God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 47 Aunt Tinen

After bolting the door Tommy turned and left the way he came in.

As he passed through the door the guard turned to look at him and asked, “what took so long?” 

Tommy sighed before saying, “there is no one working the collection room, just a sign saying that they were in a meeting and to come back later.”

“Ohh right I did hear something about that, so what will you do?” The guard asked.

“What can I do but come back later, i ended up chatting with some friends on the first floor before I figured I should go inform Nao, she surely must of finished fucking whoever it is by now.” Tommy replied.

“Good luck with that.” The guard chuckled.

“Thanks.” Tommy said before turning to leave and then stopped as if remembering something.

“Oh right, my friends I had a chat with said that the meeting would probably be going on for at least another hour, you might want to warn anyone else who turns up to collect some product to go get some food or something first.” 

The guard nodded before saying, “thanks for the update, I will be sure to warn them.”

“No problem,” Tommy said before heading off while saying. “I’ll be back later.”

Tommy left Whitflare's medicinal goods and calmly walked away up the street.

Roughly half an hour later the alarm was raised after the bodies of several senior members of the organization were found dead on the stairs, shortly after when someone went to check the grow lab  the fire was discovered and the work to extinguish it began.

Eventually the fire was put out and they saw that all the cannabis trees had been destroyed, they also found the corpse of Bror Whitflare, though it took them a while to identify him as his body was so badly burnt.


A beautiful young woman with long silver hair knocked on one of the lavish castle doors and waited a moment before she heard a family voice that she had not heard in a long time say, “Enter.”

She opened the door and stepped into the large lavish sitting room before closing the door behind her when she heard the familiar voice say, “Little Tirma it’s so good to see you.”

Tirma turned around to find that Tinen Etria, Queen of the kingdom of Rosk was approaching her with a beautiful smile before she took her into a hug.

Tirma happily hugged her back while saying, "Queen Tinen it’s good to see you also.”

Tinen broke the hug and looked at Tirma with a pout before saying, “Tirma how many times must I tell you to call me aunt, I am best friends with your mother after all. How is dear Lethe, I really should arrange a visit back home to the Imperial Capital to see her.”

“She is well Aunt Tinen, she sends her love and reminds you that you're long overdue for a visit.” Tirma replied.

Tinen chuckled as she led Tirma to one of the couches to sit on before she started to serve them both tea. “If she misses me so much, why has it been so many years since she last visited me here in Oakforest City?”

Tirma sighed before saying, “You know as well as I how controlling father is, he won't let her leave the mansion without escort, let alone the imperial capital.” 

Tinen clicked her tongue in annoyance before saying, “I warned her against agreeing to marry that man, but did she listen, honestly the only good thing out of that marriage is you little Tirma.”

Tirma smiled slightly before saying, “I’m still not sure how I feel about you speaking of father in such a way.” 

“Don’t tell me you're fine with how he locks you and your mother up in a cage all the time?” Tinen asked with a frown before adding. “That’s why it was such a shock to hear that you were present in the city.”

“Not at all.” Tirma replied while shaking her head. “I hate the way father controls the mother and myself and does not let us go out and enjoy ourselves, however at the end of the day he is still my father,”

Tinen sighed before saying, “I admire and respect your loyalty to your father little Tirma, however you should really take a leaf out of Chelna’s book on this matter.”

“Sister Chelna only treats King Glador that way because that is how you taught her aunt Tinen.” Tirma replied while rolling her eyes.

“Hmph, of course.” Tinen replied proudly. “That man has nothing worthy of my respect, if it was not for my own father forcing my marriage to him at the time he would never have stood a chance with me.”

“Why did the former Emperor insist on your marriage to King Glador, might I ask?” Tirma asked curiously. 

“Because that shrivel dick actually managed to do something noteworthy, the only noteworthy thing he has ever done might I add.” Tinen replied in an annoyed tone.

“Shrivel dick?” Terma repeated with a deep blush.

“Oh ho,” Tinen smirked. “Little Terma is still so innocent in the ways of men it seems, maybe we should find you a husband prospect while you're in our city, not that bastard son of a whore though, he is not worthy of you and is as useless as his father.”

“You think Mirvef is useless?” Terma asked curiously.

“You can’t seriously be interested in that bastard?” Tinen asked with surprise.

Tirma shook her head, “Of course not, I was utterly bored when I went out with him and his friends the other night, until meeting that murderer of course.” 

“Yes that bastard mentioned as such, that’s how I learned you were not in the city, honestly why didn’t you contact me as soon as you arrived.” Tinen asked before adding. “Also why were you surprised that I thought that bastard was useless?”

“Well I was how Mirvef was bragging to his male friends when he thought we women were not around.” Terma replied.

“Oh, go on.” Tinen replied with narrow eyes.

Tirma swallowed slightly, “I and the other two women had decided to head to the ladies room as soon as we entered that club. I finished first and left the ladies room to hear Mirvef bragging about how you're always…. always….”

“Always what?” Tinen asked.

“Always flirting with him so you must think he is a great man.” Terma replied in a quiet voice.

Tinen smiled then burst into laughter surprising Tirema as she expected her to be angry.

After laughing for a minute or two Tinen calmed down before saying, “A great man a? Well it is certainly great to tease him.”

“Tease him?” Tirma asked in a confused tone.

“Aww little Tirma, you have much to learn about men and how we women can wrap most of them around our fingers.” Tinen replied with a smirk before asking. “Surely you have noticed on those rare occasions that your father did allow you to leave your mansion with an escort, that men were staring at you with lustful eyes?”

Tirma nodded before saying, “I have, and I must admit that I do not like the feeling much.”

“That’s the normal response for most women, I also felt that way when I was your age.” Tinen explained. “However, over time I learned how to use a man’s lust towards me for my own purpose.” 

“A good example is that bastard Mirvef, I encourage his lust towards me with small movements of my body that highlight my curves and my facial expressions when I look at him. With this he becomes a puppet in my hands all because he believes I will one day offer my body to him.” 

Tirma gasped and covered her mouth with her hands before asking, “You wouldn’t. I mean he is your own step-son.”

“Of course I wouldn’t,” Tinen replied as if the thought disgusted her. “However, not because he is my step-son, but because he is a incompetent bastard. The only reasons I let him believe he has a chance with me is because he occasionally tells me useful information to try and get on my good side and because it pisses off my shrivel dick of a husband.”

“Is it not dangerous to antagonize King Glador?” Tirma asked with concern.

“Oh dear little Tirma you have so much to learn, it’s good that you're here so that I can teach you.” Tinen said with a smile. “I do not fear shrivel dick in the slightest because he fears my brother. While it is true my elder brother and I do not get along, I am still family and that egotistical elder brother won’t let Glador put a finger on me for it would damage the imperial family's reputation and image.”

“Because of this I can do what I wish in the castle, I often tease that shrivel dick along with his bastard son purely for my amusement, and to make it all the more fun he knows exactly what I am doing because after I got pregnant with Chelna and her twin brother Chontu I never again let him touch me or sleep in the same bed with me. I completed my wifely duties by giving him an heir.”

“You have not allowed King Glador to touch you in over twenty-nine years?” Tirma asked with shock.

“Of course not.” Tinen replied with revulsion. “The only reason I allowed it in the first place was to complete my wifely duties and that’s it. I have never loved that man and never will, hell if I someday find someone worthy to fall in love with I will make love to him on that shrivel dicks throne while I force him to watch.”

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