God of Vampires

Chapter 36: Ruins

The earth is going through changes, ruins of humanity decayed and streets covered with lush green, nature took over, energy flows everywhere. Descendants of the human race live like barbarians, fighting each other over leadership with wooden spears going at it everyday without rest.

While the barbarians are at it, the space station 'Child' orbits earth, even though they have technology they are running out of oxygen, and that alone drove the leadership for generations to rule like a tyrant.

On this day they picked up a world on their radar, appearing out of nowhere, they saw how the world looked, not like anything they have ever seen surrendered with lush cities on its surface and a forcefield warping it.

They tried to establish contact but were ignored, many more years have passed and were still ignored, the 'Child' station is on the brink of collapse, they sent a pod towards the world they discovered but they didn't expect the forcefield to be a shield, upon touch the pod got disintegrated into nothing.

And when the vampire's looked at the sky and saw it, they smiled and looked proud while going about their everyday life.

Outside the world of vampires a ball made of some sort of metal left the force field and when it reached the 'Child' station it sent two red lights and upon impact the two lights started eating the whole station rendering its metal to nothing but dust.

The ball turned and went back to the 'bloody' plane, the ball is one of many advanced weapons working without magic, pure technology.

Our vampire god is down at mars, in a villa built specially for him, these days he doesn't bother to wave his hand around to create a villa, instead commands his servants to do it.

He reached a cup filled with green fluid with a little sparkle of white light on its bottom, it is a newly made strong beer for vampires, if a human were to take a sip they would die immediately.

While taking a sip now and then, he kept looking at the news on a hologram, at the display a huge half finished ship is displayed with a huge red V and few golden lines around it being painted on its front.

That is the symbol of royalty, on the news it is displayed how many spaceships were constructed and are still at it, excluding the huge one about 3,000,000+ and they are still big in size.

Min Joo goes to the next page and sees the news about earth, and many more things, something about offering trips to live on earth and about hunting the remaining humans living on, showing a sport of some kind for vampires, Min Joo smiles and goes to the next page…

「Sir, i'm picking up a signal near the solar system」

"What is it about?"

「it is a probe according to one of our stations on the edge...」

"Let me guess, a civilization sent it out to find out if they are alone..am i right?"

「Yes, should we pinpoint where it came from?」

"Yes and put it on standby, once I'm done having fun with the remains of humans, we will make oura way to them to say hello..."

A grin so wide from ear to ear appeared on Min Joo's face as he took another sip of his beer, and went on reading news again.

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