God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 65 Failed Tracking

"How do members of Black Noir identify themselves to each other?" Tommy suddenly asked.

"A magic tattoo." Third replied before explaining. "We all have the black cat which is our calling card tattooed somewhere on our body, it is magical in that only those with this tattoo can see it on their fellow members."

"Handy." Tommy replied before asking. "Where is the tattoo on corpse breath over there?" 

"His ass." Third replied with a frown.

"Seriously?" Tommy and Liza asked at the same time.

"Apparently, he always boasted about it to the female members of the nine lives, asking if we wanted to see it." Third replied.

"Nasty." Liza replied as Third nodded in agreement.

"So it's not anywhere on his head or face?" Tommy asked.

"No." Third replied with a suspicious look.

"Good." Tommy said before walking over towards Eighth's corpse.

((I know what you planning and I like it, however we are in no way taking any other part of that retards corpse.))

(I know.)

When Tommy reached the corpse he stopped in front of it while the two women watched on curiously before they saw a silver flash after which Eighth's head separated from the rest of his corpse.

“There you go, now we don’t have to worry about that and you can claim that he died by decapitation though sadly you were unable to find his head.” Tommy said calmly.

Third and Liza stared at the sight with a mixture of shock and doubt on their faces.

“Do you think that will seriously work?” Liza asked unsure.

“Why not?” Tommy replied before adding, “As an organization that steals and kills I’m sure Black Noir has made many enemies over the years.”

“You do have a point.” Third agreed. “I can claim that after finding his decapitated body and investigating, I learnt that Eighth was irresponsible one night when he stayed at an inn while traveling here. He got himself drunk while trying to impress some women and let slip something that gave him away as a member of Black Noir.”

“And the head?” Liza asked.

“Drop it in the middle of the forest somewhere, some animal will find it and eat it.” Tommy replied before turning to leave as he said. “I will wait to hear from you about my trial, in the meantime I will make a list of what minerals and ingredients I need to give you when we next meet.”

After he finished Tommy left as the two women watched him until he vanished from sight before Liza asked.

“Are you sure this is alright and we can trust him? I mean a spy in Black Noir.”

“Hmmm.” Third replied while considering her options. “I hate to admit it but there have been some suspicious things happening recently, for example a lot more of our members than normal have been getting captured or killed, this could be the result of one or more spies leaking information.”

“As for whether we can trust him or not, I don’t know and only time will tell. Also we need to be extra cautious around him since tracking spells don’t seem to work on him.” 

“What! How is that possible? And how do you know” Liza asked.

“When we shook hands before I subtly attempted to place a tacking spell on him, however it failed to work for some reason. I’m unsure of why it failed myself since tracking spells track a living entity's individual mana signature and no two signatures are identical, even identical twins have slightly different mana signatures.”

“The only reason I can think of is that he has something on his person that can prevent tracking spells, however I sensed nothing out of the ordinary from him.”

“Third went quiet for a few moments before saying, “In any case you should deliver the dagger to the client and have them confirm completion of your missions.”

“I, on the other hand, will take the corpse of this traitor back to the local safe house before organizing an emergency meeting of the nine lives, come to the safe house after you have completed your missions.”

“Understood.” Liza replied before disappearing.


Tinen was once again drinking tea with her daughter. She had originally been in a very good mood since she had a very enjoyable night in bed with Countess Evol and Mii, however her good mood all but evaporated after hearing what her daughter had just told her.

While Countess Evol had yet to officially bind herself to Tinen, that didn’t stop her having fun with Tinen who she deeply admired.

“So Mr Smith refused and furthermore he seems to need help with healing a part of his body, possibly his dick.” Tinen said while not knowing what face to make.

This was a rare occurrence for Tinen, after all if she heard such a thing about anyone else she would most likely crack a joke. However Tommy Smith had proven himself to be capable and useful and she did not want to alienate a powerful piece that could prove useful to her and her daughter.

She was very aware of how sensitive men were about their genitalia, this was why she always addressed Glador as shrivel dick.

“So how do we use this information and can it help in negotiating on Evol and Ista’s behalf?” Tinen mumbled aloud while tapping her finger on her knee.

“Might I remind you that we need to be cautious in how we handle this mother.” Chelna said while putting her teacup down on the table. “I know having Countess Evol as an informant will be useful and that you had fun with her last night, but is she really more valuable than Tommy Smith?”

“You are correct my daughter, it’s unlikely even Black Noir’s nine lives could have accomplished the task of killing the criminal leaders and damaging their organizations so quickly and with so little innocent blood spilled,” Tinen replied before frowning and saying. “Though his warning to us does concern me.”

“I agree,” Chelna nodded. “The fact that he waited until the end to harm innocent citizens shows that he has no problem hurting bystanders or innocents, and the only reason he didn’t beforehand was because he knew my identity.”

“He most likely didn’t want to risk damaging his chances at getting my assistance with his experiment, however by hurting those bystanders in the building collapse he has also warned us not to think we can control him.”

“I don’t like the idea of not being able to control this man.” Tinen said with a frown, “The reason we created our secret order in the first place was so that we would always be in the know and could use our women to subtly control these men in certain aspects.”

“Don’t get any ideas about sending one of the girls from the order after him,mother, that would be dangerous for all of us.” Chelna warned.

“I know dear, I know.” Tinen replied with a small smile before continuing. “From what Kele told you it seems anyone who tries to touch him without his consent ends up dead, though it’s interesting that these two twins managed.”

“So do you still want to accompany me to meet with him?” Chelna asked.

“Of course, since he is already aware of my involvement in this I need to meet and judge him personally to decide if he really will be of assistance to us or not.” Tinen replied.

Chelna was about to reply when she and Tinen suddenly turned and looked towards the balcony of their room as both their mana senses detected another magic user suddenly appearing there.

After a moment Tinen sighed with relief as she recognized the individual before asking, “And how long have you been eavesdropping?”

“A few minutes, Queen Etria, I wanted to confirm that I hadn't lost my touch.” Liza replied as she seemed to appear out of nowhere.

“Oh!” Tinen replied in interest before asking. “And why would you think something like that?”

“I recently met an individual who could detect me no matter how I tried to hide.” Liza answered.

“How interesting,” Tinen replied before asking with a smile. “And would you be willing to tell us the name of this individual?” 

Liza looked at Tinen for a moment before saying, “Normally I would refuse, however seeing as you were just talking about the man I don’t see a problem in telling you.”

“Wait Tommy Smith?” Tinen replied in shock before turning the Chelna and saying. “I thought he was supposed to have no mana, or at least so little that it was not detectable?”

“He doesn't. He must have another way of detecting people.” Chelna replied with a frown.

“No mana you say?” Liza replied with interest before adding in a mumble more to herself. “That could explain a couple of things.” 

“Oh like what?” Tinen replied, her interest peeking. 

“I’m sorry but that information is not currently for sale.” Liza answered before taking the dagger out of her pocket and saying, “However I did manage to complete the job you hired me for Queen Tinen.”

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