God of Destruction in the Pirate World

Chapter 056

The Eternal Pointer is a good thing, as magical as the Life Card.

Its magic is even higher than the life card.

Because any island with a magnetic field can be made into an eternal pointer, including”Lavdru”, the end point of the Grand Line.

One Piece’s companion once made”Ravdru”‘s eternal pointer, which was discovered by Roger and thrown into the sea. At this time, it was still in the belly of a Neptune-like creature. One day in the future, it will be taken away by a monster whose strength is infinitely close to that of the Pirate King.

And that monster is still imprisoned in the”Infinite Hell” on the sixth floor of the deep-sea prison.」

「”Whiskey Peak” is very far away from the”Kingdom of Alabasta”. If there is no eternal pointer, the ordinary record pointer will take at least more than a year to reach the”Kingdom of Alabasta”. Because the next island is the”Little Garden” of the Ancient Island, and the time it takes for the magnetism to be fully stored there is one year.

With the Eternal Hand, time has been shortened countless times. It is expected that it will only take about a week and a half to reach that super large ancient civilization.

During the voyage, although the two parties were trading partners, Karina and the two women did not treat Weiwei as a client, but treated her like a good friend. The female estrangement disappeared in less than a year.

Especially after hearing about Weiwei’s experience of sneaking into the”Baroque Works” for more than a year for her country, they, who are gentle and kind, will inevitably sympathize with this girl.

I believe it will only be a matter of time before they become good friends if this continues.

At that time, Karina was afraid that she would be embarrassed and would not ask for the 1 billion Bailey.

That’s who they are.

Three women, one drama, this sentence is absolutely correct.

With Vivi on board, the atmosphere was obviously more lively than when there were only Karina and Nami, because both women have the same personality and are usually busy people with their own things to do.

In order to take Weiwei’s feelings into consideration, they all put down their work and played with her on the boat.

From fashion to world situations, from painting to theft, even assassination techniques and more……The three women, who were once members of the dark world, chatted unexpectedly together.

On the other hand, Lauren seemed to be ignored by them these days.

Laurent didn’t pay attention, but played with Running Duck, and even had a lot of fun.

This humane duck is so interesting. Not only can he fish, but he can also play cards. Watching him shuffle the cards with his two wings almost made Lauren laugh to death.

On the balcony of the second-floor cabin, Karina and the three girls were lying on the railing, looking at the deck playing cards with Running Duck. Each one of them looked solemn and focused. Weiwei’s cheeks were filled with disbelief. , sighing:”It’s unbelievable that Lord Laurent, who killed the Tianlong and defeated the admiral, could be such a simple person.”

“The rumors about him on the sea are that he destroyed many towns, destroyed many islands, and brutally killed the Celestial Dragons…….All kinds of achievements make people subconsciously think that he is a powerful and cold person. Karina held her cheek with one hand, looked at Laurent with tender eyes, and said softly:”The first time I met him was on the sea. I saw him sleeping and swimming at the same time, and he also took a sea boat into the sea.” The pirate ship was crashed and it almost scared me to death…….It was also at that time that I made the most correct decision in my life!”

The last words sounded in Karina’s heart, and her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly to prevent happiness from overflowing from the gap.

“Swimming while sleeping and crashing a pirate ship?”Nami and the two girls clicked their tongues. They are truly monsters among monsters. Even their swimming is different from normal people.

At this time, Lauren suddenly noticed the sight of the three girls and turned his head to meet Karina’s eyes. Go up, raise your hand and wave:”Karina, are you done? Come down and play too!”

“Uh-huh……coming.”Karina laughed out loud, and indeed she abandoned Nami and the two girls.

The two girls also followed behind, and soon the four of them sat together and started playing cards.


The warm days passed day by day.

The relationship between Luo Lun and Weiwei has become completely familiar, especially the relationship between the three girls, which is at the level where they can have a heart-to-heart relationship.

Because each of them had a good understanding of each other’s character and personality, and found that both were trustworthy beings, the bond of friendship was naturally formed.

About a few days after the curtain was taken down, the outline of a giant island finally appeared in front of the sailboat.

Yes, giant!

For Nami, who is from the East China Sea, Rogge Town is already very big.

For Karina, who has seen the”Shampoo Islands”, the mangroves forming the islands are already the largest.

However, the”Sentine Island” where the”Kingdom of Alabasta” is located is larger than the”Champaign Islands”. It is a super-large island that even Rogge Town is not qualified to compare with.

This is definitely one of the largest islands in the front and back half of the Grand Line.

If it weren’t for the fact that the desert area above occupies most of the area, resulting in a mismatch between the resources and the area of the island, such an island would definitely attract the covetous attention of countless forces.

“On such a large island, the ancient civilization on it should have many cities, right?”

Four people and one duck stood in front of the rudder, looking at the super large island in front of them. Karina asked Weiwei.

Weiwei nodded and said,”Yes, there are six cities in Alabasta. They are the capital of the kingdom”Albana”, the gradually disappearing oasis”Yuba”, the gambling city”Rainland”, the port city”Rape Blossom”, the gradually drying up city”Eluma”, and the base camp of the rebel army”Ka.” Teleia」”

“So, where is Crocodile’s base camp?”Nami asked

“Gambling City”Rainland”」”Weiwei said in a deep voice:”That is a dream city that is not disturbed by rebellion, because Crocodile has been frantically attacking the pirates there this year, and has gained the trust of the people in that city, and many people even call it hero”

“A pirate becomes a hero, what a good plan.”Carina sighed in admiration:”I am now more and more convinced that he is the president of the”Baroque Working Society” who intends to seize your country. He already has the status of a legal pirate. If he gains the trust of the people again, and then personally takes out the rebels, he will be the hero who saves the country. Taking over your country will be obvious to all.”

“Hey, is that so?!”

Weiwei looked at Karina in shock. She didn’t expect Karina to think so deeply.

“No wonder you have been infiltrating an organization for nearly a year, and you are only a member at the lowest level. The inaccurate information was revealed to you by others.”Carina said speechlessly.

As the original person who infiltrated the world’s largest entertainment city and soon became a popular person in the eyes of Gilder Tezolo, Carina has every right to despise Weiwei.

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