God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns


"Doomed us?" Ista asked in shock

"Stupid child, do you really think a man who is strong and capable enough to kill at least two of the criminal organization leaders in the city is like this trash?" Ista's mother asked in anger before she slashed her right hand downwards towards the naked slave. 

A blade of wind shot out her hand before decapitating the naked slave on the floor.

"A man like that is the complete opposite of your father, not only did he kill Kir-kin Suthuld and still escape while being surrounded by guards as I said before but he killed Tai Paom and three of her club's guards in front of several dozen nobles and witnesses before escaping."

"Never before have we seen someone in this city who kills in front of a room full of nobles so blatantly, even Black Noir won't kill in public, but always in secret before leaving their calling card, do you even understand what he is saying by doing something like that?"

Ista gulped for a second before saying, "That he does not fear anyone who may come after him for retribution."

"Correct by…"

As Ista's mother was about to continue they both heard the distant sound of a loud boom before the stone room they were in shook and dust fell from the ceiling.

"What the?"


Tommy arrived in the area where Erden's forge and Nele Alchemy was located and just as he was a few feet away from Erden's forge, Tommy heard the sound of guards dressed in armor quickly approaching along the street behind him while another group of guards came out of the forge ahead. Even more appeared and came out of alleyways and the passages in between the local buildings while three archers appeared atop roof tops on both sides of the street."

(A trap huh.)

((Seeing as they came out of his forge I think we can guess why there here and who tipped them off.))


"STAY WHERE YOU ARE MURDERER." The leader of the guards who was dressed more extravagantly than the others shouted.


"Is there a problem city guard sir?" Tommy asked calmly while people in the nearby buildings started to look out of their windows in interest.

"You are under arrest for the murders of Princess Elurel Bhamon and Yua Huang, also the suspected murders of Tai Paom and Kir-kin Suthuld and the questioning regarding the murder of Bror Whitflare."

"That's a lot of charges and accusations, do you have any proof?" Tommy asked calmly in response as he raised his hands.

"SILENCE, you are in no position to make demands, do as instructed or we will be forced to use force." The guard leader replied.

Tommy smirked before saying, "While I'm curious to know how exactly you expect to forcefully detain me, I'm afraid I will have to decline your generous offer."

"Very well, Archers, pin him down." The guard leader ordered just before the arches loosed the arrows they had knocked in their bows with a twang.

Tommy immediately dodged to the side, as he did a sideways roll he pulled his Walther PDP from his item box while saying, "Since you want to play like that, let me show you how severely out matched you are."

As the roll came to an end, Tommy was down on one knee before he aimed his Walther at the first three archers who were in the middle of reloading.




Three bang noises were heard before Tommy swiveled around and aimed at the three archers on the opposite side of the road.




There was silence after the loud gun shots before six thuds were heard as the arches fell from the roofs and landed on the street below dead.

There was shocked silence from all the guards and witnesses who were watching the entertainment out on the street.

Erden, who was watching through a window while hiding in his forge, felt a cold sensation on the back of his neck. 

After watching the weapon the young man held in action he had a rough idea of how it worked, he could basically figure out that the strange weapon must fire those so called bullets like how a crossbow does when the loud bang occurs. However he was unable to see the projectile like you could with a crossbow bolt.

He staggered backwards with fear in his eyes as he realized he had made himself a dangerous enemy before he quickly fled out of the back door of his forge.

Back on the street Tommy took the opportunity while the guards were in a state of shock to collect the six shell casings and put them in his pocket.

After that he turned and pointed his Walther PDP at the guard leader making him and the other guards next to him flinch and step back in fear.

"Do you understand now?" Tommy asked with a smirk. "I can kill you all before you can even get close if I want to, however I'm in a generous mood so lets make a deal."

"What ... .What sort of deal." The guard captain stammered with obvious fear.

"Simple." Tommy explained. "I have a good idea who it was who informed you that I would be coming here soon, however I want confirmation and to know exactly what he told you."

"I.. I don't know who you're talking…."


Before the guard leader could finish speaking, one of the guards who was standing next to him dropped dead.

(Only two rounds left in this mag.)

((We should have swapped out the magazine after leaving the adventurer's guild before.))

(So it seems.)

"Since you don't want to answer, let me explain what will happen, though you can probably guess by now." Tommy said before explaining.

"Every-time you refuse to answer me I will kill one of your guards…. Actually no, that doesn't really give you any motivation."

Tommy looked around at the other guards while saying "Since your leader doesn't want to answer my question I will open it up to the floor, if one of you here answers my question I will only kill your leader while letting the rest of you leave alive." 

"Wha!" The guard leader replied with panic while the guards looked at each other.

"Don't listen to him, you can't trust the word of this murderer." The guard leader called out.

"Interesting how you're calling me a murderer when you were the one who ordered your people to fire first." Tommy replied. "The only reason I'm labeled a murderer and you're not is because you're killing people on the orders of someone with authority, while I'm doing it under my own volition."

"Bastard." The guard ladder cursed.

Tommy ignored the curse before saying, "Of course you can all decide to stay quiet, however in that case I will start killing you randomly one by one until either someone talks or you're all dead."

All the guards gulped slightly as they felt a cold sensation on the back of their necks after hearing the young man's declaration.

"Time's running out, I have places to be and people to kill." Tommy said with a smirk. "You have five seconds for one of you to speak up before I start killing you randomly."


"Don't listen to him, there is no way he can manage to kill us all."



"Fine, I'll talk." Someone suddenly said,

Tommy turned to see a slightly older guard step forward after speaking.

"Hold your tongue Buthed." The leader said angrily.

"No sir, I have a family waiting for me back home who I need to provide for unlike you who used connections and family's wealth to buy your captain's position." Buthed retorted.

"How dare you, bastard." The captain spat back angrily. "I'll see that you hang for your treachery."

"I doubt that," Buthed replied before turning to Tommy and saying. "The blacksmith Erden Cohod came to see the captain at the barracks earlier claiming to have information on who killed Yua Huang while also saying that you would most likely be returning to his forge in the next day or two."

"He mentioned that you have a new type of weapon that is similar to a crossbow and that you must have used that to kill Yua Huang after hearing about how she died with a hole in her head."

"He said that if the captain and he could get their hands on this weapon of yours that the king would reward them greatly for enhancing their military might."

(I see, I guess he expected that the king would entrust him with the research and construction of my gun.)

"I see." Tommy said before.


The guards all flinched at the noise before they heard a thud and turned to see their captain dead on the floor with a hole in his head.

Tommy turned back to Buthed before saying. "Thank you for your cooperation, I just have one last thing to ask of you."

"Sir?" Buthed asked nervously.

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