsuki stood in the typical karate stance, Naruto simply stood straight with a leisurely manner, making Tatsuki frown.

"What are you doing, get ready?"

Hearing Tatsuki's request, Naruto simply shook his head with a smirk on his face.

"As I have previously said, I'm not a martial artist; I'm a fighter. Just come at me however you want."

Tatsuki's frown deepened when she heard Naruto's words, but she decided to do what he wanted for now and attacked him. For now, she only threw a straight punch, which Naruto easily caught with his right hand, making Tatsuki frown again.

"Catching my hand like this isn't exactly the best defense method, is it?"

"Hehe, I'm bigger, heavier, and stronger than you, so it's not too bad. Besides, if I hold you like this, I can do this."

Naruto pulled on Tatsuki's fist, causing her to stumble forward. However, while stumbling forward, Tatsuki shifted her body, resulting in an elbow flying towards Naruto's face, which he swiftly dodged with a smirk on his face.

"Pretty sure elbow to the face has very little to do with karate."

"Mmph, I might train in karate, but I get plenty of chances to fight people that want to mess with Orihime or me on the streets."

"Hee~ So it's like that. Very well, let's see what you can do~"

This time, Naruto charged at Tatsuki with a straight punch, but unlike Naruto, Tatsuki redirected the force, causing the punch to pass by her face closely. Tatsuki couldn't help but gulp when she felt the wind pressure Naruto's punch generated.

'How much physical strength does he have? I don't think I can endure a single hit. What a monster.'

The fight continued as the duo exchanged move after move, but after around three minutes, the difference was relatively clear, as Tatsuki was constantly getting pushed back.

'Although he is physically stronger than me, that isn't the reason why I'm being overwhelmed. He's more skilled than me, and there is actually quite the huge gap. How is that possible?'

Despite steadily losing the fight, there was a slight smile on her face. Tatsuki liked fighting, and the way Naruto fought seemingly without any rhythm was a rather unique experience for her. She could understand now why Naruto claimed not to be a martial artist, as none of his attacks seemed to follow any pattern.

However, what Tatsuki didn't know was that Naruto wasn't using his real combat style. Although it wasn't as ridiculous as Yuna's case, he had accumulated vast amounts of combat experience in his previous life, so someone like Tatsuki, who had at best learned fighting for about ten years, could not defeat him. So, he was basically just having some fun with this match.

Around another two minutes later, Tatsuki was lying on the floor while breathing heavily and with Naruto standing next to her with a calm smile.

"Well, are you satisfied?"

"Urgh, why aren't you even out of breath? What kind of freak stamina do you have?"

"Hehe, if it's about stamina, then no one can compare to me."

As he said that, Naruto wiggled his eyebrows, causing Tatsuki to roll her eyes at him. Moments later, a serious expression appeared on Tatsuki's face as she looked Naruto in the eyes.

"How much did you hold back against me just now."

Hearing Tatsuki's question, a wry smile appeared on Naruto's face as his shoulders sagged in defeat.

"As expected, you noticed. However, are you sure you want to know how big the gap is?"

Tatsuki gritted her teeth in anger when Naruto mentioned the gap in strength between them, but what annoyed her even more was Naruto's implication that she would shrink back after seeing how big the gap was.

"Show me already. Do you think I'm a quitter?"

Naruto chuckled in amusement when he saw Tatsuki's angered face. Then, he lowered his body while moving his hands in front of him, while moving his finger in a way that made them look like claws. Seeing Naruto's stance, a frown appeared on Tatsuki's face.

'What a weird stance. It gives off an animalistic feeling. Maybe... a fox?'

Before Tatsuki could ponder the situation any further, Naruto lowered his stance further, and then he suddenly vanished.

Tatsuki's eyes widened as she barely managed to follow Naruto with her eyes, allowing her to see him appear in front of a punching bag, where he swept his arms down like claws. Tatsuki's jaw landed on the floor as Naruto's fingers easily dug into the punching bag, tearing it to shreds within an instant.

"Are you kidding me? What the hell?"

"Well, what do you think, Tatsuki?"

Despite her bewilderment, Tatsuki's eyes shone in fascination as she looked at the completely destroyed punching bag.

"Awesome! How did you manage to get this strong? No, not just that, why do you have so much combat experience?"

"Hahaha, calm down. How I got this strong is a secret for now, but I can show you part of the reason why I have so much combat experience."

Hearing Naruto's words, Tatsuki's eyes shone with interest as she eagerly nodded her head. She loved getting stronger, so she felt like this was the perfect opportunity to improve.

"Alright, since you are so eager to go, how about we go there this weekend? It's a fun place, but it's not for everyone. Despite that, I think you will like it."

Tatsuki's eyebrows rose due to Naruto being all cryptic about whatever he would show her, but she decided not to bother him about that for now. She also liked surprises, after all.

"Sure, this Saturday afternoon works for me. Is that fine?"

"Haha, sure. Trust me; this will be a lot of fun."

Moments later, Naruto left the training hall, leaving an excited Tatsuki behind.

'I really wonder where he will bring me. Since he said it's a place where I can get fighting experience, something like a tournament?'

As she was pondering, her body suddenly stiffened as she made a realization.

'Wait a moment! Is this a date!?'

Tatsuki's face blushed a little but returned to normal relatively quickly. A wry smile appeared on her face as she shook her head.

'Nonsense, it's just a trip to improve my martial arts. Obviously, there is nothing romantic about that.'

A few days later, it was finally the weekend and Chizuru was currently standing in front of Yuna's home with some sweat dripping down her back. Somehow, she had an awful feeling about this. She felt like if she entered Yuna's home, she would never be allowed to leave again. Obviously, she thought that to be only a weird illusion, but she couldn't get rid of that thought entirely, no matter what she tried.

She swallowed down the lump that appeared to be blocking her throat and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Yuna opened the door, but instead of a normal outfit, she was wearing a tight-fitting black mini skirt and an equally tight-fitting grey shirt. Additionally, she wore thick, black glasses, had her hair up on a bun, and was carrying a ruler in her right hand.

'Yeah, I don't think I will be able to leave this place.'

"Ahh, Chizuru, please come in; the lesson is about to start."

Chizuru numbly nodded her head as she stealthily wiped away the blood coming out of her nose. Yuna's outfit might have been a little too stimulating for her.

Moments later, Chizuru found herself inside what appeared to be an old-fashioned classroom. To her surprise, Hinata was present as well, and when Chizuru saw her outfit, she had to wipe some blood from her nose yet again.

She was wearing a miniskirt, a brown miniskirt, and a loose-fitting shirt that might or might not have a few buttons too many opened, revealing quite a bit of skin. Indifferent to Chizuru's plight, Yuna arrived in front of the "class" and started speaking.

"Please take a seat so we can begin, Chizuru. Well then, before we begin class, are there any questions?"

Hinata's hand immediately shot into the air when she heard Yuna's words, causing Yuna to point her ruler at her.

"Yes, Hinata."

"Err, I was just wondering why I am here as well."

"An excellent question, and the answer is rather simple. I wanted to see you wearing the uniform of a naughty student."

Hinata nodded her head, seemingly satisfied with that answer, dumbfounding Chizuru.

Seeing that there were no more questions, Yuna nodded her head in satisfaction and started the lecture.

"First of all, the most important thing when seducing a woman is to make her think that you are not a pervert."

As soon as Yuna finished speaking, Hinata's hand shot into the air yet again.

"Yes, Hinata."

"Although you say that that is the most important thing, why are you always ignoring your own rules when picking up women?"

"Another excellent question and yet again, the answer is pretty simple. If you are as beautiful as I am, this rule doesn't matter, as beauties will fall for me even if I don't want them to."

[Glad your shamelessness is still going strong.]

Yuna ignored Kurama's comment, and after seeing Hinata nod in understanding, she decided to continue the lesson under the bewildered eyes of Chizuru.

'Wait a moment, why is Hinata fine with that answer? What in the world is going on? Besides that, just how shameless is Yuna? This is off the charts.'

"Well then, the next important matter is that you need to be confident. Acting confident can increase your attractiveness rating by at least two points."

While Hinata nodded in agreement, Chizuru couldn't help but slightly relax as Yuna continued her lesson.

'The sexy outfit aside, she clearly knows what she's talking about. Maybe this really will be a simple lesson. It seems like I overreacted due to the way Yuna previously acted. She must have pretended that these would be perverted lessons to mess with me. Considering how much the twins seem to like playing pranks, I honestly shouldn't be surprised.'

However, Yuna noticed that Chizuru was deep in thought, causing her to frown, while she pointed her ruler at her.

"Chizuru! Pay attention! Do I need to reinforce the lesson with a punishment?"

As she said that, Yuna smacked the ruler onto the palm of her hand, resulting in a loud smack that made Chizuru straighten her back while involuntarily clenching her butt.

'She wouldn't really do that, would she?'

However, Chizuru saw a dangerous glint pass through Yuna's eyes, causing cold sweat to flow down her back.

'Somehow, I feel like she would.'

"No, sensei, I will pay attention!"

Seemingly satisfied with Chizuru's answer, Yuna nodded her head and resumed speaking.

"Well then, the next lesson is about foreplay and the best ways to pleasure a woman."

Chizuru's jaw dropped to the floor as Yuna suddenly took out a realistic-looking female mannequin.

'Well, I was wrong. These lessons certainly will be perverted. As expected, the feeling of getting trapped here is getting stronger. Honestly, I should probably try running away, however...'

Chizuru stealthily ogled Yuna and Hinata's outfits, causing her to drool a little.

'... W-Well, I guess I'll see where this goes. It can't be that bad, right?'

Naturally, there was no way that a typical high schooler could hide her gaze from Yuna and Hinata, resulting in a slight smirk from Yuna and an eye roll from Hinata.

Meanwhile, in a shadier part of Karakuta town, Naruto and Tatsuki were walking side by side. While both of them wore casual clothes, Naruto had a fox mask on his face, while Tatsuki was wearing a dog mask.

"Naruto, where the hell are you leading me? This isn't exactly a good part of the town."

"Mah, no worries, I'm here after all."

Initially, Tatsuki scoffed when she heard Naruto's words, but a few minutes later, she realized that things weren't as simple as she thought they would be. While walking, a thug blocked their path, and Tatsuki was just about to beat him up when two more appeared, punched the first one a few times before forcing him to bow to Naruto.

"We are sorry, Lord Fox. This guy is a newbie who doesn't know how things work here."

However, Naruto completely ignored the trio and walked past them, causing two of them to sigh in relief, while Tatsuki had question marks popping up above her head.

"You didn't appear like the gangster type to me. Are you the son of a mob boss or something like that?"

Seeing a hint of disgust in Tatsuki's eyes, Naruto chuckled in amusement before shaking his head.

"Not at all. Don't worry, you will understand soon."

The duo continued walking deeper and deeper into the darker parts of Karakura town. At the same time, people would occasionally bow toward Naruto, and a few minutes later, they arrived at a shabby-looking building with two seemingly drunk people sitting at the front door.

"Here we are."

While Tatsuki looked at Naruto in bewilderment, he approached the two drunk people. The younger one of them immediately got up and was seemingly about to berate Naruto when the older one smacked the back of his head.

"Lord Fox, it's been a while. I see that you brought a new face here. May I ask if you are here to participate or just to watch?

"For now, I'm just watching, but my friend, Lady Dog, might participate after I have shown her around."

The man simply nodded his head and allowed the duo to enter before glaring at the younger man.

"At least learn what kind of mask the VIPs prefer. Do you want to get your ass beat!?"

"Hehe, sorry, sorry, but who was that?

"He's one of the monster trio who occasionally come here and utterly dominate all the contests. He is not someone a newbie like you should mess with."

The younger person's eyes widened when he heard his senior's words, and he immediately started nodding his head.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Tatsuki had entered the building, and as soon as Tatsuki went past the door, her jaw dropped to the ground. Despite how old and withered the building looked from the outside, they were now walking through a lavishly decorated corridor.

"What the hell is this place?"

"Hehe, a rather fun place. You will see soon."

Tatsuki glared at Naruto yet again due to him still keeping this whole thing under wraps, but her glare quickly vanished when she heard loud cheering coming from ahead.

'What the hell is even going on here?'

After a few more moments of walking, Naruto opened a door revealing a giant colosseum-like room filled with people. In the middle of the room stood a giant cage where two muscular men were currently fighting against each other.

Naturally, Tatsuki was shocked by the sudden revelation of what this was.

"An illegal underground fighting arena."

"Hehe, correct."

"Ohh? Isn't that Lord Fox!?"

"No way, it has been a while. Will you show us another splendid fight, Lord Fox?"

While people were swarming Naruto, Tatsuki realized what Naruto meant when he said that this was a place where she could get fighting experience.

'I see, so he had actually fought here before. I guess the reason why people are so respectful to him is due to his fighting performance. Seriously, isn't he only 15? What the hell kind of life is he living?'

It took a while for Naruto to extract himself from the crowd, and although Tatsuki couldn't see it, she was sure that Naruto was currently smirking at her.

"Well, interested in participating?"

Although it was hidden by her mask, an excited smile appeared on Tatsuki's face while she hit the palm of her hand with her fist.

"Hehe, this should be interesting. Just to make sure, how risky is this?"

"At worst, this will end with a broken bone. If too many people were to be injured in this place, authorities would start asking questions."

Tatsuki nodded her head while some tension left her body. If, at worst, she would break a bone, she would participate in this. This would be a completely new experience for her, so she couldn't help but get excited.

"Hehe, I wasn't expecting this date to get this exciting~"

While Tatsuki seemingly didn't even notice her slip of the tongue, Naruto could only chuckle in amusement.

A few days later, everyone was back at school. Although a few people wondered why Tatsuki wore a few bandages while Chizuru occasionally looked at Yuna with a heavily flushed face, everything was relatively peaceful.

Moments later, the teacher entered the room, causing a few people to frown due to Ichigo not being here yet.

"Good morning, everyone. I have big news. We'll be getting a transfer student."

As their teacher said that, the door opened, and a small woman with long black hair and purple eyes walked into the classroom and introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Kuchiki Rukia."

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