God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 33 Mirvef

Tommy turned towards the voices and saw six youths, three male and three female staring at him with one of the males standing in front of the others.

All of the male youths wore what looked like very high quality linen with expensive chains and rings. Two of the females wore very little just like the women outside with expensive looking necklaces, rings, bangles and earrings, the final female wore a full length dress which almost reached the floor and only a thin silver necklace that matched her silver hair and had the carving of some animal Tommy didn't recognize at the end.

It appeared to be the one at the front who had an annoyed look who spoke while the other two males and two scantily clad females had mocking smiles. The final silver haired female looked as if she was bored, almost as if she didn't want to be there.

Tommy gathers all that information in a look that lasted barely a second before he turned his head back to continue monitoring the guards while taking another swig of his drink.

"Oi brat did you hear me?" The male at the front asked as his annoyance grew.

By now people sitting nearby had noticed the arrival of the youths and turned to watch the show with smirks, almost as if they knew this would happen.

"Are you talking to me?" Tommy asked without turning to them. "Considering you all appear to be the same age as me you must have me mixed up with some little kid you intended to bully. From the looks of it a little kid is all you could manage after all."

"What!" The male asked in surprise, something his fellows mirrored, even the silver haired women who until now looked bored.

The surrounding patrons also showed surprise, did this brat really not know who he was talking to?

The leading youth gathered himself before angrily saying, "Considering I'm at present in a good mood while trying to keep a low profile I will give you one last chance to move."

Tommy turned to the youth with a quizzical look before saying. "You're obviously not very good at keeping a low profile since you're picking a fight with a random person who was just trying to enjoy his drink. But go on, humor me, what do you plan to do if I don't move?"

The youth gave an evil grin before asking, "Are you sure? I don't know if you can handle finding out." 

((WTF, does this brat thing he's a third rate violent or something?))

Tommy didn't reply and just calmly smiled at the male who clicked his fingers just before his friends started to chuckle while the silver haired girl looked at Tommy with interest.

After clicking his fingers the group moved back as three guards showed up and asked the youth. "Prince Mirvef, do you need something?" 


(( Oh yeah let's go, we get to kill a prince tonight along with his aunt earlier kekeke.))

"This upstart brat is sitting in my seat. Remove him." Mirvef commanded.

The guards nodded before approaching Tommy and saying. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to move to another seat."

"No." Tommy replied calmly, surprising the guards and everyone watching.

This brat now knew the identity of the young man, however he still refused to move?

"Sir I'm going to have to insist." The guard said in a slightly harder voice.

Tommy took a moment to finish his drink before he put it down on the table in front of him, he then turned to the guard before saying. "I would advise you against doing anything stupid just because this idiot ordered you to." 

There were exclamations of surprise, when was the last time anyone had dared insult a member of the royal family in public.

The silver haired girl's interest grew as her eyes lit up.

"Bastard, how dare you insult this prince." Mirvef growled angrily.

"Considering you have disobeyed the instructions your father gave you about being a good little boy and staying home tonight, what else could you be but an idiot." Tommy asked while smirking.

Mirvef showed surprise which quickly turned to nervousness as he asked, "how do you know about fathers orders?"

Tommy smirked before saying, "I have my contacts in the castle. Really now coming out to party when you were told to stay home because a killer is on the loose, do you really not value your life?" 

"Humph, why should I be afraid of some coward who has probably already fled the city?" Mirvef boasted.

((Coward are we?))

"The way I hear it, that coward as you call him not only killed the vice guild master in front of guild master Kele, but one others as well while still getting out of the guild without a scratch. Why would such a person who can kill in front of the strongest person in the city and then walk out unharmed need to flee like a coward?"

((Oh yeah that's right where awesome, now before us you mere mortals.))

The audience started to mutter to one another as they heard this information. Everyone on the mezzanine was either a noble or rich and powerful. They had all heard what had happened at the adventurer's guild earlier that day, however they didn't know the exact details.

"Might I ask if you know how the individual accomplished such a feat sir?" The silver haired female suddenly asked.

"Since you're the only one in your group who has shown me even a modicum of respect, I will be happy to answer your question my lady." Tommy replied politely, surprising the silver haired women and crowd.

"Apparently the individual in question carried a strange weapon with him that made a loud noise just before his target dropped dead, with exception to the vice guild master who he decapitated," Tommy explained. "While it is not certain how exactly this weapon works, my sources tell me all the people who died from the weapon have a hole in their head."

The crowd started to mutter again, as the silver haired female was about to reply, someone said.


Everyone looked at Mirvef as he proudly announced, "Even the castle is unaware of these facts so how could a brat like you know."

"As far as I'm aware the castle, let alone the empire, has no power over the adventurer's guild," Tommy stated. "So while your father can ask them for information they have no obligation to answer him. So pray tell how he would know so quickly? And more to the point, how would you, when you're out here partying?"

Mirvef had an award look on his face for a moment as his eyes flickered towards the silver haired woman who he saw was staring at Tommy with interest she had never shown him.

Tommy noticed this and smirked as he said. "Ah I see now, all this is to try and look good in front of the women you like." 

Mirvef flushed slightly in embarrassment as the surrounding crowd broke out into laughter. The silver haired woman shot Mirvef an annoyed look before turning back to Tommy.

((Poor sap never stood a chance, can't he see she is not interested in him. If we had to guess we would say she was forced to come out with him, most likely by her parents))

(Such is the way with nobility in these times)

"A piece of advice, if I may, " Tommy said. "Give up on pursuing this silver haired beauty, she is obviously not attracted to you and even if your family does force hers to marry you she will never be happy."

As the crowd heard this they burst into laughter while Mirvef flushed in embarrassment before shooting Tommy an angry glare.

"Have we met before sir?" The silver haired beauty asked since he seemed to know her feelings so well. 

"Unfortunately I have not had the pleasure. I can just read people rather well." Tommy replied with a smile to which the silver haired beauty returned.

As Mirvef saw this he lost his cool at the fact that the woman he had been pursuing for months and would one day be his wife was smiling at another man.

"ENOUGH." He yelled silencing everyone nearby before saying angrily. "Explain how you know all those details before these guards kick you out."

Tommy ignored Mirnef, making his rage boil even more before he asked, would this beautiful lady like to know the answer to that?"

"I would if sir would be so kind as to inform us." She responded while smiling. 

For some reason she enjoyed it when this stranger complimented her on her beauty. Even though this happened on a daily basis from all sorts of men, she never gave it much thought even when it was the prince, however for some reason it was different with this man.

"Very well, I will enlighten everyone here." Tommy responded. "I am aware of all the details regarding what happened at the adventurer's guild earlier today because."

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